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AS Media Film Idea  Nazi
By Matthew Plumeridge & Charlie
 An unknown unit of dead Nazi soldiers is
  discovered, all who were part of an experiment
  during World War II in which they were
  purposely infected with a parasitic disease
  causing their bodies to rise from the dead and
  consume all living things to survive.
 After an eclipse, these soldiers rise from their
  graves and begin to spread the disease by eating
  humans, which then in turn after death will also
 A pandemic breaks out as these Nazi Zombies
  are discovered all over Europe and the disease
  begins to spread rapidly.
Opening Scene Plan
 Opening Scene depicts the events of the rising of
  the dead. The scene follows a group of teenagers
  who find a german Luger (WWII handgun) whilst
  lurking around an old battleground. The eclipse
  begins and the dead begin to rise, and the
  confused and scarred characters try to escape.
 The scene will show a variety of shots of the area
  after the event, and then cut back to the actual
  event which will explain it. E.g. A shot is shown of
  the handgun laying on the floor; cuts back to
  show the teenagers run out of ammo, and drop
  the handgun on the floor before running.
 The Walking Dead (TV Show)
 28 Days Later

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Zombie film pitch

  • 1. AS Media Film Idea Nazi Zombies By Matthew Plumeridge & Charlie Goodman
  • 2. Genre Action Horror Drama Mystery
  • 3. Plot An unknown unit of dead Nazi soldiers is discovered, all who were part of an experiment during World War II in which they were purposely infected with a parasitic disease causing their bodies to rise from the dead and consume all living things to survive. After an eclipse, these soldiers rise from their graves and begin to spread the disease by eating humans, which then in turn after death will also rise. A pandemic breaks out as these Nazi Zombies are discovered all over Europe and the disease begins to spread rapidly.
  • 4. Opening Scene Plan Opening Scene depicts the events of the rising of the dead. The scene follows a group of teenagers who find a german Luger (WWII handgun) whilst lurking around an old battleground. The eclipse begins and the dead begin to rise, and the confused and scarred characters try to escape. The scene will show a variety of shots of the area after the event, and then cut back to the actual event which will explain it. E.g. A shot is shown of the handgun laying on the floor; cuts back to show the teenagers run out of ammo, and drop the handgun on the floor before running.
  • 5. Inspiration Zombieland The Walking Dead (TV Show) 28 Days Later