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Opinion essay
Introduction Paragraph 1
state the topic and you opinion clearly
In my opinion, 
To begin with, 
Body Paragraph 2
viewpoint 1 and reason, example
I think,
I suppose,
I agree/disagree,
Personally I believe that,
In my view,
I dont support the idea of,
I dont think,
I doubt,
As for me,
On the one hand,
As an example
Firstly, secondly, thirdly
For example, 
For instance, 
Paragraph 3
viewpoint 2 and reason, example
Paragraph 4
opposing viewpoint and reason/example
At the same time
On the other hand, 
What is more
Conclusion Final paragraph
summarise/restate opinion
In conclusion, 
To sum up, 
- No contractions its = it is
- Grammar, punctuality, spelling
- Several paragraphs
- Needed size (number of words - at least 100)
Additional linking words:
- In spite of
- In other words
- In any case
- In fact, 
- As a result, 
- Besides 
- According to
- In addition 
- Finally 
- Anyway

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Alla Kolosai
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Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆  亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆  亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
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Alla Kolosai
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
Alla Kolosai
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
Alla Kolosai
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Doing chores tasks
Alla Kolosai
亞仂亟亳仆舒 仗仍从于舒仆仆 从仂于 仍ミ観从舒 仆亠 于仂亟亳
亞仂亟亳仆舒 仗仍从于舒仆仆  从仂于 仍ミ観从舒 仆亠 于仂亟亳亞仂亟亳仆舒 仗仍从于舒仆仆  从仂于 仍ミ観从舒 仆亠 于仂亟亳
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Alla Kolosai
于仂仆舒仄 丐
于仂仆舒仄 丐于仂仆舒仄 丐
于仂仆舒仄 丐
Alla Kolosai
亟亠仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
亟亠仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳亟亠仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
亟亠仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
Alla Kolosai
亠仆舒亶 于舒 亟仂 亟仆 于亳亠仍 2017.
亠仆舒亶 于舒 亟仂 亟仆 于亳亠仍 2017.亠仆舒亶 于舒 亟仂 亟仆 于亳亠仍 2017.
亠仆舒亶 于舒 亟仂 亟仆 于亳亠仍 2017.
Alla Kolosai
亟亠仆 仄亳
亟亠仆 仄亳亟亠仆 仄亳
亟亠仆 仄亳
Alla Kolosai
仗仂亳于仆亠 于仂 亟仂 仂仍仄仗亶从仂亞仂 亳亢仆
仗仂亳于仆亠 于仂 亟仂 仂仍仄仗亶从仂亞仂 亳亢仆仗仂亳于仆亠 于仂 亟仂 仂仍仄仗亶从仂亞仂 亳亢仆
仗仂亳于仆亠 于仂 亟仂 仂仍仄仗亶从仂亞仂 亳亢仆
Alla Kolosai
弌亠仆舒亶 于舒 仗亠仂亞仂 亟亰于仂仆亳从舒 2017/2018
弌亠仆舒亶 于舒 仗亠仂亞仂 亟亰于仂仆亳从舒 2017/2018弌亠仆舒亶 于舒 仗亠仂亞仂 亟亰于仂仆亳从舒 2017/2018
弌亠仆舒亶 于舒 仗亠仂亞仂 亟亰于仂仆亳从舒 2017/2018
Alla Kolosai
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰仆舒仆 2017/2018
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰仆舒仆  2017/2018亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰仆舒仆  2017/2018
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰仆舒仆 2017/2018
Alla Kolosai
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 2017/2018
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 2017/2018亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 2017/2018
亠亰亠仆舒 丐亳亢仆 亰 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 2017/2018
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆-从舒 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亳仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
仍舒仆-从舒 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亳仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 仍舒仆-从舒 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亳仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
仍舒仆-从舒 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亳仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳 仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆 仗仂亢亠亢仆仂 弍亠亰仗亠从亳
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆- 从舒 丐亳亢仆 - 2017
仍舒仆- 从舒 丐亳亢仆 - 2017仍舒仆- 从舒 丐亳亢仆 - 2017
仍舒仆- 从舒 丐亳亢仆 - 2017
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆 仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆
仍舒仆 丐亳亢仆
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 亟仂 仆 于亳亰于仂仍亠仆仆 丕从舒仆亳
仍舒仆 亟仂 仆 于亳亰于仂仍亠仆仆 丕从舒仆亳仍舒仆 亟仂 仆 于亳亰于仂仍亠仆仆 丕从舒仆亳
仍舒仆 亟仂 仆 于亳亰于仂仍亠仆仆 丕从舒仆亳
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆  亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆  亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
仍舒仆 亰舒仂亟于 亰 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 仆 亰舒亳仆亳从舒 丕从舒仆亳
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 仍仄仗亶从仂亞仂 亳亢仆
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Alla Kolosai
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
仂仄仆亳亶 仗仍舒仆 仂弍仂亳 仗亠亟舒亞仂亞舒-仂亞舒仆亰舒仂舒
Alla Kolosai
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
仍舒仆 于亳仂于仆仂 仂弍仂亳 从仂仍亳 仆舒 2017-2018 仆..
Alla Kolosai
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆 仆舒仗礆从亳 仗亠亠亟于亳弍仂亳 仗仂亞舒仄
Alla Kolosai

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Shablon zno essay english

  • 1. www.ZNOCLUB.com III. WRITING Opinion essay Introduction Paragraph 1 state the topic and you opinion clearly In my opinion, To begin with, Body Paragraph 2 viewpoint 1 and reason, example I think, I suppose, I agree/disagree, Personally I believe that, In my view, I dont support the idea of, I dont think, I doubt, As for me, On the one hand, As an example Firstly, secondly, thirdly For example, For instance, Paragraph 3 viewpoint 2 and reason, example Paragraph 4 opposing viewpoint and reason/example However, Although At the same time On the other hand, What is more
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