
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Our classroomOur classroomourour classroomclassroom
We are the students of grade 9. Our class is on the ground floor
of our school. It is spacious, well ventilated, and has a strength
of 30 students. Our teacher is Mrs. Ambreen Mehboob. We
always enjoy the discussions done between the students and
the teacher, the artistic and the creative work. Our favorite
subjects are Mathematics, Science, Urdu and English, while the
favorite sports are Badminton, cricket, basketball and volleyball.
Our top favorite music groups are Bruno Mars, Pierce the Veil,
Fifth Harmony and Atif Aslam. Favorite authors are John
Green, J.K Rowling, Suzanne Collins, R.L. Stine and William
Shakespeare. Our most loved TV programs are Baagi, Just
for Laughs Gags, How the Universe Works and X-Factor
UK. As per related to video/computer games our class enjoys
the games GTA, The Last of Us,Piano Tiles and Clash of
Clans. The websites Wattpad, So Yummy Blog",
"Pinterest,iEARNand BiggerBolderBaking are also one
of our classs favorites. The last but not the
least Food. Siggi, pasta, lasagna, BBQ, and Pizzaare the
loved types of food between the students of our class. Our
section is considered as the best section of our wing
because of
the harmony and cooperation between the students and
the teacher. This makes the
learning environment of the class very pleasant.
School ProgramSchool Programschoolschool programprogram
Our school program is designed in such a manner that
not only we achieve academic brilliance but also excel at
co-curricular activities. Our school also gives us the
opportunity to interact with other schools of Qatar as an
Inter school Literary competition is held every year
Scrabble competition held in PIS to
improve the vocabulary and learning
skills of student
Drama galoreDrama galoredramadrama galoregalore
The qualities which makes Pakistan
International School unique are
innumerable but the one that must be
highlighted would be the teachers. How
understanding and co-operative they are.
They not only teach us the schools
academic syllabus but also important life
I am really proud to study in such a
brilliant school. May Our school be proud
of us too.
Qatar National DayQatar National Dayqatarqatar nationalnational dayday
National Day
Qatar National Day logo.
Observed by Qatar
Significance national commemoration
of Qatar's unification in
Date 18 December
Frequency annual
Qatar as a community not only represents its own culture but also represents
the culture of a number of nations living there.
Name of Community
Doha油is the capital city and most populous city of the State of Qatar. Doha has
a population of 1,351,000 in a油city proper with the population close to 1.5
million. The city is located on the coast of the油Persian Gulf油in the east of the
country. It is Qatar's fastest growing city, with over 50% of the nation's
population living in Doha or its surrounding油suburbs, and it is also the
economic center of the country.
If not a city, then size of nearest city
Qatar is a油sovereign located in油Western Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern
coast of the油Arabian Peninsula. Its sole land border is with油Saudi Arabia油to the south, with the rest of its
territory surrounded by the Persian Gulf. An arm of the Persian Gulf separates Qatar from the nearby
island country of油Bahrain.
Location of your community
Area of your community
Qatar is a deserted area but due to its rapid progress in industry economy educational and
health facilities many people migrate there for a good lifestyle.
Population of Qatar
During 2017 Qatar population is projected to increased by 113,460 people and reach
2,529,048 in the beginning of 2018.油If external migration will remain on the previous year level,
the population will be increased by 87,782 due to the migration reasons. It means that the
number of people who move into Qatar (to which they are not native) in order to settle there as
permanent residents (immigrants) will prevail over the number of people who leave the country
to settle permanently in another country (emigrants)
Special Characteristics
List three reasons why people should visit your area
Reason 1
Qatar is a country that is rich in diversity. It has people with distinct cultures and interests but
Qatar on its own its own is also very rich in cultures and traditions.
For last twenty years, several members of Al Thani family have led Qatar's interest and
involvement into the fields of arts and continue to shape the cultural policy of Qatar.
Ardah, is the most popular folk dance in Qatar.
Special Characteristics
Football is the most popular sport in Qatar. It is the most frequently played sport of Qatar.
The油Qatar national football team油is the national team of油Qatar油and is overseen by the Qatar
Football Association. The team has appeared in nine油Asian Cup tournaments and Qatar also
hosted the油2011 Asian Cup. They play their home games at Khalifa International International
Stadium and Jassim Bin Hamad Stadium.
In Qatar every individual or groups of people has freedom with regards to their respective cultures,
traditions and religions. All residents and visitors are treated with equal justice and laws are same for
everyone. Public have the freedom to celebrate their own cultures and public holidays in accordance
with them.
The collection of Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art
is a unique survey of 20th and 21st century modern
and contemporary art from the Arab World, the Middle
East, and wider geographies of Africa, Asia and
Europe that are historically connected to Qatar and the
Arab Peninsula.
Unusual Land InfoUnusual Land Infounusualunusual landland infoinfo
Al Ryan Block Factory
Plastic Factory
Qatar Plastic Products Company W.L.L. is one of the biggest downstream companies in
Qatar developing and manufacturing flexible packaging using polyethylene resins
There are variety of occupations in Qatar such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers and
businessmen etc.

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  • 2. Our classroomOur classroomourour classroomclassroom We are the students of grade 9. Our class is on the ground floor of our school. It is spacious, well ventilated, and has a strength of 30 students. Our teacher is Mrs. Ambreen Mehboob. We always enjoy the discussions done between the students and the teacher, the artistic and the creative work. Our favorite subjects are Mathematics, Science, Urdu and English, while the favorite sports are Badminton, cricket, basketball and volleyball. Our top favorite music groups are Bruno Mars, Pierce the Veil, Fifth Harmony and Atif Aslam. Favorite authors are John Green, J.K Rowling, Suzanne Collins, R.L. Stine and William Shakespeare. Our most loved TV programs are Baagi, Just for Laughs Gags, How the Universe Works and X-Factor UK. As per related to video/computer games our class enjoys the games GTA, The Last of Us,Piano Tiles and Clash of Clans. The websites Wattpad, So Yummy Blog",
  • 3. "Pinterest,iEARNand BiggerBolderBaking are also one of our classs favorites. The last but not the least Food. Siggi, pasta, lasagna, BBQ, and Pizzaare the most loved types of food between the students of our class. Our section is considered as the best section of our wing because of the harmony and cooperation between the students and the teacher. This makes the learning environment of the class very pleasant.
  • 4. School ProgramSchool Programschoolschool programprogram Our school program is designed in such a manner that not only we achieve academic brilliance but also excel at co-curricular activities. Our school also gives us the opportunity to interact with other schools of Qatar as an Inter school Literary competition is held every year
  • 5. Scrabble competition held in PIS to improve the vocabulary and learning skills of student
  • 6. Drama galoreDrama galoredramadrama galoregalore The qualities which makes Pakistan International School unique are innumerable but the one that must be highlighted would be the teachers. How understanding and co-operative they are. They not only teach us the schools academic syllabus but also important life lessons. 油 I am really proud to study in such a brilliant school. May Our school be proud of us too.
  • 7. Qatar National DayQatar National Dayqatarqatar nationalnational dayday National Day Qatar National Day logo. Observed by Qatar Significance national commemoration of Qatar's unification in 1878 Date 18 December Frequency annual
  • 8. CommunityCommunitycommunitycommunity Qatar as a community not only represents its own culture but also represents the culture of a number of nations living there. Name of Community
  • 9. Doha油is the capital city and most populous city of the State of Qatar. Doha has a population of 1,351,000 in a油city proper with the population close to 1.5 million. The city is located on the coast of the油Persian Gulf油in the east of the country. It is Qatar's fastest growing city, with over 50% of the nation's population living in Doha or its surrounding油suburbs, and it is also the economic center of the country. If not a city, then size of nearest city
  • 10. Qatar is a油sovereign located in油Western Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the油Arabian Peninsula. Its sole land border is with油Saudi Arabia油to the south, with the rest of its territory surrounded by the Persian Gulf. An arm of the Persian Gulf separates Qatar from the nearby island country of油Bahrain. Location of your community Area of your community Qatar is a deserted area but due to its rapid progress in industry economy educational and health facilities many people migrate there for a good lifestyle.
  • 11. Population of Qatar During 2017 Qatar population is projected to increased by 113,460 people and reach 2,529,048 in the beginning of 2018.油If external migration will remain on the previous year level, the population will be increased by 87,782 due to the migration reasons. It means that the number of people who move into Qatar (to which they are not native) in order to settle there as permanent residents (immigrants) will prevail over the number of people who leave the country to settle permanently in another country (emigrants)
  • 12. Special Characteristics List three reasons why people should visit your area Reason 1 Qatar is a country that is rich in diversity. It has people with distinct cultures and interests but Qatar on its own its own is also very rich in cultures and traditions. For last twenty years, several members of Al Thani family have led Qatar's interest and involvement into the fields of arts and continue to shape the cultural policy of Qatar. Ardah, is the most popular folk dance in Qatar.
  • 13. Special Characteristics Football is the most popular sport in Qatar. It is the most frequently played sport of Qatar. The油Qatar national football team油is the national team of油Qatar油and is overseen by the Qatar Football Association. The team has appeared in nine油Asian Cup tournaments and Qatar also hosted the油2011 Asian Cup. They play their home games at Khalifa International International Stadium and Jassim Bin Hamad Stadium. In Qatar every individual or groups of people has freedom with regards to their respective cultures, traditions and religions. All residents and visitors are treated with equal justice and laws are same for everyone. Public have the freedom to celebrate their own cultures and public holidays in accordance with them.
  • 14. The collection of Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art is a unique survey of 20th and 21st century modern and contemporary art from the Arab World, the Middle East, and wider geographies of Africa, Asia and Europe that are historically connected to Qatar and the Arab Peninsula. Unusual Land InfoUnusual Land Infounusualunusual landland infoinfo
  • 17. Plastic Factory Qatar Plastic Products Company W.L.L. is one of the biggest downstream companies in Qatar developing and manufacturing flexible packaging using polyethylene resins
  • 18. Occupations There are variety of occupations in Qatar such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers and businessmen etc.