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188 189TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾
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Looking for ?reind? Simply head to the
satellite dishes that are clearly visible
in the Kopavogur commercial area. The
two partners are currently in the process
of refitting the hall to the left into an
actual shop for all components required
by installers of satellite TV, terrestrial
reception systems and IPTV.
190 191TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾
Baldur Sveinsson is
one of the founders
and partners of ?reind
in Kopavogur, close to
the Icelandic capital of
Home Electronics
Featuring TVs and Antennas
It was October 2013 when small company ?reind
(www.oreind.is) celebrated 25 years of business. It
takes quite some stamina to surf the wave of success
in the fast-paced TV and antenna business ¨C and an
intuition for doing things right. ?reind (the Icelandic
word for ¡®particle¡¯) is basically a two-men business
located in Kopavogur, a suburb of Iceland¡¯s capital
city of Reykjavik. This is where two smart guys laid
the foundation stone of their business, in a place so
far north the sun never sets in summer, but never
fully rises in winter either.
¡°We¡¯re both repair specialists for TV sets,¡± says Bal-
dur Sveinnsson, one of the two partners. Both had
been employed by other companies before they de-
cided to set up their own business. ¡°We repair any
home electronics device,¡± Baldur Sveinsson contin-
ues. ¡°No matter whether it¡¯s a TV panel, audio equip-
ment of any kind or the odd tape-based video record-
er that pops up every once in a while.¡± Video tapes?
Well, yes! Many people in Iceland still have some old
tapes lying around in their basement, and they need
video recorders in order to watch them. Simple as
The two partners also install antennas and satel-
lite reception systems. ¡°We began to import satel-
lite components from Great Britain and Germany in
1992.¡± In those early days ?reind sold some 50 to
COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Wholesaler, Iceland
192 TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com
100 complete systems each year. ¡°The
pinnacle of our success was in the year
2007. At that time between 300 and
400 satellite systems went over our
counter,¡± partner Sigurour Gunnarsson
remembers. It was a time when ?reind
could even afford two extra employees
to meet high demand. ¡°Today we sell
some 150 satellite system per year.¡±
The ?reind storage is filled to the
brim with installation material, satel-
lite dishes and terrestrial antennas.
¡°We generate approximately 40% of
our turnover with satellite components,
10% with terrestrial antennas and 20%
with repair work.¡±
What about the remaining 30%? This
is the part both partners consider par-
ticularly important for the future of
their business. ¡°We offer installation
material and components for IPTV.¡±
While Baldur and Sigurour expect digi-
tal terrestrial TV business to pick up
again with the introduction of DVB-T2
in Iceland, they both see the future of
?reind in IPTV.
Nonetheless, satellite reception will
always remain a major pillar of ?reind.
¡°Here in Iceland the most popular orbit-
al position is ASTRA 28.2¡ãE and even a
relatively small 85 cm dish will provide
reasonably reliable reception.¡± You will
hardly meet an Icelander who does not
speak English, so the UK channels on
ASTRA 28.2¡ãE are watched by many.
¡°Those of us with an unobstructed view
can receive signals from all positions
between 42¡ãE and 30¡ãW,¡± Sigurour
Gunnarsson explains the local situation
in Iceland.
Like so many small businesses,
?reind has experienced many ups and
downs in its 25 years of existence, but
there¡¯s not a single challenge the two
Icelanders haven¡¯t mastered success-
fully. With their new focus on IPTV,
many new chapters will be written for
Sigurour Gunnarsson
is the other founder and
partner of ?reind and
mainly looks after the
repair business.
194 195TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾
1. The motorised satellite dish on the roof of ?reind is a 1.5 m antenna which
receives signals from all positions between 28¡ãE and 30¡ãW.
2. View of the storage: Everything you need for installing antennas (left
shelve) as well as satellite dishes in all sizes (right shelve) are always in
stock at ?reind.
3. The choice is yours. 14-element UHF antennas are ?reind¡¯s top sellers,
followed by round dipole antennas for FM radio. But don¡¯t be fooled: A huge
variety of other antennas is available as well for on-the-spot buying.
4. The future is here: ?reind can supply a wide range of IPTV components
such as Ethernet switches.

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  • 1. ¡ö 188 189TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾ ? ?????????? ????????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ? ????????? ?????????? ????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????? ????????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ¨C ???????? ????? 25 ??? ????????? , ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ??????? Looking for ?reind? Simply head to the satellite dishes that are clearly visible in the Kopavogur commercial area. The two partners are currently in the process of refitting the hall to the left into an actual shop for all components required by installers of satellite TV, terrestrial reception systems and IPTV.
  • 2. ¡ö ?Reykjavik 190 191TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾ Baldur Sveinsson is one of the founders and partners of ?reind in Kopavogur, close to the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik. Home Electronics Featuring TVs and Antennas It was October 2013 when small company ?reind (www.oreind.is) celebrated 25 years of business. It takes quite some stamina to surf the wave of success in the fast-paced TV and antenna business ¨C and an intuition for doing things right. ?reind (the Icelandic word for ¡®particle¡¯) is basically a two-men business located in Kopavogur, a suburb of Iceland¡¯s capital city of Reykjavik. This is where two smart guys laid the foundation stone of their business, in a place so far north the sun never sets in summer, but never fully rises in winter either. ¡°We¡¯re both repair specialists for TV sets,¡± says Bal- dur Sveinnsson, one of the two partners. Both had been employed by other companies before they de- cided to set up their own business. ¡°We repair any home electronics device,¡± Baldur Sveinsson contin- ues. ¡°No matter whether it¡¯s a TV panel, audio equip- ment of any kind or the odd tape-based video record- er that pops up every once in a while.¡± Video tapes? Well, yes! Many people in Iceland still have some old tapes lying around in their basement, and they need video recorders in order to watch them. Simple as that¡­ The two partners also install antennas and satel- lite reception systems. ¡°We began to import satel- lite components from Great Britain and Germany in 1992.¡± In those early days ?reind sold some 50 to COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Wholesaler, Iceland
  • 3. ¡ö 192 TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com 100 complete systems each year. ¡°The pinnacle of our success was in the year 2007. At that time between 300 and 400 satellite systems went over our counter,¡± partner Sigurour Gunnarsson remembers. It was a time when ?reind could even afford two extra employees to meet high demand. ¡°Today we sell some 150 satellite system per year.¡± The ?reind storage is filled to the brim with installation material, satel- lite dishes and terrestrial antennas. ¡°We generate approximately 40% of our turnover with satellite components, 10% with terrestrial antennas and 20% with repair work.¡± What about the remaining 30%? This is the part both partners consider par- ticularly important for the future of their business. ¡°We offer installation material and components for IPTV.¡± While Baldur and Sigurour expect digi- tal terrestrial TV business to pick up again with the introduction of DVB-T2 in Iceland, they both see the future of ?reind in IPTV. Nonetheless, satellite reception will always remain a major pillar of ?reind. ¡°Here in Iceland the most popular orbit- al position is ASTRA 28.2¡ãE and even a relatively small 85 cm dish will provide reasonably reliable reception.¡± You will hardly meet an Icelander who does not speak English, so the UK channels on ASTRA 28.2¡ãE are watched by many. ¡°Those of us with an unobstructed view can receive signals from all positions between 42¡ãE and 30¡ãW,¡± Sigurour Gunnarsson explains the local situation in Iceland. Like so many small businesses, ?reind has experienced many ups and downs in its 25 years of existence, but there¡¯s not a single challenge the two Icelanders haven¡¯t mastered success- fully. With their new focus on IPTV, many new chapters will be written for ?reind. Sigurour Gunnarsson is the other founder and partner of ?reind and mainly looks after the repair business.
  • 4. 1 2 3 4 194 195TELE-audiovision International ¡ª The World¡®s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª www.TELE-audiovision.com www.TELE-audiovision.com ¡ª 09-10/2013 ¡ª TELE-audiovision International ¡ª È«Çò·¢ÐÐÁ¿×î´óµÄÊý×ÖµçÊÓÔÓÖ¾ 1. The motorised satellite dish on the roof of ?reind is a 1.5 m antenna which receives signals from all positions between 28¡ãE and 30¡ãW. 2. View of the storage: Everything you need for installing antennas (left shelve) as well as satellite dishes in all sizes (right shelve) are always in stock at ?reind. 3. The choice is yours. 14-element UHF antennas are ?reind¡¯s top sellers, followed by round dipole antennas for FM radio. But don¡¯t be fooled: A huge variety of other antennas is available as well for on-the-spot buying. 4. The future is here: ?reind can supply a wide range of IPTV components such as Ethernet switches.