Real-time Location Based Social Discovery using MongoDBFredrik Bj?rk
This document discusses how Banjo, a location-based social discovery app, uses MongoDB to store and query geo-tagged social media posts in real-time. Key points:
- Banjo aggregates posts from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare to show users nearby social activity. It stores over 50 billion connections and receives 200 posts per second.
- Posts are stored in MongoDB with fields like ID, username, text, coordinates and friend IDs. Geospatial indexes on coordinates allow querying for nearby posts.
- Techniques like pre-sharding large friend arrays and switching from capped to TTL collections help optimize performance of queries involving friends and expiration of old posts.
Este documento proporciona información sobre el formato APA para la presentación de trabajos escritos. Explica que el formato APA especifica el uso de papel tama?o carta, márgenes de 2.54 cm, fuente Times New Roman tama?o 12, interlineado doble, y numeración de páginas en números arábigos para el contenido. También proporciona detalles sobre abreviaciones permitidas en APA y concluye que las normas APA se actualizan regularmente para mejorar la investigación y presentación de informes.
The document discusses using Varnish to cache images on EC2 instances to improve performance for a tofu image processing and delivery system. It describes challenges with using the default memory-only storage for Varnish and switching to a file-based persistent storage model. Using Varnish helped improve performance by caching images, reducing load on application servers and S3. Scaling out to multiple EC2 instances with Varnish and using an ELB provided further improvements and high availability.
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)Amazon Web Services
This session is recommended for people who are new to content distribution networks (CDNs) and have a need to decrease server load and speed up their website’s load time.
In this mid-level technical session you will be able to learn more about improving the performance of web sites and web applications using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Router 53. Learn how to assess whether your web applications will benefit from caching and how to optimize the delivery of static and dynamic content to boost performance and improve your customers' experience in using your applications.
Este documento proporciona información sobre el formato APA para la presentación de trabajos escritos. Explica que el formato APA especifica el uso de papel tama?o carta, márgenes de 2.54 cm, fuente Times New Roman tama?o 12, interlineado doble, y numeración de páginas en números arábigos para el contenido. También proporciona detalles sobre abreviaciones permitidas en APA y concluye que las normas APA se actualizan regularmente para mejorar la investigación y presentación de informes.
The document discusses using Varnish to cache images on EC2 instances to improve performance for a tofu image processing and delivery system. It describes challenges with using the default memory-only storage for Varnish and switching to a file-based persistent storage model. Using Varnish helped improve performance by caching images, reducing load on application servers and S3. Scaling out to multiple EC2 instances with Varnish and using an ELB provided further improvements and high availability.
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)Amazon Web Services
This session is recommended for people who are new to content distribution networks (CDNs) and have a need to decrease server load and speed up their website’s load time.
In this mid-level technical session you will be able to learn more about improving the performance of web sites and web applications using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Router 53. Learn how to assess whether your web applications will benefit from caching and how to optimize the delivery of static and dynamic content to boost performance and improve your customers' experience in using your applications.