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We should all care
Language Learning Roundtable - Writing for publication globally:
Evaluation regimes, knowledges, digital practices
20 March 2022
Andiswa Mfengu
Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship,
Faculty of Humanities, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Epistemologies and knowledge-
making practices
Systems (adoption vs adaptation), culture,
Different ways of knowing,
contextualization  indigenous knowledge,
indigenous languages, etc.
Current knowledge practices - epistemic
injustices and reinforces these colonial
Prioritization of the English language -
citations and international recognition
Publishing practices and
Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
Articles vs other outputs
Quantitative measures of success (Scopus, WoS) vs qualitative
Tenure, probation and promotion guidelines
Funder requirements
Research outputs vs outcomes and impacts
Who is excluded
Journal gatekeeping practices: who gets published? author
names, author affiliations do they matter?
Extracts from interviews with researchers/academics at the
University of Cape Town
The publication process can be crippling for early career
academics because it is biased and racist, gatekeeping takes
place as it is an elite environment. Many early career
researchers find that they dont have the correct surnames,
like Smith, to be allowed to publish within those journals. -
UCT Researcher
If your surname is Nxumalo and not Jefferson it has a
different kind of feel in how it gets cited. - UCT Academic
Why we should care
The major publishing houses have inadvertently
northernized the publishing landscape Dr Reggie
Raju (Director of Research & learning - UCT
Those that write in African languages remain
invisible, their works are hardly ever reviewed or
translated - Ng滴g挑 wa Thiongo
Accessible and equitable
Discoverability, visibility of scholarship
Opportunity for the improved distribution of
Paradigm shift
The institution needs to decide what is valuable and then valuing
those things in policies and ad-hominem [tenure] promotion
processes  UCT Researcher
Library publishing  Continental platform for open access
Changing how we value research and how we assess it
Recognize the diversity
Collaboration  researchers, research managers, funders &
government (bottom up and top-down approaches)
Meaningful and responsible approaches - flexible, broad and
Mfengu, A. 2022. Developing a holistic framework for assessing research impact
in South African higher education institutions, using a research-intensive
university as a case study. PhD thesis. University of Cape Town [Unpublished].
African Books Collective -
[Nanda Dyssou, An Interview with Ng滴g挑 wa Thiongo, Los Angeles Review of
Books, 23 April 2017].
Continental platform for open access publishing -

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We should all care - Writing for publication globally: Evaluation regimes, knowledges, digital practices

  • 1. We should all care Language Learning Roundtable - Writing for publication globally: Evaluation regimes, knowledges, digital practices 20 March 2022 Andiswa Mfengu Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Faculty of Humanities, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • 2. Epistemologies and knowledge- making practices Systems (adoption vs adaptation), culture, norms Different ways of knowing, contextualization indigenous knowledge, indigenous languages, etc. Current knowledge practices - epistemic injustices and reinforces these colonial structures Prioritization of the English language - citations and international recognition
  • 3. Publishing practices and pedagogies Journal Impact Factor (JIF) Articles vs other outputs Quantitative measures of success (Scopus, WoS) vs qualitative approaches Drivers: Tenure, probation and promotion guidelines Funder requirements Research outputs vs outcomes and impacts
  • 4. Who is excluded Journal gatekeeping practices: who gets published? author names, author affiliations do they matter? Extracts from interviews with researchers/academics at the University of Cape Town The publication process can be crippling for early career academics because it is biased and racist, gatekeeping takes place as it is an elite environment. Many early career researchers find that they dont have the correct surnames, like Smith, to be allowed to publish within those journals. - UCT Researcher If your surname is Nxumalo and not Jefferson it has a different kind of feel in how it gets cited. - UCT Academic
  • 5. Why we should care The major publishing houses have inadvertently northernized the publishing landscape Dr Reggie Raju (Director of Research & learning - UCT Libraries) Those that write in African languages remain invisible, their works are hardly ever reviewed or translated - Ng滴g挑 wa Thiongo Accessible and equitable Discoverability, visibility of scholarship Opportunity for the improved distribution of scholarship
  • 6. Paradigm shift The institution needs to decide what is valuable and then valuing those things in policies and ad-hominem [tenure] promotion processes UCT Researcher Library publishing Continental platform for open access publishing Changing how we value research and how we assess it Recognize the diversity Collaboration researchers, research managers, funders & government (bottom up and top-down approaches) Meaningful and responsible approaches - flexible, broad and context-sensitive
  • 7. Sources Mfengu, A. 2022. Developing a holistic framework for assessing research impact in South African higher education institutions, using a research-intensive university as a case study. PhD thesis. University of Cape Town [Unpublished]. African Books Collective - https://www.readafricanbooks.com/opinion/publishing-in-african-languages/ [Nanda Dyssou, An Interview with Ng滴g挑 wa Thiongo, Los Angeles Review of Books, 23 April 2017]. Continental platform for open access publishing - https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20210203114558607

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Making the knowledge creation and knowledge making practices more accessible and equitable. These publishing houses are driven by the fundamental principles of economics; that is, they will publish that which will be bought. It is the Global North that has the buying capacity. The unintended but systematic northernization of the publishing landscape has marginalized the research voices from the Global South, Raju told油University World News. There is a desperate need for the democratization and de-northernization of the publishing landscape a publishing process that promotes social justice and the inclusion of African researchers and research output into mainstream research processes,.
  • #7: Library publishing (Library as publisher service) - The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) defines library publishing as the set of activities led by academic and research libraries and library consortia to support the creation, dissemination, and curation of scholarly, creative, and/or educational works. Changing how we value research and how we assess it - more socially just and equitable knowledge making practices Collaboration researchers, research managers, funders & government both internationally and in the global south