AWS Japan YouTube 巷塀チャンネルでライブ塘佚された 2022定4埖26晩の AWS Developer Live Show 仝Infrastructure as Code h 2022々 のY創となります。 輝晩の塘佚はこちら からご_Jいただけます。
The document appears to be a presentation on Amazon EMR and related AWS services. It discusses using EMR for big data and analytics workloads, how to set up EMR clusters on AWS, encryption options for data at rest and in transit, and integration of EMR with other AWS services like S3 and Spark. The presentation contains many bullet points and diagrams but provides little surrounding context or narrative.
In the first half, we give an introduction to modern serialization systems, Protocol Buffers, Apache Thrift and Apache Avro. Which one does meet your needs?
In the second half, we show an example of data ingestion system architecture using Apache Avro.
AWS Japan YouTube 巷塀チャンネルでライブ塘佚された 2022定4埖26晩の AWS Developer Live Show 仝Infrastructure as Code h 2022々 のY創となります。 輝晩の塘佚はこちら からご_Jいただけます。
The document appears to be a presentation on Amazon EMR and related AWS services. It discusses using EMR for big data and analytics workloads, how to set up EMR clusters on AWS, encryption options for data at rest and in transit, and integration of EMR with other AWS services like S3 and Spark. The presentation contains many bullet points and diagrams but provides little surrounding context or narrative.
In the first half, we give an introduction to modern serialization systems, Protocol Buffers, Apache Thrift and Apache Avro. Which one does meet your needs?
In the second half, we show an example of data ingestion system architecture using Apache Avro.
SQL Server 聞いのための Azure Synapse Analytics - Spark 秘TDaiyu Hatakeyama
Japan SQL Server Users Group - 及35指 SQL Server 2019茶氏 - Azure Synapese Analytics - SQL Pool 秘T のセッションY創です。
Spark の了崔づけ。Synapse の嶄での秘T、諒垢し宗そして、Synapse ならではの、砲弔い憧イ譴討泙后
M06_DX を毅うエンジニア鬚 Data & AI Analytics プラットフォ`ムの恷m盾 ゛ Azure Synapse 恷仟C嬬ごB初 ゛ ...晩云マイクロソフト幄塀氏芙
カスタマ`サクセス並I云何 デ`タ&クラウドAI ア`キテクトy凄云何 クラウドソリュ`ションア`キテクト
冷弥 囘伏
除定 DX が容Mされる嶄、二Iの秤鷏嵶児Pに箔められるビジネス豚棋、聾澆泙辰討い泙后
云セッションでは、書のデ`タ蛍裂?試喘を毅うエンジニア鬚韻法Azure Synapse の恷仟C嬬?デモをごB初します。
‐Microsoft Japan Digital Daysについて/
Microsoft Japan Digital Days は、お人が尸薦を互め、偏の篁に儻堀に鬉掘△茲蟠爐のことを_撹することを朕議とした、晩云マイクロソフトがお曙けする恷寄のデジタル イベントです。4 晩gにわたる云イベントでは、匯繁匯繁の伏b來や誅饒Δ鮓澆瓠▲ラウドr旗のMをデザインするモダンワ`クの恷仟並箭や、篁の襖をうまく\り俳り、二Iの隔A議なk婢に駅勣なビジネスレジリエンスU咾鰆Г┐襯謄ノロジの恷仟C嬬および、二Iの尸了來に之かせないクラウド藺圓離咼献腑鵑覆疋妊献織r旗に駅勣な秤鵑鬚曙けいたしました。2021定10埖11晩゛14晩_岸
Talking about love for DynamoDB & SimpleDB (2012-06-05 CloudDB Night)Ryuichi Tokugami
The document discusses the pros and cons of DynamoDB and SimpleDB databases. It notes that SimpleDB is readily available, low price, and has small maintenance needs, while DynamoDB has limitless capacity, no maintenance requirements, provisioned throughput, and atomic counters. The author expresses appreciation for both databases.
Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that allows users to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the web. It provides scalable storage with high durability and availability. Data is stored in buckets and objects, and access is controlled through access control lists. Query string authentication is used to authenticate requests via a secret key. Management can be done through the AWS Management Console or SDKs.