State Aid and Tax challenges - 13 May 2016Eversheds SutherlandThis document summarizes a presentation on EU state aid challenges relating to taxation. It introduces EU state aid rules and explains that tax arrangements can constitute illegal state aid if they confer a selective advantage through practices like transfer pricing rulings that endorse artificial profits. Recent investigations by the European Commission into such tax rulings granted by member states to certain companies are discussed. The document considers arguments for and against these investigations and explores implications and opportunities and risks for businesses in light of the Commission's actions.
State Aid and Tax challenges - 13 May 2016Eversheds SutherlandThis document summarizes a presentation on EU state aid challenges relating to taxation. It introduces EU state aid rules and explains that tax arrangements can constitute illegal state aid if they confer a selective advantage through practices like transfer pricing rulings that endorse artificial profits. Recent investigations by the European Commission into such tax rulings granted by member states to certain companies are discussed. The document considers arguments for and against these investigations and explores implications and opportunities and risks for businesses in light of the Commission's actions.
Metrics for In-House TeamsEversheds SutherlandMeasuring value is often seen as a challenging process for the in-house legal team. We will consider some practical approaches that will help you to clarify objectives, improve performance as well as measure value.
Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Baca MasyarakatWahyudi MuktiThis document outlines the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, which builds upon the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2015 to further economic integration in Southeast Asia over the next decade. The blueprint envisions a highly integrated ASEAN economy through measures like eliminating remaining tariffs and non-tariff barriers, streamlining rules of origin, implementing trade facilitation measures, liberalizing services trade and investment, enhancing financial integration, and promoting connectivity. It aims to create a competitive, innovative, and resilient economic community that narrows development gaps and improves people's livelihoods across ASEAN.
Opportunities and challenges of managing a globally mobile workforceEversheds SutherlandThis document summarizes a presentation on Brexit opportunities and challenges for a globally mobile workforce. It discusses that Brexit will likely end free movement between the UK and EEA countries. It outlines practical steps employers are taking like auditing their workforce and providing support and guidance to EEA citizens. It also reviews options for employees such as applying for qualified person status, family member status, or permanent residence. Other potential practical HR issues for employers resulting from Brexit are also listed.
Post Brexit UpdateEversheds SutherlandUpdate on the legal processes and challenges facing businesses at home and abroad as the UK prepares to exit the EU.
Is your intellectual property at risk?Eversheds SutherlandThis document summarizes a webinar presented by intellectual property lawyers at Eversheds LLP on the potential risks to intellectual property from the UK's EU referendum and the upcoming introduction of the Unitary Patent system. It discusses the impact on copyright, trademarks, patents, and registered designs from a potential UK exit from the EU. It also provides an overview of the new Unified Patent Court system and recommendations for reviewing IP portfolios and strategies in light of these changes.