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Moving Humanity Forward
? The forums at BionicMe.com are allowing humanity to move
forward through the study and discussion of bionics, robotics,
prosthetics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and virtual
? Bionics is no longer a one way street, where nature is studied,
copied, and implemented into artificial systems.
? We give you updates on recent activities.
? We have created a community to share the world of Bionics.
? The Machines are NOT Coming (But AI is Already Here)
? Which hearing aid manufacturer you want?
? What are the different types of hearing aids?
? Hearing aid repair.
? Fasting for health and long life.
? Can robots be racist?
? When people think about robots, many people imagine scary
military robots that can walk and talk like in the movies.
? Robotics has been a big industry for decades. Your car was
built by robots. Some of your electronic gadgets were built by
? They are still precisely controlled by humans who have input
3D drawings and programmed each and every move the
robotic arm makes.
? The Turing Test challenges scientists to develop a software
program that can "fool" the judges into thinking they are
interacting with a real person.
? The Turing Test has long been considered the gold standard
for proving AI. But now that it has officially been beaten,
where will we go next?
? Stock Market
? Obviously humans can't react that fast, so it's the programs
that do the dirty work.
? Business Decisions
? Until now, computers were used to crunch numbers. It
started with accounting spreadsheets and has now entered
the age of "Big Data".
? Entertainment
? Besides trivial entertainment, AI could be used as a
personal guide for our days and our lives. Think voice
commands and Siri times a million.
? There are a lot of hearing aid companies that you can choose from. Its
a good idea to stick to a trusted model from a trusted brand. This is
why its a good idea to check out the different hearing aid companies
to see what they have to offer.
? Just make sure that you choose a hearing aid based on your needs and
preferences. Consult with a specialist when in doubt, or take a look at
our article on choosing the right type of hearing aid technology.
? Amplisound
? Audina
? Audibel
? Bernafon
? Beltone
? Phonak
? ReSound
? Oticon
? Siemens
? Starkey
Finally, whichever brand you choose, make sure they have
a long history and a good reputation (all the brands
mentioned here do!).
1. Behind the Ear or BTE.
? This is one of the most popular types of hearing aids because
of its durability. Cleaning and maintaining it is easy.
2. On the Ear.
? This is a better option because it provides better comfort
since it doesnt give you that feeling that something is
plugged in your ear.
3. In the Ear.
? While bigger than the other types of hearing aids, a lot of
people prefer this type because its easier to handle than the
smaller types.
4. In the Canal
? They are the smallest because theyre worn right inside the
ear canal. Most people wouldnt notice that youre wearing it.
It is virtually unnoticeable.
? With these different types of hearing aids, one thing is certain
C you need to go for a trusted brand. This is the best way to
ensure that you get the best hearing aid for your needs and
? If you want more information on hearing aid brands, check
out our article. It covers the major manufacturers and gives
an overview of the different technology available to you.
? Of course, make sure to let your hearing specialist know of
your preferences so he can consider them when he makes his
? A final consideration is the ability to work on your own device
to change the batteries or to perform minor hearing aid
? Be sure to check with the manufacturer before trying your
own repairs, even if you're a "do it yourselfer".
Check out our articles. It covers the major manufacturers and
gives an overview of the different technologies available to
? The moderators and administration at Bionicme have said if a
post is considered off-topic, malicious, taunting, illegal, or in
otherwise bad taste. Such posts will be edited or removed,
and users who continue to post such messages will be
You will, at all times, post respectfully.

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  • 2. ? The forums at BionicMe.com are allowing humanity to move forward through the study and discussion of bionics, robotics, prosthetics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and virtual reality. ? Bionics is no longer a one way street, where nature is studied, copied, and implemented into artificial systems. ? We give you updates on recent activities. ? We have created a community to share the world of Bionics.
  • 3. ? The Machines are NOT Coming (But AI is Already Here) ? Which hearing aid manufacturer you want? ? What are the different types of hearing aids? ? Hearing aid repair. ? Fasting for health and long life. ? Can robots be racist?
  • 4. ? When people think about robots, many people imagine scary military robots that can walk and talk like in the movies. ? Robotics has been a big industry for decades. Your car was built by robots. Some of your electronic gadgets were built by robots. ? They are still precisely controlled by humans who have input 3D drawings and programmed each and every move the robotic arm makes.
  • 5. ? The Turing Test challenges scientists to develop a software program that can "fool" the judges into thinking they are interacting with a real person. ? The Turing Test has long been considered the gold standard for proving AI. But now that it has officially been beaten, where will we go next?
  • 6. ? Stock Market ? Obviously humans can't react that fast, so it's the programs that do the dirty work. ? Business Decisions ? Until now, computers were used to crunch numbers. It started with accounting spreadsheets and has now entered the age of "Big Data". ? Entertainment ? Besides trivial entertainment, AI could be used as a personal guide for our days and our lives. Think voice commands and Siri times a million.
  • 7. ? There are a lot of hearing aid companies that you can choose from. Its a good idea to stick to a trusted model from a trusted brand. This is why its a good idea to check out the different hearing aid companies to see what they have to offer. ? Just make sure that you choose a hearing aid based on your needs and preferences. Consult with a specialist when in doubt, or take a look at our article on choosing the right type of hearing aid technology.
  • 8. ? Amplisound ? Audina ? Audibel ? Bernafon ? Beltone ? Phonak ? ReSound ? Oticon ? Siemens ? Starkey Finally, whichever brand you choose, make sure they have a long history and a good reputation (all the brands mentioned here do!).
  • 9. 1. Behind the Ear or BTE. ? This is one of the most popular types of hearing aids because of its durability. Cleaning and maintaining it is easy. 2. On the Ear. ? This is a better option because it provides better comfort since it doesnt give you that feeling that something is plugged in your ear.
  • 10. 3. In the Ear. ? While bigger than the other types of hearing aids, a lot of people prefer this type because its easier to handle than the smaller types. 4. In the Canal ? They are the smallest because theyre worn right inside the ear canal. Most people wouldnt notice that youre wearing it. It is virtually unnoticeable.
  • 11. ? With these different types of hearing aids, one thing is certain C you need to go for a trusted brand. This is the best way to ensure that you get the best hearing aid for your needs and preferences. ? If you want more information on hearing aid brands, check out our article. It covers the major manufacturers and gives an overview of the different technology available to you.
  • 12. ? Of course, make sure to let your hearing specialist know of your preferences so he can consider them when he makes his recommendation. ? A final consideration is the ability to work on your own device to change the batteries or to perform minor hearing aid repairs. ? Be sure to check with the manufacturer before trying your own repairs, even if you're a "do it yourselfer".
  • 13. Check out our articles. It covers the major manufacturers and gives an overview of the different technologies available to you.
  • 14. ? The moderators and administration at Bionicme have said if a post is considered off-topic, malicious, taunting, illegal, or in otherwise bad taste. Such posts will be edited or removed, and users who continue to post such messages will be banned. You will, at all times, post respectfully.