This document contains information about Ravindra Yadav, a first year mechanical engineering student. It discusses traffic engineering, factors affecting traffic such as road users, vehicles, roadways and environment. It covers traffic characteristics, studies, operation, planning, design, management and administration. Specific topics discussed include road user characteristics, vehicular characteristics, density, capacity, time headway and space headway. The document also discusses traffic regulation through devices like licenses, vehicle registration, transport authorities, speed limits and control devices. It describes different types of traffic signs used for regulation, warning and providing information.
Road Safety Tips for Public, Parents and Teachers of ChildrenRoad Safety
Road Safety Tips for Public, Parents and Teachers of Children
road accident statistics road accident facts india ppt pps pdf road accident video images photos
Де треба переходити вулицю? Де чекати транспорт ? як поводитися на дороз?? З якого в?ку ? де можна кататися на велосипед?? Пропону?мо д?тям легко, ?з задоволенням, опанувати дорожню абетку.
Para tomar medidas de seguridad vial durante los viajes diarios, es importante conocer los tipos de se?ales de tránsito y luces de semáforos, las cuales indican cómo transitar de forma segura. Las se?ales están colocadas en calles y aceras para guiar a peatones y conductores, ya sea proporcionando información, previniendo peligros o indicando prohibiciones. Los conductores deben seguir recomendaciones como usar cinturón de seguridad, respetar se?ales y leyes de tránsito.
This document contains information about Ravindra Yadav, a first year mechanical engineering student. It discusses traffic engineering, factors affecting traffic such as road users, vehicles, roadways and environment. It covers traffic characteristics, studies, operation, planning, design, management and administration. Specific topics discussed include road user characteristics, vehicular characteristics, density, capacity, time headway and space headway. The document also discusses traffic regulation through devices like licenses, vehicle registration, transport authorities, speed limits and control devices. It describes different types of traffic signs used for regulation, warning and providing information.
Road Safety Tips for Public, Parents and Teachers of ChildrenRoad Safety
Road Safety Tips for Public, Parents and Teachers of Children
road accident statistics road accident facts india ppt pps pdf road accident video images photos
Де треба переходити вулицю? Де чекати транспорт ? як поводитися на дороз?? З якого в?ку ? де можна кататися на велосипед?? Пропону?мо д?тям легко, ?з задоволенням, опанувати дорожню абетку.
Para tomar medidas de seguridad vial durante los viajes diarios, es importante conocer los tipos de se?ales de tránsito y luces de semáforos, las cuales indican cómo transitar de forma segura. Las se?ales están colocadas en calles y aceras para guiar a peatones y conductores, ya sea proporcionando información, previniendo peligros o indicando prohibiciones. Los conductores deben seguir recomendaciones como usar cinturón de seguridad, respetar se?ales y leyes de tránsito.