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Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Whats worked for us

Follow us on Twitter: #CETS10
Amanda S h l
   A   d Schulze
Director of Distance Learning
 for the Council of Residential
Doctoral Student in Learning
  Technologies at Pepperdine              Paul D hl
                                          P l Dahl
           University                 Distance Learning
                                  Coordinator for the Council of
                                    Residential Specialists
 Webinars, defined
 Why webinars
 Whats working (for us and you!)
 Technology that we use with our
 Whats next
  What s
 Educational session w/ objectives
 Live over the Internet
 Participants anywhere on a computer
 Speaker or panel that disseminates
 Group larger than 100 people
 Approximately 60 minutes in length
 Only for
  O l f marketing
              k ti
 Cant teach anything / Learn anything in
  60 minutes
      i t
 Must be FREE!
 Recording is same as live
 Teaching F2F is = to webinar
 No prep time is needed / easy to
 Pack em in!
Which webinar rumor have you heard in
 your organization?

 Only for marketing
     y             g
 Must be FREE!
 Recording is same as live
 Pack em in!
 Real Estate Association
 Continuing Education
 Over 40,000 members worldwide
 Average age of member is 55
The competition
             p                   Real Estate
                               Designations and
Online Real Estate Education

Tomato University
 Our members dont come back
 Speed to market
 Revenue stream
 Known F2F instructors
 Achieve learning objectives
 Generate revenue
 Maintain average of 200 participants
  (90% attendance rate))
 Conduct 2 webinars per month
 Support implementation of learning
 Keep them engaged
 Speakers are leaders in the industry
 Quality content that can be
 Additional materials and content
 Follows a formula: Starts on time, has an
  assignment, always on Tuesday, etc.
      g             y             y
 High level of support before, during and
 Consistent look and feel / templates
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010

              W bi

                             Wikis and
   Tips and                   Forums
     Ideas     Application
               A li ti
2 Weeks               1 Week                                                                    Same           2 Days
                                       2 Days 1 Day                                                                                  1 -2
  Out                   Out                                                                      Day
                                         Out   Out                                                       1 Day After                Weeks
                                                                                       Immediate         After                       After

                                                               Live Webinar

             Drip content and videos
                                                                                                Links to,                         Promote
                and online survey:
                                                                       Chat in              Online materials                    Recording:
             Webinar Warriors, Blog,
                                             Access slides,            Twitter                  LinkedIn                         Free Clip of
               Facebook, Twitter,                                                             Evaluation
                                               handouts,               Forum                                                     Recording
                                                  pre-        Polls    WebEx                                                   Provide content
                                              assignment,                                                                           ideas
                                             corresponding                                            Post content on            Folow-up:
                                                                                         Live Chat
                                                   d t                                                Blog, F
                                                                                                      Bl    Facebook
                                                                                                                b k           Ask for results of
                                                                                                                               A kf         lt f
                                                                          Assignment        with
                                                                                                          website               Call to Action
                                    Online Survey:             Tweet        Call to      Presenter
      Promote:                 Submit content questions                    Action                                    Email:
  Blog, Facebook,                Collect attendee data                                                       Access to recording
   forums, twitter,                    Emailed:                                   Q&A                      Top 5 ideas from webinar
  Webinar Warriors              Application assignment
                                  pp             g                                                     Link to blog and memberconnect
      Li k dI                                                                                         so attendees can contribute content
   Blast Emails (4                                                                                    Link to related product and courses
       weeks)                                                                                        Reminder to complete Call to Action
 Trends Advisory Team
 Polls on website and Facebook
 Re-use the good speakers!
  Re use
 New speakers moderate first
 Is it a series, part of a course a bundle?
          series            course,
Its so sad when time ends
                                               with my CRS family
See what CRS Instructors said works for them:

 Tuesdays or Thursdays
 60 minutes
 Never the last day of the month
 Practice session
 Drip the content: Blog, video, Twitter,
  Facebook, email, website, forums,
   i k d
 Have your speakers drip content as well!
James Nellis

Mike Selvaggio
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
 Goes through our website
 Get detailed information about session
 Confirmation is immediate / automated
 Reminders  one the day before and
  one the day of
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
How many of you already have an
  automated registration and reminder
  system in place for your webinars?
 Pre-assignment  articles, to dos
 Survey to submit questions
 Recording for one year
 MP3 files of recording
 Post assignment / activity / contest
 Links / information to corresponding
  education and products
 Activate an account
 Use / download an application
 Interview someone using it
 Look up a fact or stat
 Consider how they have used it and
  what issues they have
 Send in separate email or will get lost!
 Application / usage
 Issues or concerns with topic
 Space for open-ended comments /
             open ended
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
 AT LEAST one day before webinar
 Recreate the same environment 
  attempt it at the same time
 Best practices set-up
       p              p
 Review slides and determine the poll
  questions and application assignment
                   pp             g
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Log on 30 minutes prior to start on day of
 Email support
 Phone support
 Production Assistant
   Group of 5 organized webinar attendees to
    attend CRS webinars
   Task 1: Promote each webinar event
    starting two weeks out using social media
   Task 2: Drip content prior to the webinar
    using social media/ blogging
   Requirements: Have a presence/ following
    on social media (personal blog, twitter
   Able to attend CRS webinars
 Refer to data and pre-assignment
 Tweeting #CRSweb
 Application assignment / contest
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Creating a dio onl MP3 files
          audio only
for on-the-move REALTORS速
http://audacity sourceforge net

Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
Make sure anything on your computer that
 makes a sound is turned off or disabled.

Your recorded audio
Highlight the section of audio that you
 want to make a track of

...go to Project, Add Label At Selection...
   g        j ,
Type in the name of your track
           E di
Starting   Point
                    Amount of
All of your t k have b
     f      tracks h been marked
                             k d

 Export Multiple
Change to MP3

Members online folder
 Live discussion with presenter
 Link to evaluation / how to access all
 Post top 5 / 7 ideas
 Start a discussion, what did you get?
                    ,           y   g
Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010
 Follow-up in forum about call to action
 Ask for more ideas
 Post contest winners
 Email how to access recording and MP3s
 Networking opportunities
 Share information
 More video
 Bundled with courses
 Credit toward designation
   Email aschulze@crs com for more samples
    and online files or to attend one of our
     eb a s

   Create a promotional video for your next
    webinar and share with us

   Create your webinar brand

   Create MP3 File for your next session

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Ajaz Hussain

Winning Webinar Experiences - CETS 2010

  • 2. Whats worked for us Follow us on Twitter: #CETS10
  • 3. Amanda S h l A d Schulze Director of Distance Learning for the Council of Residential Specialists Doctoral Student in Learning Technologies at Pepperdine Paul D hl P l Dahl University Distance Learning Coordinator for the Council of Residential Specialists
  • 4. Webinars, defined Why webinars Whats working (for us and you!) Technology that we use with our webinars Whats next What s
  • 5. Educational session w/ objectives Live over the Internet Participants anywhere on a computer Speaker or panel that disseminates information Group larger than 100 people Approximately 60 minutes in length
  • 6. Only for O l f marketing k ti Cant teach anything / Learn anything in 60 minutes i t Must be FREE! Recording is same as live Teaching F2F is = to webinar g No prep time is needed / easy to execute Pack em in!
  • 7. Which webinar rumor have you heard in your organization? Only for marketing y g Must be FREE! Recording is same as live Pack em in!
  • 8. Real Estate Association Continuing Education Over 40,000 members worldwide Average age of member is 55
  • 9. The competition p Real Estate Designations and Certifications Online Real Estate Education iLearn Tomato University
  • 10. Our members dont come back Speed to market Location Revenue stream Known F2F instructors
  • 11. Achieve learning objectives Generate revenue Maintain average of 200 participants ( (90% attendance rate)) Conduct 2 webinars per month Support implementation of learning Keep them engaged
  • 12. Speakers are leaders in the industry Quality content that can be implemented Additional materials and content Follows a formula: Starts on time, has an assignment, always on Tuesday, etc. g y y High level of support before, during and after Consistent look and feel / templates
  • 14. Forums Content Samples Pre- assignment g Live Webinar W bi Wikis and Tips and Forums Ideas Application A li ti Assignment
  • 15. 2 Weeks 1 Week Same 2 Days 2 Days 1 Day 1 -2 Out Out Day Out Out 1 Day After Weeks Immediate After After Live Webinar Event Email: Drip content and videos Links to, Promote and online survey: Chat in Online materials Recording: Webinar Warriors, Blog, Access slides, Twitter LinkedIn Free Clip of Facebook, Twitter, Evaluation LinkedIn handouts, Forum Recording pre- Polls WebEx Provide content assignment, ideas corresponding Post content on Folow-up: Live Chat product d t Blog, F Bl Facebook b k Ask for results of A kf lt f Assignment with website Call to Action Online Survey: Tweet Call to Presenter Promote: Submit content questions Action Email: Blog, Facebook, Collect attendee data Access to recording forums, twitter, Emailed: Q&A Top 5 ideas from webinar Webinar Warriors Application assignment pp g Link to blog and memberconnect g LinkedIn Li k dI so attendees can contribute content Blast Emails (4 Link to related product and courses weeks) Reminder to complete Call to Action
  • 16. Trends Advisory Team Polls on website and Facebook Evaluations Re-use the good speakers! Re use New speakers moderate first Is it a series, part of a course a bundle? series course,
  • 17. Its so sad when time ends with my CRS family family. See what CRS Instructors said works for them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8txJmI_TzCI
  • 18. Tuesdays or Thursdays 1PM CST 60 minutes Never the last day of the month Practice session
  • 19. Drip the content: Blog, video, Twitter, Facebook, email, website, forums, LinkedIn i k d Have your speakers drip content as well! James Nellis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xhkkan43VY Mike Selvaggio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2wIjlUyH6I
  • 24. Goes through our website Get detailed information about session Confirmation is immediate / automated Reminders one the day before and one the day of
  • 26. How many of you already have an automated registration and reminder system in place for your webinars? Yes! No
  • 27. 際際滷s Pre-assignment articles, to dos Survey to submit questions Recording for one year MP3 files of recording Post assignment / activity / contest Links / information to corresponding education and products
  • 28. Article Website Activate an account Use / download an application Interview someone using it Look up a fact or stat Consider how they have used it and what issues they have Send in separate email or will get lost!
  • 29. Demographics Application / usage Issues or concerns with topic Space for open-ended comments / open ended questions
  • 31. AT LEAST one day before webinar Recreate the same environment attempt it at the same time Best practices set-up p p Review slides and determine the poll q questions and application assignment pp g Roles and Responsibilities Log on 30 minutes prior to start on day of
  • 32. Email support Phone support Moderator Production Assistant Presenter Tweeters
  • 33. Group of 5 organized webinar attendees to attend CRS webinars Task 1: Promote each webinar event starting two weeks out using social media Task 2: Drip content prior to the webinar using social media/ blogging Requirements: Have a presence/ following on social media (personal blog, twitter account) Able to attend CRS webinars
  • 34. Refer to data and pre-assignment Polls Q&A Tweeting #CRSweb Application assignment / contest
  • 36. Creating a dio onl MP3 files audio only for on-the-move REALTORS速
  • 39. Make sure anything on your computer that makes a sound is turned off or disabled. RECORD
  • 41. Highlight the section of audio that you want to make a track of of. ...go to Project, Add Label At Selection... g j ,
  • 42. Type in the name of your track track.
  • 43. Ending E di Starting Point Point Amount of time selected
  • 44. All of your t k have b f tracks h been marked k d File, Export Multiple
  • 45. Change to MP3 Select location
  • 47. Live discussion with presenter Link to evaluation / how to access all materials Post top 5 / 7 ideas Start a discussion, what did you get? , y g
  • 49. Follow-up in forum about call to action Ask for more ideas Post contest winners Email how to access recording and MP3s
  • 50. Networking opportunities Mobile Share information More video Bundled with courses Credit toward designation
  • 51. Email aschulze@crs com for more samples aschulze@crs.com and online files or to attend one of our webinars eb a s Create a promotional video for your next webinar and share with us Create your webinar brand Create MP3 File for your next session