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Organization / Workplace
Moscow, Russian Federation Russian Federation
eCommerce, online payments, financial services
Finance / Banking / Insurance
Excellent understanding of B2B B2C and B2B2C business services domain Large network of contacts in RCIS business cluster Proven Successful experience of new products and businesses launch locally and Internationally Very strong project management skills Ive developed and successfully implemented revenue oriented project management systems. I can build and drive powerful team of experts, sales, product owners Successful operational management experience I can build and support strong relationships with local and global customers, local and global teams. I am self-motivated and business-oriented person that aspires high results for my team and for all business
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Russian internet week 2011弍仂亞亟舒仆 亠于亠仆从仂. 从亳于亳 从仂亠仍亠从. riw 2011. bogdan shevchenko qiwi wallet