There is diversity among living organisms in characteristics like shape, size, feeding habits, and environment. Animals come in a wide range of sizes from elephants and rhinos to rabbits and rats. They live in various environments, with some inhabiting water like fish and hippos, and others living on land like horses and tigers. Plants also show diversity in size, from huge trees to short weeds, as well as differences in leaf size. Microorganisms, too small to be seen, exist everywhere and come in various shapes and modes of movement.
Vitality 2011: Day 3. We had a huge 6,000 person turnout in Orlando, Florida.
Brought to you by the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. Powered by ViSalus Sciences
The 7 Surprising Ways to Succeed with Social Media For Event PlannersLikeable Local
For event planning professionals, social media can sometimes seem daunting. There are many tried and true methods to the business, and it can be hard to try something new. In this webinar, The 7 Surprising Ways to Succeed with Social Media for Event Planners, Likeable Local Marketing Manager Beth Henderson will show you that using social media for your event planning business is really just the same principles you know and love, just on a different platform.
The document announces a luncheon and fashion show event on May 23rd, 2016 at the Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA to celebrate the 68th anniversary of Aid for Cancer Research. The event will include a boutique/pop-up store opening at 10 AM, a fashion show at 12 PM, and a pre-paid luncheon at 12:30 PM. Tickets must be purchased online by May 6th, 2016 and more information can be found on the Aid for Cancer Research website.
This document outlines a presentation on Google's Go programming language and Google App Engine. The agenda includes an introduction to Go, discussing features like concurrency and garbage collection. It also covers using Go with App Engine, including storing data, using services like Channels and Mail, and includes a demo of a fully functional Go app on App Engine.
Nova Weng - %22Early Breast Cancer Awareness & Prevention in China%22 (2016)Nova Weng
- Breast cancer rates have doubled in China over the past 20 years and it is now the most common cancer among Chinese women.
- Early detection programs and screenings have not reached all women, especially in rural areas, resulting in limited treatment options and higher mortality rates.
- Socioeconomic disparities between urban and rural areas have contributed to inequitable access to healthcare programs and education about early detection.
Aplica巽達o de t辿cnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para ferramenta P...La鱈s Berlatto
O documento discute a aplica巽達o de t辿cnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para aprimorar a ferramenta de automa巽達o de testes Pyccuracy, substituindo seu mecanismo atual de reconhecimento de palavras naturais por express探es regulares por processamento de linguagem natural.
Want to travel on little to no budget? Or fly business class or stay in luxury hotels for cheap? Turns out you can! Come join us for a talk on how to hack travel deals and trot the globe for nearly nothing! Well provide tips & tricks on how to get better travel deals and run a workshop afterwards where we'll help you plan your next trip!
El documento describe la Ley de Cultura de Ecuador, promulgada en 1984. Establece el marco legal para promover y preservar la cultura ecuatoriana a trav辿s de varias instituciones como el Ministerio de Educaci坦n y Cultura, el Consejo Nacional de Cultura, la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana y el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural. Detalla las funciones y estructura de estas entidades, as鱈 como la creaci坦n de un Fondo Nacional de la Cultura para financiar proyectos culturales.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan tentang perencanaan sistem informasi pembuatan e-KTP yang mencakup pengertian dasar sistem informasi, fungsi e-KTP, desain menu, normalisasi basis data, relasi antar tabel, dan diagram alir proses pembuatan e-KTP."
Steps toward bright way will help you define your objective whether you are a student or fresh grads and make the best use of your time to achieve your goals.
Role of Social Media in Event MarketingRohit Varma
The document discusses the role of social media in event marketing and enhancing brand relationships. It notes that people attend events to meet, learn, explore possibilities, get inspired, or have fun. Successful events are well-positioned and allow attendees to learn, explore, and connect. Social media plays a key role in informing people about events, generating interest, and engaging communities to take action. The document also discusses how brands can benefit from partnering with events by gaining visibility, sampling products, amplifying campaigns, and engaging relevant audiences. Ultimately, events are about facilitating human connection.
ORIGEN Y EXPANNSION DEL QUECHUA:costa,centro peruano,sierra
ORIGEN DEL QUECHUA:El quechua se hab鱈a originado en la regi坦n central y occidental del Per炭 :QUECHUA I
se expandi坦 hacia el Callej坦n de Huailas en el norte y por medio de la vertiente oriental QUECHUA II, que se expandi坦 hacia el sur por la sierra y la costa del Pac鱈fico.
Se ubica en el siglo
Es as鱈 como el protoquechua , inicia la difusi坦n de esta legua hacia la sierra central.
Se origina la divisi坦n del quechua en dos ramas :quechua I y quechua II 2属OLEADA
Se da en el siglo vIII
El quechua I, inicia su expansi坦n
El quechua II, se divide en 2
Chinchay (hacia el norte)
Huampuy (hacia el sur)
Se da a fines del siglo XV
Esta tercera expansi坦n se da desde la variedad chinchay, que es difundida por los incas.
El quechua se adopta como lengua general en el tahuantinsuyo.
El quechua durante el periodo de la conquista y la colonia
Los doctrineros, para poder evangelizar a los nativos, aprendieron el quechua .
多POR QUE ES TAN IMPORTANTE?:El油runasimi es una lengua quiz叩 tan antigua, comoseg炭n los arque坦logos en Caral se hablaba unaespecie de pre-proto-Quechua油
El quechua, es una de las lenguas originarias de los Andes centrales que se extiende por la parte occidental de Sudam辿rica a trav辿s de siete pa鱈ses
Nosotros como peruanos, tenemos la riqueza ling端鱈stica de hablar nuestra lengua nativa, el Quechua, idioma considerado en el art鱈culo 48属 de la Constituci坦n Peruana de 1993, como idioma oficial del Per炭, conjuntamente que el Castellano, el Aymara y las dem叩s lenguas abor鱈genes del Per炭 y del que debemos enorgullecernos, pues nos adentra al alma andina de nuestra naci坦n y es la que nos hace vibrar de emoci坦n al escuchar la dulce cadencia de sus sonidos.
Building off of 10 years' experience, with over 400 Bay Area leaders graduating, we're re-introducing The Emerging Leaders Program as The Excellence in Leadership Program (ELP). Part of our new suite of curriculum for nonprofit professionals, ELP will strengthen leaders' confidence and capability, while equipping them to build a culture of inquiry and strategic focus within their organizations.
The Impact Capacity Assessment Tool (iCAT) is an organizational assessment and油planning tool that helps nonprofits better understand their capacity and put that油understanding into action to increase their impact.
2016 CVNL Bay Area Human Race Photos and HistoryCVNL
Saturday, May 7th, 2016 marked the 34th annual Bay Area Human Race with more than 1000 people participating in the 5K race, 78 race day volunteers, over 60 Community Village exhibits, and another two thousand or so community members cheering on the runners. Nearly $250,000 has been raised for local nonprofits and causes throughout Marin, Napa and San Francisco counties.
From supporting those with disabilities, people advocating for animals, to those seeking to increase access to education the Bay Area Human Race welcomed and honored important work being done to better our communities. It is the largest community fundraiser of its kind in Marin County.
Everybody has a story that motivates them to give, get involved, donate, join the cause, and spread the word. CVNL is privileged to be the platform for these stories to have a voice and provide a way for nonprofits, schools and groups to raise money for their causes. The Human Race has a wide reach that many single nonprofits cannot achieve on their own, and offers support providing logistics, marketing, training and tools. The event has become a critical fundraising method for all who participate. Remember to use #bayareahumanrace when you share your own impact and memories. Complete information is found at:
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with PG&E and local nonprofits to show our appreciation for Military Appreciation Month in May.
In honor of Military Appreciation Month and PG&Es Month of Service, CVNL is engaged PG&E employees in on-site volunteer projects at San Rafael and Napa locations. PG&E volunteers assembled 200 (100 at their Napa location and 100 at their Marin location) Military Appreciation care packages to be sent to U.S. Military personnel serving around the world. Employees also created two murals that will be displayed at two veteran organizations in Marin and Napa. These projects demonstrate PG&Es support for the men and women who are currently serving, and have served, our country.
The care packages to the military personnel include: power bars, healthy snacks, instant oatmeal, ramen noodles, snack crackers, Chapstick, foot powder, baby wipes, shampoo, conditioner, band aids, sunscreen, eye drops, crossword puzzles, playing cards, and a personalized card. Enclosure cards were created to add a personal message to each care package. The murals were designed partnering with nonprofits and a muralist. Beneficiaries of these packages and murals will be Operation with Love from Home (OWLFH) of Napa, Veterans Home of California (CalVet) of Yountville, and Ranchin Vets of Marin.
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership
We know that passion alone isn't enough when it comes to creating strong nonprofits.
That's why we work with aspiring and established leaders every day to help them build the skills and connections that can take their impact to the next level. With confident and prepared leaders, our nonprofits will be better equipped to create healthy, happy communities.
This presentation introduces CVNL and covers highlights of our history through March 2016. Learn more about us. Connect with us:
The 33rd consecutive Marin Human Race was a resounding success. Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) produced an inspiring event in May 2015. Nearly $350,000 was raised for community causes, 140 people volunteered, 1,500 participated in the race, and another two thousand or so community members came out to cheer on the runners and enjoy dozens of Community Village exhibits.
From youth to seniors, people with disabilities being pushed in wheelchairs to marathon runners racing in the 5K timed event, to people advocating for animals and those seeking to increase access to education the Human Race welcomes and actively honors everyone all in one place. It is the largest gathering of its kind in Marin County.
Everybody has a story that motivates them to give, get involved, donate, join the cause, and spread the word. CVNL is privileged to be the platform for these stories to have a voice and provide a way for nonprofits, schools and groups to raise money for their causes. The Human Race has a wide reach that many single nonprofits cannot achieve on their own, and offers support providing logistics, marketing, training and tools. The event has become a critical fundraising method for all who participate.
Ready. Set. Go! The CVNL Bay Area Human Race (expanded this year to include Marin, Napa and the San Francisco Bay Area), is happening on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the Marin County Fairgrounds and Lagoon Park, from 7am - 11am. Complete information is found at:
Change is inevitable. When nonprofit organizations experience leadership transitions, many lack the time or resources to maintain stability and resilience. CVNLs Executive Search & Transition Services offers expert support in executive search, interim leadership placement, and succession planning. CVNL has placed more than 90 C-level leaders in positions such as Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Vice President of Development, Chief Operations Officer, and many more. Please contact Cindi Hubbard, Director of Executive Search & Transition Services, at 415.448.0320 or for additional information.
CVNL Partners with Autodesk for a Day of Service, February, 2016CVNL
On February 17, 2016, Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with RBACS for a day of service and team building with more than a dozen Autodesk employees. Immediately upon arrival, volunteers were energized and ready to engage and contribute to rehabilitation of RBACS natural ecosystems. Volunteers worked in teams in RBACS native plant nursery to assemble plants that will be transported on boards to Aramburu Island. Autodesk employees also created flower beds around the historic Lyford House.
Enjoy the slideshow of photos from the day. Discovery of more about us happens at:
1st Annual CVNL Heart of Napa Awards Photos, February 23, 2016CVNL
This document announces a presentation to be held on February 23, 2016 at the Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa. The presentation will feature photos from the 2015 Heart of Napa event and is presented by an unspecified organization with an unspecified sponsor. The document directs readers to the website for more information.
The document discusses the 2015 Heart of Marin Awards ceremony that was held at the Marin Civic Center Exhibit Hall on January 7, 2016. Photos were taken at the event that honored individuals and organizations for their contributions to the Marin community.
CVNL Corporate Volunteer Project, VISA Inc, September 2015CVNL
CVNL Corporate Volunteer Project
Day of Service, September 24, 2015
Bothin Marsh, Mill Valley, CA
Visa, Inc Helps to Remove Salsola from Bothin Marsh
- Visa, Inc's Global Team partnered with CVNL for a Corporate Volunteer Project on Thursday, September 24, 2015
- Visa brought 25 of their local and international employees to participate in this service opportunity.
- Before the project, volunteers played a team-building game and learned about the different species that habit the marsh
- The project took place at the Bothin Marsh and the Mill Valley multi-use path
- The County Parks and Open Space have been making strides in restoring the tidal wetlands but have needed help for years.
- The invasive salsola recently became more of a problem and have been displacing indigenous plants that support the vibrant wildlife in Marin.
- Collectively they contributed 62 hours of work valued at $1,679.37
- Volunteers removed over 270 lbs of salsola/ Russian thistle and the area covered was about 200 sq. meters.
- Special thanks to Visa, Inc and Greg Reza from the Marin County Parks!
Discover more about CVNL Corporate Projects:
CVNL Partners with Autodesk for Day of Service, September, 2015CVNL
Autodesk employees help Richardson Bay Audubon Center cultivate 1,350 plants!
On September 1, 2016, Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with RBACS to deploy 28 Autodesk employees in a day of service. Volunteers cultivated 9 different plant species to be transported to Aramburu island. Volunteers were from different places around the world and some local. Autodesk employees quickly jumped in to get their hands dirty, formed teams to efficiently create more plants to support the bird population at Aramburu. CVNL and RBACS are thankful to all of the Autodesk employees for taking the time out to help provide over a week of work for RBACS! Learn more about CVNL at
Enjoy photos from the day!
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership
We know that passion alone isn't enough when it comes to creating strong nonprofits.
That's why we work with aspiring and established leaders every day to help them build the skills and connections that can take their impact to the next level. With confident and prepared leaders, our nonprofits will be better equipped to create healthy, happy communities.
This presentation introduces CVNL and covers highlights of our history through July 2015. Learn more about us. Connect with us:
This document outlines a presentation on Google's Go programming language and Google App Engine. The agenda includes an introduction to Go, discussing features like concurrency and garbage collection. It also covers using Go with App Engine, including storing data, using services like Channels and Mail, and includes a demo of a fully functional Go app on App Engine.
Nova Weng - %22Early Breast Cancer Awareness & Prevention in China%22 (2016)Nova Weng
- Breast cancer rates have doubled in China over the past 20 years and it is now the most common cancer among Chinese women.
- Early detection programs and screenings have not reached all women, especially in rural areas, resulting in limited treatment options and higher mortality rates.
- Socioeconomic disparities between urban and rural areas have contributed to inequitable access to healthcare programs and education about early detection.
Aplica巽達o de t辿cnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para ferramenta P...La鱈s Berlatto
O documento discute a aplica巽達o de t辿cnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para aprimorar a ferramenta de automa巽達o de testes Pyccuracy, substituindo seu mecanismo atual de reconhecimento de palavras naturais por express探es regulares por processamento de linguagem natural.
Want to travel on little to no budget? Or fly business class or stay in luxury hotels for cheap? Turns out you can! Come join us for a talk on how to hack travel deals and trot the globe for nearly nothing! Well provide tips & tricks on how to get better travel deals and run a workshop afterwards where we'll help you plan your next trip!
El documento describe la Ley de Cultura de Ecuador, promulgada en 1984. Establece el marco legal para promover y preservar la cultura ecuatoriana a trav辿s de varias instituciones como el Ministerio de Educaci坦n y Cultura, el Consejo Nacional de Cultura, la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana y el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural. Detalla las funciones y estructura de estas entidades, as鱈 como la creaci坦n de un Fondo Nacional de la Cultura para financiar proyectos culturales.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan tentang perencanaan sistem informasi pembuatan e-KTP yang mencakup pengertian dasar sistem informasi, fungsi e-KTP, desain menu, normalisasi basis data, relasi antar tabel, dan diagram alir proses pembuatan e-KTP."
Steps toward bright way will help you define your objective whether you are a student or fresh grads and make the best use of your time to achieve your goals.
Role of Social Media in Event MarketingRohit Varma
The document discusses the role of social media in event marketing and enhancing brand relationships. It notes that people attend events to meet, learn, explore possibilities, get inspired, or have fun. Successful events are well-positioned and allow attendees to learn, explore, and connect. Social media plays a key role in informing people about events, generating interest, and engaging communities to take action. The document also discusses how brands can benefit from partnering with events by gaining visibility, sampling products, amplifying campaigns, and engaging relevant audiences. Ultimately, events are about facilitating human connection.
ORIGEN Y EXPANNSION DEL QUECHUA:costa,centro peruano,sierra
ORIGEN DEL QUECHUA:El quechua se hab鱈a originado en la regi坦n central y occidental del Per炭 :QUECHUA I
se expandi坦 hacia el Callej坦n de Huailas en el norte y por medio de la vertiente oriental QUECHUA II, que se expandi坦 hacia el sur por la sierra y la costa del Pac鱈fico.
Se ubica en el siglo
Es as鱈 como el protoquechua , inicia la difusi坦n de esta legua hacia la sierra central.
Se origina la divisi坦n del quechua en dos ramas :quechua I y quechua II 2属OLEADA
Se da en el siglo vIII
El quechua I, inicia su expansi坦n
El quechua II, se divide en 2
Chinchay (hacia el norte)
Huampuy (hacia el sur)
Se da a fines del siglo XV
Esta tercera expansi坦n se da desde la variedad chinchay, que es difundida por los incas.
El quechua se adopta como lengua general en el tahuantinsuyo.
El quechua durante el periodo de la conquista y la colonia
Los doctrineros, para poder evangelizar a los nativos, aprendieron el quechua .
多POR QUE ES TAN IMPORTANTE?:El油runasimi es una lengua quiz叩 tan antigua, comoseg炭n los arque坦logos en Caral se hablaba unaespecie de pre-proto-Quechua油
El quechua, es una de las lenguas originarias de los Andes centrales que se extiende por la parte occidental de Sudam辿rica a trav辿s de siete pa鱈ses
Nosotros como peruanos, tenemos la riqueza ling端鱈stica de hablar nuestra lengua nativa, el Quechua, idioma considerado en el art鱈culo 48属 de la Constituci坦n Peruana de 1993, como idioma oficial del Per炭, conjuntamente que el Castellano, el Aymara y las dem叩s lenguas abor鱈genes del Per炭 y del que debemos enorgullecernos, pues nos adentra al alma andina de nuestra naci坦n y es la que nos hace vibrar de emoci坦n al escuchar la dulce cadencia de sus sonidos.
Building off of 10 years' experience, with over 400 Bay Area leaders graduating, we're re-introducing The Emerging Leaders Program as The Excellence in Leadership Program (ELP). Part of our new suite of curriculum for nonprofit professionals, ELP will strengthen leaders' confidence and capability, while equipping them to build a culture of inquiry and strategic focus within their organizations.
The Impact Capacity Assessment Tool (iCAT) is an organizational assessment and油planning tool that helps nonprofits better understand their capacity and put that油understanding into action to increase their impact.
2016 CVNL Bay Area Human Race Photos and HistoryCVNL
Saturday, May 7th, 2016 marked the 34th annual Bay Area Human Race with more than 1000 people participating in the 5K race, 78 race day volunteers, over 60 Community Village exhibits, and another two thousand or so community members cheering on the runners. Nearly $250,000 has been raised for local nonprofits and causes throughout Marin, Napa and San Francisco counties.
From supporting those with disabilities, people advocating for animals, to those seeking to increase access to education the Bay Area Human Race welcomed and honored important work being done to better our communities. It is the largest community fundraiser of its kind in Marin County.
Everybody has a story that motivates them to give, get involved, donate, join the cause, and spread the word. CVNL is privileged to be the platform for these stories to have a voice and provide a way for nonprofits, schools and groups to raise money for their causes. The Human Race has a wide reach that many single nonprofits cannot achieve on their own, and offers support providing logistics, marketing, training and tools. The event has become a critical fundraising method for all who participate. Remember to use #bayareahumanrace when you share your own impact and memories. Complete information is found at:
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with PG&E and local nonprofits to show our appreciation for Military Appreciation Month in May.
In honor of Military Appreciation Month and PG&Es Month of Service, CVNL is engaged PG&E employees in on-site volunteer projects at San Rafael and Napa locations. PG&E volunteers assembled 200 (100 at their Napa location and 100 at their Marin location) Military Appreciation care packages to be sent to U.S. Military personnel serving around the world. Employees also created two murals that will be displayed at two veteran organizations in Marin and Napa. These projects demonstrate PG&Es support for the men and women who are currently serving, and have served, our country.
The care packages to the military personnel include: power bars, healthy snacks, instant oatmeal, ramen noodles, snack crackers, Chapstick, foot powder, baby wipes, shampoo, conditioner, band aids, sunscreen, eye drops, crossword puzzles, playing cards, and a personalized card. Enclosure cards were created to add a personal message to each care package. The murals were designed partnering with nonprofits and a muralist. Beneficiaries of these packages and murals will be Operation with Love from Home (OWLFH) of Napa, Veterans Home of California (CalVet) of Yountville, and Ranchin Vets of Marin.
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership
We know that passion alone isn't enough when it comes to creating strong nonprofits.
That's why we work with aspiring and established leaders every day to help them build the skills and connections that can take their impact to the next level. With confident and prepared leaders, our nonprofits will be better equipped to create healthy, happy communities.
This presentation introduces CVNL and covers highlights of our history through March 2016. Learn more about us. Connect with us:
The 33rd consecutive Marin Human Race was a resounding success. Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) produced an inspiring event in May 2015. Nearly $350,000 was raised for community causes, 140 people volunteered, 1,500 participated in the race, and another two thousand or so community members came out to cheer on the runners and enjoy dozens of Community Village exhibits.
From youth to seniors, people with disabilities being pushed in wheelchairs to marathon runners racing in the 5K timed event, to people advocating for animals and those seeking to increase access to education the Human Race welcomes and actively honors everyone all in one place. It is the largest gathering of its kind in Marin County.
Everybody has a story that motivates them to give, get involved, donate, join the cause, and spread the word. CVNL is privileged to be the platform for these stories to have a voice and provide a way for nonprofits, schools and groups to raise money for their causes. The Human Race has a wide reach that many single nonprofits cannot achieve on their own, and offers support providing logistics, marketing, training and tools. The event has become a critical fundraising method for all who participate.
Ready. Set. Go! The CVNL Bay Area Human Race (expanded this year to include Marin, Napa and the San Francisco Bay Area), is happening on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the Marin County Fairgrounds and Lagoon Park, from 7am - 11am. Complete information is found at:
Change is inevitable. When nonprofit organizations experience leadership transitions, many lack the time or resources to maintain stability and resilience. CVNLs Executive Search & Transition Services offers expert support in executive search, interim leadership placement, and succession planning. CVNL has placed more than 90 C-level leaders in positions such as Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Vice President of Development, Chief Operations Officer, and many more. Please contact Cindi Hubbard, Director of Executive Search & Transition Services, at 415.448.0320 or for additional information.
CVNL Partners with Autodesk for a Day of Service, February, 2016CVNL
On February 17, 2016, Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with RBACS for a day of service and team building with more than a dozen Autodesk employees. Immediately upon arrival, volunteers were energized and ready to engage and contribute to rehabilitation of RBACS natural ecosystems. Volunteers worked in teams in RBACS native plant nursery to assemble plants that will be transported on boards to Aramburu Island. Autodesk employees also created flower beds around the historic Lyford House.
Enjoy the slideshow of photos from the day. Discovery of more about us happens at:
1st Annual CVNL Heart of Napa Awards Photos, February 23, 2016CVNL
This document announces a presentation to be held on February 23, 2016 at the Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa. The presentation will feature photos from the 2015 Heart of Napa event and is presented by an unspecified organization with an unspecified sponsor. The document directs readers to the website for more information.
The document discusses the 2015 Heart of Marin Awards ceremony that was held at the Marin Civic Center Exhibit Hall on January 7, 2016. Photos were taken at the event that honored individuals and organizations for their contributions to the Marin community.
CVNL Corporate Volunteer Project, VISA Inc, September 2015CVNL
CVNL Corporate Volunteer Project
Day of Service, September 24, 2015
Bothin Marsh, Mill Valley, CA
Visa, Inc Helps to Remove Salsola from Bothin Marsh
- Visa, Inc's Global Team partnered with CVNL for a Corporate Volunteer Project on Thursday, September 24, 2015
- Visa brought 25 of their local and international employees to participate in this service opportunity.
- Before the project, volunteers played a team-building game and learned about the different species that habit the marsh
- The project took place at the Bothin Marsh and the Mill Valley multi-use path
- The County Parks and Open Space have been making strides in restoring the tidal wetlands but have needed help for years.
- The invasive salsola recently became more of a problem and have been displacing indigenous plants that support the vibrant wildlife in Marin.
- Collectively they contributed 62 hours of work valued at $1,679.37
- Volunteers removed over 270 lbs of salsola/ Russian thistle and the area covered was about 200 sq. meters.
- Special thanks to Visa, Inc and Greg Reza from the Marin County Parks!
Discover more about CVNL Corporate Projects:
CVNL Partners with Autodesk for Day of Service, September, 2015CVNL
Autodesk employees help Richardson Bay Audubon Center cultivate 1,350 plants!
On September 1, 2016, Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) partnered with RBACS to deploy 28 Autodesk employees in a day of service. Volunteers cultivated 9 different plant species to be transported to Aramburu island. Volunteers were from different places around the world and some local. Autodesk employees quickly jumped in to get their hands dirty, formed teams to efficiently create more plants to support the bird population at Aramburu. CVNL and RBACS are thankful to all of the Autodesk employees for taking the time out to help provide over a week of work for RBACS! Learn more about CVNL at
Enjoy photos from the day!
Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership
We know that passion alone isn't enough when it comes to creating strong nonprofits.
That's why we work with aspiring and established leaders every day to help them build the skills and connections that can take their impact to the next level. With confident and prepared leaders, our nonprofits will be better equipped to create healthy, happy communities.
This presentation introduces CVNL and covers highlights of our history through July 2015. Learn more about us. Connect with us:
The document appears to be a photo gallery of various non-profit organizations and the volunteer activities they conducted in June 2015. It includes photos from Habitat for Humanity home building projects, the Center for Domestic Peace making blankets, Homeward Bound gardening and packaging truffles, Gilead House mural painting, the Marin City Senior Center decorating bags and serving lunch, and a celebration event at Genworth. The gallery consists primarily of photos without captions or descriptions of over 30 different volunteer activities across multiple organizations for the month of June.
On February 1, 2015, Cindi Hubbard celebrated her one year anniversary as CVNLs Director of Executive Search and Transition Services. We are proud of the great leaders we have placed in the past year and look forward to more in 2015. Check out our Year in Review slide show.
CVNL's 22nd Annual Heart of Marin Awards Presentation CVNL
CVNL's Heart of Marin Awards provides a venue for recognizing the community's triumphs and honors the magnificent and meaningful work done to save lives, produce well-being, help the environment, promote art and culture and all else that makes life worthwhile for our families, neighbors and community. Experience the day all over again with our presentation from the awards ceremony.
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ETHNIC-GROUPS-IN-THE-PHILIPPINES-Philippines women universityricardopacionwork
The Philippines is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, each with its own distinct culture, language, and traditions. The major ethnic groups include:
Major Ethnolinguistic Groups:
1. Tagalog Predominantly in Luzon, especially in Metro Manila, Batangas, and Bulacan.
2. Cebuano (Bisaya/Binisaya) Largest group in the Visayas and parts of Mindanao.
3. Ilocano Mainly in Northern Luzon (Ilocos Region and parts of Cagayan Valley and Cordillera).
4. Hiligaynon (Ilonggo) Mostly in Western Visayas, particularly Iloilo and Negros Occidental.
5. Bikolano (Bicolano) Found in the Bicol Region.
6. Waray In Eastern Visayas, particularly Samar and Leyte.
7. Kapampangan Predominantly in Pampanga and parts of Tarlac.
8. Pangasinense In Pangasinan province.
Indigenous and Ethnic Minority Groups:
1. Igorot Tribes Includes Kankanaey, Ifugao, Bontoc, Ibaloi, and others in the Cordillera region.
2. Mangyan Indigenous people of Mindoro, composed of subgroups like Iraya, Alangan, and Hanunuo.
3. Aeta (Ati, Dumagat, Agta) Negrito groups in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
4. Lumad A collective term for non-Muslim indigenous groups in Mindanao, including Manobo, T'boli, and Bagobo.
5. Badjao (Sea Gypsies) Nomadic seafaring people in Mindanao, Sulu, and Sabah.
Muslim Ethnic Groups (Moro People):
1. Maranao Found around Lake Lanao in Mindanao.
2. Maguindanao Predominantly in Maguindanao province.
3. Tausug Primarily in Sulu and parts of Mindanao.
4. Yakan Native to Basilan.
5. Sama-Bajau Found in Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, and Zamboanga.
These ethnic groups have contributed to the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines through their languages, traditions, and customs. Would you like more details on a specific group?
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