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Litehouse would like to assure that your swimming pool immediately
becomes the source of family fun and enjoyment you¨ve dreamed about.
Since 1959, we¨ve realized that everyone¨s idea of paradise is different.
To satisfy the needs of all, we have carefully selected what we feel
are the finest manufacturers in the pool industry.
Just as in any product you purchase, our purchasing decisions are based
on the manufacturer¨s long standing commitment to the customer. The wide
selection we offer is designed to make your decision simple and satisfying.
Please allow us the opportunity to assist you in the planning of your
backyard retreat. We think in 45 years we¨ve become pretty good at it.
is a proud sponsor of
? Check local requirements
? Avoid overhead powerlines
? Call your local public utilities
offices to mark underground lines
before you dig
? Be sure to meet all safety standards
(i.e. Fencing restrictions)
? Avoid trees and roots
? Eliminate rodents in pool area
(moles, gophers)
? Check for property easements
? Do not install your pool on nut grass
? Install warning signs in
visible location
R e c r e a t i o n
Not approved
for diving
? Inground Style Beaded Liner
? 54 ̄ High-Rise Wall
Top Seat - creates more
uninterrupted swim space and
adds to pool attractiveness
? Round styles available
? Solid Resin Top Rail adds
a lifetime of beauty and
strength that will never
rust or corrode
? Precision Injection Molding
? No sharp edges to cut or scrape
? Rust-Proof high grade supports
? 9 Layer Wall Protection
with Akrylikote
? Sunsport?
Limited Lifetime Warranty
(on resin components)
24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round, 33¨ Round
54 ̄ Radius Resin Pool
Not approved
for diving
? Inground Style Beaded Liner
? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
Top Seat - creates more
uninterrupted swim space and
adds to pool attractiveness
? Round styles available
? Solid Resin Frame Construction
adds a lifetime of beauty and
strength that will never rust
or corrode
? Precision Injection Molding
? Rust-Proof high grade supports
? Aqua Leader?
Limited Lifetime Warranty
(on resin components)
24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
Not approved
for diving
? J-Hook Style Liner
? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
Top Seat - creates more
uninterrupted swim space and
adds to pool attractiveness
? Round styles available
? Solid Resin Frame Construction
adds a lifetime of beauty and
strength that will never rust
or corrode
? Precision Injection Molding
? Rust-Proof high grade supports
? Aqua Leader?
Limited Lifetime Warranty
(on resin components)
15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 24¨ Round,
27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
Not approved
for diving
? Inground Style Beaded Liner
? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall
? 9 ̄ Top Seat
? Round and Oval styles available
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top
and Bottom plates for maximum
frame protection
? Corrosion Resistant
Chromate Bottom Track
? 8 Layer Frame Protection
with Plastisol Protection
? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure
Warranty 0050
18¨ Round, 21¨ Round, 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round,
30¨ Round, 33¨ Round,
15¨ x 30¨ Oval, 18¨ x 33¨ Oval, 21¨x 42¨ Oval
Not approved
for diving
? Inground Style Beaded Liner
? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall
? 7 ̄ Top Seat
? Round and Oval styles available
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top
and Bottom plates for maximum
frame protection
? Corrosion Resistant
Chromate Bottom Track
? 7 Layer Frame Protection
? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure
Warranty 0050
15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 21¨ Round,
24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round,
12¨ x 24¨ Oval, 15¨ x 30¨ Oval, 18¨ x 33¨ Oval
Available in Resin
or Steel Top Rail
Not approved
for diving
? Diamond Garden Wall
? Stabilizer Bar
with Liner-Loc Coping
? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall
? Round and Oval styles available
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top
and Bottom plates for maximum
frame protection
? Corrosion Resistant
Chromate Bottom Track
? 7 Layer Frame Protection
? Seaspray?
Warranty 0025
15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 21¨ Round,
24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
Not approved
for diving
? Traditional Wall
? Stabilizer Bar
with Liner-Loc Coping
? 48 ̄ Wall
? 5.5 ̄ Top Seat
? Round styles available
? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top
and Bottom plates for maximum
frame protection
? 7 Layer Frame Protection
? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure
Warranty 0015
12¨ Round, 15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 24¨ Round
48 ̄ Pool
9 Layer Wall Protection*
^Akrylikote Finish ̄ EXTERIOR
Alkaline cleaned
^Hot Dipped¨ zinc
Alkaline cleaned
Bonderizing application
Epoxy watertite
^Glaze Kote ̄
Secondary vinyl patterns
Primary vinyl patterns
Akrylikote finish
Alloy core 15% heavier
than the industry standard
Alkaline cleaned
^Hot Dipped¨ zinc
Alkaline cleaned
Bonderizing application
Baked enamel
primary coat
Chromate finish
Weather seal (polyester/urethane)
Baked enamel basecoat
Alkaline cleaned
^Hot Dipped ̄
Alloy core
Liner Loc?
Protective Coping
Protects the pool liner from
sharp surfaces
?Southwind, and Esprit pools
Inground Beaded
Style Liner
Snaps in for a custom fit
?Standard on Illusion, J-5000 and Sierra pools only
Deepest, closest corrugation in the
industry provides unequaled vertical stability!
?J-5000 and Sierra pools only
Top seat seam cover
Top seat
with state
of the art
* 9 Layer Wall Protection not available on all models. Southwind and Esprit
models have an 8 layer wall protection featuring a Weatherseal finish
7 Layer Frame Protection
^Weather Seal Finish ̄
Quadrafold Wall
Locking bolts
pass through
8 steel layers
4 times the
wall thickness
on each end
^Staggered ̄
bolt pattern
strength at
wall seam
(J-5000 only)
Rapid Flow
Wall Guard?
with Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
The Rapid Flow Wall Guard? unit eliminates
pool water contact with raw steel edges.
It also features a larger cavity for better
water ^skimming ̄
Exclusive Aquador?
Winterization Kit
seals and protects your pool from
freeze damage
Alloy Core Wall, 15% Heavier      
than the industry standard
Top Seat 9 ̄ 9 ̄ 6 ̄ 9 ̄ 7 ̄ 7 ̄ 6 ̄ 5.5 ̄
J-Hook Style Liner 
Inground Style Beaded Liner     
Stabilizer Bar w/Liner-Loc Coping   
Liner Pattern Metal Diamond Raindance Champagne Rolling Rock Rolling Rock Rolling Rock Marble Bottom Marble Bottom
Inground Style  
Wide Mount Skimmer
Rapid Flow? Wall Guard      
w/ Exclusive Aquador
Winterization Kit
9 Layer Wall Protection      
w/ Akrylikote Finish
8 Layer Wall Protection   
w/ Weatherseal Finish
Solid Resin Frame Construction    
Precision Injection Molding   
8 Layer Frame Protection 
w/ Plastisol Protection
7 Layer Frame Protection     
w/ Weatherseal Finish
100% Maintenance Free  
Resin Plates  Track
Corrosion Resistant      
Chromate Top and Bottom Plates
Corrosion Resistant   
Chromate Bottom Track
48 ̄ Wall 
52 ̄ High Rise Wall      
54 ̄ Wall 
Wall Style Swirl Gray Pearl Avanti Maxxus Maxxus Diamond Greenwood
Diamond Iris Garden
Warranty Limited Limited Limited 50 Year 50 Year 50 Year 25 Year 15 Year
Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime
* Approximate
on a pool
filled to
4 ̄ from
top of wall.
Pool scale
drawings are
Careful consideration of pool size
and yard placement provides
years of fun in the sun!
Use this optional planner to assist
with your pool landscape design
1. Transfer your yard dimensions
to the graph paper
2. Sketch in your house, garage and
any other permanent structures
3. Trace your pool size into the picture
4. Fill in all distance blocks from house,
garage back and side lot lines
5. Add ground cover, shrubs and
any future landscaping
6. Note any existing trees,
overhead lines or
15 Ft.
177 Sq. Ft.
48 ̄ - 4,842 Gal.
52 ̄ - 5,293 Gal.
24 Ft.
452 Sq. Ft.
48 ̄ - 12,395 Gal.
52 ̄ - 13,549 Gal.
21 Ft.
346 Sq. Ft.
52 ̄ - 10,373 Gal.
Ground Cover
Wood decking
18¨ RoundPool
18 Ft.
255 Sq. Ft.
48 ̄ - 6,972 Gal.
52 ̄ - 7,621 Gal.
27 Ft.
573 Sq. Ft.
52 ̄ - 17,148 Gal.
30 Ft.
707 Sq. Ft.
52 ̄ - 21,170 Gal.
33 Ft.
855Sq. Ft.
52 ̄ - 25,616 Gal.
12 Ft. x 24 Ft.
257 Sq. Ft. Approx.
52 ̄ - 7,700 Gal.
18 Ft. x 33 Ft.
525 Sq. Ft.
Approx. 52 ̄ - 15,708 Gal.
15 Ft. x 30 Ft.
402 Sq. Ft.
Approx. 52 ̄ - 12,031 Gal.
21 Ft. x 42 Ft.
787 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 20,727 Gal.
Platinum Series by Jacuzzi?
CFR 50 (3/4 hp), CFR 75 (1 hp), and CFR 100 (1 1/2 hp)
? Easy access means simple service with Jacuzzi RING-LOK? Element Filters. With a twist of the RING-LOK?
you can easily inspect and clean any of our CFR filters. No bolts, no clamps and no tools!
? Jacuzzi CRIPTINITE? Thermoplastic Tank resists corrosion due to, weather chemicals and pressure
? No water or chemical loss from your pool during filter cleaning
? Durable Polyester Element provides years of service with little care, total simplicity
Power Miser?
Add a Power Mizer?
Pump and Save!
? A POWER MIZER PUMP that runs on low speed for 24 hours costs
less to operate than other systems which only run 8 hours per day
? A POOL FILTERED 24 HOURS stays cleaner, requires less vacuuming
and provides more consistent and economical chemical application than
a pool that runs 8 hours per day
? A POWER MIZER PUMP on low speed runs cooler,
requires less maintenance, and lasts longer than any single speed pump
? A POWER MIZER PUMP on high speed is more powerful than
any conventional 1 speed pump providing easier and quicker vacuuming,
chemical application, and clean up
? CONCLUSION: A Power Mizer Pump filters nearly twice the water
at 1/2 the cost of conventional single speed filters
CFR 75
Standard Output
1HP - 8 hour
1 HP Systems Cost Comparison
Laser Sand Filter 5 year warranty*
* Laser Sand filters carry a warranty on the structure of the tank against failure for 5 years from the date of installation
? 1 HP pump, high performance in a small package. The patented floating eye seal and easy service strainer combine to offer years of quality
operation and service. Unique air cooled heat sink allows pump to run dry in loss-of-prime condition without damage to the shaft seal
? Thermoplastic dial valve with built-in automatic air relief and pressure gauge. Plus, extend a life winterization position
? Corrosion and UV resistant, precision molded one-piece tank
? Patented water distribution system directs water evenly across the entire surface of sand... up to 30 gpm without sand migration or channeling
? Engineered uni-flo underdrain with self-cleaning laterals draws water evenly across the full diameter of the sand bed. This accommodates high
flow and promotes cleaner filtering, high capacity cycles, and more efficient backwashing
? Integral bottom mounted drain allows for complete, positive drain when winterizing
Pro Series
High rate sand filter
? Vari-flo control valve with easy to use lever action handle lets you simply
dial the desired filter functions
? Integral top diffuser. Assures even distribution of water over the top of the
sand and media bed
? Corrosion-proof, unitized filter tank. Molded of tough durable, color-fast
polymeric material for all-weather performance with minimum care
? Efficient multilateral underdrain assembly. Precision engineered and
thorough backwashing. Laterals individually thread into center collector
hub to assure positive sealing and easy servicing
EZ Glide D.E. Filter
An alternative to sand filtration
The Landslide Filter System is a key to clean sparkling pools, day after day.
This system offer many features previously found only in professional systems
? Quickly removes even the most minute particles the first time through
? Cleans without backwashing. Easy to operate
? Performance matched. Filter and pump work together in perfect balance
? Corrosion free construction. Molded of attractive high strength Criptinite?
? One size for all pools. Easy to install. Ideal for new or existing pools
EC-40 Series
Designed for any size
above ground pool
? Power-Flo series high
performance pump
? Quick connect union
? Modular platform base
FILTRATION Approximate
CHART Range (Microns)
Filtration High Rate 30 to 40
Method Sand
Cartridge 5 to 7
Diatomaceous 1 to 3
Earth (DE)
Vision ^Limited ̄
Mineral Purifier, Low Chlorine Alternative
Patented 3 Step Process
An effective, nearly chemical free process.
Pool water is purified using minerals in the same way
that nature purifies a mountain stream.
1. The cartridge traps and assists with killing bacteria
2. A trace of silver is released by water flow to keep
pool sanitized, crystal-clear and bacteria free
3. A trace of copper inhibits algae growth
? Keeps pool water, pure, clean and odor Free
? Reduces chemical use, stinging eyes and dry skin
? Reduces maintenance
? Powered by water flow ? Easy to use
? Compatible with other pool maintenance products
.5-1 ppm chlorine
(1-3 ppm without Vision)
The Bromine Advantage
Automatic pool water sanitizer!
? No chlorine odor
? Little eye irritation
? No need for expensive stabilizer and the danger of over-stabilization
? Little pH effect, totally active
? No need for daily maintenance
? No storage problems - infinite shelf life
? No need to remove solar cover to sanitize,
the automatic in-line feeder does it all
Kreepy Krauly?
EZ Vac
Above ground
pool cleaning system
? Only one operational moving part!
No bags to empty, no gears to jam
? Cleans with ease. Works on both
flat and dish shaped above
ground bottoms
? Does not get hung up on
irregular bottoms
or contours
? Guaranteed satisfaction
? 3 year warranty
Wear N¨ Tear
Above ground pool cleaner
? Automatically vacuums leaves, bugs and debris,
leaving your pool sparkling clean
? Easy to maintain ? 1 year warranty
The fastest way to heat your pool
? Low Profile design by Pentair?
? PressLite?
starter-push button for
safe, easy matchless lighting
? Stainless steel burners
? Corrosion resistant composite
header design*
? 82% efficient
? Dual Thermostats offer precise
temperature control and prevent
overheating and energy loss
? Available for all pool sizes
* Corrosion-resistant bronze headers (100,000 BTU unit only)
Heating System
? Free heat from the sun ? Designed for above ground pools
? Raises pool water temperature up to 10 degrees
? Works with any pool pump ? Easy to install
? Mount next to your pool
Hot-Spot? Solar Blanket
Increase pool warmth and save money!
? Unique blue/black design increases water temperature up to 45% more
than conventional blankets!
? Reduces evaporation of chemicals in water
? Keeps pool clean ? Prevents night time heat loss
Easy Entry
by RPI?
shown left
? High density structural plastic
? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools
? Extra strong safety rails
? Self closing  latching entry gate
Easy Entry
by RPI?
shown above
? 36 ̄ wide steps
? Extra strong safety rails
? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools
Smart Choice System
by RPI?
shown above
? Fully adjustable ? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools
? Support legs provide extra platform strength
for user stability and confidence
? Lift-off entry side safety ladder
? Extra strong safety rails
Royal Entrance
by Lumio?
shown above
? Eliminates the need for ballasting
? Safety fence prevents children from
passing behind the steps
? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools
Royal Entrance Plus
by Lumio?
shown above
? No deck? The Royal Entrance Plus is the solution!
? Combines the Royal Entrance and a pivoting
ladder to provide added support and stability
? Features a secure bolt for added security
Walk in Steps by Innovaplas?
shown above
? Made of virgin polyethylene ? Safety corners and anti-skid surfaces
? U.V. resistant ? Unique styling ? Works great as a seat too!
by RPI?
shown right
? Maintenance free resin
? Easy assembly
Fencing Options
Picket Resin Fencing shown right
? Maintenance free resin fence
? Easy to assemble
Chain Link Fencing not shown
? Vinyl coating with resin posts
? Safety at an economical price
? Customized to fit any pool
Winter Covers
Protect your investment
with a quality cover
? Reduces spring clean-up
? Protects and prolongs your pool liner life
? Inhibits algae growth
? Woven mesh core to prevent ripping
? Ultraviolet stabilizer to help
deflect the suns damaging rays
? Quick disconnect hardware
? Dupont fabric
Leaf Nets
A simple way
to keep your pool clean
? Use over Solar or
Winter Cover
Pool Eye
? Patented sensor design
picks up sub-surface
wave motion when
an object over15 lbs.
falls into the water
? Loud 120 decibel alarm
? Transmitter and remote included
? 1 year warranty
Dark Buster?
Extend your swim time
By Pentair?
? Super bright above ground pool light
? Highly efficient directional
water flow device
? Easy installation fits into the existing
water return
? Attachments available
? Floating decorative fountains
? 3 tier fountain shown, other styles also available
Yard Guard
Gate Alarm System
? Actively protects your yard at all times
with the worlds most advanced gate alarm
? 120 decibel alarm ? Automatic reset
? Automatic low battery warning
? Includes installation
Fiber Optic Lighting System
By Fiberstars?
? 4 color system ? Motorized wheel continuously changes colors
? 1 year limited warranty ? Perimeter fiber lighting sold separately
Molly Brown
By Cantar?
Unsinkable, 100 year warranty!
Novelty Styles
Animals and fish to add to your summertime fun.
Plus, floats with built in shade and/or head rests
Luxury Lounges
A huge selection of comfortable and
durable lounges in a variety of shapes,
sizes. Available in both inflatable
and fold out styles
Swim yourself into great
shape with water resistant
exercise tools
Goggles  Fins
We have a complete assortment of all your
underwater vision and swimming needs
Pool Toys
Choose your favorites from
our huge selection of fun
1.Mark your pool site
and remove grass
2. Level your pool area
3.Place the right amount of
base material in pool center
4.Assemble base
frame (bottom rails
and plate)
5. Uncoil and install pool wall
6.Rake base material
and build a cove
for the liner
7. Install pool liner
9.Align top
pool uprights
and attach to
base frame
10. Install skimmer and return.
Hook up filtration system.
Fill your pool and enjoy!
Monroe ? 734 457 1941
1539 North Telegraph Road ? Monroe, MI. 48162
Akron ? 330 773 3396
1853 S. Arlington Street ? Akron, OH. 44306
Boardman ? 330 726 7787
7373 Market Street ? Boardman, OH. 44512
Canton ? 330 491 0412
3810 Whipple Avenue, NW ? Canton, OH. 44718
Elyria ? 440 324 7900
710 Leona Street ? Elyria, OH. 44035
Findlay ? 419 423 4010
1825 Tiffin Ave ? Findlay, OH. 45840
Lima ? 419 331 7900
4175 Elida Road ? Lima, OH. 45807
Mansfield ? 419 529 4070
2079 W. Fourth Street ? Mansfield, OH. 44906
Maumee ? 419 893 0351
1374 Conant Street ? Maumee, OH. 43537
Medina ? 330 722 0600
1095 N. Court Street ? Medina, OH. 44256
Mentor ? 440 255 0084
9428 Mentor Avenue ? Mentor, OH. 44060
Montrose ? 330 668 1501
3891 Medina Road (Rt. 18) ? Bath, OH 44333
Niles ? 330 544 5051
5555 Youngstown/Warren Road ? Niles, OH. 44446
Northwood ? 419 697 7272
751 Lemoyne Road ? Northwood, OH. 43619
North Olmsted ? 440 779 8600
25601 Lorain Road ? North Olmsted, OH. 44070
Parma ? 440 885 5833
7590 Broadview Road ? Parma, OH. 44134
Ravenna ? 330 296 9409
610 W. Main Street ? Ravenna, OH. 44266
Sandusky ? 419 625 7020
328 W. Perkins Road ? Sandusky, OH. 44870
Strongsville ? 440 238 7300
11052 Pearl Road ? Strongsville, OH. 44136
Solon ? 440 505 0005
33507 Aurora Road ? Solon, OH. 44139
Stow ? 330 929 2647
911 Graham Road ? Stow, OH. 44221
Toledo ? 419 474 6387
1910 W. Laskey Road ? Toledo, OH. 43613
Wickliffe ? 440 944 1760
30120 Lakeland Boulevard ? Wickliffe, OH 44092
Wooster ? 330 263 5000
2375 Back Orrville Road ? Wooster, OH. 44691
Erie ? 814 868 3861
7200 Peach Street ? Erie, PA. 16509

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  • 2. Litehouse would like to assure that your swimming pool immediately becomes the source of family fun and enjoyment you¨ve dreamed about. Since 1959, we¨ve realized that everyone¨s idea of paradise is different. To satisfy the needs of all, we have carefully selected what we feel are the finest manufacturers in the pool industry. Just as in any product you purchase, our purchasing decisions are based on the manufacturer¨s long standing commitment to the customer. The wide selection we offer is designed to make your decision simple and satisfying. Please allow us the opportunity to assist you in the planning of your backyard retreat. We think in 45 years we¨ve become pretty good at it. www.litehouse.com
  • 3. LITEHOUSE is a proud sponsor of
  • 4. BEFORE YOU BEGIN ? Check local requirements ? Avoid overhead powerlines ? Call your local public utilities offices to mark underground lines before you dig ? Be sure to meet all safety standards (i.e. Fencing restrictions) ? Avoid trees and roots ? Eliminate rodents in pool area (moles, gophers) ? Check for property easements ? Do not install your pool on nut grass ? Install warning signs in visible location
  • 5. R e c r e a t i o n METAL DIAMOND Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Inground Style Beaded Liner ? 54 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? TRULY ROUND Radius Top Seat - creates more uninterrupted swim space and adds to pool attractiveness ? Round styles available ? Solid Resin Top Rail adds a lifetime of beauty and strength that will never rust or corrode ? Precision Injection Molding ? No sharp edges to cut or scrape ? Rust-Proof high grade supports ? 9 Layer Wall Protection with Akrylikote ? Sunsport? Limited Lifetime Warranty (on resin components) AVAILABLE SIZES: 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round, 33¨ Round 54 ̄ Radius Resin Pool
  • 6. RAINDANCE Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Inground Style Beaded Liner ? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? TRULY ROUND Radius Top Seat - creates more uninterrupted swim space and adds to pool attractiveness ? Round styles available ? Solid Resin Frame Construction adds a lifetime of beauty and strength that will never rust or corrode ? Precision Injection Molding ? Rust-Proof high grade supports ? Aqua Leader? Limited Lifetime Warranty (on resin components) AVAILABLE SIZES: 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
  • 7. CHAMPAGNE Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? J-Hook Style Liner ? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? TRULY ROUND Radius Top Seat - creates more uninterrupted swim space and adds to pool attractiveness ? Round styles available ? Solid Resin Frame Construction adds a lifetime of beauty and strength that will never rust or corrode ? Precision Injection Molding ? Rust-Proof high grade supports ? Aqua Leader? Limited Lifetime Warranty (on resin components) AVAILABLE SIZES: 15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
  • 8. ROLLING ROCK Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Inground Style Beaded Liner ? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? 9 ̄ Top Seat ? Round and Oval styles available ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top and Bottom plates for maximum frame protection ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Bottom Track ? 8 Layer Frame Protection with Plastisol Protection ? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure Products? Warranty 0050 AVAILABLE SIZES: 18¨ Round, 21¨ Round, 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round, 33¨ Round, 15¨ x 30¨ Oval, 18¨ x 33¨ Oval, 21¨x 42¨ Oval
  • 9. ROLLING ROCK Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Inground Style Beaded Liner ? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? 7 ̄ Top Seat ? Round and Oval styles available ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top and Bottom plates for maximum frame protection ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Bottom Track ? 7 Layer Frame Protection ? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure Products? Warranty 0050 AVAILABLE SIZES: 15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 21¨ Round, 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round, 12¨ x 24¨ Oval, 15¨ x 30¨ Oval, 18¨ x 33¨ Oval Available in Resin or Steel Top Rail
  • 10. MARBLE BOTTOM Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Diamond Garden Wall ? Stabilizer Bar with Liner-Loc Coping ? 52 ̄ High-Rise Wall ? Round and Oval styles available ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top and Bottom plates for maximum frame protection ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Bottom Track ? 7 Layer Frame Protection ? Seaspray? Manufacturer¨s Warranty 0025 AVAILABLE SIZES: 15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 21¨ Round, 24¨ Round, 27¨ Round, 30¨ Round
  • 11. MARBLE BOTTOM Liner Not approved for diving FEATURES ? Traditional Wall ? Stabilizer Bar with Liner-Loc Coping ? 48 ̄ Wall ? 5.5 ̄ Top Seat ? Round styles available ? Rapid Flow? Wall Guard with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit ? Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top and Bottom plates for maximum frame protection ? 7 Layer Frame Protection ? Backed by Jacuzzi Leisure Products? Warranty 0015 AVAILABLE SIZES: 12¨ Round, 15¨ Round, 18¨ Round, 24¨ Round 48 ̄ Pool
  • 12. 9 Layer Wall Protection* ^Akrylikote Finish ̄ EXTERIOR Alkaline cleaned ^Hot Dipped¨ zinc galvanization Alkaline cleaned Bonderizing application Chromic ^SHELL SHIELD ̄ Epoxy watertite ^Glaze Kote ̄ Secondary vinyl patterns Primary vinyl patterns Akrylikote finish INTERIOR Alloy core 15% heavier than the industry standard Alkaline cleaned ^Hot Dipped¨ zinc galvanization Alkaline cleaned Bonderizing application Chromic ^SHELL SHIELD ̄ Baked enamel primary coat Chromate finish Weather seal (polyester/urethane) Baked enamel basecoat Chromic ^SHELL SHIELD ̄ Bonderizing application Alkaline cleaned ^Hot Dipped ̄ galvanized Alkaline cleaned Alloy core Liner Loc? Protective Coping Protects the pool liner from sharp surfaces ?Southwind, and Esprit pools Inground Beaded Style Liner Snaps in for a custom fit ?Standard on Illusion, J-5000 and Sierra pools only Wall Strength Deepest, closest corrugation in the industry provides unequaled vertical stability! ?J-5000 and Sierra pools only Top seat seam cover Top seat Protective wall stabilizer bar Vertical supports with state of the art protection Corrosion resistant chromate bottom track * 9 Layer Wall Protection not available on all models. Southwind and Esprit models have an 8 layer wall protection featuring a Weatherseal finish 7 Layer Frame Protection ^Weather Seal Finish ̄ Quadrafold Wall Closure Locking bolts pass through 8 steel layers 4 times the wall thickness on each end ^Staggered ̄ bolt pattern provides maximum strength at wall seam Plastisol? protection (J-5000 only)
  • 13. Rapid Flow Wall Guard? with Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit The Rapid Flow Wall Guard? unit eliminates pool water contact with raw steel edges. It also features a larger cavity for better water ^skimming ̄ Exclusive Aquador? Winterization Kit seals and protects your pool from freeze damage QUEST ILLUSION ALLEGRO J-5000 SIERRA SIERRA SOUTHWIND ESPRIT 54 ̄ RESIN RESIN RESIN (RESIN TOP RAIL) (STEEL TOP RAIL) Alloy Core Wall, 15% Heavier than the industry standard Top Seat 9 ̄ 9 ̄ 6 ̄ 9 ̄ 7 ̄ 7 ̄ 6 ̄ 5.5 ̄ J-Hook Style Liner Inground Style Beaded Liner Stabilizer Bar w/Liner-Loc Coping Liner Pattern Metal Diamond Raindance Champagne Rolling Rock Rolling Rock Rolling Rock Marble Bottom Marble Bottom Inground Style Wide Mount Skimmer Rapid Flow? Wall Guard w/ Exclusive Aquador Winterization Kit 9 Layer Wall Protection w/ Akrylikote Finish 8 Layer Wall Protection w/ Weatherseal Finish Solid Resin Frame Construction Precision Injection Molding 8 Layer Frame Protection w/ Plastisol Protection 7 Layer Frame Protection w/ Weatherseal Finish 100% Maintenance Free Resin Plates Track Corrosion Resistant Chromate Top and Bottom Plates Corrosion Resistant Chromate Bottom Track Round Oval 48 ̄ Wall 52 ̄ High Rise Wall 54 ̄ Wall Wall Style Swirl Gray Pearl Avanti Maxxus Maxxus Diamond Greenwood Diamond Iris Garden Warranty Limited Limited Limited 50 Year 50 Year 50 Year 25 Year 15 Year Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime
  • 14. * Approximate gallons calculated on a pool filled to 4 ̄ from top of wall. Pool scale drawings are approximate. Careful consideration of pool size and yard placement provides years of fun in the sun! Use this optional planner to assist with your pool landscape design 1. Transfer your yard dimensions to the graph paper 2. Sketch in your house, garage and any other permanent structures 3. Trace your pool size into the picture 4. Fill in all distance blocks from house, garage back and side lot lines 5. Add ground cover, shrubs and any future landscaping 6. Note any existing trees, overhead lines or permanent obstacles 15 Ft. 177 Sq. Ft. Approx. 48 ̄ - 4,842 Gal. 52 ̄ - 5,293 Gal. 24 Ft. 452 Sq. Ft. Approx. 48 ̄ - 12,395 Gal. 52 ̄ - 13,549 Gal. 21 Ft. 346 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 10,373 Gal. Grass Ground Cover Patio Brick Filter/Pump Wood decking Potted Plant Tree 18¨ RoundPool 18 Ft. 255 Sq. Ft. Approx. 48 ̄ - 6,972 Gal. 52 ̄ - 7,621 Gal.
  • 15. 27 Ft. 573 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 17,148 Gal. 30 Ft. 707 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 21,170 Gal. 33 Ft. 855Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 25,616 Gal. 12 Ft. x 24 Ft. 257 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 7,700 Gal. 18 Ft. x 33 Ft. 525 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 15,708 Gal. 15 Ft. x 30 Ft. 402 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 12,031 Gal. 21 Ft. x 42 Ft. 787 Sq. Ft. Approx. 52 ̄ - 20,727 Gal.
  • 16. Platinum Series by Jacuzzi? CFR 50 (3/4 hp), CFR 75 (1 hp), and CFR 100 (1 1/2 hp) ? Easy access means simple service with Jacuzzi RING-LOK? Element Filters. With a twist of the RING-LOK? you can easily inspect and clean any of our CFR filters. No bolts, no clamps and no tools! ? Jacuzzi CRIPTINITE? Thermoplastic Tank resists corrosion due to, weather chemicals and pressure ? No water or chemical loss from your pool during filter cleaning ? Durable Polyester Element provides years of service with little care, total simplicity Power Miser? Add a Power Mizer? Pump and Save! ? A POWER MIZER PUMP that runs on low speed for 24 hours costs less to operate than other systems which only run 8 hours per day ? A POOL FILTERED 24 HOURS stays cleaner, requires less vacuuming and provides more consistent and economical chemical application than a pool that runs 8 hours per day ? A POWER MIZER PUMP on low speed runs cooler, requires less maintenance, and lasts longer than any single speed pump ? A POWER MIZER PUMP on high speed is more powerful than any conventional 1 speed pump providing easier and quicker vacuuming, chemical application, and clean up ? CONCLUSION: A Power Mizer Pump filters nearly twice the water at 1/2 the cost of conventional single speed filters CFR 75 shown $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 .75? .50? .25? .89? POWER MIZER 24 HOUR OPERATION Standard Output 1HP - 8 hour operation Save 55? Daily $ 1.44 1 HP Systems Cost Comparison
  • 17. Jacuzzi? Laser Sand Filter 5 year warranty* * Laser Sand filters carry a warranty on the structure of the tank against failure for 5 years from the date of installation ? 1 HP pump, high performance in a small package. The patented floating eye seal and easy service strainer combine to offer years of quality operation and service. Unique air cooled heat sink allows pump to run dry in loss-of-prime condition without damage to the shaft seal ? Thermoplastic dial valve with built-in automatic air relief and pressure gauge. Plus, extend a life winterization position ? Corrosion and UV resistant, precision molded one-piece tank ? Patented water distribution system directs water evenly across the entire surface of sand... up to 30 gpm without sand migration or channeling ? Engineered uni-flo underdrain with self-cleaning laterals draws water evenly across the full diameter of the sand bed. This accommodates high flow and promotes cleaner filtering, high capacity cycles, and more efficient backwashing ? Integral bottom mounted drain allows for complete, positive drain when winterizing Hayward? Pro Series High rate sand filter ? Vari-flo control valve with easy to use lever action handle lets you simply dial the desired filter functions ? Integral top diffuser. Assures even distribution of water over the top of the sand and media bed ? Corrosion-proof, unitized filter tank. Molded of tough durable, color-fast polymeric material for all-weather performance with minimum care ? Efficient multilateral underdrain assembly. Precision engineered and thorough backwashing. Laterals individually thread into center collector hub to assure positive sealing and easy servicing Landslide? EZ Glide D.E. Filter An alternative to sand filtration The Landslide Filter System is a key to clean sparkling pools, day after day. This system offer many features previously found only in professional systems ? Quickly removes even the most minute particles the first time through ? Cleans without backwashing. Easy to operate ? Performance matched. Filter and pump work together in perfect balance ? Corrosion free construction. Molded of attractive high strength Criptinite? ? One size for all pools. Easy to install. Ideal for new or existing pools Hayward? D.E. EC-40 Series Designed for any size above ground pool ? Power-Flo series high performance pump ? Quick connect union ? Modular platform base FILTRATION Approximate COMPARISON Filtration CHART Range (Microns) Filtration High Rate 30 to 40 Method Sand Cartridge 5 to 7 Diatomaceous 1 to 3 Earth (DE)
  • 18. Vision ^Limited ̄ Mineral Purifier, Low Chlorine Alternative Patented 3 Step Process An effective, nearly chemical free process. Pool water is purified using minerals in the same way that nature purifies a mountain stream. 1. The cartridge traps and assists with killing bacteria 2. A trace of silver is released by water flow to keep pool sanitized, crystal-clear and bacteria free 3. A trace of copper inhibits algae growth ? Keeps pool water, pure, clean and odor Free ? Reduces chemical use, stinging eyes and dry skin ? Reduces maintenance ? Powered by water flow ? Easy to use ? Compatible with other pool maintenance products Vision Limited Purifier Filter Pump .5-1 ppm chlorine (1-3 ppm without Vision) The Bromine Advantage Automatic pool water sanitizer! ? No chlorine odor ? Little eye irritation ? No need for expensive stabilizer and the danger of over-stabilization ? Little pH effect, totally active ? No need for daily maintenance ? No storage problems - infinite shelf life ? No need to remove solar cover to sanitize, the automatic in-line feeder does it all
  • 19. Kreepy Krauly? EZ Vac Above ground pool cleaning system ? Only one operational moving part! No bags to empty, no gears to jam ? Cleans with ease. Works on both flat and dish shaped above ground bottoms ? Does not get hung up on irregular bottoms or contours ? Guaranteed satisfaction ? 3 year warranty including Wear N¨ Tear coverage Baracuda? 1500 Above ground pool cleaner ? Automatically vacuums leaves, bugs and debris, leaving your pool sparkling clean ? Easy to maintain ? 1 year warranty
  • 20. MiniMax? Heater The fastest way to heat your pool ? Low Profile design by Pentair? ? PressLite? starter-push button for safe, easy matchless lighting ? Stainless steel burners ? Corrosion resistant composite header design* ? 82% efficient ? Dual Thermostats offer precise temperature control and prevent overheating and energy loss ? Available for all pool sizes * Corrosion-resistant bronze headers (100,000 BTU unit only) Solar Heating System Fafco? Sunsaver? ? Free heat from the sun ? Designed for above ground pools ? Raises pool water temperature up to 10 degrees ? Works with any pool pump ? Easy to install ? Mount next to your pool Hot-Spot? Solar Blanket Increase pool warmth and save money! ? Unique blue/black design increases water temperature up to 45% more than conventional blankets! ? Reduces evaporation of chemicals in water ? Keeps pool clean ? Prevents night time heat loss
  • 21. Easy Entry Enclosure System by RPI? shown left ? High density structural plastic ? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools ? Extra strong safety rails ? Self closing latching entry gate Easy Entry Step by RPI? shown above ? 36 ̄ wide steps ? Extra strong safety rails ? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools Smart Choice System by RPI? shown above ? Fully adjustable ? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools ? Support legs provide extra platform strength for user stability and confidence ? Lift-off entry side safety ladder ? Extra strong safety rails Royal Entrance by Lumio? shown above ? Eliminates the need for ballasting ? Safety fence prevents children from passing behind the steps ? Fits 48 ̄ to 54 ̄ pools Royal Entrance Plus by Lumio? shown above ? No deck? The Royal Entrance Plus is the solution! ? Combines the Royal Entrance and a pivoting ladder to provide added support and stability ? Features a secure bolt for added security Walk in Steps by Innovaplas? shown above ? Made of virgin polyethylene ? Safety corners and anti-skid surfaces ? U.V. resistant ? Unique styling ? Works great as a seat too! A-Frame Ladder by RPI? shown right ? Maintenance free resin ? Easy assembly
  • 22. Fencing Options Picket Resin Fencing shown right ? Maintenance free resin fence ? Easy to assemble Chain Link Fencing not shown ? Vinyl coating with resin posts ? Safety at an economical price ? Customized to fit any pool Winter Covers Protect your investment with a quality cover ? Reduces spring clean-up ? Protects and prolongs your pool liner life ? Inhibits algae growth ? Woven mesh core to prevent ripping ? Ultraviolet stabilizer to help deflect the suns damaging rays ? Quick disconnect hardware ? Dupont fabric Leaf Nets A simple way to keep your pool clean ? Use over Solar or Winter Cover
  • 23. Pool Eye Swimming Pool Alarm ? Patented sensor design picks up sub-surface wave motion when an object over15 lbs. falls into the water ? Loud 120 decibel alarm ? Transmitter and remote included ? 1 year warranty Dark Buster? Extend your swim time By Pentair? ? Super bright above ground pool light ? Highly efficient directional water flow device ? Easy installation fits into the existing water return ? Attachments available Fountains ? Floating decorative fountains ? 3 tier fountain shown, other styles also available Yard Guard Gate Alarm System ? Actively protects your yard at all times with the worlds most advanced gate alarm ? 120 decibel alarm ? Automatic reset ? Automatic low battery warning ? Includes installation hardware AquaGlo Fiber Optic Lighting System By Fiberstars? ? 4 color system ? Motorized wheel continuously changes colors ? 1 year limited warranty ? Perimeter fiber lighting sold separately
  • 24. Molly Brown By Cantar? Unsinkable, 100 year warranty! Novelty Styles Animals and fish to add to your summertime fun. Plus, floats with built in shade and/or head rests Luxury Lounges A huge selection of comfortable and durable lounges in a variety of shapes, sizes. Available in both inflatable and fold out styles
  • 25. Exercise Swim yourself into great shape with water resistant exercise tools Masks, Goggles Fins We have a complete assortment of all your underwater vision and swimming needs Pool Toys Games Choose your favorites from our huge selection of fun
  • 26. 1.Mark your pool site and remove grass 2. Level your pool area 3.Place the right amount of base material in pool center 4.Assemble base frame (bottom rails and plate) 5. Uncoil and install pool wall 6.Rake base material and build a cove for the liner 7. Install pool liner 9.Align top plates and attach top seats 8.Assemble pool uprights and attach to base frame 10. Install skimmer and return. Hook up filtration system. Fill your pool and enjoy!
  • 28. MICHIGAN Monroe ? 734 457 1941 1539 North Telegraph Road ? Monroe, MI. 48162 OHIO Akron ? 330 773 3396 1853 S. Arlington Street ? Akron, OH. 44306 Boardman ? 330 726 7787 7373 Market Street ? Boardman, OH. 44512 Canton ? 330 491 0412 3810 Whipple Avenue, NW ? Canton, OH. 44718 Elyria ? 440 324 7900 710 Leona Street ? Elyria, OH. 44035 Findlay ? 419 423 4010 1825 Tiffin Ave ? Findlay, OH. 45840 Lima ? 419 331 7900 4175 Elida Road ? Lima, OH. 45807 Mansfield ? 419 529 4070 2079 W. Fourth Street ? Mansfield, OH. 44906 Maumee ? 419 893 0351 1374 Conant Street ? Maumee, OH. 43537 Medina ? 330 722 0600 1095 N. Court Street ? Medina, OH. 44256 Mentor ? 440 255 0084 9428 Mentor Avenue ? Mentor, OH. 44060 Montrose ? 330 668 1501 3891 Medina Road (Rt. 18) ? Bath, OH 44333 Niles ? 330 544 5051 5555 Youngstown/Warren Road ? Niles, OH. 44446 Northwood ? 419 697 7272 751 Lemoyne Road ? Northwood, OH. 43619 North Olmsted ? 440 779 8600 25601 Lorain Road ? North Olmsted, OH. 44070 Parma ? 440 885 5833 7590 Broadview Road ? Parma, OH. 44134 Ravenna ? 330 296 9409 610 W. Main Street ? Ravenna, OH. 44266 Sandusky ? 419 625 7020 328 W. Perkins Road ? Sandusky, OH. 44870 Strongsville ? 440 238 7300 11052 Pearl Road ? Strongsville, OH. 44136 Solon ? 440 505 0005 33507 Aurora Road ? Solon, OH. 44139 Stow ? 330 929 2647 911 Graham Road ? Stow, OH. 44221 Toledo ? 419 474 6387 1910 W. Laskey Road ? Toledo, OH. 43613 Wickliffe ? 440 944 1760 30120 Lakeland Boulevard ? Wickliffe, OH 44092 Wooster ? 330 263 5000 2375 Back Orrville Road ? Wooster, OH. 44691 PENNSYLVANIA Erie ? 814 868 3861 7200 Peach Street ? Erie, PA. 16509 www.litehouse.com