To collaborate with co-workers, talk with friends or even a large audience without leaving your chair. Using iWowWe's secure video conferencing you can be there without the travel time and expenses. It's easy - start a meeting with a few clicks. No software installation is required. All your attendees just click a link to join.
Whether in Sales, Customer Support, Education, or Business nothing conveys ideas better and more efficiently than direct real-time communication. With tools such as shared screens, documents, and whiteboard, Text Chatting, and Anonymous Polling you are prepared for anything.
> Capture the "human" aspects – facial expressions, body
> Show them, don't tell them – a picture is worth a
thousand words
> Collaborate and diagnose problems from miles away
> Communicate with large audiences all over the world
> Reduce travel expenses - reduce the need to be there
when you can see each other through video.
> More value and flexibility than our competition – no
software to install and only a small monthly fee that no
one can touch!
This document summarizes key trends in the hardware startup industry and lessons from HAX, a hardware accelerator in Shenzhen. It outlines that building quality hardware has become harder as it requires a wider range of skills from mechanical to software to business. Startups are targeting more specific problems instead of general technologies. Locating in Shenzhen allows startups to prototype and manufacture rapidly. The hardware industry is growing stronger with companies like Xiaomi raising billions and plans to fund 100 startups. Crowdfunding has become a new way to fund startups and get to market faster with less capital. Scaling too quickly without solid unit economics or supply chain experience can lead startups to fail.
This document discusses strategies for hardware startups. It outlines 12 types of "wares" that hardware startups should avoid, such as "funware" with no business model or "vaporware" that can't be built. It also discusses challenges with scaling hardware, the need to validate problems before solutions, and strategies for funding different stages. The document promotes HAX, an accelerator program to help hardware startups succeed from prototype to business.
Benjamin Joffe discusses investing in hardware startups and the opportunities in the hardware space. He notes that prototyping is easier than ever before with tools like Arduino and 3D printing. Supply chains have improved greatly in China. There is more funding available for hardware startups through crowdfunding and VCs. However, hardware is still difficult and many startups fail or produce products that do not solve real problems or create ongoing value for users. Startups need to focus on building products that address important problems and form lasting user communities.
How do you build hardware startups in 2015? Same questions, new answers. This presentation was first given at HAX 7 Demo Day and UC Berkeley in November 2015.
Nuovo logo, nuovo look,
nuova collezione, nuovo stile.
La tradizione si rinnova senza perdere il suo
spirito originale e il filone del suo successo:
il made in Italy che tutto il mondo celebra.
Nessun compromesso, una filiera certificata in
tutti i suoi prodotti, attenzione ai dettagli,
concreti e pratici per tutte le esigenze, siano
esse di promozione che collezioni moda.
Tutto questo significa Vesti, semplicemente.
New logo, new look, new collection, new style.
Tradition renews itself without losing its original
spirit and the trend of its success: “made in Italy”
that the whole world celebrates.
No compromises, an industry that certifies all of
its products, the attention to detail and practical
for every need, whether they are promotional or
fashion collections. All of the above simply
means Vesti.
Per info chiamare al n. 0039 3939959249 Sig. Speranza Benedetto
greenLIFE ha pubblicato il suo Layman's Report. Il documento spiega gli obiettivi di greenLIFE e i risultati ottenuti dalle sue linee di ricerca nei tre anni del progetto.
To collaborate with co-workers, talk with friends or even a large audience without leaving your chair. Using iWowWe's secure video conferencing you can be there without the travel time and expenses. It's easy - start a meeting with a few clicks. No software installation is required. All your attendees just click a link to join.
Whether in Sales, Customer Support, Education, or Business nothing conveys ideas better and more efficiently than direct real-time communication. With tools such as shared screens, documents, and whiteboard, Text Chatting, and Anonymous Polling you are prepared for anything.
> Capture the "human" aspects – facial expressions, body
> Show them, don't tell them – a picture is worth a
thousand words
> Collaborate and diagnose problems from miles away
> Communicate with large audiences all over the world
> Reduce travel expenses - reduce the need to be there
when you can see each other through video.
> More value and flexibility than our competition – no
software to install and only a small monthly fee that no
one can touch!
This document summarizes key trends in the hardware startup industry and lessons from HAX, a hardware accelerator in Shenzhen. It outlines that building quality hardware has become harder as it requires a wider range of skills from mechanical to software to business. Startups are targeting more specific problems instead of general technologies. Locating in Shenzhen allows startups to prototype and manufacture rapidly. The hardware industry is growing stronger with companies like Xiaomi raising billions and plans to fund 100 startups. Crowdfunding has become a new way to fund startups and get to market faster with less capital. Scaling too quickly without solid unit economics or supply chain experience can lead startups to fail.
This document discusses strategies for hardware startups. It outlines 12 types of "wares" that hardware startups should avoid, such as "funware" with no business model or "vaporware" that can't be built. It also discusses challenges with scaling hardware, the need to validate problems before solutions, and strategies for funding different stages. The document promotes HAX, an accelerator program to help hardware startups succeed from prototype to business.
Benjamin Joffe discusses investing in hardware startups and the opportunities in the hardware space. He notes that prototyping is easier than ever before with tools like Arduino and 3D printing. Supply chains have improved greatly in China. There is more funding available for hardware startups through crowdfunding and VCs. However, hardware is still difficult and many startups fail or produce products that do not solve real problems or create ongoing value for users. Startups need to focus on building products that address important problems and form lasting user communities.
How do you build hardware startups in 2015? Same questions, new answers. This presentation was first given at HAX 7 Demo Day and UC Berkeley in November 2015.
Nuovo logo, nuovo look,
nuova collezione, nuovo stile.
La tradizione si rinnova senza perdere il suo
spirito originale e il filone del suo successo:
il made in Italy che tutto il mondo celebra.
Nessun compromesso, una filiera certificata in
tutti i suoi prodotti, attenzione ai dettagli,
concreti e pratici per tutte le esigenze, siano
esse di promozione che collezioni moda.
Tutto questo significa Vesti, semplicemente.
New logo, new look, new collection, new style.
Tradition renews itself without losing its original
spirit and the trend of its success: “made in Italy”
that the whole world celebrates.
No compromises, an industry that certifies all of
its products, the attention to detail and practical
for every need, whether they are promotional or
fashion collections. All of the above simply
means Vesti.
Per info chiamare al n. 0039 3939959249 Sig. Speranza Benedetto
greenLIFE ha pubblicato il suo Layman's Report. Il documento spiega gli obiettivi di greenLIFE e i risultati ottenuti dalle sue linee di ricerca nei tre anni del progetto.
Idea di Business sviluppata per prodotti regionali, in grado di aumentarne vendite, brand awareness del piccolo produttore, affiliation e in fine potrebbe aumentare le caratteristiche ISO 22555:2007
In questa brochure sono contenuti e descritti i vantaggi dell'utilizzo del marchio d'identità brain IN italy.
Il marchio brain IN italy è rivolto alle aziende, ai consumatori e agli investitori.
Nello speech Michelangelo Simonazzi racconta come un’integrazione tra sistemi omnicanale, stores, WMS, marketplace in ambienti internazionali permette una riduzione del time-to-market ed una standardizzazione delle procedure operative.
Intervento di Michelangelo Simonazzi, Gianvito Rossi.
Per maggiori informazioni puoi scrivere a
In Italia c’è il buon gusto, il senso del bello e ci sono
abilità nel design, nella progettazione. Non dobbiamo
lasciare che tutto ciò venga disperso in un mondo
globalizzato solo perché c’è un’etichetta che dice che
un atto meccanico viene fatto da qualche altra parte.
Io dico: ripensiamo il made in Italy, qualcosa che porti
oltre un concetto che appartiene al passato.
L’etichetta potrebbe essere “concepito in Italia”,
“disegnato in Italia”
Alessandro Benetton
Come brand la missione principale del “made in
Italy” deve essere il commitment verso gli
aspetti qualitativi (la distintività, un valore
riconosciuto) anche a fronte dell’ evoluzione
organizzativa e produttiva che sta
ridisegnando il modello industriale nazionale.
Gestire direttamente la maggior parte dei processi che
rendono il prodotto di qualità e distinguibile dagli altri
attraverso un’organizzazione altamente verticalizzata.
“Curiamo l’ideazione, la produzione e la distribuzione di
tutti i nostri prodotti. La vendita avviene
esclusivamente in negozi monomarca, sia gestiti
direttamente da società del gruppo, sia in franchising.
.. è un sistema estremamente semplice e centralizzato,
questo ci consente una gestione precisa e rapida.”
Sandro Veronesi
7. Nell’agroalimentare..
Le caratteristiche del prodotto influenzano enormemente le
possibilità di internazionalizzazione.
Un esempio è dato dall’agroalimentare:
i casi di prodotti certificati (DOP, DOC, IGP..) devono
rispondere a una disciplina di produzione che prevede
parametri e vincoli che li rendono inseparabili da una certa
area e per cui è impensabile qualsiasi forma di
internazionalizzazione diversa dall’esportazione.