EarthStream is a global recruiting firm focused on the energy and resources sectors. They have 20 offices across 6 continents and can source candidates in over 50 countries. Their global database includes over 250,000 specialists. They provide a full suite of recruitment services including direct hire, contract staffing, national workforce compliance, and project recruitment. Their goal is to help clients address talent shortages and workforce challenges through their market expertise, technical knowledge, and global network.
Este editorial denuncia la corrupci坦n del sistema sanitario espa単ol y su servicio a los intereses de las compa単鱈as farmac辿uticas en lugar de la salud p炭blica. Critica que los tratamientos m辿dicos actuales son en su mayor鱈a paliativos e iatrog辿nicos (da単inos) en lugar de curativos. Tambi辿n denuncia que las vacunas y f叩rmacos aprobados rara vez han demostrado cient鱈ficamente prevenir o curar las enfermedades, y que en cambio su peligrosidad est叩 documentada. El editorial exige una
This document summarizes the evaluation of a freelance project planning assignment. It involved creating work samples of a specialized freelance role and outlining associated costs. Updates to a production diary helped ensure deadlines were met and tasks were efficiently scheduled. Character drawings featured medieval themes and were informed by detailed research sketches. Overall, the document evaluates that a consistent level of quality work was produced and deadlines were strictly followed through time management and planning.
Este documento proporciona definiciones de m叩s de 30 t辿rminos t辿cnicos relacionados con la industria hotelera. Algunos de los t辿rminos explicados incluyen habitaci坦n, registro, tarifa, cancelaci坦n, disponibilidad, y grupo. El glosario ofrece informaci坦n sobre conceptos clave para la operaci坦n de un hotel como asignaciones, bloqueos, cambios de habitaci坦n, y estancias prolongadas.
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Naskah Soal Prediksi Ujian Nasional IPA SMP 2014 paket 20sajidinbulu
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soal prediksi ujian nasional mata pelajaran IPA untuk SMP. Terdiri dari 37 soal pilihan ganda yang meliputi materi IPA seperti kimia, fisika, dan biologi. Soal-soal tersebut berkisar mulai dari contoh perubahan kimia, hukum gerak, sifat cahaya, sifat fisika dan kimia zat, sistem tubuh manusia, sel, dan genetika.
El documento habla sobre el reciclaje y la contaminaci坦n del agua. Menciona que una persona antes tiraba la basura pero ahora recicla, y aunque antes no ahorraba agua ahora reconoce la importancia de mantener el agua limpia.
La programaci坦n orientada a objetos es un paradigma de programaci坦n que usa objetos y sus interacciones para dise単ar aplicaciones. Los objetos tienen estado (datos y atributos) y comportamiento (m辿todos). La POO se populariz坦 en los a単os 90 y existe una gran variedad de lenguajes que la soportan como C++, Java y Visual Basic.
El resumen del documento es el siguiente:
1) Se describe una charla organizada por RICS Catalu単a sobre la situaci坦n del sector inmobiliario en Espa単a, donde Joan Pla comparti坦 sus opiniones sobre la reestructuraci坦n financiera de Bankia y CaixaBank.
2) Joan Pla destac坦 la importancia del 辿xito o fracaso de la salida a bolsa de Bankia y sus implicaciones, as鱈 como la situaci坦n del parque de viviendas sin vender.
3) Los asistentes debatieron posibles soluciones al problema de la vivienda y compartieron coment
RAPTOR es un entorno de programaci坦n visual basado en diagramas de flujo que minimiza la sintaxis requerida. Usa s鱈mbolos para representar instrucciones como asignaci坦n, entrada, salida, selecci坦n y ciclos. Los programas comienzan con el s鱈mbolo Start y terminan con End. Se pueden crear variables, ingresar y mostrar datos, y usar estructuras de control secuenciales, condicionales y repetitivas.
Naskah Soal Prediksi Ujian Nasional IPA SMP 2014 paket 20sajidinbulu
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soal prediksi ujian nasional mata pelajaran IPA untuk SMP. Terdiri dari 37 soal pilihan ganda yang meliputi materi IPA seperti kimia, fisika, dan biologi. Soal-soal tersebut berkisar mulai dari contoh perubahan kimia, hukum gerak, sifat cahaya, sifat fisika dan kimia zat, sistem tubuh manusia, sel, dan genetika.
El documento habla sobre el reciclaje y la contaminaci坦n del agua. Menciona que una persona antes tiraba la basura pero ahora recicla, y aunque antes no ahorraba agua ahora reconoce la importancia de mantener el agua limpia.
La programaci坦n orientada a objetos es un paradigma de programaci坦n que usa objetos y sus interacciones para dise単ar aplicaciones. Los objetos tienen estado (datos y atributos) y comportamiento (m辿todos). La POO se populariz坦 en los a単os 90 y existe una gran variedad de lenguajes que la soportan como C++, Java y Visual Basic.
El resumen del documento es el siguiente:
1) Se describe una charla organizada por RICS Catalu単a sobre la situaci坦n del sector inmobiliario en Espa単a, donde Joan Pla comparti坦 sus opiniones sobre la reestructuraci坦n financiera de Bankia y CaixaBank.
2) Joan Pla destac坦 la importancia del 辿xito o fracaso de la salida a bolsa de Bankia y sus implicaciones, as鱈 como la situaci坦n del parque de viviendas sin vender.
3) Los asistentes debatieron posibles soluciones al problema de la vivienda y compartieron coment
RAPTOR es un entorno de programaci坦n visual basado en diagramas de flujo que minimiza la sintaxis requerida. Usa s鱈mbolos para representar instrucciones como asignaci坦n, entrada, salida, selecci坦n y ciclos. Los programas comienzan con el s鱈mbolo Start y terminan con End. Se pueden crear variables, ingresar y mostrar datos, y usar estructuras de control secuenciales, condicionales y repetitivas.
2. The earth is blessed with an abundance of natural
resources that provide the energy, commodities
and materials to power the global economy.
EarthStream is a specialist recruiting business
dedicated to the energy & resources sectors,
with a truly global footprint.
We supply technical, engineering and commercial
resources to operators, explorers, EPC service
providers, equipment manufacturers, utility
companies and consultancies anywhere in the
We divide our business into three core
industry sectors:
Oil & Gas Mining & Resources Energy & Utilities
3. Global Coverage
As natural resources become more difficult and more
expensive to find and exploit, the need to work with 6 Continents
a truly global workforce provider becomes more
20 Offices
With twenty offices in operation in six continents
EarthStream has successfully delivered candidates
to work in more than fifty countries since our inception.
50 Countries
Our global database of over 250,000 energy and
resources specialists mean we can deliver local
nationals, expatriates or FIFO experts to any region in the 250,000 Candidates
world on either a direct hire or contract assignment basis.
4. Global Workforce Solutions
The global energy & resources sectors are facing
an impending talent crisis, based on the continuing EarthStream
Workforce Solution
natural resources boom driven by emerging market
This is joined in parallel with the ageing workforce
challenge and looming retirement exodus in traditional
oil & gas, mining and utility industries. Market Technical Global
knowledge expertise network
EarthStream help companies win the energy &
resources talent war by using our extensive market
knowledge, technical expertise and global network to
find the most sought after talent in each market sector.
Our full suite of recruitment service models, value
added services and comprehensive coverage combine
to deliver the total workforce solution.
5. Our Process
Networking Communication
We assign a significant global spend on recruitment We have implemented a rigorous screening process,
advertising to generate active candidates, with transparency of approach and open dialogue with
a social media networking methodology to identify clients that enable us to deliver high quality candidates
and proactively target passive candidates. in optimum time frames.
Technology Expert Knowledge
We have a dedicated data mining & research team Our recruiters focus on specific functional disciplines
that is continuously building our global database to develop an expert knowledge in their sector, which
and the use of technology is key to our efficiency. enables them to find the best people and unique skills
in each market sector.
6. Global Offices
The Americas Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific
Toronto - Canada London - UK Dubai - UAE Singapore
Atlanta - US Aberdeen - UK Muscat - Oman Kuala Lumpar - Malaysia
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Malaga - Spain Centurion - South Africa Ho Chi Minh - Vietnam
Paris - France Cape Town - South Africa Perth - Australia
Munich - Germany Makeni - Sierra Leone Shanghai - China
7. Our aims Vision & Values
Clarity of vision
Our vision is to become one of the We have created a positive, dynamic vision, Our client service philosophy is based on
with a clear roadmap aligned to passionate delivery, accountability, quality service,
worlds leading recruiting providers commitment to achieve our vision. We aim maintaining long-term client relationships
to the global natural resources sector to be at the leading edge of providing the and exceeding expectations.
talent that will help deliver the worlds energy
and help our clients win the war for & resources needs whilst also providing the
We conduct our business with respect for
people, community and the environment,
talent. talent that will help the planets transition to
aligned to a passion for the natural resources
the low carbon economy.
sector and the critical role it has to play in the
Our core values are based on ethics, integrity, future economic prosperity of our planet.
honesty, transparency, compliance, discipline,
responsibility and safety.
8. Client Services Direct Hire Workforce
A trusted partner
EarthStream can help augment your We bring a high-quality, focussed, personalised, approach to
every candidate search by fully understanding requirements
full time employee base by providing and then developing a customised strategy for identifying
specialists on a permanent direct and securing this talent.
hire basis. We provide direct hire candidates on a pricing model that
is contingent upon the successful hire of a full time employee
and provide critical feedback and guidance throughout
the process.
9. Client Services Flexible Workforce
Total agility
EarthStream enables clients Our global database and freelance network is comprised of
mobile experts that can help deliver projects by buying-in skills
to utilise flexible contract hire on a project related basis.
specialists on short term or We have experience of supporting diverse projects across all
long term assignments energy & resources sectors in multiple regions in the world,
including harsh environments.
anywhere in the world.
We provide flexible daily or hourly rate contractors for assignments,
complete with payroll & mobilisation support services.
10. Client Services Global Workforce
Knowing where to hunt
The boom in natural resources EarthStream provides managed campaigns to target
talent pools with a view to relocating specialists from
is creating in-country skill one country to another, to help meet local demand.
shortages that in some cases We manage the entire project, from researching
can only be found by importing potential talent pools in various countries, to developing
the candidate attraction strategy, to assisting with the
talent from outside. entire relocation process from immigration to logistics.
11. Client Services National Workforce
Local approach
Where government owned entities These regulations can impact the entire supply chain
so it is it vital to adopt a strategy to hire local workers.
implement local quota rules on
EarthStream works in partnership with clients to
energy & resources manpower, it is develop national recruitment and repatriation strategies
essential to adopt a multi-dimensional in countries where local national quota needs are
essential to operate effectively with total compliance.
approach to hiring workers that meet
those national labour guidelines.
12. Client Services Managed Workforce
Steamlined delivery
EarthStream can provide on-site Our on-site recruitment managers can undertake a variety of activities,
from recruitment process management, to resource planning, to
recruitment support services managing additional vendors, to mobilisation & on-boarding, through to
to supplement the delivery and logistical organisation.
management of project teams If required we can implement human resources procedures and
streamlined recruitment processes to support the efficient attraction
across the world including and retention of both full-time staff and contract workforce.
challenging locations.
13. Client Services Retained Search
Finely tuned
EarthStream specialises in full-cycle We invest time in understanding the specific role,
deliverables, corporate structure, global footprint,
retained search, for senior or strategic business objectives, long-term vision, product &
hires, by adopting a fine-tuned search & service offering, as well the internal dynamics and
culture of the business we are representing, to
selection process that maps out a target promote a positive employer brand image in the
universe and undertakes a discreet but competitive natural resources sector.
comprehensive selection process.
14. Client Services Project Recruitment
A greater span
EarthStream works in partnership We have the resources, infrastructure and technology to
deliver significant volume, in optimum time frames, across
with clients to design solutions for all levels of staff from white collar to blue collar.
specific projects that require multiple We design these programs with both cost and
or bulk hire programs that need to organisational efficiency at the forefront of the plan and
work in tandem with our clients to meet project deliverables.
be sourced from both a local and
global talent pool.
15. Client Services Mobilisation Support Services
Moving freely
EarthStream provides a comprehensive We provide a range of mobilisation support services
that can help with immigration, employment visas,
support service to help relocate both accommodation, transport, insurance, compliance,
the full-time and contract staff we tax planning and payroll, payment & administration.
provide. We understand the importance to our clients that each
stage of our service delivery is fully supported and the
seamless relocation of staff in a compliant fashion is
critical to ensuring workers are successfully engaged
and retained.
16. Thank you
Please contact your local representative for further information
on how EarthStream can work with you.