The Roaring Twenties saw a period of economic prosperity in the United States following World War 1. New industries like cars and radio grew thanks to mass production, which made goods more affordable and accessible to common people. However, this rise in consumerism and easy credit led many to take on debts they could not repay, contributing to the Great Depression. Lifestyles also became more modern and focused on leisure, as flappers rejected traditional standards and speakeasies sold illegal liquor despite Prohibition.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Europe following World War 1 and the Great Depression. It describes how fascism first came to power in Italy under Mussolini after a period of social and economic instability. It then explains how fascist movements and governments also emerged in other countries like Germany under Hitler, Spain under Franco, and for a time in Australia. The document attributes the spread of fascism to issues like nationalism, economic troubles, and opposition to communism and socialism following World War 1.
The third presentation in the series called Political Ideologies. It is suitable for History and International Relations from Year 9 to university level. It contains the following: Stalin, socialism in one country, the five years plan, economic Stalinism, nomenklatura, NKVD, secret police, Stalin's doctrine.
The Holocaust was the systematic murder of approximately 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators. It began in 1933 when Hitler rose to power in Germany and lasted until 1945. Jews were killed through mass shootings, gassing in camps like Auschwitz, and starvation and disease in ghettos and camps. The Holocaust led to the deaths of approximately two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe.
The Spanish Civil War was fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans, who supported the democratically elected Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco. The Nationalists prevailed and Franco ruled Spain as a dictator until his death in 1975. Over 35,000 volunteers from 54 countries fought for the Republicans in the International Brigades to support the democratic government against the Nationalist rebels. The Nationalists ultimately won the war, leading to 39 years of dictatorship under Francisco Franco.
The Russian Civil War was fought between 1918-1921 and was between the Bolshevik Red Army and opposing anti-Bolshevik White armies. The Bolsheviks faced opposition from supporters of the Tsar, socialist groups opposed to Bolshevik methods, and capitalists and landowners who lost wealth due to Bolshevik reforms. Though the Bolsheviks controlled major cities, most of Russia was held by opposing forces. The Red Army, led brilliantly by Trotsky, eventually defeated the various White armies through separate campaigns, exploiting weaknesses in White coordination and popularity. By 1921 the Bolsheviks had defeated all armed resistance and consolidated control over Russia.
This document provides a timeline of key political events in Germany from 1918 to 1933, including the end of World War 1, the establishment of the Weimar Republic, the founding and early growth of the Nazi party, and Hitler's rise to power as Chancellor in 1933. Major events include the Spartacist Uprising of 1919, the failed Kapp and Munich Putschs of 1920 and 1923, hyperinflation in 1923, and Nazi electoral successes in 1930 and 1932.
The document provides an overview of different forms of socialism, including Marxism, democratic socialism, social democracy, and the Third Way approach of New Labour. It discusses the ideological evolution of the British Labour Party from its socialist roots to a more centrist social democratic platform under Tony Blair and outlines ongoing debates about the party's direction.
1. Consecuencias de la Revoluci坦n Industrial
2. El movimiento obrero
- Socialismo ut坦pico
- Socialismo cient鱈fico
- Anarquismo
- I y II Internacional
3. 2捉 Revoluci坦n Industrial
The Nazis persecuted numerous groups they deemed as threats to their vision of a Master Race, including Jews, the mentally ill, homosexuals, Roma people, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others. They implemented forced sterilization, imprisonment in concentration camps where many were experimented on or killed, and later began the Holocaust against Jews in particular. Historians disagree on whether Hitler explicitly planned the Holocaust from the beginning or if anti-Semitic policies escalated chaotically over time.
The New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced by Lenin in 1921 as a temporary retreat from extreme socialist policies to help stabilize Russia's struggling economy in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Civil War. The NEP allowed for some private enterprise and free trade of agricultural goods to encourage economic growth while the Communist party consolidated power. While it helped recovery by reintroducing economic incentives, the NEP was criticized by some socialists for permitting capitalist practices and failing to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union. Overall, the NEP was a pragmatic solution that addressed immediate economic needs but was not meant as a long-term departure from Communist principles.
The third presentation in the series called Political Ideologies. It is suitable for History and International Relations from Year 9 to university level. It contains the following: Stalin, socialism in one country, the five years plan, economic Stalinism, nomenklatura, NKVD, secret police, Stalin's doctrine.
The Holocaust was the systematic murder of approximately 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators. It began in 1933 when Hitler rose to power in Germany and lasted until 1945. Jews were killed through mass shootings, gassing in camps like Auschwitz, and starvation and disease in ghettos and camps. The Holocaust led to the deaths of approximately two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe.
The Spanish Civil War was fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans, who supported the democratically elected Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco. The Nationalists prevailed and Franco ruled Spain as a dictator until his death in 1975. Over 35,000 volunteers from 54 countries fought for the Republicans in the International Brigades to support the democratic government against the Nationalist rebels. The Nationalists ultimately won the war, leading to 39 years of dictatorship under Francisco Franco.
The Russian Civil War was fought between 1918-1921 and was between the Bolshevik Red Army and opposing anti-Bolshevik White armies. The Bolsheviks faced opposition from supporters of the Tsar, socialist groups opposed to Bolshevik methods, and capitalists and landowners who lost wealth due to Bolshevik reforms. Though the Bolsheviks controlled major cities, most of Russia was held by opposing forces. The Red Army, led brilliantly by Trotsky, eventually defeated the various White armies through separate campaigns, exploiting weaknesses in White coordination and popularity. By 1921 the Bolsheviks had defeated all armed resistance and consolidated control over Russia.
This document provides a timeline of key political events in Germany from 1918 to 1933, including the end of World War 1, the establishment of the Weimar Republic, the founding and early growth of the Nazi party, and Hitler's rise to power as Chancellor in 1933. Major events include the Spartacist Uprising of 1919, the failed Kapp and Munich Putschs of 1920 and 1923, hyperinflation in 1923, and Nazi electoral successes in 1930 and 1932.
The document provides an overview of different forms of socialism, including Marxism, democratic socialism, social democracy, and the Third Way approach of New Labour. It discusses the ideological evolution of the British Labour Party from its socialist roots to a more centrist social democratic platform under Tony Blair and outlines ongoing debates about the party's direction.
1. Consecuencias de la Revoluci坦n Industrial
2. El movimiento obrero
- Socialismo ut坦pico
- Socialismo cient鱈fico
- Anarquismo
- I y II Internacional
3. 2捉 Revoluci坦n Industrial
The Nazis persecuted numerous groups they deemed as threats to their vision of a Master Race, including Jews, the mentally ill, homosexuals, Roma people, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others. They implemented forced sterilization, imprisonment in concentration camps where many were experimented on or killed, and later began the Holocaust against Jews in particular. Historians disagree on whether Hitler explicitly planned the Holocaust from the beginning or if anti-Semitic policies escalated chaotically over time.
The New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced by Lenin in 1921 as a temporary retreat from extreme socialist policies to help stabilize Russia's struggling economy in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Civil War. The NEP allowed for some private enterprise and free trade of agricultural goods to encourage economic growth while the Communist party consolidated power. While it helped recovery by reintroducing economic incentives, the NEP was criticized by some socialists for permitting capitalist practices and failing to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union. Overall, the NEP was a pragmatic solution that addressed immediate economic needs but was not meant as a long-term departure from Communist principles.
Av Ingvar Johansson
Ur inledningen:
Den svenska v辰lf辰rdsstaten knakar just nu i fogarna. Och det p奪 grund av tre helt olika samtidigt verkande processer: en svensk, en europeisk och en global. Jag tar dem i tur och ordning.
F旦r det f旦rsta, v奪r v辰lf辰rdsstat hotas d辰rf旦r att den radikalt 旦kade str旦mmen av flyktingar och ekonomiska migranter gett moderaterna ett n奪gorlunda acceptabelt sk辰l till att 旦verge sitt under epoken Reinfeldt inf旦rda accepterande av v辰lf辰rdsstaten. Nu kan de g奪 tillbaka till sin traditionella m辰nniskouppfattning, den d辰r man inte sj辰lvmant s辰ger: alla m辰nniskor har lika v辰rde. Det finns anledning frukta vad detta ideologiska 奪tert奪g kan komma att inneb辰ra f旦r V辰lf辰rdssverige. ena sidan, s奪 kan moderaterna i en koalition med de nyliberala falangerna inom Centerpartiet och Liberalerna f旦rs旦ka sig p奪 en nedmontering av allt som kan kallas v辰lf辰rdsstat. andra sidan, s奪 kan de i en koalition med Sverigedemokraterna f旦rs旦ka sig p奪 att inf旦ra en hierarkisk socialkonservativ v辰lf辰rdsstat d辰r det g旦rs stor skillnad p奪 medborgare och medborgare; dels p奪 flergenerationssvenskar och andra svenskar, dels p奪 旦verklass och underklass.
F旦r det andra, v奪r v辰lf辰rdsstat hotas d辰rf旦r att Sverige 辰r del av EU och f旦rpliktigade att f旦lja ocks奪 EUs regelverk. Och det 辰r en 旦ppen fr奪ga i vad m奪n detta i framtiden kommer att till奪ta traditionell svensk v辰lf辰rdspolitik.
F旦r det tredje, den hotas d辰rf旦r att den allm辰nna globaliseringen g旦r att rika svenska medborgare fullt lagligt kan undandra ansenliga summor fr奪n v辰lf辰rdsfinansieringen. De beh旦ver bara flytta en del av sina enorma tillgodohavanden till l辰mpliga l辰nder n奪gon annanstans p奪 v奪r planet. Dessutom 辰r det l辰tt f旦r dem att med ur deras egna 旦gon sett bara lite sm奪fusk undandra 辰nnu st旦rre summor.
Det finns mycket stor anledning att stanna upp och ocks奪 p奪 ett relativt abstrakt plan reflektera en stund 旦ver de id辿historiska, moraliska, politiska och ekonomiska grunderna f旦r en allm辰n v辰lf辰rdspolitik.
Denna skrift 辰r ett f旦rs旦k.
Den inneh奪ller fem f旦r mig centrala begrepp som jag s辰llan eller aldrig ser i den vanliga tidnings och tidskriftsideologiska debatten: produktiv v辰lf辰rdism, regionalisering,
subsidiaritetsprinciper, 旦ppen kommunit辰r identitet och vertikal reformism.
Socialdemokratin och skapelsen av allm辰nintresset bermanStaffan Lindstr旦m
Trots att dessa fr奪gor vid f旦rsta anblicken tycks enkla och raka, s奪 har
diskussionen om den relativa betydelsen av egennytta och allm辰nnytta l辰nge
splittrat samh辰llsvetare, politiska t辰nkare och allm辰nna observat旦rer av
politiken. tskillig modern samh辰llsforskning utg奪r fr奪n att politiska handlingar
fr辰mst 辰r motiverade av egennytta. I en hypotetisk v辰rld v辰gleds
v辰ljare av sina pl奪nb旦cker, partier r旦stmaximerar och byr奪krater str辰var
efter st旦rre budgetar. andra sidan antar den klassiska politiska filosofin att
det finns ett gemensamma b辰sta, och att f旦rekomsten av medborgare som
sluter upp kring detta 辰r av avg旦rande betydelse f旦r ett sunt och v辰l
fungerande styrelseskick.
Sociologi: Moderna klassiker - En 旦versikt
Presentationen inneh奪ller presentationer av b旦ckerna:
Den f旦rest辰llda gemenskapen av Benedict Anderson
Praktiskt f旦rnuft av Pierre Bourdieu
Renhet och fara av Mary Douglas
Civilisationsprocessen av Norbert Elias
vervakning och straff av Michel Foucault
New rules of sociological method av Anthony Giddens
Totala institutioner av Erving Goffman
G奪van av Marcel Mauss
1. Kommer fr奪n grekiskans an archos som betyder utan
Man skulle kunna h辰vda att anarkismen 辰r den absolut
辰ldsta ideologin till namnet.
Redan under den grekiska antiken uttryckte filosofen
Zenon anarkistiska tankar.
Men den moderna anarkismen v辰xte sig stark bland en del
socialister eller sk syndikalister p奪 1800-talet.
Anarkisten vill avskaffa staten och alla andra regelsystem
helt och h奪llet.
M辰nniskan skall vara helt fri och endast styras av
Vill utan stat och andra hierarkiska strukturer skapa ett
klassl旦st samh辰lle med absolut r辰ttvisa.
H辰mtar p奪 s辰tt och vis inspiration fr奪n b奪de socialism
(klassl旦shet) och liberalism (fullst辰ndig frihet).
2. Absolut frihet f旦r alla individer.
Vill absolut inte skapa kaos utan tror i st辰llet mkt
p奪 t ex direkt demokrati dvs att alla
medborgare 辰r med och tar alla viktiga beslut
gemensamt hela tiden.
Tror d辰rf旦r ocks奪 att v奪ra stora statsamh辰llen
idag 辰r f旦r stora f旦r att kunna fungera p奪 ett bra
Samh辰llet m奪ste delas upp i mindre enheter
med f辰rre m辰nniskor s奪 alla kan vara med och
fatta beslut och hantera problem tillsammans.
3. M辰nskliga r辰ttigheter och allas lika v辰rde.
Direkt demokrati.
Avskaffande av staten, politiska partier och
alla andra hierarkiska strukturer.
Vad betyder hierarki?
En organisation d辰r olika personer har olika
viktiga positioner, en chef 旦verst och sen
andra anst辰llda under det osv, som en
4. Ett st旦rre anarkistiskt samh辰lle har aldrig
skapats i praktiken hittills i modern tid.
Men tanken p奪 allas ultimata frihet och total
klassl旦shet 辰r fin.
Vad kan det uppkomma f旦r problem i ett
samh辰lle om vi avskaffar staten och alla andra
F旦rs旦k att 旦versiktligt komma p奪 n奪gra problem.
F旦rs旦k ocks奪 lite mer utf旦rligt f旦rklara varf旦r total statlig
makt leder till detta?
5. Anarkin kr辰ver p奪 s辰tt och vis att alla 辰r med p奪
just anarkin.
Om ngn vill skapa ett politiskt parti eller en
hierarkisk organisation s奪 kan ju ingen stoppa
denna person eftersom staten och lagarna inte
finns Hur l旦ser man detta??
Kommer alla n奪gonsin vara med p奪 att skapa
samma samh辰lle?
M奪nga menar ocks奪 att man har en alldeles f旦r
stor 旦vertro p奪 oss m辰nniskor.
Utan stat, lagar och hierarkier kommer
samh辰llet l奪ngsamt rasa s旦nder och bli till kaos.
6. Det finns en rad olika anarkistiska inriktningar
som sinsemellan inte kommer 旦verens.
Detta beror t ex p奪 att en del anarkister fr辰mst
hittar inspiration fr奪n liberalt h奪ll och andra fr奪n
Man kan n辰mna t ex:
Individanarkism som 辰r inspirerad av liberalism och s辰tter
individens frihet i centrum.
Social anarkism som 辰r inspirerad av socialismen och s辰tter
direktdemokrati och allas gruppers r辰tt att best辰mma i
Feministisk anarkism som koncentrerar sig p奪 att bryta ner
den manliga hierarkin i samh辰llet.
7. Pierre-Joseph
Mikail Bakunin
EmmaGoldman Noam Chomsky
Eftersom anarkister inte tror p奪 parlamentarism och att
jobba inom staten s奪 har vi inget anarkistiskt parti i v奪r
Riksdag idag och har inte haft tidigare heller.
8. Ungef辰r n辰r och hur uppst奪r anarkismen som
Vad 辰r det viktigaste att prioritera i samh辰llet
f旦r en anarkist?
Hur vill man att man uppn奪r detta?
Vad finns det f旦r vanlig kritik emot
N辰mn minst tv奪 anarkister.