This is a pure-talk programme organized by Hong Kong Society of Humanities, in which Dr. Lau Kwai Piu will initiate a forum for Tommy Wong, me and Dr. Leung Kwong Yiu to discuss the issues of Sino-Western aesthetic comparisons. Here is the part that I will share, and the corresponding artwork photos are shown.
This is a pure-talk programme organized by Hong Kong Society of Humanities, in which Dr. Lau Kwai Piu will initiate a forum for Tommy Wong, me and Dr. Leung Kwong Yiu to discuss the issues of Sino-Western aesthetic comparisons. Here is the part that I will share, and the corresponding artwork photos are shown.
Este documento describe la influencia del pensador y reformador social británico John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) en China. Brevemente resume su vida y pensamiento filosófico, y analiza cómo sus ideas sobre libertad individual y democracia tuvieron un impacto en los intelectuales chinos durante los períodos de la Dinastía Qing tardía y la República de China, ayudando a impulsar el movimiento de reforma y modernización del país.
講者曾於2017年考察澳門回歸賀禮陳列館(Museu das Ofertas sobre a Transferéncia de Soberania de Macau)內之「饒荷專題展館」,大致上把饒荷藏品劃分為四類畫風:「潑墨」、「金碧彩荷」、「禪荷」及「純墨君子」,可見饒公既有媚俗亦有淡泊歸隱一面,先賢性情及人生歷練多變,於此變幻無常的大芊世界「游於藝」,自然每幅墨寶均展現不同的治學涵養,後人如林天行及王守清畫當代荷塘彩墨時也有參考。