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Your Mission Is Your Vision Called
Into Action
Once accomplished you are now committing to leaving a legacy.
Just for YOU!
Natascha F. Saunders, MBA, MS, CPCC
Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership & Communication, Candidate
CEO, The Youth Career Coach Inc.
p. 617-615-2838 or 202-400-2562
e. Natascha@NataschaSaunders.com
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By: Natascha F. Saunders
Vision  the faculty or state of being able to see.
Vision Statement  is a road map, indicating both what you want to become and a guide to transformative
initiatives by setting a defined direction for your growth.
Goal  the object of a persons ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Goal Setting  the process of identifying something you want to accomplish and establishing measurable
steps and time frames.
Your personal vision statement guides your life and provides the direction necessary to chart the
course of your days, choices you make, helps you achieve your goals, guides you to apply what
youve learned and ultimately is the legacy you will leave behind.
Webster defines vision as..
1. A thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination
2. A manifestation to the senses of something immaterial
3. To act or power of imagination
What is your Vision?
We have all thought about the things wed like to accomplish in our
lifetime. However, most never write these thoughts down. A vision
statement describes how you see yourself in the future by speaking it and
writing it into existence. Meaning you have not accomplished these things
yet, but you are making the statement as if you have. For example, I am a
motivational speaker. I am a six-figure entrepreneur. I am a change
agent.' I am the first to earn a doctoral degree in my family.' I am happy. I am smart. I am
an author of a best-seller. I am the owner of a tech start up that earned seed funding. I am
spouse with a healthy family. I am columnist for Huffington Post. I am accepting an offer to
join an Executive Leadership Program at a top institution. I am successful philanthropist. I
am a home owner. I am an excellent and encouraging parent. I am on the Board of Directors
as a trustee at my alma mater. It is important to understand, although you havent
accomplished these things, you are calling them into existence and writing as though you
already have.
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Please answer the following:
Write down a few reasons why it is important for you to have a vision statement addressing the
following areas: FINANCIAL, (investments, savings, retirement, money), CAREER (entrepreneurship,
career, branding, board seat), FAMILY (children, parents, pets), SPIRITUAL (faith, church, prayer,
meditation, emotional), HEALTH (fitness, doctors, nutrition, exercise), ACADEMIC (education, grades,
learning, aptitude), REPUTATION (character, values, morals, integrity), ENVIRONMENT (living, riving,
smells, colors), and LEISURE (travel, reading, social activities)?
Write down a few reasons why it is important that you encourage your family and close friends to have
a vision statement which includes the same areas as mentioned above?
NOTE: First, remember you are creating this vision for you. Without your own vision you cannot lead others
effectively nor properly express to others why you desire what you desire and set the boundaries necessary to
achieve it. Second, remember you are beginning your statements with I AM. Third, consider having the 5
people you spend the most time with create a vision statement for their lives as well. Its been said we are the
sum average of our 5 most close friends.
Take a step further and memorized it; while considering creating a visual and audio example using
PINTEREST, YOUTUBE or creating an actual vision board
Lets take a look at one sample draft.
My name is Natascha Faye Saunders, and I am a certified career coach, motivational speaker and highly
sought after author. Im a policy change agent who is in perfect health in mind, body, and soul. I have no
financial or emotional debt because I set boundaries in all areas of my life. I am an entrepreneur who
owns her own e-coaching product line with an earned doctoral degree that has been published in
ProQuest. I share my life with an amazing husband in life, faith, and business. Our home exudes
calmness, peacefulness and joy; with blessings abound.
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet
for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it will tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3-4
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#CallToAction #NowYourTurn
Write the FIRST draft of your vision statement?
Write the SECOND draft of your vision statement?
Write the THIRD draft of your vision statement?
Write the FINAL draft of your vision statement?
Next steps .
Take your vision and turn it into action by setting goals.
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 The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
Review your vision statement and list below the goals within that statement you will aim to
reach. Try to keep it between 1-2 lines/per goal. For example, for you to get accepted into
college, or an MBA program you should obtain letters of recommendations, write essays, and
earn good grades. To start your own business, you should conduct an informational interview
with business owners and conduct industry research. For you to find a good job, you should
make a list of the places you want to apply, list out the names of the recruiters who work at
those firms, select an outfit, create and print your resume, apply and follow-up. To be seen as
a viable candidate for a promotion, you should take the time to go back through your years of
experience, pull out your most significant accomplishments and verbally prepare to share
during your evaluation. These are smaller goals that are part of the bigger vision.
Now go back and review your vision statement and determine what steps (goals/gaps)
you need to accomplish (fill in) to make this vision come true. Write at least five goals
below  of which three you will do over the next 45 days. Remember they need to be
small steps. You can map out more goals at your leisure.
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
Goal 4:
Goal 5:
Next, determine what you will need in order to accomplish these goals (personal, academic,
professional, career, entrepreneurial, coaching, etc.). No one achieves anything alone!
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On this page, list all the available resources that will help you reach your goal such as:
friends, family, mentors, career coaching, board of advisors, teachers, counselors, trainers,
technology (computers, internet, programs, tech, app), calender (time management), a
business suit for interviews, books, and in parenthesis state how they can help you and
how often you will use these resources. This list will grow and change. Reach out to those
you are close to for help. Please begin with at least 5 things.

Lastly, write down two people names who are in the room right now that you
will check in with twice during the 45 days and before you reconnect with me 
____________________________ and ____________________________
Your signature of willingness 
Congratulations you now have a vision statement, you have outlined your goals, you
know what you need to achieve  now its time to build surrounding support.
Page 7 of 9
7 People You Need On Your Personal Advisory Board
By: Natascha F. Saunders, MBA
One mentor is not enough to neither guide, inspire, motivate, nor challenge you to achieve your ultimate
level of success. Getting a job is complex. Growing a business is complex. Navigating your next move is
complex. As our society becomes more global, diverse and industries become more competitive you
cannot maximize your full potential without a team of advisors.
Sure, your company has a board of directors, but shouldn't you have your very own board of directors
too? Yes, absolutely, says Square CFO, Sarah Friar.
Having a personal board of advisors that you trust provides for you a group of people who push you
beyond your perceived limits. The team you assemble will provide you with resources, objective opinions
and with the emotional support you may need should you reach a life changing situation such as getting
fired, laid off, up for a promotion, falling ill or are facing workplace politics.
Who is on your team now? Do you need to reassess, promote, demote or recruit?
Here are seven types of people you need, if you want to maximize your potential, build your
brand, grow your network and leave a legacy:
#1 Mentor  Your mentor should offer you a general perspective on life and career. This person
should be significantly accomplished (professionally, academically, fiscally, and physically),
easily trusted, models behaviors you want to emulate, dependable, authentic and an effective
listener. It would also be helpful if this person has known you for a few years.
#2 Career Coach  Your coach should help you create a strategic analysis of your career (past,
present, future), help you create a vision and guide you in mapping out your goals with a timeline,
be a respectable member of the community, have a strong brand, public testimonials, an extensive
network of contacts, and can tell you exactly like it is and will hold you accountable in achieving
your goals.
#3 Spiritual / Therapist Advisor  This is crucial in maintaining your balance and in fostering a
belief in something greater than yourself. There are times when you may feel as though you have
hit a brick wall and you dont know where to turn, and its at this point your spiritual advisor can
guide you with wisdom.
#4 Money Advisor  Regardless if you make $15/hr or $150/hr a money advisor will guide you to
actively save, gear you towards retirement planning, question your spending habits and listen to
you navigate your major purchases. There is a myth that when you make a million dollars, you
will be more responsible. If you are not responsible over what you make now, your habits will
carry over and impede your financial growth.
#5 Local Role Model  Who is the expert in your industry in your own city/town? Who is the expert
in your particular craft that is often quoted in your local newspaper? Who is it that you may want
to be like one day? This person is needed so you can visually see and touch what is possible. By
speaking with someone over dinner whose career footsteps youd like to tread you can also
establish your local reputation? This person can give you the playbook on how they accomplished
their goals right in your own backyard.
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#6 National Virtual Influencer  Being able to follow a person of influence on social media can
help take your career to the next level. When you are faced with certain challenges, you can look
up the leader you identify and read what articles they have written of which you can gleam
current input on similar situations. Some of these leaders even have social media master-mind
groups you can join.
#7 The Prot辿g辿  Having a younger advisor at least 7 years your junior will keep you humble. You
may realize you dont know as much as you think you do. They will impart a renewed energy.
They will tell you how they feel candidly. Youll have the opportunity to bounce ideas off
someone who may not have as much experience as you do, but they will share exactly how they
feel, and that input can keep you current and help propel you into 21st
-century leadership.
Lastly, as you think about whom to approach, let them know why you are asking them and how their
success has positively impacted you. Let them know what you hope to accomplish, and based on what
you know about them what you are willing to offer in return for their guidance.
Its important to note, when you can clearly outline what will be required of them as far as length of time,
frequency of meetings, methods of meetings (in person or virtual), energy, resources, etc. it will give
them something to think on, so they can appropriately decide if they can commit.
No matter their decision always follow-up with a thank you and keep pushing ahead!
Lets decide:
1) _______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________________
7) _______________________________________________________________
To learn more about Natascha Certified Career Coach Saunders, visit:
www.theyouthcareercoach.com or www.nataschasaunders.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nataschasaunders
Twitter: @TaschaSaunders
Page 9 of 9
Nataschas Favorite Books
Three Feet from Gold: Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities
Authors: Sharon L. Lechter, Greg S. Reid
The Leadership Challenge
Authors: James Kouzes & Barry Posner | ISBN: 978-0-470-65172-8
Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get what They Really Want
Authors: Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever | ISBN: 978-0-553-38375-1
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In
Authors: William L. Ury, Roger Fisher, Bruce M. Patton | ISBN: 978-0140157352
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Author: Sheryl Sandberg | ISBN: 978-0-385-34994-9
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Author: John C. Maxwell | ISBN: 978-0785288374
The Girls' Guide to Power & Success
Author: Susan Wilson Solovic | ISBN: 978-1567315639
Little Black Book of Connections 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to RICH
Author: Jeffrey Gitomer | ISBN: 978-1885167668
How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization
Author: Jeffrey J. Fox | ISBN: 978-0786864379
Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Author: Chris Rabb | ISBN: 978-1605093079
Campus CEO (The Student Entrepreneur's Guide to Launching a Multimillion-Dollar
Author: Randall Pinkett | ISBN: 978-0739486566
Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most
Authors: Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen | ISBN: 978-0-14-311844-2
How Successful People Lead
Author: John C. Maxwell | ISBN: 978-1-59995-362-5
The Parents Smart Guide to Sending Your Kids to College Without Going Broke
Author: Gwen Thomas | https://www.freshperspectivesseminars.com/books
"To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!"
~Arthur Ashe

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QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the Move

Your Vision Called Into Action (HandOut)

  • 1. Your Mission Is Your Vision Called Into Action Once accomplished you are now committing to leaving a legacy. Just for YOU! Natascha F. Saunders, MBA, MS, CPCC Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership & Communication, Candidate CEO, The Youth Career Coach Inc. p. 617-615-2838 or 202-400-2562 e. Natascha@NataschaSaunders.com www.NataschaSaunders.com www.TheYouthCareerCoach.com
  • 2. Page 2 of 9 By: Natascha F. Saunders Vision the faculty or state of being able to see. Vision Statement is a road map, indicating both what you want to become and a guide to transformative initiatives by setting a defined direction for your growth. Goal the object of a persons ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. Goal Setting the process of identifying something you want to accomplish and establishing measurable steps and time frames. Dictionary.com Your personal vision statement guides your life and provides the direction necessary to chart the course of your days, choices you make, helps you achieve your goals, guides you to apply what youve learned and ultimately is the legacy you will leave behind. Webster defines vision as.. 1. A thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination 2. A manifestation to the senses of something immaterial 3. To act or power of imagination What is your Vision? We have all thought about the things wed like to accomplish in our lifetime. However, most never write these thoughts down. A vision statement describes how you see yourself in the future by speaking it and writing it into existence. Meaning you have not accomplished these things yet, but you are making the statement as if you have. For example, I am a motivational speaker. I am a six-figure entrepreneur. I am a change agent.' I am the first to earn a doctoral degree in my family.' I am happy. I am smart. I am an author of a best-seller. I am the owner of a tech start up that earned seed funding. I am spouse with a healthy family. I am columnist for Huffington Post. I am accepting an offer to join an Executive Leadership Program at a top institution. I am successful philanthropist. I am a home owner. I am an excellent and encouraging parent. I am on the Board of Directors as a trustee at my alma mater. It is important to understand, although you havent accomplished these things, you are calling them into existence and writing as though you already have.
  • 3. Page 3 of 9 Please answer the following: Write down a few reasons why it is important for you to have a vision statement addressing the following areas: FINANCIAL, (investments, savings, retirement, money), CAREER (entrepreneurship, career, branding, board seat), FAMILY (children, parents, pets), SPIRITUAL (faith, church, prayer, meditation, emotional), HEALTH (fitness, doctors, nutrition, exercise), ACADEMIC (education, grades, learning, aptitude), REPUTATION (character, values, morals, integrity), ENVIRONMENT (living, riving, smells, colors), and LEISURE (travel, reading, social activities)? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Write down a few reasons why it is important that you encourage your family and close friends to have a vision statement which includes the same areas as mentioned above? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: First, remember you are creating this vision for you. Without your own vision you cannot lead others effectively nor properly express to others why you desire what you desire and set the boundaries necessary to achieve it. Second, remember you are beginning your statements with I AM. Third, consider having the 5 people you spend the most time with create a vision statement for their lives as well. Its been said we are the sum average of our 5 most close friends. Take a step further and memorized it; while considering creating a visual and audio example using PINTEREST, YOUTUBE or creating an actual vision board Lets take a look at one sample draft. My name is Natascha Faye Saunders, and I am a certified career coach, motivational speaker and highly sought after author. Im a policy change agent who is in perfect health in mind, body, and soul. I have no financial or emotional debt because I set boundaries in all areas of my life. I am an entrepreneur who owns her own e-coaching product line with an earned doctoral degree that has been published in ProQuest. I share my life with an amazing husband in life, faith, and business. Our home exudes calmness, peacefulness and joy; with blessings abound. **** Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it will tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3-4
  • 4. Page 4 of 9 #CallToAction #NowYourTurn Write the FIRST draft of your vision statement? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Write the SECOND draft of your vision statement? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Write the THIRD draft of your vision statement? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Write the FINAL draft of your vision statement? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ NOW TIME TO MEMORIZE, POST IT UP IN YOUR HOUSE AND WRITE IT IN THE NOTES OF YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! Next steps . Take your vision and turn it into action by setting goals.
  • 5. Page 5 of 9 GOAL The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. Review your vision statement and list below the goals within that statement you will aim to reach. Try to keep it between 1-2 lines/per goal. For example, for you to get accepted into college, or an MBA program you should obtain letters of recommendations, write essays, and earn good grades. To start your own business, you should conduct an informational interview with business owners and conduct industry research. For you to find a good job, you should make a list of the places you want to apply, list out the names of the recruiters who work at those firms, select an outfit, create and print your resume, apply and follow-up. To be seen as a viable candidate for a promotion, you should take the time to go back through your years of experience, pull out your most significant accomplishments and verbally prepare to share during your evaluation. These are smaller goals that are part of the bigger vision. Now go back and review your vision statement and determine what steps (goals/gaps) you need to accomplish (fill in) to make this vision come true. Write at least five goals below of which three you will do over the next 45 days. Remember they need to be small steps. You can map out more goals at your leisure. Goal 1: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Goal 2: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Goal 3: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Goal 4: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Goal 5: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Next, determine what you will need in order to accomplish these goals (personal, academic, professional, career, entrepreneurial, coaching, etc.). No one achieves anything alone!
  • 6. Page 6 of 9 MY RESOURCE LIBRARY #TheSolution On this page, list all the available resources that will help you reach your goal such as: friends, family, mentors, career coaching, board of advisors, teachers, counselors, trainers, technology (computers, internet, programs, tech, app), calender (time management), a business suit for interviews, books, and in parenthesis state how they can help you and how often you will use these resources. This list will grow and change. Reach out to those you are close to for help. Please begin with at least 5 things. Lastly, write down two people names who are in the room right now that you will check in with twice during the 45 days and before you reconnect with me ____________________________ and ____________________________ Your signature of willingness _______________________________________________ Congratulations you now have a vision statement, you have outlined your goals, you know what you need to achieve now its time to build surrounding support.
  • 7. Page 7 of 9 7 People You Need On Your Personal Advisory Board By: Natascha F. Saunders, MBA One mentor is not enough to neither guide, inspire, motivate, nor challenge you to achieve your ultimate level of success. Getting a job is complex. Growing a business is complex. Navigating your next move is complex. As our society becomes more global, diverse and industries become more competitive you cannot maximize your full potential without a team of advisors. Sure, your company has a board of directors, but shouldn't you have your very own board of directors too? Yes, absolutely, says Square CFO, Sarah Friar. Having a personal board of advisors that you trust provides for you a group of people who push you beyond your perceived limits. The team you assemble will provide you with resources, objective opinions and with the emotional support you may need should you reach a life changing situation such as getting fired, laid off, up for a promotion, falling ill or are facing workplace politics. Who is on your team now? Do you need to reassess, promote, demote or recruit? Here are seven types of people you need, if you want to maximize your potential, build your brand, grow your network and leave a legacy: #1 Mentor Your mentor should offer you a general perspective on life and career. This person should be significantly accomplished (professionally, academically, fiscally, and physically), easily trusted, models behaviors you want to emulate, dependable, authentic and an effective listener. It would also be helpful if this person has known you for a few years. #2 Career Coach Your coach should help you create a strategic analysis of your career (past, present, future), help you create a vision and guide you in mapping out your goals with a timeline, be a respectable member of the community, have a strong brand, public testimonials, an extensive network of contacts, and can tell you exactly like it is and will hold you accountable in achieving your goals. #3 Spiritual / Therapist Advisor This is crucial in maintaining your balance and in fostering a belief in something greater than yourself. There are times when you may feel as though you have hit a brick wall and you dont know where to turn, and its at this point your spiritual advisor can guide you with wisdom. #4 Money Advisor Regardless if you make $15/hr or $150/hr a money advisor will guide you to actively save, gear you towards retirement planning, question your spending habits and listen to you navigate your major purchases. There is a myth that when you make a million dollars, you will be more responsible. If you are not responsible over what you make now, your habits will carry over and impede your financial growth. #5 Local Role Model Who is the expert in your industry in your own city/town? Who is the expert in your particular craft that is often quoted in your local newspaper? Who is it that you may want to be like one day? This person is needed so you can visually see and touch what is possible. By speaking with someone over dinner whose career footsteps youd like to tread you can also establish your local reputation? This person can give you the playbook on how they accomplished their goals right in your own backyard.
  • 8. Page 8 of 9 #6 National Virtual Influencer Being able to follow a person of influence on social media can help take your career to the next level. When you are faced with certain challenges, you can look up the leader you identify and read what articles they have written of which you can gleam current input on similar situations. Some of these leaders even have social media master-mind groups you can join. #7 The Prot辿g辿 Having a younger advisor at least 7 years your junior will keep you humble. You may realize you dont know as much as you think you do. They will impart a renewed energy. They will tell you how they feel candidly. Youll have the opportunity to bounce ideas off someone who may not have as much experience as you do, but they will share exactly how they feel, and that input can keep you current and help propel you into 21st -century leadership. Lastly, as you think about whom to approach, let them know why you are asking them and how their success has positively impacted you. Let them know what you hope to accomplish, and based on what you know about them what you are willing to offer in return for their guidance. Its important to note, when you can clearly outline what will be required of them as far as length of time, frequency of meetings, methods of meetings (in person or virtual), energy, resources, etc. it will give them something to think on, so they can appropriately decide if they can commit. No matter their decision always follow-up with a thank you and keep pushing ahead! Lets decide: 1) _______________________________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________________________________ 3) _______________________________________________________________ 4) _______________________________________________________________ 5) _______________________________________________________________ 6) _______________________________________________________________ 7) _______________________________________________________________ To learn more about Natascha Certified Career Coach Saunders, visit: www.theyouthcareercoach.com or www.nataschasaunders.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nataschasaunders Twitter: @TaschaSaunders
  • 9. Page 9 of 9 Nataschas Favorite Books Three Feet from Gold: Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities Authors: Sharon L. Lechter, Greg S. Reid The Leadership Challenge Authors: James Kouzes & Barry Posner | ISBN: 978-0-470-65172-8 Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get what They Really Want Authors: Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever | ISBN: 978-0-553-38375-1 Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In Authors: William L. Ury, Roger Fisher, Bruce M. Patton | ISBN: 978-0140157352 Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead Author: Sheryl Sandberg | ISBN: 978-0-385-34994-9 The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Author: John C. Maxwell | ISBN: 978-0785288374 The Girls' Guide to Power & Success Author: Susan Wilson Solovic | ISBN: 978-1567315639 Little Black Book of Connections 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to RICH Relationships Author: Jeffrey Gitomer | ISBN: 978-1885167668 How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization Author: Jeffrey J. Fox | ISBN: 978-0786864379 Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity Author: Chris Rabb | ISBN: 978-1605093079 Campus CEO (The Student Entrepreneur's Guide to Launching a Multimillion-Dollar Business) Author: Randall Pinkett | ISBN: 978-0739486566 Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most Authors: Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen | ISBN: 978-0-14-311844-2 How Successful People Lead Author: John C. Maxwell | ISBN: 978-1-59995-362-5 The Parents Smart Guide to Sending Your Kids to College Without Going Broke Author: Gwen Thomas | https://www.freshperspectivesseminars.com/books "To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!" ~Arthur Ashe