Eco eko - listado de ingredientes peligrosos en cosm辿ticaBioAlai
Este documento describe varios ingredientes peligrosos que se encuentran com炭nmente en cosm辿ticos convencionales como aceites derivados del petr坦leo, ftalatos, parabenos, emulsionantes como PEG y agentes detergentes como Sodium laureth sulfate. Se explica que muchos de estos ingredientes son cancer鱈genos, disruptores endocrinos y pueden causar da単os en los sistemas reproductivo e inmunol坦gico. El documento recomienda evitar estos ingredientes t坦xicos optando por cosm辿ticos naturales hechos principalmente de ingredient
El documento presenta la agenda escolar del 15 al 21 de noviembre. El domingo 15 se tratar叩 el tema de la autoestima en clases PACE. El lunes 16 es festivo. Del martes al viernes se realizar叩n activaciones f鱈sicas, trabajos con consignas motivacionales y se entregar叩n informes de mejora de escuelas. El mi辿rcoles 18 se aplicar叩n visitas a las aulas y se entregar叩n programas para padres. El jueves 19 continuar叩n las visitas y se entregar叩n m叩s informes de mejora
Este documento presenta el programa de actividades de la semana del 14 al 20 de febrero en una escuela. Incluye honores a la bandera, entrega de planificaciones docentes, reuni坦n escolar, activaci坦n f鱈sica, trabajo de consignas para iniciar clases, aplicaci坦n de ex叩menes, visitas de supervisi坦n, entrega de informes y actividades del programa PACE sobre convivencia y lectura familiar los fines de semana enfocada en la responsabilidad.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de programas aplicativos, incluyendo procesadores de texto como Microsoft Word y hojas de c叩lculo como Microsoft Excel. Tambi辿n discute programas de bases de datos como Access y OpenOffice, as鱈 como software gratuito (freeware) y de prueba (shareware). El objetivo es dar a conocer a los estudiantes sobre programas aplicativos y sus componentes.
2015 Fall Conference: Public Meeting, Admin and HR-Brickisoswo
This document provides a summary of common meeting and employment issues under Iowa law. It discusses requirements for open meetings, including what constitutes a meeting, notice requirements, and procedures for electronic meetings and closed sessions. It also addresses issues related to public sector employment such as conducting background checks, using criminal histories in hiring decisions, performance evaluations, discipline, and termination. The document advises thorough documentation to support all personnel decisions.
2015 Fall Conference: Closed Loop Fund Essentialsisoswo
The Closed Loop Fund is a $100 million social impact fund that provides zero-interest and low-interest loans to municipalities and companies to build recycling infrastructure in order to increase recycling rates in the US. The fund aims to invest in projects that remove barriers to effective recycling systems and prove financial models that can attract further public and private funding nationally. Its goals are to reduce costs for goods manufacturers by increasing recycled commodity supply, meet consumer demand for recyclable products, and create local jobs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2015 Fall Conference: ISOSWO Lightning Round-Terraconisoswo
This document provides contact information for seven office locations of a company across Iowa, including addresses and phone numbers. The offices are located in Ames, Des Moines, Bettendorf, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and Sioux City.
El documento describe las ventajas y desventajas del trabajo en equipo. Define el trabajo en equipo como un conjunto de personas que comparten ideas y experiencias para lograr objetivos comunes mediante una tarea conjunta. Explica que el trabajo en equipo requiere colaboraci坦n, responsabilidad individual, y habilidades como la comunicaci坦n. Tambi辿n identifica algunas desventajas como problemas de comunicaci坦n y falta de participaci坦n de todos los miembros del equipo.
This document summarizes a student's investigation into changing the perimeter of a shape while keeping the area the same. The student started with a 1m x 1m square with an area of 1m2 and perimeter of 4m. For the new shape, the student made an octagon with the same area of 1m2, but with a greater perimeter of 15.95m. In reflection, the student learned about the differences between perimeter and area, and enjoyed working with their group.
Este documento descreve um projeto para melhorar a motiva巽達o, autoestima e forma巽達o de valores 辿ticos de estudantes. O projeto envolver叩 discuss探es sobre reciclagem, pesquisas online, cria巽達o de objetos com materiais reciclados, e publica巽探es sobre o tema. As atividades ocorrer達o de maio a novembro com avalia巽達o dos trabalhos produzidos.
This resume is for Keondae Ervin, who is pursuing a Master of Science in Health Services Administration from Central Michigan University with coursework in healthcare administration, finance, and research methods. Ervin also has a Bachelor of Science in Geography from CMU and an Associate of Science in General Science from Henry Ford College. Currently Ervin works as a travel trainer and bartender for Barfly Ventures, having previously worked at Applebee's, and is involved in several professional organizations. Ervin's objective is to begin a career in healthcare administration while advocating for diversity.
Bookkeeper, over 10 years experience in Israel and Europe (Austria), speaks and writes Hebrew (Fluent), German (Mother tongue) and English (Fluent)
Immediately available
This document discusses challenges with carcass disposal during avian influenza outbreaks and options for protecting animal agriculture. It notes that burial of infected carcasses can contaminate groundwater with high levels of nitrogen. Alternative options like composting, landfilling, and rendering are evaluated, with landfilling posing risks if leachate enters water sources but having potential for virus inactivation if buried deeply and far from collection systems. Preparing disposal agreements with landfills in advance is recommended to facilitate response in future outbreaks.
JavaServer Pages enable Web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic Web pages that leverage existing business systems.
This document discusses credit default swaps (CDS), including:
- CDS are a type of derivative that functions as a form of default insurance on a debt obligation.
- In a basic CDS transaction, the protection buyer makes periodic payments to the protection seller, and in exchange receives a payoff if the reference entity defaults or experiences another credit event.
- CDS markets grew rapidly in the early 2000s but also contributed to the 2008 financial crisis when American International Group's massive CDS exposures led to its government bailout.
The document provides information about highwall mining technology. It discusses how highwall mining can extract coal from the face of a coal seam under a highwall in a surface mine. It notes that SCCL is the first company implementing this technology in India at certain mines. Highwall mining provides an economical way to extract coal reserves locked in the highwall that would otherwise be lost. The technology involves driving parallel entries into the coal seam without artificial support using auger heads or continuous miners.
State of mobile apps in Vietnam Q2 2015Appota Group
Latest updates for Vietnam mobile apps market in Q2/2015.
Globally, Android leads the market with 78% smartphone share, iOS 18.3%.
In Vietnam, Android takes 61% of 22 million smartphone users. iOS takes 31%. iPhone 4 is the most used devices although iPhone 6 is on the rise.
Mobile Game Asia HCM 2015 had been the hottest and biggest mobile game event ever in Vietnam. More and more game studios and publishers export mobile games to the region.
And more.
Questions and inquiries please contact us at
2015 Fall Conference: Closed Loop Fund Essentialsisoswo
The Closed Loop Fund is a $100 million social impact fund that provides zero-interest and low-interest loans to municipalities and companies to build recycling infrastructure in order to increase recycling rates in the US. The fund aims to invest in projects that remove barriers to effective recycling systems and prove financial models that can attract further public and private funding nationally. Its goals are to reduce costs for goods manufacturers by increasing recycled commodity supply, meet consumer demand for recyclable products, and create local jobs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2015 Fall Conference: ISOSWO Lightning Round-Terraconisoswo
This document provides contact information for seven office locations of a company across Iowa, including addresses and phone numbers. The offices are located in Ames, Des Moines, Bettendorf, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and Sioux City.
El documento describe las ventajas y desventajas del trabajo en equipo. Define el trabajo en equipo como un conjunto de personas que comparten ideas y experiencias para lograr objetivos comunes mediante una tarea conjunta. Explica que el trabajo en equipo requiere colaboraci坦n, responsabilidad individual, y habilidades como la comunicaci坦n. Tambi辿n identifica algunas desventajas como problemas de comunicaci坦n y falta de participaci坦n de todos los miembros del equipo.
This document summarizes a student's investigation into changing the perimeter of a shape while keeping the area the same. The student started with a 1m x 1m square with an area of 1m2 and perimeter of 4m. For the new shape, the student made an octagon with the same area of 1m2, but with a greater perimeter of 15.95m. In reflection, the student learned about the differences between perimeter and area, and enjoyed working with their group.
Este documento descreve um projeto para melhorar a motiva巽達o, autoestima e forma巽達o de valores 辿ticos de estudantes. O projeto envolver叩 discuss探es sobre reciclagem, pesquisas online, cria巽達o de objetos com materiais reciclados, e publica巽探es sobre o tema. As atividades ocorrer達o de maio a novembro com avalia巽達o dos trabalhos produzidos.
This resume is for Keondae Ervin, who is pursuing a Master of Science in Health Services Administration from Central Michigan University with coursework in healthcare administration, finance, and research methods. Ervin also has a Bachelor of Science in Geography from CMU and an Associate of Science in General Science from Henry Ford College. Currently Ervin works as a travel trainer and bartender for Barfly Ventures, having previously worked at Applebee's, and is involved in several professional organizations. Ervin's objective is to begin a career in healthcare administration while advocating for diversity.
Bookkeeper, over 10 years experience in Israel and Europe (Austria), speaks and writes Hebrew (Fluent), German (Mother tongue) and English (Fluent)
Immediately available
This document discusses challenges with carcass disposal during avian influenza outbreaks and options for protecting animal agriculture. It notes that burial of infected carcasses can contaminate groundwater with high levels of nitrogen. Alternative options like composting, landfilling, and rendering are evaluated, with landfilling posing risks if leachate enters water sources but having potential for virus inactivation if buried deeply and far from collection systems. Preparing disposal agreements with landfills in advance is recommended to facilitate response in future outbreaks.
JavaServer Pages enable Web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic Web pages that leverage existing business systems.
This document discusses credit default swaps (CDS), including:
- CDS are a type of derivative that functions as a form of default insurance on a debt obligation.
- In a basic CDS transaction, the protection buyer makes periodic payments to the protection seller, and in exchange receives a payoff if the reference entity defaults or experiences another credit event.
- CDS markets grew rapidly in the early 2000s but also contributed to the 2008 financial crisis when American International Group's massive CDS exposures led to its government bailout.
The document provides information about highwall mining technology. It discusses how highwall mining can extract coal from the face of a coal seam under a highwall in a surface mine. It notes that SCCL is the first company implementing this technology in India at certain mines. Highwall mining provides an economical way to extract coal reserves locked in the highwall that would otherwise be lost. The technology involves driving parallel entries into the coal seam without artificial support using auger heads or continuous miners.
State of mobile apps in Vietnam Q2 2015Appota Group
Latest updates for Vietnam mobile apps market in Q2/2015.
Globally, Android leads the market with 78% smartphone share, iOS 18.3%.
In Vietnam, Android takes 61% of 22 million smartphone users. iOS takes 31%. iPhone 4 is the most used devices although iPhone 6 is on the rise.
Mobile Game Asia HCM 2015 had been the hottest and biggest mobile game event ever in Vietnam. More and more game studios and publishers export mobile games to the region.
And more.
Questions and inquiries please contact us at
1. Znaky a symboly
Pro toto t辿ma?
Toto t辿ma jsem si nevybrala n叩hodn. Prvn鱈m rokem studuji djiny umn鱈 a k umn鱈 neodmysliteln
pat鱈 znak a symbol. Proto jsem se chtla na tyhle pojmy pod鱈vat v鱈ce zbl鱈zka a zasvtit v叩s do taj哲
tchto dvou t辿mat. Nejd鱈ve bych r叩da vysvtlila, co tato slova vlastn znamenaj鱈 a pot辿 bych ke
ka転d辿mu z nich uk叩zala n叩zorn辿 p鱈klady.
Tento text by ml v邸em, co si ho petou, v鱈ce pibl鱈転it co to vlastn takov箪 znak, nebo symbol je, a
kde v邸ude se m哲転eme s tmito pojmy setkat.
Pot辿 se tu bl鱈転e sezn叩m鱈te se symboly s umn鱈m a jeho rozdlen鱈m. Po rozdlen鱈 si symbolu v umn鱈
se zam鱈me na jeho ten鱈 na urit辿m d鱈le, kde si n叩zorn uk叩転eme ikonografick箪 popis na Sixt鱈nsk辿
Madon od Raffaela Santiho a pot辿 si tuto techniku ten叩i mohou sami vyzkou邸et na obraze
Zrozen鱈 Venu邸e od Sandra Botticelliho. Pot辿 se zam鱈me na erb a uk叩転u v叩m jeho hlavn鱈 znaky a
opt p鱈klad, na kter辿m v邸echny pedchoz鱈 body budeme demonstrovat. Text by ml v鱈ce div叩kovi
pibl鱈転it problematiku, jak vlastn zkoumat obraz a ml by trochu nakouknout do taj哲 heraldiky.
Kl鱈ov辿 pojmy:
Znak je trval辿 znamen鱈 na 邸t鱈t, vytvoen辿 podle p鱈slu邸n箪ch heraldick箪ch pravidel, charakterizuj鱈c鱈
zpravidla njakou 炭zemn鱈 jednotku (obec, msto, kraj, zemi, st叩t i jin辿 炭zemn鱈 spoleenstv鱈),
p鱈padn pr叩vnickou osobu
Symbol To je pak smysly vn鱈mateln叩 skutenost, kter叩 poukazuje na nco, co takto vn鱈mateln辿 nen鱈.
Ikonografie obrazopis, popisuje a klasifikuje (sna転鱈 se to d叩t do 邸katulek, m鱈sto a as) umleck叩
Kdybychom chtli pesn datovat, kdy se poprv辿 setk叩v叩me se
znakem a symbolem, museli bychom j鱈t a転 na po叩tek lidstva.
Tedy pedev邸鱈m u symbolu. Kdy転 si toti転 vybav鱈me jeskyn鱈
mal鱈stv鱈, tak uvid鱈me, 転e se na stn叩ch asto vyskytovala i
zv鱈ata, kter叩 se nelovila a tud鱈転 tyto kresby neslou転ily jen jako
jak辿si motivan鱈 ikony k lovu. Tato zv鱈ata mohly slou転it jako
jak叩si m辿dia mezi 邸amanem a duchovn鱈m svtem a d鱈ky tmto
malb叩m se tito l辿itel辿 mohli dost叩vat do transu.
A pot辿 tu m叩me znak, kter箪 se vyv鱈jel od stedovku do r哲zn箪ch
podob. Znak se v umn鱈 objevuje v pomocn辿 vd historick辿 zvan辿 heraldika. Toto odvtv鱈, kter辿
nezab箪v叩 studiem souhrnu pravidel a zvyklost鱈, podle nich転 se znaky tvo鱈, popisuj鱈, uruj鱈 a kresl鱈, se
2. roz邸鱈ilo hlavn ve stedovku, kde se 邸lechtick辿 rodiny mimo jin辿 odli邸ovaly pr叩v i erby. D鱈ky tomu
m哲転eme heraldiku a zkoum叩n鱈 znak哲 rozdlit do 邸esti skupin:
1) cechovn鱈 heraldika popisuje erby, erbov鱈 znamen鱈 cech哲, i cechovn鱈 spoleenstv鱈
2) c鱈rkevn鱈 heraldika zab箪v叩 se znaky len哲 c鱈rkve, instituc鱈, i 炭ad哲 a pev叩転n se t箪k叩
鱈mskokatolick辿 c鱈rkve. D叩le m哲転eme naj鱈t heraldiky anglik叩nsk辿 a luter叩nsk辿
3) mstsk叩 heraldika nejb転nji se setk叩v叩me se znakem msta
4) zemsk叩 heraldika st叩tn鱈 znak (nap. v esk辿 Republice mal箪 a velk箪 st叩tn鱈 znak)
5) logo oznaen鱈 organizace, nebo spolenosti, sn叩ze se identifikuje
6) erb (z nm. Der Erbe ddic) znak, kter箪m se urit叩 rodina prezentuje
Velk箪 st叩tn鱈 znak esk辿 republiky Uk叩zka c鱈rkevn鱈 heraldiky
Symbol v umn鱈
S nads叩zkou mohu 鱈ct, 転e umn鱈 bylo v転dy tvoeno symboly. A symboly jako takov辿, aby nab箪valy na
smyslu, kter辿ho se autor sna転il dos叩hnout, mus鱈me umt 鱈st. A k tomu n叩m pom叩h叩 ikonografie. Asi
nejz叩kladnj邸鱈 rozdlen鱈 ikonografie je n叩sleduj鱈c鱈:
Kes泥ansk叩 ikonografie n叩bo転ensk叩 ikonografie
Prof叩nn鱈 ikonografie svtsk叩 ikonografie
Abychom sn叩ze poznali, co je na umleck辿m d鱈le zn叩zornno, mus鱈me m鱈t aspo z叩kladn鱈 pehled o
dan辿m t辿matu. Nikdo po n叩s nechce, abychom znali v邸echno, ale d鱈ky asociac鱈m a nauen鱈 se ten鱈
obrazu pro n叩s po chv鱈li bude jednoduch辿 rozeznat, co ped sebou vid鱈me.
A k tomu n叩m m哲転e pomoct i metoda od Erwina Panofskyho:
1) Pedikonografick箪 popis pop鱈邸eme pesn to, co na dan辿m obraze vid鱈me
2) Ikonografick叩 anal箪za pi n鱈 mus鱈me m鱈t ji転 jak辿si kulturn鱈 podvdom鱈, co pesn znamenaj鱈
vci, kter辿 jsme si urili pi pedikonografick辿m popisu
3. 3) Ikonologick叩 synt辿za zde se sna転鱈me zachytit vnitn鱈 v箪znam a pops叩n鱈 symboliky d鱈la.
V t辿to posledn鱈 f叩zi mus鱈me m鱈t ji転 hlub邸鱈 znalosti o djin叩ch umn鱈, abychom mohli nal辿zt
v邸echny i skryt辿 symboly
Vezmme si nap鱈klad obraz od Raffaela Santiho
Sixt鱈nsk叩 Madona a popi邸me si tento postup p鱈mo na
1. Vid鱈me na obr叩zku postavu 転eny, kter叩 dr転鱈
miminko, po jej鱈 levici kle鱈 dal邸鱈 転ena, zat鱈mco po
pravici kle鱈 mu転. A pod oblaky, na kter箪ch 転ena
stoj鱈, vid鱈me dv mal辿 dti s k鱈dly
2. Kdy転 pop鱈邸eme v邸echny postavy, tak d鱈ky sv辿mu
kulturn鱈mu pehledu rozpozn叩me na obraze
Madonu s mal箪m Je転鱈邸em v n叩ru鱈 a dva mal辿
and鱈lky. 貼ena, kter叩 kle鱈 je svat叩 Barbora a
pozn叩me j鱈 podle atribut哲, kter辿 jsou j鱈
pisuzov叩ny. A mu転 na druh辿 stran je pape転 a
pozn叩me jej d鱈ky obleen鱈, co m叩 na sob.
3. A pot辿 zde m叩me synt辿zu, ve kter辿 m哲転eme vy鱈st
symboliku obrazu. Nap. poloha Je転鱈邸e a dr転en鱈
rukou Madony, nebo v rozhrnut辿 opon.
Interaktivn鱈 ok辿nko: Schv叩ln zkuste na tomto obrazu sami urit, co je na nm vyobrazeno
P哲vod tohoto slova hledejme v nmin, kde das Erbe znamen叩 ddictv鱈. Hlavn鱈m znakem erbu je
jeho st叩lost a to, 転e se dd鱈 z generace na generaci. Erby a r哲zn辿 znaky m哲転eme ale tak辿 nal辿zt ve
stedovku nap鱈klad u ryt鱈哲, nebo bojovn鱈k哲, kte鱈 takto mli vyzdoben辿 邸t鱈ty, obleen鱈, nebo pilby
a l辿pe se tak pi boj鱈ch rozezn叩vali od nep鱈tele. Takov辿to typy erb哲 se objevily bhem ki転叩ck箪ch
v箪prav, ale podobn辿 rozezn叩v叩n鱈 zaznamen叩v叩me ji転 ve starovk箪ch At辿n叩ch.
Z叩kladn鱈 叩sti erbu
- t鱈t jedin叩 povinn叩 叩st erbu; b箪v叩 um鱈stna p鱈mo
veprosted cel辿ho erbu a je um鱈stna bu kolmo, nebo
m鱈rn 邸ikmo
- Pilba lze podle n鱈 na erbu vy鱈st, z jak辿 vrstvy dr転itel
erbu poch叩zel a bylo pravidlo, 転e pilbu na erbech a
znac鱈ch nenosily 転ena, nebo泥 v b転n辿m 転ivot si tak辿 na
hlavu nic podobn辿ho nenasazovaly
- Toetnice byly vyu転鱈v叩ny na erbech pro praktick辿
炭ely, pedev邸鱈m pro zakryt鱈 uchycen鱈 vsazen辿ho
4. klenotu. U vy邸邸鱈ch a 邸lechtick箪ch vrstev se pou転鱈vala
- Klenot slou転il v箪hradn jako ozdoba
P哲vodn鱈 erb hrabat z Habsburku
M哲転eme zde vidt, 転e 邸t鱈t je m鱈rn naklonn箪 a to proto, 転e
m鱈rn叩 naklonnost p哲sobila pirozenji a byla v鱈ce podobn叩
re叩ln辿mu no邸en鱈 邸t鱈t哲 u ryt鱈哲 a dr転itel哲 erbu. Nad 邸t鱈tem se
nal辿z叩 pilba. Pak zde nalezneme nahoe korunku, kter叩
spojuje 邸t鱈t s klenotem, kde v tomto p鱈pad nel辿z叩me lva
s korunou a pav鱈m pe鱈m.
Ve sv辿m odborn辿m textu jsem se v叩m sna転ila podat z叩kladn鱈 informace o pojmech symbol a znak.
Dozvdli jste se, kde je vlastn p哲vod tchto dvou vc鱈 a jak se s nimi v umn鱈 pracuje a jak s nimi
m哲転ete pracovat i vy sami. Dkuji za pozornost.
Jana M鱈邸kov叩
Ernst H. Gombrich, Icones Symbolicae: Philosophies of Symbolism and their Bearing on Art. in:
Symbolic Images. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance II. Oxford 1978, s. 123195.
- Pehledn箪
- Vnuje se p鱈mo problematice m辿ho t辿matu
- Dobe napsan箪
- Kvalitn鱈 recenze na autora
- Kladn辿 hodnocen鱈 kn鱈転ky
Panofsky, E. V箪znam ve v箪tvarn辿m umn鱈. Praha 1981
- Zab箪v叩 se ikonografi鱈
- Velmi kladn辿 hodnocen鱈 kn鱈転ky
- Autor byl umleck箪 historik
- Doporuovan叩 kn鱈転ka profesory m辿ho oboru
- Pehledn辿
5. BUBEN, Milan. Encyklopedie heraldiky. Praha : Libri, 2003. 505 s. ISBN 80-7277-135-3. Kapitola 炭vod
a hesla Erb, s. 1418, 130.
- Pehledn napsan辿
- Logick辿 azen鱈 kn鱈転ky
- Vizu叩ln鱈 p鱈klady
- Pou転it odborn箪 jazyk
- Ps叩no cel箪mi vtami
VANT, J. Tvorba vizu叩ln鱈ho zobrazen鱈 (gnozeologick箪 a komunikan鱈 aspekt v箪tvarn辿ho umn鱈 ve
v箪tvarn辿 v箪chov). Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, nakl. Karolinum 2000, 167 s., ISBN 80-7184-
- Vysvtlivky ve spodn鱈 叩sti str叩nky
- Strun叩, ale v箪sti転n叩 kn鱈転ka
- Pehledn叩
- Naps叩na tak, aby j鱈 rozuml ka転d箪
- Dobe vysvtlen叩 problematika, kterou jsme se zab箪vala
Jan Slav鱈k, Znak, symbol a v箪raz - stavebn鱈 kameny ei o v箪tvarn辿 v箪chov
- Strun箪
- Kr叩tk箪
- V箪sti転n箪
- Odkazy na dal邸鱈 literaturu, kterou bych si mohla nastudovat
- P鱈mo k m辿mu t辿matu
- Pln叩 n叩zorn箪ch uk叩zek
- Pehledn叩
- Strun叩 biografie ke ka転d辿mu umlci
- Pops叩n鱈 umleck箪ch dl umlce
- Zaj鱈mav辿 e邸en鱈 rozlo転en鱈 str叩nky a hled叩n鱈 na n鱈