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Fact Sheet
Zoo Facts
 The Dickerson Park Zoo is located at 3043 North Fort, Springfield, MO.
 The Zoo is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM during the winter months. It will be closed if
the walkways are covered with snow
 The costs for vising the zoo will vary depending on age: adults and teenagers are $9,
children (3-12) are $6, seniors (60 and older) are $6 and children under two are free. There
are group rates that can be found online.
 The Zoo is home to 340 animals representing 120 species.
 The Zoo is divided into 5 different geographical regions: Africa, Australia, Missouri
Habitats, South America and Tropical Asia.
 The Zoo also is home of the Safari Trading Company Gift Shop to acquire a variety of
souvenirs and gifts.
 The Titus Express Train Ride is available at $2 per person for everyone 2 years and older.
The train tours the Zoo and stops at various points throughout to provide a unique experience
for viewing the animals.
 The Zoo also provides an establishment to provide food and drinks. Bush Country Caf辿 has
an assortment of food available: hot foods, snack foods, frozen treats and soft drinks.
 The Zoo also hosts a multitude of events throughout the year that cater to all ages.
 The Zoo has information available about each animal, exhibit and attraction for people to see
on their website, www.dickersonparkzoo.org.
Blake Allan Miller

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  • 1. Fact Sheet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Zoo Facts The Dickerson Park Zoo is located at 3043 North Fort, Springfield, MO. The Zoo is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM during the winter months. It will be closed if the walkways are covered with snow The costs for vising the zoo will vary depending on age: adults and teenagers are $9, children (3-12) are $6, seniors (60 and older) are $6 and children under two are free. There are group rates that can be found online. The Zoo is home to 340 animals representing 120 species. The Zoo is divided into 5 different geographical regions: Africa, Australia, Missouri Habitats, South America and Tropical Asia. The Zoo also is home of the Safari Trading Company Gift Shop to acquire a variety of souvenirs and gifts. The Titus Express Train Ride is available at $2 per person for everyone 2 years and older. The train tours the Zoo and stops at various points throughout to provide a unique experience for viewing the animals. The Zoo also provides an establishment to provide food and drinks. Bush Country Caf辿 has an assortment of food available: hot foods, snack foods, frozen treats and soft drinks. The Zoo also hosts a multitude of events throughout the year that cater to all ages. The Zoo has information available about each animal, exhibit and attraction for people to see on their website, www.dickersonparkzoo.org. Contact: Blake Allan Miller 417-259-2587 Blake968@live.missouristate.edu ###