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Katrina Camiling.Katrina Camiling.
Facts about Qatar.Facts about Qatar.Location:Location: a peninsula that lies upon the Persian Gulf.a peninsula that lies upon the Persian Gulf.
Population:Population: 928,635 people.928,635 people.
Climate:Climate: plpleasant winters and hot, and humid summers.easant winters and hot, and humid summers.
Religion: 7Religion: 77.5% - Islam, 8.75  Christianity, 7.5% - Islam, 8.75  Christianity, 
Language:Language: Arabic, and English is used as a 2Arabic, and English is used as a 2ndnd
Time:Time: GMGMT +3T +3
Qatars History.Qatars History.
It is known that the first indications that there was
life in Qatar all the way back to around 4000 B.C. was
found by many archaeological journeys from different
branches of Europeans. Those expeditions have
shown old pottery and rock carvings.
 Other indications is that Qatar used to appear on
ancient maps and historical pieces of text have been
found as well.
The historical texts were said to have come from the
first inhabitants, the Canaanites.
Qatars History.Qatars History. (contd.)(contd.)
The people of Qatars past grew and developed over
centuries by trading, diving for pearls, and weaving
different styles of cloths.
Qataris were ruled both by the Ottoman Empire and
the British, but at separate times in history.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Economical TermsEconomical Terms
Qatars economy has been flourishing greatly over
the past decades.
From pearl diving and tough lifestyles, Qatars
economy is now built up of oil, petroleum and other
Qatar is the home of the Al Jazeera Channel. The Al
Jazeera Channel is a vastly popular and notorious
Arabic satellite television network.
Qatar is aiming to become a role model for economic
and transformation in the Middle Eastern region. This
will hopefully improve Qatars position in the
financial market.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Economical TermsEconomical Terms
The Qatar Financial
Centre is now one of
the most sophisticated
and moderns financial
organizations in the
One large project that
Qatar is dealing with
now is the building and
developing of the new
town, Lusail.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Social TermsSocial Terms
Qatar is a tolerant country but visitors will avoid giving
offence if they observe a few courtesies, especially with
regard to dress.
Cover knees and shoulders, except within hotel
grounds where more casual clothing is acceptable.
At business and social functions, traditional Qatari
coffee is served as part of the ritual welcome.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Social TermsSocial Terms (contd.)(contd.)
Qatar is a very hospitable country that welcomes all of its tourists,
inhabitants and visitors.
Both law and Islamic customs closely restrict the activities of Qatari
women, who are largely limited to roles within the home. Women are
not allowed to obtain a driver's license without the permission of her
However, growing numbers of woman are receiving government
scholarships to study abroad, and some women work in education,
medicine, and the media.
Women comprise two-thirds of the student body at Qatar University.
Although domestic violence occurs, it is not a widespread problem.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Political TermsPolitical Terms
Qatar is now ruled by H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa
Al Thani, who was put to power in 1995.
Qatar gained its independence when the British
withdrew back in September 3rd
Qatar rules with a hereditary system  the Al Thani
family (also a dynasty).
Along with the hereditary system, Qatar also contains
an advisory council and many smaller councils and
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: H.H. Sheikh HamadH.H. Sheikh Hamad
H.H. Sheikh Hamad is a very popular emir to his
people because of his loyalty and kindness to his
He began his education in Qatar then continued
his college years in Sandhurst Military Academy in
He tried his best to develop Qatar, and he has
He is one of the many reasons of why Qatar is now one
of the most developed countries in the Middle East.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: H.H. Sheikh HamadH.H. Sheikh Hamad
(contd.)(contd.) H.H. Sheikh Hamad has
been a very busy man over
the past years.
He has been visiting
many leaders and places
abroad. He recently
visited the residents in
New Orleans that were
victims of the Hurricane
As a very keen sportsman and a
man who encourages education,
he has been doing his best to
support this in Qatar.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: EducationalEducational
Qatar has many educational centres and schools
for people of all ages.
Probably one of the biggest of Qatars educational
centres would have to be Qatar Foundation.
Qatar Foundation is headed by H.H. Sheikah
It consists of American universities, Qatar
Academy, and some other Qatari schools.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Educational TermsEducational Terms
Qatar offers many other schools for expatriates.
British schools are available like Doha College.
American schools are available as well such as the
American School of Doha.
Interschool events are held on an annual basis for
both students and staff.
Qatar Now: Medical Terms
Currently the medical life in Qatar is not as good. However in the
future it will be exellent. This is due to the fact that H.H. Sheikha
Moza is building a medical insitute called Sidra. Sidra will be
enormous and modernised. She has taken the words 'sophisticated
edical facilities' to a new level. Sidra is being planned to be the
third biggest medical institute in the world.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: SportsSports
Football is probably the most popular game/sport in
the state of Qatar.
The Qatar National Football team is the national
team of Qatar and is controlled by the Qatar Football
Qatar is divided up by its cities into different teams as
well. Like Al Sadd, Al Gharaffa, Um Salal
Yearly, there is one tournament where all teams play
against each other which is called the Emirs Cup.
Qatar Now:Qatar Now: FootballFootball
World Cup record
1930 to 1974 - Did not enter
1978 to 2006 - Did not qualify
2010 - Playing Third Stage
Asian Cup record
1956 to 1972 - Did not enter
1976 - Did not qualify
1980 to 1992 - Round 1
1996 - Did not qualify
2000 - Quarterfinals
2004 to 2007 - Round 1
2011 - Qualified
The ChangesThe Changes
Bibliography:Bibliography: (contd.)(contd.)

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The state of qatar

  • 2. Facts about Qatar.Facts about Qatar.Location:Location: a peninsula that lies upon the Persian Gulf.a peninsula that lies upon the Persian Gulf. Population:Population: 928,635 people.928,635 people. Climate:Climate: plpleasant winters and hot, and humid summers.easant winters and hot, and humid summers. Religion: 7Religion: 77.5% - Islam, 8.75 Christianity, 7.5% - Islam, 8.75 Christianity, Language:Language: Arabic, and English is used as a 2Arabic, and English is used as a 2ndnd language.language. Time:Time: GMGMT +3T +3
  • 3. Qatars History.Qatars History. It is known that the first indications that there was life in Qatar all the way back to around 4000 B.C. was found by many archaeological journeys from different branches of Europeans. Those expeditions have shown old pottery and rock carvings. Other indications is that Qatar used to appear on ancient maps and historical pieces of text have been found as well. The historical texts were said to have come from the first inhabitants, the Canaanites.
  • 4. Qatars History.Qatars History. (contd.)(contd.) The people of Qatars past grew and developed over centuries by trading, diving for pearls, and weaving different styles of cloths. Qataris were ruled both by the Ottoman Empire and the British, but at separate times in history.
  • 5. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Economical TermsEconomical Terms Qatars economy has been flourishing greatly over the past decades. From pearl diving and tough lifestyles, Qatars economy is now built up of oil, petroleum and other industries. Qatar is the home of the Al Jazeera Channel. The Al Jazeera Channel is a vastly popular and notorious Arabic satellite television network. Qatar is aiming to become a role model for economic and transformation in the Middle Eastern region. This will hopefully improve Qatars position in the financial market.
  • 6. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Economical TermsEconomical Terms (contd.)(contd.) The Qatar Financial Centre is now one of the most sophisticated and moderns financial organizations in the world. One large project that Qatar is dealing with now is the building and developing of the new town, Lusail.
  • 7. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Social TermsSocial Terms Qatar is a tolerant country but visitors will avoid giving offence if they observe a few courtesies, especially with regard to dress. Cover knees and shoulders, except within hotel grounds where more casual clothing is acceptable. At business and social functions, traditional Qatari coffee is served as part of the ritual welcome.
  • 8. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Social TermsSocial Terms (contd.)(contd.) Qatar is a very hospitable country that welcomes all of its tourists, inhabitants and visitors. Both law and Islamic customs closely restrict the activities of Qatari women, who are largely limited to roles within the home. Women are not allowed to obtain a driver's license without the permission of her husband. However, growing numbers of woman are receiving government scholarships to study abroad, and some women work in education, medicine, and the media. Women comprise two-thirds of the student body at Qatar University. Although domestic violence occurs, it is not a widespread problem.
  • 9. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Political TermsPolitical Terms Qatar is now ruled by H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, who was put to power in 1995. Qatar gained its independence when the British withdrew back in September 3rd 1971. Qatar rules with a hereditary system the Al Thani family (also a dynasty). Along with the hereditary system, Qatar also contains an advisory council and many smaller councils and ministries.
  • 10. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: H.H. Sheikh HamadH.H. Sheikh Hamad H.H. Sheikh Hamad is a very popular emir to his people because of his loyalty and kindness to his country. He began his education in Qatar then continued his college years in Sandhurst Military Academy in England. He tried his best to develop Qatar, and he has succeeded. He is one of the many reasons of why Qatar is now one of the most developed countries in the Middle East.
  • 11. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: H.H. Sheikh HamadH.H. Sheikh Hamad (contd.)(contd.) H.H. Sheikh Hamad has been a very busy man over the past years. He has been visiting many leaders and places abroad. He recently visited the residents in New Orleans that were victims of the Hurricane Katrina. As a very keen sportsman and a man who encourages education, he has been doing his best to support this in Qatar.
  • 12. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: EducationalEducational TermsTerms Qatar has many educational centres and schools for people of all ages. Probably one of the biggest of Qatars educational centres would have to be Qatar Foundation. Qatar Foundation is headed by H.H. Sheikah Mozah. It consists of American universities, Qatar Academy, and some other Qatari schools.
  • 13. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: Educational TermsEducational Terms (contd.)(contd.) Qatar offers many other schools for expatriates. British schools are available like Doha College. American schools are available as well such as the American School of Doha. Interschool events are held on an annual basis for both students and staff.
  • 14. Qatar Now: Medical Terms Currently the medical life in Qatar is not as good. However in the future it will be exellent. This is due to the fact that H.H. Sheikha Moza is building a medical insitute called Sidra. Sidra will be enormous and modernised. She has taken the words 'sophisticated edical facilities' to a new level. Sidra is being planned to be the third biggest medical institute in the world.
  • 15. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: SportsSports Football is probably the most popular game/sport in the state of Qatar. The Qatar National Football team is the national team of Qatar and is controlled by the Qatar Football Association. Qatar is divided up by its cities into different teams as well. Like Al Sadd, Al Gharaffa, Um Salal Yearly, there is one tournament where all teams play against each other which is called the Emirs Cup.
  • 16. Qatar Now:Qatar Now: FootballFootball World Cup record 1930 to 1974 - Did not enter 1978 to 2006 - Did not qualify 2010 - Playing Third Stage Asian Cup record 1956 to 1972 - Did not enter 1976 - Did not qualify 1980 to 1992 - Round 1 1996 - Did not qualify 2000 - Quarterfinals 2004 to 2007 - Round 1 2011 - Qualified