Презентације директора Завода, др Радмиле Чичковић током округлог стола а тему ’’Регионалне инвестиције и статистички показатељи економског развоја’’ одржаног 16.11.2016. у Републичком заводу за статистику Републике Српске у Београду
Конференција за медије, фебруар 2014.Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsPower Point презентација са конференције за медије одржана 24. фебруара 2014. године.
Попис_Презентација 29_12_2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsПредстављање резултата Пописа становништва, домаћинстава и станова у Републици Српској 2013 године
27.ICV Srbija satanak, Kako izgleda controlling u mojoj kompaniji?, Erste BankMenadžment Centar BeogradPrezentacija Stevana Čomića iz Erste Bank na temu - Kako izgleda controlling u mojoj kompaniji?
Press conference, Аugust 2017Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on August 22, 2017 to present labour, price, industry, and external trade statistics for July 2017. The director general reported that the average monthly net wage was 830KM, monthly inflation was -0.3%, industrial production increased 3.3% year-over-year, and exports covered 71% of imports in the first seven months of 2017.
Press conference, Оctober 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on October 24, 2016 to report various economic statistics for September and January through September 2016. The Director General reported that the average monthly net wage in September was 834KM, the average monthly gross wage was 1,341KM, and monthly inflation was 0.1% with annual inflation at -1.2%. Industrial production increased 14.3% in September 2016 compared to the same period the previous year. External trade volume for January through September totaled over 5 billion KM with exports of over 2 billion KM and imports of over 3 billion KM.
Конференција за новинаре, октобар 2016.Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsПредстављње података о платама, цијенама, индустрији и спољној трговини Републике Српске
Press conference, February 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on February 22nd, 2016 where they presented several statistics:
- The average monthly net wage in January 2016 was 816KM and the average monthly gross wage was 1,313KM.
- Inflation in January 2016 was 0.2% monthly and -0.9% annually compared to January 2015. Prices increased most for alcoholic beverages and tobacco while declining for clothing and footwear.
- External trade volume in January 2016 was 405.2 million KM, with exports of 184 million KM and imports of 221 million KM. The coverage of imports with exports was 83.3%. The largest export partners were Italy,
Press conference, January 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics director general Radmila Čičković presented statistics from December 2015 at a press conference. The average monthly net wage in Republika Srpska was 834KM, while the average monthly gross wage was 1,344KM. Monthly inflation was -0.2% and annual inflation from December 2014 to December 2015 was -1.6%. Industrial production from January to December 2015 was 2.7% higher compared to the same period in 2014.
Конференција за новинаре, јул 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsБДП, Инвестиције, Анкета о радној снази, Запослени, Плате, Цијене, Индустрија, Спољна трговина
Press conference, June 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on June 22nd, 2015 to present statistics in several areas:
- Social welfare statistics showed a 13.0% decrease in beneficiaries in 2014, with 4 children adopted.
- Crime statistics revealed an increasing number of solved criminal charges but decreasing numbers of accused and convicted persons in 2014.
- Labour statistics for May 2015 included an average monthly net wage of 832 KM and average gross wage of 1,341 KM.
- Prices statistics showed no inflation in May 2015 compared to May 2014, while transport prices increased 1.8% and food prices decreased 0.9%.
Press conference, May 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on May 21st, 2015. Director General Radmila Čičković presented statistics on various topics: 44.3% of households and all enterprises have personal computers; the average monthly net wage in April 2015 was 835KM and average gross wage was 1,346KM; inflation was -1.1% monthly and -0.9% annually in April 2015; industrial production increased 2.3% in April 2015 compared to the previous year; external trade totaled over 2 billion KM from January to April 2015 with exports to Serbia, Italy, and Germany and imports from Serbia, Italy, and Russia.
Press conference, April 2014Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on April 23rd, 2015. Director General Radmila Čičković presented statistics on the national accounts, labor market, prices, industry, and external trade for Republika Srpska. Key findings included a 1.4% increase in GDP for the 4th quarter of 2014, an average monthly net wage of 831KM and gross wage of 1,340KM for March 2015, a 0.5% monthly inflation rate and -0.8% annual inflation rate for March 2015, and a 3.7% increase in adjusted industrial production for March 2015 compared to the previous year. The volume of external trade for January to March
Press conference, March 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on March 23rd, 2015 to report various economic statistics for February 2015. The Director General, Radmila Čičković, presented data showing that the average monthly net wage was 834KM, the monthly inflation rate was 0.2%, industrial production increased by 7.0%, and exports covered 65.2% of imports between January and February 2015. Additional statistics on wages, prices, industry, employment, and external trade were provided.
27.ICV Srbija satanak, Kako izgleda controlling u mojoj kompaniji?, Erste BankMenadžment Centar BeogradPrezentacija Stevana Čomića iz Erste Bank na temu - Kako izgleda controlling u mojoj kompaniji?
Press conference, Аugust 2017Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on August 22, 2017 to present labour, price, industry, and external trade statistics for July 2017. The director general reported that the average monthly net wage was 830KM, monthly inflation was -0.3%, industrial production increased 3.3% year-over-year, and exports covered 71% of imports in the first seven months of 2017.
Press conference, Оctober 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on October 24, 2016 to report various economic statistics for September and January through September 2016. The Director General reported that the average monthly net wage in September was 834KM, the average monthly gross wage was 1,341KM, and monthly inflation was 0.1% with annual inflation at -1.2%. Industrial production increased 14.3% in September 2016 compared to the same period the previous year. External trade volume for January through September totaled over 5 billion KM with exports of over 2 billion KM and imports of over 3 billion KM.
Конференција за новинаре, октобар 2016.Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsПредстављње података о платама, цијенама, индустрији и спољној трговини Републике Српске
Press conference, February 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on February 22nd, 2016 where they presented several statistics:
- The average monthly net wage in January 2016 was 816KM and the average monthly gross wage was 1,313KM.
- Inflation in January 2016 was 0.2% monthly and -0.9% annually compared to January 2015. Prices increased most for alcoholic beverages and tobacco while declining for clothing and footwear.
- External trade volume in January 2016 was 405.2 million KM, with exports of 184 million KM and imports of 221 million KM. The coverage of imports with exports was 83.3%. The largest export partners were Italy,
Press conference, January 2016Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics director general Radmila Čičković presented statistics from December 2015 at a press conference. The average monthly net wage in Republika Srpska was 834KM, while the average monthly gross wage was 1,344KM. Monthly inflation was -0.2% and annual inflation from December 2014 to December 2015 was -1.6%. Industrial production from January to December 2015 was 2.7% higher compared to the same period in 2014.
Конференција за новинаре, јул 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsБДП, Инвестиције, Анкета о радној снази, Запослени, Плате, Цијене, Индустрија, Спољна трговина
Press conference, June 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on June 22nd, 2015 to present statistics in several areas:
- Social welfare statistics showed a 13.0% decrease in beneficiaries in 2014, with 4 children adopted.
- Crime statistics revealed an increasing number of solved criminal charges but decreasing numbers of accused and convicted persons in 2014.
- Labour statistics for May 2015 included an average monthly net wage of 832 KM and average gross wage of 1,341 KM.
- Prices statistics showed no inflation in May 2015 compared to May 2014, while transport prices increased 1.8% and food prices decreased 0.9%.
Press conference, May 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on May 21st, 2015. Director General Radmila Čičković presented statistics on various topics: 44.3% of households and all enterprises have personal computers; the average monthly net wage in April 2015 was 835KM and average gross wage was 1,346KM; inflation was -1.1% monthly and -0.9% annually in April 2015; industrial production increased 2.3% in April 2015 compared to the previous year; external trade totaled over 2 billion KM from January to April 2015 with exports to Serbia, Italy, and Germany and imports from Serbia, Italy, and Russia.
Press conference, April 2014Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on April 23rd, 2015. Director General Radmila Čičković presented statistics on the national accounts, labor market, prices, industry, and external trade for Republika Srpska. Key findings included a 1.4% increase in GDP for the 4th quarter of 2014, an average monthly net wage of 831KM and gross wage of 1,340KM for March 2015, a 0.5% monthly inflation rate and -0.8% annual inflation rate for March 2015, and a 3.7% increase in adjusted industrial production for March 2015 compared to the previous year. The volume of external trade for January to March
Press conference, March 2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on March 23rd, 2015 to report various economic statistics for February 2015. The Director General, Radmila Čičković, presented data showing that the average monthly net wage was 834KM, the monthly inflation rate was 0.2%, industrial production increased by 7.0%, and exports covered 65.2% of imports between January and February 2015. Additional statistics on wages, prices, industry, employment, and external trade were provided.
Press conference january_2015Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on January 22nd, 2015. Director General Radmila Čičković presented statistics on labor, prices, industry, and external trade for December 2014. The average monthly net wage in Republika Srpska was 836KM, while the average annual net wage for 2014 was 825KM. Monthly inflation for December 2014 was -0.6% and annual inflation from December 2013 to December 2014 was -0.8%. Working-day adjusted industrial production decreased by 1.5% in December 2014 compared to the previous year, while the number of employees in industry increased by 2.2%. The volume of external trade for Republika
Press conference, August 2014Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on August 25th, 2014 to report various labor, price, industry, and external trade statistics for July 2014. Specifically:
- The average monthly net wage was 830KM and average gross wage was 1342KM in July 2014.
- Monthly inflation was -0.1% and annual inflation from July 2013 to July 2014 was -1.1%. Prices increased most for furnishings and alcohol/tobacco but decreased for clothing/footwear and food.
- Seasonally adjusted industrial production was 0.8% higher in July than June 2014. The number of industry employees increased 1.7% from January to July 2014 compared
Press conference, Јuly 2014Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsThe Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics held a press conference on July 22nd, 2014 to report several economic statistics. GDP in Republika Srpska was 1.9% higher in 2013, and 0.5% higher in the first quarter of 2014 compared to the previous periods. The value of gross fixed capital formation was 1 billion and 546 million КМ in 2013. The unemployment rate decreased by 1.3% and the employment rate increased by 0.3% in April 2014. Average monthly wages were 837 КМ for net wages and 1,347 КМ for gross wages in June 2014.
Press conference June 2014Republika Srpska Institute of StatisticsAt a press conference on June 24th, 2014, Radmila Čičković, Director General of the Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics, presented statistics on crime, labor, prices, industry, and external trade for 2013 and 2014. The statistics showed a decrease in the number of accused and convicted adults in 2013 compared to 2012, an average monthly net wage of 818KM in May 2014, monthly inflation of -0.1% and annual inflation of -1.7% for May 2014, and that exports to Italy, Serbia, and Croatia made up over 35% of total exports from January to May 2014 while imports from Russia, Serbia, and Italy accounted for over 50% of total imports
2. Републичкизаводзастатистику
• Увод
• Концепт квалитета
• Допринос квалитета развоју
• Регионална сарадња у функцији
• Увођење квалитета у Републичком
заводу за статистику
• Закључак
3. Републичкизаводзастатистику
• Талас управљања квалитетом
• Тачност и поузданост-суштина
статистичке дјелатности
• Подаци –јавно добро
• Статистика –информациона слика
• Потреба за широм дефиницијом
7. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Како квалитет у статистици може да
допринесе регионалном развоју?
• квантитативно поређење
статистичких података и
• Квалитативно - упоредиви
индикатори квалитета података и
8. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Упоредиви индикатори
• кључеви врата економске и социјалне
кохезије у региону
• неопходан фактор у анализи
потенцијала и специфичних
територијалних карактеристика
• подлога за планирање, бенчмаркинг
и реинжењеринг ресурса
• допринос инвестирању
• допринос уравнотеженом развоју
9. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Регионална сарадња у функцији
• међународне организације
• земље региона
(заснивање пројеката сарадње на
захтјевима корисника, промовисање
пуног учешћа свих актера статистичког
Статистичка сарадња - инвестиција за
10. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Увођење квалитета у Републичком заводу за статистику
• Стратешки документи
o Стратегија развоја статистике Републике
Српске 2020 (2014. год)
o Стратегија дисеминације (2016. год
• Основна начела званичне статистике – Кодекс
праксе европске статистике
• оквир за осигуравање високог квалитета
статистичких производа и услуга у складу са
ЕУ и УН стандардима;
• припремљена и објављена пригодна
публикација, 2008. год – прво издање, 2014.
год – друго издање (након ревизије ES CoP-
11. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Увођење квалитета у Републичком заводу за статистику
• Имплементација кодекса праксе европске
статистике у Републичком заводу за статистику
Републике Српске – самооцјена и будуће активности
o 2012. год - самооцјена према принципима ЕS CoP-а и
методама и поцедурама ESS QAF-а;
o резултат – документ као акциони план дјеловања
Републичког завода за статистику у циљу обезбјеђивања
оквира за оцјену и надзирање квалитета статистике
Републике Српске према утврђеним критеријумима
квалитета Европског статистичког система;
• Извјештаји о квалитету статистичких истраживања
o до 31.12.2015. године пипремљено и објављено 57
извјештаја о квалитету (13 извјештаја о квалитету
преведено на енглески језик);
o у 2016. години припремљено још извјештаја о квалитету
али није објављено;
12. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Увођење квалитета у Републичком заводу за статистику
• Управљање корисницима
• 2014. год – Анкета о задовољству корисника
• 2016. год – Оперативни план активности за јачање сарадње
и комуникације са корисницима;
• Доступност и разумљивост
o 2013. год – на веб-сајту Завода објављују се и редовно
база појмова и дефиниција коришћених у
статистичким истраживањима;
методолошка објашњења за статистичка истраживања;
• Смањење оптерећености давалаца података
o 2012. год – електронски обрасци (pdf) доступни на веб-сајту;
o 2014. год – прикупљање података за основно и средње
образовање путем електроснких образаца (xls);
o 2015. год – веб апликација за мјес. истраживање РАД-1,
примјена CAPI и CATI метода (пилот SILC, ИКТ, АРС)
17. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Индекси потрошачких цијена, Ø претходне године =100
Република Српска 98,6
Федерација БиХ 99,3
Босна и Херцеговина 99,0
Србија 101,9
Хрватска 99,5
Македонија 99,7
18. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Изворни индекси индустријске производње (у
односу на исти период претходне године)
Република Српска 103,0
Федерација БиХ 102,2
Босна и Херцеговина 103,1
Србија 108,2
Хрватска 102,7
Македонија 104,9
19. Републичкизаводзастатистику
Стопа запослености АРС (%) Стопа незапослености АРС (%)
Република Српска
Федерација БиХ 30,2 29,1
Босна и Херцеговина 31,9 27,7
Србија 42,5 17,7
Хрватска 44,1 16,3
Македонија 42,1 26,1
Подаци су добијени на основу Анкете о радној снази (АРС) која је методолошки заснована на препорукама и
дефиницијама Међународне организације рада и захтјевима Статистичке канцеларије ЕУ, чиме је обезбјеђена
међународна упоредивост. Анкета о радној снази се проводи једном годишње у Републици Српској и Федерацији БиХ.
Подаци добијени из АРС-а нису методолошки упоредиви са подацима из других статистичких или
административних извора.