This document is a handbook created by the Wisconsin Historical Society to teach secondary students how to use primary sources to develop critical thinking skills in history classes. It provides an overview of critical thinking elements and analyzes historical documents, then offers 20 lesson plans centered around primary sources from Wisconsin history available online. The goal is to engage students by putting people back into history and sparking interest through eyewitness accounts, in order to inspire analysis, evaluation, and critical thinking about the past. All materials may be freely used for nonprofit educational purposes but not resold without permission.
1) The document discusses the concept of reading and how it changes as people age, with reading when young focused on entertainment but shifting to gaining knowledge and wisdom in older years.
2) It also touches on Jungian psychology and how archetypes from stories can influence people on deep, unconscious levels across different stages of life.
3) Finally, the document recommends continuing to read and draw inspiration from stories, as they can help people face life's challenges and find meaning at any age.
This document provides information about Berghahn Books, an academic publisher specializing in history and the social sciences. It lists recent and forthcoming titles from 2010, organized by subject area, including General Interest, World History, Europe, Nazism/Fascism, Postwar Europe, France, Germany, Weimar/Nazi Germany, Postwar Germany, GDR, and Journals. It also provides details on how to order books from Berghahn, examination/desk copies, returns policies, and contact information for their European and North American offices.
This document is a handbook created by the Wisconsin Historical Society to teach secondary students how to use primary sources to develop critical thinking skills in history classes. It provides an overview of critical thinking elements and analyzes historical documents, then offers 20 lesson plans centered around primary sources from Wisconsin history available online. The goal is to engage students by putting people back into history and sparking interest through eyewitness accounts, in order to inspire analysis, evaluation, and critical thinking about the past. All materials may be freely used for nonprofit educational purposes but not resold without permission.
1) The document discusses the concept of reading and how it changes as people age, with reading when young focused on entertainment but shifting to gaining knowledge and wisdom in older years.
2) It also touches on Jungian psychology and how archetypes from stories can influence people on deep, unconscious levels across different stages of life.
3) Finally, the document recommends continuing to read and draw inspiration from stories, as they can help people face life's challenges and find meaning at any age.
This document provides information about Berghahn Books, an academic publisher specializing in history and the social sciences. It lists recent and forthcoming titles from 2010, organized by subject area, including General Interest, World History, Europe, Nazism/Fascism, Postwar Europe, France, Germany, Weimar/Nazi Germany, Postwar Germany, GDR, and Journals. It also provides details on how to order books from Berghahn, examination/desk copies, returns policies, and contact information for their European and North American offices.
This document provides information about upcoming events organized by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, including a lecture on the Great Melbourne Telescope and its restoration, a talk on the many lives of Kenneth Myer, and an exhibition celebration for the closing of the Flinders Street Station exhibition. It also discusses the society's involvement in History Week and Melbourne Open House events, and improvements made to the society's building including window renovations. The president reflects on the society's activities and accomplishments over the past few months.
講者曾於2017年考察澳門回歸賀禮陳列館(Museu das Ofertas sobre a Transferéncia de Soberania de Macau)內之「饒荷專題展館」,大致上把饒荷藏品劃分為四類畫風:「潑墨」、「金碧彩荷」、「禪荷」及「純墨君子」,可見饒公既有媚俗亦有淡泊歸隱一面,先賢性情及人生歷練多變,於此變幻無常的大芊世界「游於藝」,自然每幅墨寶均展現不同的治學涵養,後人如林天行及王守清畫當代荷塘彩墨時也有參考。
经路径 ,其最终归宿必是拼音文字与西文完全相同 , 论集 [ C] . 上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
从而使中国文字具有普遍意义的现代性价值 。 [6 ] 胡适 . 文学改良争议 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?建设理论集
[ C] . 上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
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[7 ] 胡适 . 国语与国语文法 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?建设理论
[1 ] 周策纵 . 胡适对于中国文化的批判与贡献 [J ] . 周策纵
胡适与近代中国 [ C] . 台北 : 时报文化出版公司 ,1991. 集 [ C] . 上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
[8 ] 胡适 . 建设的文学革命论 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?建设理
[2 ] 炳谷行人 . 民族主义与书写语言 [J ] . 学人 ( 第 9 辑 ) . 南
京 : 江苏文艺出版社 ,1996. 论集 [ C] . 上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
[9 ] 傅斯年 . 白话文学与心理的改革 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?
[3 ] 汪晖 . 地方形式 ,方言土语与抗日战争时期“民族形式”
的论争 . 汪晖自选集 [M] . 桂林 : 广西师范大学出版社 , 建设理论集 [ C] ,上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
[10 ] 傅斯年 . 汉语改用拼音文学的初步谈 [J ] . 中国新文学
[4 ] 胡适 . 导言 [J ] . 中国文学大系?建设理论集 [ C ] . 上海 : 大系? 设 理 论 集 [ C ] . 上 海 : 良 友 图 书 印 刷 公 司 ,
良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
[11 ] 钱玄同 . 中国今后之文字问题 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?
[5 ] 胡适 . 历史的文学观念论 [J ] . 中国新文学大系?建设理
建设理论集 [ C] . 上海 : 良友图书印刷公司 ,1935.
责任编辑 : 杨光宗
Movement of Writings in the Vernacular Chinese and Modern National Country
ZHOU Xin - min
Abstract :Recently ,there has appeared a heated discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the movement of
writings in the uernacular Chinese ,a most influential movement in China of the early 2oth century. This paper avoids the
traditional evaluation in the internal field of culture. Chinese stresses the connections between the movement of writings in
the vernacular chinese and national country from the angle of modernity and national country as far as the cultural re2
sources and values are concerned. As a result of the historical and the present situations ,writings in the vernacular chinese
have been westernized.
Key Words :Movement of Writings in the Vernacular Chinese Modernity National Country
( 上接第 55 页) 们的一种敬农意识 ,因为周王率民农 与实践 ,促成了华夏农业的大发展 ,成就了中华民族
耕 ,解决了人们生计的根本 。 这个东方泱泱大国 。
其二 ,出于一种劝农意识 。这似乎是更主要和 [ 参考文献 ]
更有意义的 。因为在当时 , 人们尚未开辟别的什么 [1 ] 叶舒宪 . 诗经的文化阐释 [M] . 武汉 : 湖北人民出版社 ,
比农耕更为有效的物质生产资源 , 只有努力发展农 1996.
[2 ] 谢选骏 . 神话与民族精神 [M] . 山东 : 山东文艺出版社 ,
业才是最根本上的出路 ,如果人们一旦怠于农耕 ,生
活就失去根本保证 。因此 ,人们就极力歌颂后稷 ,张
[3 ] 张岂之 . 中华人文精神 [ M ] . 兰州西北大学出版社 ,
扬周族祖先艰苦创业的精神 , 以此来勉励人们努力
从事农耕 ,以求得农业的更大发展 。
[4 ] 赵慧文 . 神异英雄的赞歌 [J ] . 诗经鉴赏集 [ C] . 北京 : 人
正是我们的祖先的敬农 、 、
爱农 以农为本的意识 民文学出版社 ,1988.
责任编辑 : 杨光宗
Millet Culture Phenomena in “The Book of Songs"
CHEN Fa - xi
Abstract :In“ Book of Songs" ,the central millet the primitive millet culture (of grain) ,the phenomenon of turn2
ing crops culture into god grain culture and Post - millet cultural phenomenon. These three levels form the central millet
culture circle.
Key Words :Millet Millet Cultur 63
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