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Curriculum Vitae
(Weam I. Zaky)
NAME: Weam I. Zaky
ADDRESS: 14 Henshaw Ave. # 3, Northampton, MA 01060
Phone: (413) 847-1391
E-mail: wzaky@smith.edu
2012  present Research Associate. Department of Biology, Center of Molecular Biology
(CMB). Smith College. Northampton, MA
M.Sc. 2010 Molecular Biology of infectious diseases, Smith College, Northampton, MA
One-year 2003
Post graduate
Medical Entomology Diploma, Entomology Department, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
One-year 2005
Post graduate
B.Scs. 2000
Environmental Science Diploma, Institute of Environmental Studies and
Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt.
Major is Entomology and Chemistry is minor.
2002  2007 Research Associate. Research and Training Center of Vector-born disease
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. (Supported by WHO)
2008  2010
2010  2012
2012 - 2013
Research Associate. Teaching Assistant. Lab Instructor, Center of Molecular
Biology, Smith College, Biological Science Program, Northampton, MA
(supported by NIH & WHO)
Research Associate. Teaching Assistant. Lab Instructor. HHMI Center for
Molecular Biology (supported by WHO & NIH), UMASS University, Amherst,
Research Associate, (supported by Bill Gates) Smith College, Northampton,
2008  present Member, the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH).
2008  present Member, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society. Smith College.
2010  present Member, American Society of Parasitology.
2008  2010 Graduate Student, Smith College of Molecular Biology. Northampton, MA.
Area of Research: Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of
the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi
1 of 4
Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae
2008  2010 Graduate teaching assistant, Smith College. Taught Genome and Genetic
Analysis (Bio 230), Genetics, Evolution and Molecular Biology (Bio 152), Molecular
Biology (Bio 333) and General Science Biology class (Bio 100).
2010  2012 Graduate teaching assistant, Amherst College, Amherst, MA. Taught
Molecular, Genes and Cells laboratory (Bio 191) Fall semester.
Graduate teaching assistant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Tought
General biological science laboratory (Bio 101) Spring semester.
Graduate teaching assistant, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Taught
Genetics, Evolution and Molecular Biosciences Laboratory (Bio 153) .
2010  present
2008  present
2012  present
Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines.
Instructing and teaching four weeks of Molecular Biology Summer Workshop
each summer at Smith College, Northampton, MA supported by New England Bio
Leading and instructing group of collaboration work of NGS, extracting DNA/RNA
constructing libraries for RNA-Seq and whole genome sequencing, runing samples
on MiSeq and data analysis using different pipelines. (In process for publish)
2009 Awarded The Esther Carpenter Biology Prize in general biology as a first-
year woman outstanding graduate student.
2011 The inspiration of the NeXXt Scholars Program for undergraduate women
students, U.S. Department of State.
Student mentorship
Name Institution/Major/Duration Project
Francesca Tomaino Smith College. Department
of Biology. Honor Thesis.
9/2009  4/2010
A Diagnostic Assay for the Detection
of Brugia malayi in Mosquitoes Using
Helicase Dependent Amplification
and Test Strip Detection.
Francesca Tomaino Smith College. Department
of Biology
Summer 2011
Field study project: Collecting
Baseline Data for DEC Salt-
Receiving Regions in Leogane, Haiti.
Ryan Burke University of Massachusetts,
Amherst. School of Public
Health and Health Science,
iCons. Honor Thesis.
9/2012  4/2013
Leohane, Haiti and the Path of
Lymphatic Filariasis Eradication.
Kristine L. Trotta Smith College. Department
of Biology. Honor Thesis.
9/2013  5/2014
Analysis of Natural Product from
Neurolaena lobata as Candidate
Antifilarial Agents Against the
Parasitic Nematode Brugia pahangi
2 of 4
Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae
Using MiSeq Analysis.
Marika Witkus
Naihan Chen
Smith College. Department
of Biology. Honor Thesis.
5/2013  12/2013
An Investigation of the Antifilarial
Potential of Centella asiatica on the
Parasite Brugia pahangi Using MiSeq
Smith College. Department
of Biology. Honor Thesis.
5/2014  1/2015
MiSeq Transcriptome Analysis of A.
viteae versus B. malayi, a Wolbachia
Dependent Nematode.
Kareen Seignon Smith College. Department
of Biology. Special Study.
5/2014  1/2015
MiSeq Transcriptome Analysis of L3
Infective Larval Stage vs. L4 Host
Larval Stage of B. malayi.
Sophie Bandurski
Stephanie Defrank
Winnie Tang
Laura Leung
Ridwana Fairuz
Kate Brien
Smith College. Department
of Biology. Special Study and
Honor Thesis.
5/2014  present
Multiplex Assay for Diagnostic
Dengue Disease.
 Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial
Parasitology, Brugia malayi, Smith College Colloquium, Northampton, MA (May 2010).
 Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial
Parasitology, Brugia malayi, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Atlanta,
Georgia (Nov 2010).
 Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial
Parasitology, Brugia malayi, New England Association of Parasitology (NEAP), Umass, Amherst, MA.
(Dec 2010).
 Weam I. Zaky, Barbara A. Osborne, Study of Nur77 Apoptotic Pathway Using 3T3 Cells, Molecular and
Cellular Biology (MCB) poster session, Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (Feb 2011).
 Weam I. Zaky, Francesca Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, Easy and Portable New Diagnostic Assay for
Human Lymphatic Filariasis Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Colloquium, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (Oct 2011).
 Comparative Gene Expression Study in Wolbachia Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia
Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Smith College, Northampton, MA (In Presses)
 Easy and Portable New Diagnostic Assay for Human Lymphatic Filariasis
Weam I. Zaky, Francesca Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (In
 A validation Field Study for W. bancrofti L3-Detection RT-PCR Assay of Human Lymphatic filariasis in Haiti
Weam I. Zaky, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, Streit Thomas, Smith College, Northampton, MA
 Effect of DEC-Salt treatment of Human Lymphatic Filariasis prevelance in Leogane, Haiti
3 of 4
Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae
Weam I. Zaky, Francesca R. Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, Streit Thomas, Smith College, Northampton,
Research Experience Summary:
 Specialized in molecular pathogenesis and host pathogen interactions.
 The use of molecular biological techniques and tools for gene manipulation, expression, and
 Experienced in a variety of techniques including PCR and DNA amplification techniques,
Western and colony blotting, ELISA, LPS gels, molecular cloning techniques, and tissue
culture techniques. Also experienced with flow cytometry in addition to light, electron, and
fluorescent microscopy.
 Dissection of mosquitoes and picking parasites from live and dead mosquitoes.
 RNA & DNA extraction from parasites and vectors with all the QC test.
 Library preparation of RNA and DNA using MiSeq sequencing.
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Zaky-Curriculum Vitae, 2015

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae (Weam I. Zaky) NAME: Weam I. Zaky ADDRESS: 14 Henshaw Ave. # 3, Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: (413) 847-1391 E-mail: wzaky@smith.edu weam.i.zaky@gmail.com CURRENT POSOTION: 2012 present Research Associate. Department of Biology, Center of Molecular Biology (CMB). Smith College. Northampton, MA EDUCATION: M.Sc. 2010 Molecular Biology of infectious diseases, Smith College, Northampton, MA One-year 2003 Post graduate Medical Entomology Diploma, Entomology Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. One-year 2005 Post graduate B.Scs. 2000 Environmental Science Diploma, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. Major is Entomology and Chemistry is minor. PREVIOUS POSITIONS: 2002 2007 Research Associate. Research and Training Center of Vector-born disease Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. (Supported by WHO) 2008 2010 2010 2012 2012 - 2013 Research Associate. Teaching Assistant. Lab Instructor, Center of Molecular Biology, Smith College, Biological Science Program, Northampton, MA (supported by NIH & WHO) Research Associate. Teaching Assistant. Lab Instructor. HHMI Center for Molecular Biology (supported by WHO & NIH), UMASS University, Amherst, MA Research Associate, (supported by Bill Gates) Smith College, Northampton, MA PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2008 present Member, the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH). 2008 present Member, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society. Smith College. 2010 present Member, American Society of Parasitology. 2008 2010 Graduate Student, Smith College of Molecular Biology. Northampton, MA. Area of Research: Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi 1 of 4
  • 2. Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae 2008 2010 Graduate teaching assistant, Smith College. Taught Genome and Genetic Analysis (Bio 230), Genetics, Evolution and Molecular Biology (Bio 152), Molecular Biology (Bio 333) and General Science Biology class (Bio 100). 2010 2012 Graduate teaching assistant, Amherst College, Amherst, MA. Taught Molecular, Genes and Cells laboratory (Bio 191) Fall semester. Graduate teaching assistant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Tought General biological science laboratory (Bio 101) Spring semester. Graduate teaching assistant, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Taught Genetics, Evolution and Molecular Biosciences Laboratory (Bio 153) . PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS: 2010 present 2008 present 2012 present Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines. Instructing and teaching four weeks of Molecular Biology Summer Workshop each summer at Smith College, Northampton, MA supported by New England Bio lab. Leading and instructing group of collaboration work of NGS, extracting DNA/RNA constructing libraries for RNA-Seq and whole genome sequencing, runing samples on MiSeq and data analysis using different pipelines. (In process for publish) HONORS and AWARDS: 2009 Awarded The Esther Carpenter Biology Prize in general biology as a first- year woman outstanding graduate student. 2011 The inspiration of the NeXXt Scholars Program for undergraduate women students, U.S. Department of State. Student mentorship Name Institution/Major/Duration Project Francesca Tomaino Smith College. Department of Biology. Honor Thesis. 9/2009 4/2010 A Diagnostic Assay for the Detection of Brugia malayi in Mosquitoes Using Helicase Dependent Amplification and Test Strip Detection. Francesca Tomaino Smith College. Department of Biology Summer 2011 Field study project: Collecting Baseline Data for DEC Salt- Receiving Regions in Leogane, Haiti. Ryan Burke University of Massachusetts, Amherst. School of Public Health and Health Science, iCons. Honor Thesis. 9/2012 4/2013 Leohane, Haiti and the Path of Lymphatic Filariasis Eradication. Kristine L. Trotta Smith College. Department of Biology. Honor Thesis. 9/2013 5/2014 Analysis of Natural Product from Neurolaena lobata as Candidate Antifilarial Agents Against the Parasitic Nematode Brugia pahangi 2 of 4
  • 3. Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae Using MiSeq Analysis. Marika Witkus Naihan Chen Smith College. Department of Biology. Honor Thesis. 5/2013 12/2013 An Investigation of the Antifilarial Potential of Centella asiatica on the Parasite Brugia pahangi Using MiSeq Analysis. Marie-Jacques Seignon Smith College. Department of Biology. Honor Thesis. 5/2014 1/2015 MiSeq Transcriptome Analysis of A. viteae versus B. malayi, a Wolbachia Dependent Nematode. Kareen Seignon Smith College. Department of Biology. Special Study. 5/2014 1/2015 MiSeq Transcriptome Analysis of L3 Infective Larval Stage vs. L4 Host Larval Stage of B. malayi. Sophie Bandurski Stephanie Defrank Winnie Tang Laura Leung Ridwana Fairuz Kate Brien Smith College. Department of Biology. Special Study and Honor Thesis. 5/2014 present Multiplex Assay for Diagnostic Dengue Disease. PUBLICATIONS: Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi, Smith College Colloquium, Northampton, MA (May 2010). Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Atlanta, Georgia (Nov 2010). Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Gene Expression Study in the Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi, New England Association of Parasitology (NEAP), Umass, Amherst, MA. (Dec 2010). Weam I. Zaky, Barbara A. Osborne, Study of Nur77 Apoptotic Pathway Using 3T3 Cells, Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) poster session, Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (Feb 2011). Weam I. Zaky, Francesca Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, Easy and Portable New Diagnostic Assay for Human Lymphatic Filariasis Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (Oct 2011). Comparative Gene Expression Study in Wolbachia Endosymbiont of the Filarial Parasitology, Brugia malayi Weam I. Zaky, Steven A. Williams, Smith College, Northampton, MA (In Presses) Easy and Portable New Diagnostic Assay for Human Lymphatic Filariasis Weam I. Zaky, Francesca Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (In Presses) A validation Field Study for W. bancrofti L3-Detection RT-PCR Assay of Human Lymphatic filariasis in Haiti Weam I. Zaky, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, Streit Thomas, Smith College, Northampton, MA Effect of DEC-Salt treatment of Human Lymphatic Filariasis prevelance in Leogane, Haiti 3 of 4
  • 4. Weam I. Zaky - Curriculum Vitae Weam I. Zaky, Francesca R. Tomaino, Steven A. Williams, Streit Thomas, Smith College, Northampton, MA Research Experience Summary: Specialized in molecular pathogenesis and host pathogen interactions. The use of molecular biological techniques and tools for gene manipulation, expression, and mutagenesis. Experienced in a variety of techniques including PCR and DNA amplification techniques, Western and colony blotting, ELISA, LPS gels, molecular cloning techniques, and tissue culture techniques. Also experienced with flow cytometry in addition to light, electron, and fluorescent microscopy. Dissection of mosquitoes and picking parasites from live and dead mosquitoes. RNA & DNA extraction from parasites and vectors with all the QC test. Library preparation of RNA and DNA using MiSeq sequencing. 4 of 4