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PATAYAN, Angelo Lawrence Del Rosario
Quezon City, Philippines
Business Line: (02) 423-3229
Home Phone: (02) 417-0681
Mobile Number: +639176219875
Business Email: angelo.patayan@citi.com
Personal Email: angelopatayan@gmail.com
Entering into a new scheme of certainties, I would be, in much desire to work in your globally-
renowned institution. This will enable me to nurture my morale and enhance my knowledge that
is tantamount to my indispensable work. Moreover, this will help me to hone my skills in doing
efficient and effective exertion of my labour.
Citibank, N.A.
floor Citibank Square, Eastwood City Libis, Quezon City
January 2012 – September 2016
• Manager (Rank) – Global Consumer Group, Citi Personal Loans.
• Managed Loans’ Digital Team that brought millions of loan volume (booked
accounts) in just a few months since the system was restructured.
• Catalyst of the enhanced management portfolio for digitization of loans’
• Handled a group of people that specialize mainly on retail banking (personal
loans and bank investments).
• Administered consumer loan operations.
• Managed all loan processes to ensure optimal customer services and
participated in all improvement activities.
• Coached people skills and institutional management. Facilitated Change
Management Bureau.
• Led and developed the sales and product training sessions for the Customer
Service/Investment Consultant team ensuring the resultant level of service
meets Citi's Bank service standards and that product knowledge is
maintained and increased for all direct reports, including casual staff.
Sun Life Financial (Philippines), Incorporated
floor, ACE Building, Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City
August 2016 – present
• Regional Macaulay awardee
• MDRT top performer
• And educator that helps people in gaining more knowledge by providing
research, advice, and guidance regarding planning and portfolio
• Analyses equity and fixed income trading.
• Monitors financial market trends to ensure that plans are effective, and to
identify any necessary updates.
• Citi Service Excellence Awardee (2014) – annual award giving body that
highlights skilled 20 people across Citi Philippines.
• Top Team Manager (2014) – highest achievement per officer / team basis.
• Top Team Manager (2015) – highest achievement per officer / team basis.
• Coach of the Year (2015) – most prestigious award being given by the
Training and Development team of Citi. This award is only being given to
leaders that able to inform, inspire, improve, and institutionalize people in
their respective line of businesses.
• GOTCHA Awardee - Citi’s prime awards for exemplary performance.
• Top Loans’ Officer (2013) – highest achievement for target deliverables.
• Rookie of the Year (2012) with 385.6% Annual Rating – Reaching 305.6%
above the standard goal of 80%.
The Peninsula Manila
Corners of Ayala and Makati Avenue, Makati City
November 2011 – March 2012
• Came across to the Learning and Development processes;
• Trained in the Recruitment procedures and staffing techniques;
• Able to be exposed in the indispensable resources of Compensation
and Benefits of the whole labour force; and
• Learned more of the specific Career Paths growing in today’s
moving workforce.
Tertiary Education
University of Santo Tomas
June 2008 – March 2012
• Cum Laude (March 2012)
• Consistent Dean’s Lister (June 2008 – March 2012)
• Public Speaker, Intra-school Events (2008 – 2012)
• Central Student Council, Academic Relations Head (June 2009 - March
• President, Pax Romana CTHM (June 2009 – March 2011)
• News Editor, VARSITARIAN (University-wide Newsletter)
• External Vice President, UST Central Board Pax Romana (June 2009 –
March 2010)
Secondary Education
Sto. Nino de Novaliches School
June 2004 - 2008
• Graduated 3rd
Honors / 1st
honourable mention in his batch (2008)
• CAT, Alpha Company Brigade Commander (2006-2007)
• President, Campus Ministry (2006-2008)
• CAT, Major Officer (2007-2008)
• Student Council, Sergeant at Arms (2007-2008)
With God given knowledge and skills, I am, in my modest outlook to have these following
individualities. I have excellent communication skills (bilingual fluency) that able me to connect
to other people in different area perspective; Am able to adapt to corporate management team;
and I’m able to gage in corporate strategic functions. With much work I do, I’m excellent in
handling of improved and adverse technologies. And of course, at most, I am capable of learning
novel ideas.
Dominique Valerie Hubalde-Lopretti
Former Manager
Sales and Distribution
Citibank NA
Elenida Basug
Chief, Environmental Education and Information Division
Environmental Management Bureau – DENR
DENR, Visayas Avenue
Telefax: 928 – 4674
Mr. Jojo Villamin, MBA
College Instructor
Handles Strategic Management and Business Policy courses
I hereby attest that the above information are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, abilities and
Angelo Lawrence Del Rosario Patayan

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Updated CV (2016)

  • 1. PATAYAN, Angelo Lawrence Del Rosario Quezon City, Philippines Business Line: (02) 423-3229 Home Phone: (02) 417-0681 Mobile Number: +639176219875 Business Email: angelo.patayan@citi.com Personal Email: angelopatayan@gmail.com CORE COMPETENCIES Entering into a new scheme of certainties, I would be, in much desire to work in your globally- renowned institution. This will enable me to nurture my morale and enhance my knowledge that is tantamount to my indispensable work. Moreover, this will help me to hone my skills in doing efficient and effective exertion of my labour. PRACTICAL WORK Citibank, N.A. 17th floor Citibank Square, Eastwood City Libis, Quezon City January 2012 – September 2016 SENIOR SALES MANAGER • Manager (Rank) – Global Consumer Group, Citi Personal Loans. • Managed Loans’ Digital Team that brought millions of loan volume (booked accounts) in just a few months since the system was restructured. • Catalyst of the enhanced management portfolio for digitization of loans’ business. • Handled a group of people that specialize mainly on retail banking (personal loans and bank investments). • Administered consumer loan operations. • Managed all loan processes to ensure optimal customer services and participated in all improvement activities. • Coached people skills and institutional management. Facilitated Change Management Bureau. • Led and developed the sales and product training sessions for the Customer Service/Investment Consultant team ensuring the resultant level of service meets Citi's Bank service standards and that product knowledge is maintained and increased for all direct reports, including casual staff. Sun Life Financial (Philippines), Incorporated 5th floor, ACE Building, Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City August 2016 – present REGISTERED FINANCIAL ADVISOR / LICENSED FINANCIAL PLANNER • Regional Macaulay awardee • MDRT top performer • And educator that helps people in gaining more knowledge by providing research, advice, and guidance regarding planning and portfolio management. • Analyses equity and fixed income trading. • Monitors financial market trends to ensure that plans are effective, and to identify any necessary updates.
  • 2. AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS • Citi Service Excellence Awardee (2014) – annual award giving body that highlights skilled 20 people across Citi Philippines. • Top Team Manager (2014) – highest achievement per officer / team basis. • Top Team Manager (2015) – highest achievement per officer / team basis. • Coach of the Year (2015) – most prestigious award being given by the Training and Development team of Citi. This award is only being given to leaders that able to inform, inspire, improve, and institutionalize people in their respective line of businesses. • GOTCHA Awardee - Citi’s prime awards for exemplary performance. • Top Loans’ Officer (2013) – highest achievement for target deliverables. • Rookie of the Year (2012) with 385.6% Annual Rating – Reaching 305.6% above the standard goal of 80%. The Peninsula Manila Corners of Ayala and Makati Avenue, Makati City November 2011 – March 2012 HUMAN RESOURCES – LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST • Came across to the Learning and Development processes; • Trained in the Recruitment procedures and staffing techniques; • Able to be exposed in the indispensable resources of Compensation and Benefits of the whole labour force; and • Learned more of the specific Career Paths growing in today’s moving workforce. SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT Tertiary Education University of Santo Tomas June 2008 – March 2012 • Cum Laude (March 2012) • Consistent Dean’s Lister (June 2008 – March 2012) • Public Speaker, Intra-school Events (2008 – 2012) • Central Student Council, Academic Relations Head (June 2009 - March 2010) • President, Pax Romana CTHM (June 2009 – March 2011) • News Editor, VARSITARIAN (University-wide Newsletter) • External Vice President, UST Central Board Pax Romana (June 2009 – March 2010) Secondary Education Sto. Nino de Novaliches School June 2004 - 2008 • Graduated 3rd Honors / 1st honourable mention in his batch (2008) • CAT, Alpha Company Brigade Commander (2006-2007) • President, Campus Ministry (2006-2008) • CAT, Major Officer (2007-2008) • Student Council, Sergeant at Arms (2007-2008)
  • 3. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS With God given knowledge and skills, I am, in my modest outlook to have these following individualities. I have excellent communication skills (bilingual fluency) that able me to connect to other people in different area perspective; Am able to adapt to corporate management team; and I’m able to gage in corporate strategic functions. With much work I do, I’m excellent in handling of improved and adverse technologies. And of course, at most, I am capable of learning novel ideas. CHARACTER REFERENCES Dominique Valerie Hubalde-Lopretti Former Manager Sales and Distribution Citibank NA Elenida Basug Chief, Environmental Education and Information Division Environmental Management Bureau – DENR DENR, Visayas Avenue Telefax: 928 – 4674 elenidabasug@yahoo.com Mr. Jojo Villamin, MBA College Instructor Handles Strategic Management and Business Policy courses jo_villamin@yahoo.com I hereby attest that the above information are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, abilities and competencies. __________________________________ Angelo Lawrence Del Rosario Patayan Applicant