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Dr. Vishwanath S Biradar. Ph D N
Associate Professor & HOD Medical Surgical Nursing
MGM Mother Teresa College of Nursing, Aurangabad.
At the end of the session, students will be able to:
 understand incidence of tumor.
 enumerate causes of brain tumor.
 classify of brain tumor.
 understand pathophysiology of brain tumor.
 explain signs & symptoms brain tumor.
 enumerate diagnostic tests used in brain tumor.
 describe management of brain tumor.
 The diagnosis of brain tumor begins a journey of
uncertainty, fear and hope for patient and family.
 To care for the patient and family in a sensitive,
compassionate, hopeful and humanistic manner,
the health care professional needs a broad
knowledge base and particular skills.
 The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program
projected 16500 new brain and other nervous system cancers for the year
2000 in the US.
 Incidence of brain and other nervous system cancers is second after
leukemia in children under the age of 15 years, third for those between 15
to 34 years and fourth for men between ages 35 and 54.
 Among children, the most common primary brain tumors are astrocytomas
(31%), medulloblastomas (21% - 25%) & ependymomas (9%-19%).
 Metastasis to the brain is found in 10% to 15% of cancer patients, which
totals 80000 annually.
 Inherited genetic syndromes.
 Environmental agents.
 Ionizing radiation.
 Other carcinogens.
I. WHO Classification
 Tumors of neuroepithelial tissue
 Tumors of cranial and spinal nerves
 Tumors of meninges
 Hematopoietic neoplasms
 Germ cell tumors
 Cysts and tumor like lesions
 Tumors of the anterior pituitary
 Local extensions from regional tumors
 Metastatic tumors
II. Based on cell & tissue involvement  Major brain tumors
 Astrocytic tumors
 Ependymomal tumors (ependymoma)
 Unclassified (Mostly gliomas)
 Pituitary adenoma
 Neurinoma (Schawannoma, acoustic neuroma)
 Miscellaneous (Chordoma, granuloma, lymphoma)
Activation of
of cerebral
deficits (based
on location,
rate of growth
& level of
increased ICP)
Activation of
Tumor Supressor
gene (Complete
cessation or
partial decrease in
cellular activities)
General Signs & Symptoms
 Headache  1/3rd Patients experience
 Intermittent & moderately severe
 Usually worse in morning
 Aggravated by increased ICP  coughing, straining
 Nausea & Vomiting
 Change in the level of consciousness (LOC)
Brain tumor.pptx
 Focal signs & symptoms
 Frontal lobe
 Cognitive, executive, behavioural, speech &
motor deficit.
 Parietal lobe
 Sensory changes  Hypo or hyperathesia,
Paresthesia, Loss of two point discrimination
 Recognition deficits -
 Inability to recognise numbers, letters
 Finger agnosia
 Orientation deficits
 Loss of right  left discrimination
 Neglect syndrome
 Construction apraxia
 Temporal lobe
 Psychomotor seizures
 Memory deficits
 Speech and language deficits
 Occipital lobe
 Visual field defects
 Visual hallucinations
 Pituitary & hypothalmus region
 Visual field deficits
 Endocrine dysfunction
 Hypothalamus  affect fat, carbohydrate
metabolism, water balance, sleep patterns,
appetite, sexual drive.
 Lateral third ventricles
 Obstruct flow of CSF  vomiting, headache
 Brain stem  Lower cranial nerve deficits 
dysphagia, nystagmus, ataxia, incoordination,
nausea, vomiting, respiratory or cardiac arrest.
 Midbrain (rare)  abnormal posture, ptosis
 Fourth ventricle  Obstruct flow of CSF,
headache, vomiting, nuchal rigidity.
 Cerebellum  Cerebellar signs  ataxia,
incoordination, nystagmus, vertigo
 Associated Signs  Papilledema, increased ICP
 History & neurological examination
 CT guided biopsy (Biopsy is not
recommended for vascular tumors &
brainstem tumors because fear of precipitating
hemorrhage or respiratory distress)
Fig. MRI scan of brain tumor
 General drug therapy
General drug therapy
 Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, prednisone or
 H2 blocker (Famotidine)
 Anticonvulsant drugs (Phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital)
 Surgical removal or debulking
 Destroy tumor cells.
 Radiation dose ranges from 4 to 6 Gy in daily fractions of 150 -200
cGy and is administered over 4  8 wks.
 Stereotactic radiotherapy
 Interstitial brachytherapy
 Alkalytaing agents  Nitrosureas
 Synthetic alkalytic agent  Carmustine, Lomustine
 Cisplatin (Platinol)
 Synthetic antineoplastic agent  Procarbazine hydrochloride
 Plant alkaloid  Vincristine
Nursing diagnoses related to emotional needs of patient and family
 Personal identity disturbanceGrief
 Change in role performance
 Social isolation
 Impaired family processes
 Impaired adjustment
 Ineffective individual and family coping
 Ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion related to cerebral edema.
 Imbalanced nutritional status less than body requirements related to
nausea, vomiting.
 Discomfort: acute nausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy.
 Body image disturbance related to hair loss.
 Anxiety related to approaching treatment.
 Knowledge deficit regarding disease, treatment, discharge, follow up.
 Risk for infection related to bone marrow depression.
 Risk for injury related to thrombocytopenia.
 Risk for impaired skin integrity related to radiation induced dermatitis.
Nursing management for the patient with
brain tumor spans a wide variety of
circumstances, situations and treatment
 Hickey Joanne. Strayer Andrea L. Neurological and Neurosurgical
nursing. Wolters Kluwer publications. 8th edition. 2019. P 483-508.
 Greenlee RT. Murphy T. Bolden S. Wingo PA. Cancer
Statistics.2000.CA: Cancer Journal for clinicals.50.7-33.
 Sugar SM. Israel MA. Tumors of the nervous system. Harrisons
principles of internal medicine. New york: McGraw-Hill.14 edition.
P 2398.
Brain tumor.pptx

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Brain tumor.pptx

  • 1. Dr. Vishwanath S Biradar. Ph D N Associate Professor & HOD Medical Surgical Nursing MGM Mother Teresa College of Nursing, Aurangabad.
  • 2. At the end of the session, students will be able to: understand incidence of tumor. enumerate causes of brain tumor. classify of brain tumor. understand pathophysiology of brain tumor. explain signs & symptoms brain tumor. enumerate diagnostic tests used in brain tumor. describe management of brain tumor.
  • 3. The diagnosis of brain tumor begins a journey of uncertainty, fear and hope for patient and family. To care for the patient and family in a sensitive, compassionate, hopeful and humanistic manner, the health care professional needs a broad knowledge base and particular skills.
  • 4. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program projected 16500 new brain and other nervous system cancers for the year 2000 in the US. Incidence of brain and other nervous system cancers is second after leukemia in children under the age of 15 years, third for those between 15 to 34 years and fourth for men between ages 35 and 54. Among children, the most common primary brain tumors are astrocytomas (31%), medulloblastomas (21% - 25%) & ependymomas (9%-19%). Metastasis to the brain is found in 10% to 15% of cancer patients, which totals 80000 annually.
  • 5. Unknown. Inherited genetic syndromes. Environmental agents. Ionizing radiation. Other carcinogens.
  • 6. I. WHO Classification Tumors of neuroepithelial tissue Tumors of cranial and spinal nerves Tumors of meninges Hematopoietic neoplasms Germ cell tumors Cysts and tumor like lesions Tumors of the anterior pituitary Local extensions from regional tumors Metastatic tumors
  • 7. II. Based on cell & tissue involvement Major brain tumors Astrocytic tumors Astrocytoma Glioblastoma Ependymomal tumors (ependymoma) Oligodendroglioma Medulloblastoma Unclassified (Mostly gliomas) Meningiomas Pituitary adenoma Neurinoma (Schawannoma, acoustic neuroma) Angiomas Sarcomas Miscellaneous (Chordoma, granuloma, lymphoma)
  • 8. Multiple, specific structural molecular genetic alterations (Mutation) Inappropriate cell proliferation Activation of protooncogenes (Enhances proliferation) Space occupying lesion Compression of cerebral tissue Neurological deficits (based on location, rate of growth & level of increased ICP) Activation of Tumor Supressor gene (Complete cessation or partial decrease in cellular activities)
  • 9. General Signs & Symptoms Headache 1/3rd Patients experience Intermittent & moderately severe Usually worse in morning Aggravated by increased ICP coughing, straining Nausea & Vomiting Change in the level of consciousness (LOC) Seizures
  • 11. Focal signs & symptoms Frontal lobe Cognitive, executive, behavioural, speech & motor deficit. Parietal lobe Sensory changes Hypo or hyperathesia, Paresthesia, Loss of two point discrimination Recognition deficits - Inability to recognise numbers, letters Astereognosis Autotopagnosia Anosognosia Finger agnosia Orientation deficits Loss of right left discrimination Neglect syndrome Construction apraxia Temporal lobe Psychomotor seizures Weakness Memory deficits Speech and language deficits
  • 12. Occipital lobe Visual field defects Visual hallucinations Pituitary & hypothalmus region Visual field deficits Headache Endocrine dysfunction Hypothalamus affect fat, carbohydrate metabolism, water balance, sleep patterns, appetite, sexual drive. Lateral third ventricles Obstruct flow of CSF vomiting, headache Brain stem Lower cranial nerve deficits dysphagia, nystagmus, ataxia, incoordination, nausea, vomiting, respiratory or cardiac arrest. Midbrain (rare) abnormal posture, ptosis Fourth ventricle Obstruct flow of CSF, headache, vomiting, nuchal rigidity. Cerebellum Cerebellar signs ataxia, incoordination, nystagmus, vertigo Associated Signs Papilledema, increased ICP
  • 13. History & neurological examination CT, MRI CT guided biopsy (Biopsy is not recommended for vascular tumors & brainstem tumors because fear of precipitating hemorrhage or respiratory distress)
  • 14. Fig. MRI scan of brain tumor
  • 15. General drug therapy Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy Nursing
  • 16. General drug therapy Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, prednisone or methylprednisolone) H2 blocker (Famotidine) Anticonvulsant drugs (Phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital) Surgery Surgical removal or debulking Craniotomy
  • 17. Radiotherapy Destroy tumor cells. Radiation dose ranges from 4 to 6 Gy in daily fractions of 150 -200 cGy and is administered over 4 8 wks. Stereotactic radiotherapy Interstitial brachytherapy Temporary Permanent
  • 18. Chemotherapy Alkalytaing agents Nitrosureas Synthetic alkalytic agent Carmustine, Lomustine Cisplatin (Platinol) Synthetic antineoplastic agent Procarbazine hydrochloride Etoposide Plant alkaloid Vincristine
  • 19. Nursing diagnoses related to emotional needs of patient and family Fear Anxiety Personal identity disturbanceGrief Change in role performance Social isolation Impaired family processes Impaired adjustment Ineffective individual and family coping
  • 20. Ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion related to cerebral edema. Imbalanced nutritional status less than body requirements related to nausea, vomiting. Discomfort: acute nausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy. Body image disturbance related to hair loss. Anxiety related to approaching treatment. Knowledge deficit regarding disease, treatment, discharge, follow up. Risk for infection related to bone marrow depression. Risk for injury related to thrombocytopenia. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to radiation induced dermatitis.
  • 21. Nursing management for the patient with brain tumor spans a wide variety of circumstances, situations and treatment modalities.
  • 22. Hickey Joanne. Strayer Andrea L. Neurological and Neurosurgical nursing. Wolters Kluwer publications. 8th edition. 2019. P 483-508. Greenlee RT. Murphy T. Bolden S. Wingo PA. Cancer Statistics.2000.CA: Cancer Journal for clinicals.50.7-33. Sugar SM. Israel MA. Tumors of the nervous system. Harrisons principles of internal medicine. New york: McGraw-Hill.14 edition. P 2398.