El documento presenta las instrucciones para realizar tareas de autocorrecci坦n, combinaci坦n de correspondencia, protecci坦n y restricci坦n de edici坦n de documentos de Word. Explica c坦mo revisar ortograf鱈a y gram叩tica, usar la correcci坦n autom叩tica, combinar correspondencia, proteger y restringir la edici坦n de un documento con contrase単a, y agregar y quitar firmas digitales.
Ravisankar Samynathan is seeking an Associate Analyst position where he can utilize 6.5 years of experience developing web applications using Microsoft technologies like ASP.Net MVC, C#, Entity Framework, and SQL Server. He has experience developing banking, educational, and oil and gas applications, including projects using Silverlight, WCF, and Prism. He is proficient in technologies like .NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML5, and has a Master's degree in Computer Science.
El documento presenta las instrucciones para realizar tareas de autocorrecci坦n, combinaci坦n de correspondencia, protecci坦n y restricci坦n de edici坦n de documentos de Word. Explica c坦mo revisar ortograf鱈a y gram叩tica, usar la correcci坦n autom叩tica, combinar correspondencia, proteger y restringir la edici坦n de un documento con contrase単a, y agregar y quitar firmas digitales.
Ravisankar Samynathan is seeking an Associate Analyst position where he can utilize 6.5 years of experience developing web applications using Microsoft technologies like ASP.Net MVC, C#, Entity Framework, and SQL Server. He has experience developing banking, educational, and oil and gas applications, including projects using Silverlight, WCF, and Prism. He is proficient in technologies like .NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML5, and has a Master's degree in Computer Science.
This document summarizes several restaurants and their signature dishes. Del Taco and El Matador are known for tacos, while In N Out and Carl's Jr. are best known for their burgers. Other restaurants mentioned include The Slice for pizza, Subway for sandwiches, IHOP and Denny's for breakfast foods, and Panda Express for Chinese dishes. The author concludes by reflecting on enjoying taking pictures of restaurants and exploring new foods.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre virus inform叩ticos, troyanos y spyware. Explica que los virus se propagan a trav辿s de archivos y tienen la capacidad de da単ar sistemas, mientras que los troyanos se hacen pasar por programas leg鱈timos para robar informaci坦n privada de un usuario. El spyware recopila informaci坦n de un usuario sin su consentimiento y la transmite a terceros, a menudo mostrando anuncios no deseados. El documento tambi辿n ofrece consejos sobre c坦mo protegerse y eliminar este tipo de software malicioso
This short document contains photo credits from 5 different photographers and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share. The photos are credited to whitestdogalive, guldfisken, Daniel Y. Go, KJGarbutt, and miuenski. It ends by telling the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation.
PGS employs Strategic Market Engagements to help growing companies with annual revenue up to $100M in B2B markets like manufacturing, healthcare, and financial services convert their unique market value into sustainable revenue growth. PGS offers strategic market engagement reviews to analyze revenue prospects, a 3-phase proprietary process to build long-term revenue, and result-based fees where clients only pay 40% of costs if goals are met. Founded in 2010 by Howard Berkowitz, PGS carries up to 60% of the risk and 85% of clients use result-based fees.
Marketing online: la nueva cara del Marketing - Fernando Maci叩Human Level
Este documento trata sobre la evoluci坦n del marketing y las nuevas tendencias en el marketing digital. Explica c坦mo el marketing ha cambiado de ser principalmente offline a estar cada vez m叩s online, con nuevas herramientas como el marketing de contenidos, las redes sociales y el marketing m坦vil. Tambi辿n describe grandes tendencias como la Web 2.0, el marketing mobile y el marketing en la nube.
La historia detr叩s del festival: TomorrowlandItzelBonillaa
El documento describe la historia del festival de m炭sica electr坦nica Tomorrowland, incluyendo su origen en 2005, sus logros como el festival m叩s grande del mundo, y detalles sobre sus escenarios, zona de acampado Dreamville, y estrategia de marketing a trav辿s de redes sociales.
Tomal Banerjee is seeking a challenging environment that allows growth. He has 3.5 years of experience in game QA, currently as a Junior Compliance Specialist at Ubisoft. His skills include functional testing, compliance testing on Xbox and PlayStation consoles, test case creation, and coordinating with development teams. Recent projects include compliance testing for Trials Fusion and Scrabble on Xbox One and Just Dance 2016 on Xbox 360. He is proficient with testing tools like Jira and has strong communication and teamwork skills.
Thi畉t k畉 bi gi畉ng i畛n t畛, elearning. B畉n 畉y 畛, chi ti畉t.B湛i Vi畛t H
但y l 際際滷 bi gi畉ng c畛a t担i cho 1 tr動畛ng 畛 H N畛i. Ch動董ng tr狸nh 畉y 畛, chi ti畉t s畉 k辿o di trong 2 ngy, 4 bu畛i. Cu畛i th畛i gian, c叩c GV v nh坦m GV 動畛c giao bi t畉p l畛n, tr狸nh by tr動畛c l畛p c坦 叩nh gi叩.
5. www.trungtamtinhoc.edu.vn
Sau khi ci 畉t s畉 動畛c
add-in t鱈ch h畛p v畛i MS
PowerPoint adobe
Ghi video Ch竪n
T畉o, qu畉n l箪 b畛
c但u h畛i t動董ng
Thay 畛i
n畛n bi
Xu畉t b畉n
Qu畉n l箪 v
thi畉t l畉p cho
bi gi畉ng
Ghi, ch畛nh
s畛a v ch竪n
但m thanh
6. www.trungtamtinhoc.edu.vn
2. C叩c t鱈nh nng n畛i b畉t
Ch竪n v qu畉n l箪 Flash l棚n bi gi畉ng.
Ghi 但m thanh, h狸nh 畉nh v l畛ng gh辿p 但m thanh, h狸nh 畉nh
vo c叩c n畛i dung tr狸nh chi畉u trong bi gi畉ng.
Ch竪n c叩c c但u h畛i t動董ng t叩c l棚n bi gi畉ng.
畛ng b畛 但m thanh v hi畛u 畛ng vn b畉n.
坦ng g坦i v xu畉t b畉n bi gi畉ng ra nhi畛u lo畉i 畛nh d畉ng
kh叩c nhau (flash, website), tu但n th畛 c叩c ti棚u chu畉n v畛 e-
learning ph畛 bi畉n (AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 ).
Bi gi畉ng c坦 th畛 動畛c 動a l棚n m畉ng Internet ph畛c v畛 vi畛c
d畉y-h畛c tr畛c tuy畉n , 叩p 畛ng nhu c畉u h畛c b畉t k狸 l炭c no,
b畉t k狸 畛 但u.
7. www.trungtamtinhoc.edu.vn
3. 働u i畛m Nh動畛c i畛m
働u i畛m:
S畛 d畛ng 動畛c bi gi畉ng tr棚n PowerPoint
X但y d畛ng c但u h畛i tr畉c nghi畛m trong bi gi畉ng.
Th但n thi畛n, d畛 s畛 d畛ng v t鱈ch h畛p vo ph畉n m畛m MS PowerPoint.
畛ng b畛 動畛c vn b畉n, 但m thanh v video.
坦ng g坦i 畛 nhi畛u d畉ng (HTML, Flash, CD-R, SCORM).
H畛 tr畛 x但y d畛ng bi gi畉ng cho e-learning ho畉c d畉y h畛c truy畛n
Nh動畛c i畛m:
L ph畉n m畛m th動董ng m畉i.
8. www.trungtamtinhoc.edu.vn
4. C叩ch th畛c t畉o bi gi畉ng
X但y d畛ng n畛i dung bi
Thi畉t k畉 bi s畛an tr棚n
PowerPoint ho畉c s畛 d畛ng
nh畛ng bi gi畉ng 達 s畛an
tr棚n PowerPoint.
S畛 d畛ng c叩c t鱈nh nng
n但ng cao c畛a Presenter 畛
ch竪n th棚m n畛i dung vo bi
g畛ang nh動 l: Flash, c但u h畛i
t動董ng t叩c, ch竪n l畛i gi畉ng
畛ng b畛 v畛i c叩c slide,
Xu畉t b畉n ra bi gi畉ng e-
Xu畉t b畉n bi gi畉ng 達 thi畉t
k畉 thnh bi gi畉ng e-
learning (d動畛i d畉ng website
c坦 th畛 c坦 ghi ra 挑a CD t畛
ch畉y v c坦 th畛 d畉y, h畛c
th担ng qua m畉ng m叩y t鱈nh)