In the future, offices may no longer be necessary as technology advances. Remote work will become more common, with people able to collaborate and complete tasks from anywhere using virtual tools. While this will provide flexibility and other benefits, it may also lead to feelings of isolation for some without in-person interactions and water cooler talks.
Top 5 Deep Learning and AI Stories - October 6, 2017NVIDIA
Read this week's top 5 news updates in deep learning and AI: Gartner predicts top 10 strategic technology trends for 2018; Oracle adds GPU Accelerated Computing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure; chemistry and physics Nobel Prizes are awarded to teams supported by GPUs; MIT uses deep learning to help guide decisions in ICU; and portfolio management firms are using AI to seek alpha.
This document discusses both the benefits and drawbacks of using credit cards. The benefits include cashback rewards, airline miles, discounts at various stores and services, and secondary rental car insurance. However, credit cards also have annual fees and restrictions on rewards. They can encourage overspending and give the psychological impression of having more money than actually available due to delayed payments. While amortizing large payments over time enables purchases and protects against business closures, it also obscures spending and can incur interest fees. Overall, credit cards can help build credit history and scores for lower future rates, but debit cards receive slightly higher tax deductions in Korea.
In the future, offices may no longer be necessary as technology advances. Remote work will become more common, with people able to collaborate and complete tasks from anywhere using virtual tools. While this will provide flexibility and other benefits, it may also lead to feelings of isolation for some without in-person interactions and water cooler talks.
Top 5 Deep Learning and AI Stories - October 6, 2017NVIDIA
Read this week's top 5 news updates in deep learning and AI: Gartner predicts top 10 strategic technology trends for 2018; Oracle adds GPU Accelerated Computing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure; chemistry and physics Nobel Prizes are awarded to teams supported by GPUs; MIT uses deep learning to help guide decisions in ICU; and portfolio management firms are using AI to seek alpha.
This document discusses both the benefits and drawbacks of using credit cards. The benefits include cashback rewards, airline miles, discounts at various stores and services, and secondary rental car insurance. However, credit cards also have annual fees and restrictions on rewards. They can encourage overspending and give the psychological impression of having more money than actually available due to delayed payments. While amortizing large payments over time enables purchases and protects against business closures, it also obscures spending and can incur interest fees. Overall, credit cards can help build credit history and scores for lower future rates, but debit cards receive slightly higher tax deductions in Korea.
This document discusses cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). It presents the goals of allowing users to query for domain-specific information in their native language and presenting relevant search results in the target language. It describes the key components of CLIR including bilingual corpus extraction from multiple sources, corpus indexing, querying and string matching. Preliminary evaluation results of sample queries are provided, along with conclusions that machine translation based CLIR is often more useful than the proposed method and that future work could focus on automated evaluation and fuzzy matching.
SLINKY is a different kind of linking technique to overcome drawbacks of static linking without the complexity of dynamic linking, by implicit sharing of data chunks based on their digests. SLINKY suffers virtually no performance degradation and provides a comparable memory footprint to the dynamic linking counterparts.
Self-Tuning Wireless Network Power ManagementSumin Byeon
This document discusses a self-tuning wireless network power management module called STPM that adapts to usage patterns, network interface characteristics, and the system. STPM allows applications to provide hints about intent, performs cost-benefit analyses, respects latency thresholds, and adapts to the operating environment. An evaluation shows STPM improved power efficiency without degrading performance for applications like Coda, NFS, Xmms, and remote X compared to static power management approaches.
This document discusses error-tolerant search, which allows users to retrieve intended search results even if they misspell terms. It is useful when users do not know how to correctly spell what they are looking for, such as names from non-Indo-European languages. The document provides examples of how error-tolerant search could be applied within an iPhone application's phonebook, buildings search, and events search. It also gives examples of common spelling mistakes and variations in names that error-tolerant search would be helpful for.
Bitbucket is a hosting site for Git and Mercurial repositories that allows for effective collaboration without requiring a centralized server. While Git does not require a central server, it is good to have Bitbucket to host code repositories. Git uses a distributed version control system that allows developers to directly exchange changes and work independently of network access. Benefits of using Git with Bitbucket include free hosting for academic users, the ability to work offline or on planes, and fast branching and merging of code.
Bitbucket is a hosting site for Git and Mercurial repositories that allows for effective collaboration without needing a centralized server. Git is a distributed version control system that stores the full revision history locally and allows developers to directly exchange changes. Benefits of using Bitbucket and Git include being able to work offline or from anywhere, superior branching and merging, and free private repositories for academic users. The typical workflow involves pulling changes, merging, committing changes locally, and pushing updates.
This document discusses RNA secondary structure prediction. It begins by defining RNA and its primary and secondary structures. The problem of predicting secondary structure given a primary sequence is introduced. Approaches include physical/chemical experiments and computational prediction using a single sequence. The Nussinov and Zuker algorithms are described. Nussinov finds the structure with maximum base pairs using dynamic programming. Zuker finds the minimum free energy structure also using dynamic programming. Addressing pseudoknots and other interactions is discussed as future work.
2. dignissim odio vitae nisl porta lobortis. Morbi ac ante eu ante pretium elementum. Curabitur tristique eros eget mollis egestas. Sed sit amet
nisl facilisis, posuere elit quis, efficitur sapien.
Etiam dictum mauris purus, pretium malesuada velit egestas vitae. Nulla pretium felis vitae erat sagittis, ac sagittis tellus eleifend. Aenean
mollis mollis tortor, eu venenatis ipsum vulputate et. Proin egestas, sem non tincidunt facilisis, leo ipsum tempus ex, in eleifend nibh urna vel
lorem. Suspendisse vitae nulla a nibh elementum imperdiet in sit amet augue. Etiam feugiat condimentum tempus. Cras mi risus, consequat
in cursus sed, pharetra at eros. Fusce sed posuere neque. Nam id ex sed dolor cursus euismod facilisis quis sapien. Proin a feugiat urna, sit
amet ultricies ipsum. Nam orci leo, egestas at pulvinar quis, vulputate nec purus. Integer arcu purus, porttitor vitae egestas in, semper et ex.
Pellentesque malesuada feugiat tortor sed venenatis.
In nunc ligula, elementum a euismod et, dictum a eros. Integer in sapien nec sapien dapibus condimentum. Donec mauris felis, sollicitudin
eu rhoncus ac, ultrices a metus. In nec neque purus. Praesent elementum neque nec enim tristique, dapibus blandit ex tincidunt.
Pellentesque mattis erat hendrerit, fringilla urna vel, placerat nulla. Nam ut velit congue, faucibus urna ut, fringilla magna. Sed in nisi tempus,
pellentesque erat vitae, congue sem. Nulla viverra nibh nisi, in aliquam tellus eleifend sit amet. Nulla ullamcorper auctor ipsum, vel ultrices
nibh facilisis vel. Donec facilisis risus sed condimentum sagittis. Morbi tincidunt lorem eu massa hendrerit placerat. Pellentesque volutpat
leo non sem egestas suscipit. Fusce et porttitor leo. Integer imperdiet ullamcorper ex.
Mauris eleifend semper orci, et accumsan eros placerat at. Cras in rhoncus ligula, et dictum nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed mollis ultricies augue nec vestibulum. Nullam magna turpis, facilisis efficitur accumsan at,
maximus a metus. Vivamus dictum dictum mi, non hendrerit mauris euismod sed. Nulla vel commodo risus. Proin a scelerisque magna. Sed
ac mauris volutpat, dignissim lectus a, blandit enim. Etiam faucibus mi at enim mattis posuere. Phasellus et pharetra purus. In fringilla, eros
ac condimentum finibus, neque dolor sollicitudin enim, eget imperdiet leo lorem sit amet urna. Fusce pharetra varius rhoncus. Nunc finibus
suscipit metus, vitae congue odio ultricies euismod.
Aliquam sed hendrerit leo. Donec quis ullamcorper quam. Duis egestas enim a sem fermentum interdum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis
vestibulum scelerisque ante, eget tempor erat feugiat id. Nunc porta varius efficitur. Phasellus laoreet nibh quam, ut scelerisque ligula
aliquam quis. Suspendisse at sapien suscipit, tincidunt augue ut, viverra mauris. Vestibulum quis aliquam eros. Nam a tristique nulla.
?? ?? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ????.
3. Vero pura esa algo vio ver seda non gran. Encontro esclavos rio van cobraban los lagrimas martirio. Vientre etc mascaba acabara pre voz
despues. Dia asi aun son trompa fueran esposo. Separarse exagerada chi sin alrededor sus disimulos cortesias. Asunto vuelta sin cuarta una
los tio regalo. Edificios escandalo separarse remontaba fugitivos ceremonia eso por.
Merced de le se ex vacias pronto. Santiago siquiera ver eso quejarse. Si ya este rica sofa seis. Me incurrian inventado gorgheggi ex separarse
eh indefenso. Esa fecundidad con titiritero soy pedirselos del. Sellado mi acuerdo no atrevio. El cual lo ha como leon ello. Respeto al tu ya
quejaba un sentido.
Hace cosa seno jefe eh pena yo moza fe. Sido del hoy ceno etc emma. Dejandose por flautista oir complices ser reconocia emociones
amenazaba. Mas nada seno dios come sea. Matrimonio invariable los petulancia anaranjado orgullosos aficionado soy. Altura no al debajo
ma tomaba escena polkas en. Malibran recuerdo capricho mostraba regiones ardiente va ni ma.
Sido le real de pano. Arrastraba escandalos devolverle ano pre mas ser. Si ha ma caer afan cada. Ve es embocadura romanticos dispersado
discrecion el se aritmetico dispersion. Gas rey adoracion preterita por hermosura rodeabase palabrota. De primeros primeras tresillo favorita
cantaron ex aparecer. Vivos ratos se ex estar ah si lejos. Almendras dos humillado sus aceptando exageraba. Ella suya lire acto da ya modo
Pagado por acusar opacas mas aca sintio ajenas aun. Dira pues el alta mi pedi malo. Casi sola dias el fosa pies toco yo en. Positivo yo
fantasia chillona perezoso en da. Mal han concedian energicos dulcisima derribado sea destacaba rio. Mostrarse de asquerosa te comenzaba
tu esperanza ceremonia. Yo ya so bastidores disparates seduciendo alumbraban. Coqueteria en levantarse dispersado no propositos
Gr oh servir os quicio mi pegado. Servicio en es se saludado sufrirla entonces provecho proximos. Reinaba uso asiduos hoguera iba. Si
monja no bajos tisis carta nuevo. Excedido ola admirada una tresillo gas esa. Pano otro paje cosa unas el leer ni. Relaciones ahogandose
continuare pedantesca lo ex oh gr. Es un al reintegra levantaba contemplo nuncasuna ha recibidos mayuscula. Allegros hablaban afrodita
don encogido asi.
?? ?? ? ??? ???
5. dignissim odio vitae nisl porta lobortis. Morbi ac ante eu ante pretium elementum. Curabitur tristique eros eget mollis egestas. Sed sit amet
nisl facilisis, posuere elit quis, efficitur sapien.
Etiam dictum mauris purus, pretium malesuada velit egestas vitae. Nulla pretium felis vitae erat sagittis, ac sagittis tellus eleifend. Aenean
mollis mollis tortor, eu venenatis ipsum vulputate et. Proin egestas, sem non tincidunt facilisis, leo ipsum tempus ex, in eleifend nibh urna vel
lorem. Suspendisse vitae nulla a nibh elementum imperdiet in sit amet augue. Etiam feugiat condimentum tempus. Cras mi risus, consequat
in cursus sed, pharetra at eros. Fusce sed posuere neque. Nam id ex sed dolor cursus euismod facilisis quis sapien. Proin a feugiat urna, sit
amet ultricies ipsum. Nam orci leo, egestas at pulvinar quis, vulputate nec purus. Integer arcu purus, porttitor vitae egestas in, semper et ex.
Pellentesque malesuada feugiat tortor sed venenatis.
In nunc ligula, elementum a euismod et, dictum a eros. Integer in sapien nec sapien dapibus condimentum. Donec mauris felis, sollicitudin
eu rhoncus ac, ultrices a metus. In nec neque purus. Praesent elementum neque nec enim tristique, dapibus blandit ex tincidunt.
Pellentesque mattis erat hendrerit, fringilla urna vel, placerat nulla. Nam ut velit congue, faucibus urna ut, fringilla magna. Sed in nisi tempus,
pellentesque erat vitae, congue sem. Nulla viverra nibh nisi, in aliquam tellus eleifend sit amet. Nulla ullamcorper auctor ipsum, vel ultrices
nibh facilisis vel. Donec facilisis risus sed condimentum sagittis. Morbi tincidunt lorem eu massa hendrerit placerat. Pellentesque volutpat
leo non sem egestas suscipit. Fusce et porttitor leo. Integer imperdiet ullamcorper ex.
Mauris eleifend semper orci, et accumsan eros placerat at. Cras in rhoncus ligula, et dictum nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed mollis ultricies augue nec vestibulum. Nullam magna turpis, facilisis efficitur accumsan at,
maximus a metus. Vivamus dictum dictum mi, non hendrerit mauris euismod sed. Nulla vel commodo risus. Proin a scelerisque magna. Sed
ac mauris volutpat, dignissim lectus a, blandit enim. Etiam faucibus mi at enim mattis posuere. Phasellus et pharetra purus. In fringilla, eros
ac condimentum finibus, neque dolor sollicitudin enim, eget imperdiet leo lorem sit amet urna. Fusce pharetra varius rhoncus. Nunc finibus
suscipit metus, vitae congue odio ultricies euismod.
Aliquam sed hendrerit leo. Donec quis ullamcorper quam. Duis egestas enim a sem fermentum interdum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis
vestibulum scelerisque ante, eget tempor erat feugiat id. Nunc porta varius efficitur. Phasellus laoreet nibh quam, ut scelerisque ligula
aliquam quis. Suspendisse at sapien suscipit, tincidunt augue ut, viverra mauris. Vestibulum quis aliquam eros. Nam a tristique nulla.
?????? ??
??? ?? ?? ??
???? ?? ??, ?? ??
GitHub ?? ??? ??? ??
StackOverflow ? ?? ??? ???
6. Vero pura esa algo vio ver seda non gran. Encontro esclavos rio van cobraban los lagrimas martirio. Vientre etc mascaba acabara pre voz
despues. Dia asi aun son trompa fueran esposo. Separarse exagerada chi sin alrededor sus disimulos cortesias. Asunto vuelta sin cuarta una
los tio regalo. Edificios escandalo separarse remontaba fugitivos ceremonia eso por.
Merced de le se ex vacias pronto. Santiago siquiera ver eso quejarse. Si ya este rica sofa seis. Me incurrian inventado gorgheggi ex separarse
eh indefenso. Esa fecundidad con titiritero soy pedirselos del. Sellado mi acuerdo no atrevio. El cual lo ha como leon ello. Respeto al tu ya
quejaba un sentido.
Hace cosa seno jefe eh pena yo moza fe. Sido del hoy ceno etc emma. Dejandose por flautista oir complices ser reconocia emociones
amenazaba. Mas nada seno dios come sea. Matrimonio invariable los petulancia anaranjado orgullosos aficionado soy. Altura no al debajo
ma tomaba escena polkas en. Malibran recuerdo capricho mostraba regiones ardiente va ni ma.
Sido le real de pano. Arrastraba escandalos devolverle ano pre mas ser. Si ha ma caer afan cada. Ve es embocadura romanticos dispersado
discrecion el se aritmetico dispersion. Gas rey adoracion preterita por hermosura rodeabase palabrota. De primeros primeras tresillo favorita
cantaron ex aparecer. Vivos ratos se ex estar ah si lejos. Almendras dos humillado sus aceptando exageraba. Ella suya lire acto da ya modo
Pagado por acusar opacas mas aca sintio ajenas aun. Dira pues el alta mi pedi malo. Casi sola dias el fosa pies toco yo en. Positivo yo
fantasia chillona perezoso en da. Mal han concedian energicos dulcisima derribado sea destacaba rio. Mostrarse de asquerosa te comenzaba
tu esperanza ceremonia. Yo ya so bastidores disparates seduciendo alumbraban. Coqueteria en levantarse dispersado no propositos
Gr oh servir os quicio mi pegado. Servicio en es se saludado sufrirla entonces provecho proximos. Reinaba uso asiduos hoguera iba. Si
monja no bajos tisis carta nuevo. Excedido ola admirada una tresillo gas esa. Pano otro paje cosa unas el leer ni. Relaciones ahogandose
continuare pedantesca lo ex oh gr. Es un al reintegra levantaba contemplo nuncasuna ha recibidos mayuscula. Allegros hablaban afrodita
don encogido asi.
???, ?? ?? ?? ?????´
IR ???
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ???
????? ???
??? ??? ??
22. Overbooked flight on Delta? They now can offer nearly
$10,000 for you to give up your seat
Delta is letting employees offer customers almost $10,000 in compensation to give up seats on
overbooked flights, hoping to avoid an uproar like the one that erupted at United after a
passenger was dragged off a jet.
In an internal memo obtained Friday by the Associated Press, Delta Air Lines said gate agents
can offer up to $2,000, up from a previous maximum of $800, and supervisors can offer up to
$9,950, up from $1,350.
United is reviewing its own policies, including incentives for customers, and will announce any
actions by April 30, a spokeswoman said. The airline would not disclose its current
compensation limit.
Other airlines did not immediately comment on whether they would raise their ceiling.
Full coverage of the United Airlines controversy ?
When there aren't enough seats, airlines usually ask for volunteers by offering travel vouchers,
gift cards or cash.
Last year Delta got more passengers to give up their seats than any other U.S. airline, partly by
paying more than most of the others.
As a result, it had the lowest rate among the largest U.S. airlines of bumping people off flights
against their will ! something that is legal but alienates customers and requires the airline to
pay compensation of up to $1,350 per person.
Overselling flights is a fact of life in the airline business. Industry officials say that it is necessary
because some passengers don't show up, and that overbooking keeps fares down by reducing
the number of empty seats.
The practice has been questioned, however, since a 69-year-old man was violently dragged off
a sold-out United Express flight over the weekend. He and three others were ordered off the
plane after four airline employees showed up and demanded seats so they could be in place to
operate a flight the next day in Louisville, Ky.
It has turned into a public relations nightmare for the entire industry, not just United, and led to
calls from politicians and consumer advocates to suspend or ban overbooking.
Ben Schlappig, a travel blogger who first wrote about the Delta compensation increase, said it
shows Delta is trying to reduce forced bumping. He said he couldn't imagine many situations
in which people wouldn't jump at nearly $10,000.
Delta no doubt hopes that gate agents and their supervisors won't need to make maximum
offers, and the financial cost to the airline is likely to be limited. If Delta paid $9,950 to every
person it bumped involuntarily last year, that would total $12 million. Delta earned nearly $4.4
Raising the limits "lets them solve some PR problems" and might head off U.S. Transportation
Department regulations to curb overbooking, said another travel blogger, Gary Leff. "They can
say, 'Look, we're already solving the problem.'"
An Associated Press analysis of government data shows that in 2015 and 2016, Delta paid an
average of $1,118 in compensation for every passenger that it denied a seat. Southwest
Airlines paid $758, United $565, and American Airlines $554.
After the incident in Chicago, critics questioned why United didn't offer more when no
passengers accepted the airline's $800 offer for volunteers to give up their seats.
"If you offer enough money, even the guy going to a funeral will sell his seat," said Ross Aimer, a
retired United pilot.
23. Overbooked flight on Delta? They now can offer nearly
$10,000 for you to give up your seat
Delta is letting employees offer customers almost $10,000 in compensation to give up seats on
overbooked flights, hoping to avoid an uproar like the one that erupted at United after a
passenger was dragged off a jet.
In an internal memo obtained Friday by the Associated Press, Delta Air Lines said gate agents
can offer up to $2,000, up from a previous maximum of $800, and supervisors can offer up to
$9,950, up from $1,350.
United is reviewing its own policies, including incentives for customers, and will announce any
actions by April 30, a spokeswoman said. The airline would not disclose its current
compensation limit.
Other airlines did not immediately comment on whether they would raise their ceiling.
Full coverage of the United Airlines controversy ?
When there aren't enough seats, airlines usually ask for volunteers by offering travel vouchers,
gift cards or cash.
Last year Delta got more passengers to give up their seats than any other U.S. airline, partly by
paying more than most of the others.
As a result, it had the lowest rate among the largest U.S. airlines of bumping people off flights
against their will ! something that is legal but alienates customers and requires the airline to
pay compensation of up to $1,350 per person.
Overselling flights is a fact of life in the airline business. Industry officials say that it is necessary
because some passengers don't show up, and that overbooking keeps fares down by reducing
the number of empty seats.
The practice has been questioned, however, since a 69-year-old man was violently dragged off
a sold-out United Express flight over the weekend. He and three others were ordered off the
plane after four airline employees showed up and demanded seats so they could be in place to
operate a flight the next day in Louisville, Ky.
It has turned into a public relations nightmare for the entire industry, not just United, and led to
calls from politicians and consumer advocates to suspend or ban overbooking.
Ben Schlappig, a travel blogger who first wrote about the Delta compensation increase, said it
shows Delta is trying to reduce forced bumping. He said he couldn't imagine many situations
in which people wouldn't jump at nearly $10,000.
Delta no doubt hopes that gate agents and their supervisors won't need to make maximum
offers, and the financial cost to the airline is likely to be limited. If Delta paid $9,950 to every
person it bumped involuntarily last year, that would total $12 million. Delta earned nearly $4.4
Raising the limits "lets them solve some PR problems" and might head off U.S. Transportation
Department regulations to curb overbooking, said another travel blogger, Gary Leff. "They can
say, 'Look, we're already solving the problem.'"
An Associated Press analysis of government data shows that in 2015 and 2016, Delta paid an
average of $1,118 in compensation for every passenger that it denied a seat. Southwest
Airlines paid $758, United $565, and American Airlines $554.
After the incident in Chicago, critics questioned why United didn't offer more when no
passengers accepted the airline's $800 offer for volunteers to give up their seats.
"If you offer enough money, even the guy going to a funeral will sell his seat," said Ross Aimer, a
retired United pilot.
24. Overbooked flight on Delta? They now can offer nearly
$10,000 for you to give up your seat
Delta is letting employees offer customers almost $10,000 in compensation to give up seats on
overbooked flights, hoping to avoid an uproar like the one that erupted at United after a passenger
was dragged off a jet. In an internal memo obtained Friday by the Associated Press, Delta Air Lines
said gate agents can offer up to $2,000, up from a previous maximum of $800, and supervisors can
offer up to $9,950, up from $1,350. He said he couldn't imagine many situations in which people
wouldn't jump at nearly $10,000.
45. Iterative Algorithm
Mihalcea, Rada, and Paul Tarau. "TextRank: Bringing Order into Texts." Department of Computer Science, University of North Texas (2004)