Модуль «Вопросы стратегического управления для малого инновационного предприя...Программа Развития Стандартные стратегии и модели действий при коммерциализации прикладных результатов исследований
Предмет изобретенияlanaРазличают изобретения, подпадающие под условия правовой охраны, то есть патентоспособные изобретения, и есть изобретения, которые не признаются патентоспособными.
очевидностью неотвратимо осеняют его, поражая своей красотой и парадоксальностью
Коммерциализация технологий – защита прав на интеллектуальную собственностьАгентство экономического развития Тольятти Виталий Виноградов, соучредитель и генеральный директор, i- Accelerator, зам. директора "Инновационного центра Высшей школы экономики" в ходе выступления на конференции Startup Mania 18 октября 2013 года в Тольятти.
модуль 8. правовые и юридические вопросы. часть 1Программа Развития Правовая охрана технической сущности результатов исследований. Оформление и регистрация объектов авторского и патентного права
Your 3-Step Guide to Choosing the Right DoorBill StewartEvery door has a different purpose. Choose the right industrial door that improves functionality and workplace efficiency with the help of the Wilcox Team!
Learn more by visiting our blog: wilcoxdoorserviceinc.blogspot.com
Features of java 02University of PotsdamJava has many features that make it a popular programming language, including being platform independent, object-oriented, robust, and secure. It is platform independent because Java code is compiled into bytecode that can run on any system with a Java virtual machine. It is object-oriented because it organizes programs around objects that contain both data and behaviors. Java is also robust through features like automatic garbage collection and exception handling. Additionally, it is secure due to features such as lack of pointers, bytecode verification, and a security manager.
Consortia[1]bngwasuhThis document provides background information on library consortia, including a brief history and overview of their advantages and disadvantages. It discusses how consortia allow groups of libraries to cooperate in resource sharing, services, and processes. The document also provides recommendations to focus on digital resources and funding cooperation going forward.
PumpsAbhishek ChoksiThe document discusses various types of pumping systems including their components and operating principles. It describes reciprocating pumps which use back-and-forth motion to displace water, rotary pumps which use gears or vanes for displacement, and centrifugal pumps which use the centrifugal force of an impeller to increase pressure and flow. Specific types like volute and turbine centrifugal pumps are mentioned. Cavitation and net positive suction head are also discussed as important considerations for pump selection and performance.
Major Point Summary - HR-ICT Governmental UnitThe University of Texas (UTRGV)Based on the Executive Summary, Human Resources and Information Communications Technology (ICT), Analysis of a Local Government's HR-ICT Governmental Unit;
PAFF 6315 Management of Government Information Systems;
Fall 2015, Module One
Euler and hamilton pathsUniversity of PotsdamEuler circuit is a euler path that returns to it starting point after covering all edges. While hamilton path is a graph that covers all vertex(NOTE) exactly once. When this path returns to its starting point than this path is called hamilton circuit.
Analysis of Phasor Diagram Abhishek ChoksiThis document discusses phasor analysis of RC, RL, and RLC circuits.
For an RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor lags behind the current by 90 degrees. For an RL circuit, the voltage across the inductor leads the current by 90 degrees.
For an RLC circuit, the behavior depends on whether the reactance of the inductor or capacitor is higher. If the inductor reactance is higher, it behaves like an RL circuit. If the capacitor reactance is higher, it behaves like an RC circuit. If the reactances are equal, it behaves like a resistive circuit.
Digital in 2016 by We Are Social SingaporeAlan MartínezThis document provides an overview and statistics on global and regional digital trends in 2016. It includes statistics on internet users, social media users, mobile phone users, and year-over-year growth rates. Specific statistics are given for 30 countries and breakdowns by region are provided for Africa, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. The document aims to help understand the state of digital media around the world.
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND SECURITY SYSTEM BASED ONAnkitkumar PatelThis document describes an industrial automation and security system based on GSM. It uses an 8051 microcontroller, GSM modem, LCD display, fire detector, IR transmitter and receiver. The system allows remote operation and monitoring of industrial equipment via SMS commands to the GSM modem. It also provides security features like fire detection and door access control using infrared sensors. The system aims to reduce production costs through automation while improving security.
Discrete Fourier TransformAbhishek ChoksiThis document summarizes key aspects of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). It defines the DFT, provides the formula for calculating it, and explains that the DFT transforms a discrete-time signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. It also outlines several important properties of the DFT, including linearity, shift property, duality, symmetry, and circular convolution. Examples are provided to illustrate duality and symmetry. References for further information on the discrete Fourier transform are also included.
SCIPorgua, CompetitiveCamp-2010, Значение патентной информации и патентных ис...«ОБЩЕСТВО АНАЛИТИКОВ И ПРОФЕССИОНАЛОВ КОНКУРЕНТНОЙ РАЗВЕДКИ»SCIPorgua, CompetitiveCamp-2010 | Э.Т. Лерантович, Харьковский национальный политехнический университет "ХПИ", г. Харьков
Медиация в инновационных конфликтахMarat AvdyevОшибаются те, кто полагает, что конфликты интеллектуальной собственности происходят где то там далеко в американской Силиконовой долине, в индийском Бангалоре или, на худой конц, в подмосковном Сколково. В действительности, большинство товаров и ряд финансовых услуг, окружающих нас — это сложные вопросы прав на интеллектуальную собственность. Таков вызов эпохи глобализации. Не знать основ работы с интеллектуальной собственностью - это означает действовать на свой страх и риск. Ведь даже в сфере социальных услуг для населения важно помнить о защите ноу — хау, секретов успешной организации дел, защите конфиденциальной информации
Your 3-Step Guide to Choosing the Right DoorBill StewartEvery door has a different purpose. Choose the right industrial door that improves functionality and workplace efficiency with the help of the Wilcox Team!
Learn more by visiting our blog: wilcoxdoorserviceinc.blogspot.com
Features of java 02University of PotsdamJava has many features that make it a popular programming language, including being platform independent, object-oriented, robust, and secure. It is platform independent because Java code is compiled into bytecode that can run on any system with a Java virtual machine. It is object-oriented because it organizes programs around objects that contain both data and behaviors. Java is also robust through features like automatic garbage collection and exception handling. Additionally, it is secure due to features such as lack of pointers, bytecode verification, and a security manager.
Consortia[1]bngwasuhThis document provides background information on library consortia, including a brief history and overview of their advantages and disadvantages. It discusses how consortia allow groups of libraries to cooperate in resource sharing, services, and processes. The document also provides recommendations to focus on digital resources and funding cooperation going forward.
PumpsAbhishek ChoksiThe document discusses various types of pumping systems including their components and operating principles. It describes reciprocating pumps which use back-and-forth motion to displace water, rotary pumps which use gears or vanes for displacement, and centrifugal pumps which use the centrifugal force of an impeller to increase pressure and flow. Specific types like volute and turbine centrifugal pumps are mentioned. Cavitation and net positive suction head are also discussed as important considerations for pump selection and performance.
Major Point Summary - HR-ICT Governmental UnitThe University of Texas (UTRGV)Based on the Executive Summary, Human Resources and Information Communications Technology (ICT), Analysis of a Local Government's HR-ICT Governmental Unit;
PAFF 6315 Management of Government Information Systems;
Fall 2015, Module One
Euler and hamilton pathsUniversity of PotsdamEuler circuit is a euler path that returns to it starting point after covering all edges. While hamilton path is a graph that covers all vertex(NOTE) exactly once. When this path returns to its starting point than this path is called hamilton circuit.
Analysis of Phasor Diagram Abhishek ChoksiThis document discusses phasor analysis of RC, RL, and RLC circuits.
For an RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor lags behind the current by 90 degrees. For an RL circuit, the voltage across the inductor leads the current by 90 degrees.
For an RLC circuit, the behavior depends on whether the reactance of the inductor or capacitor is higher. If the inductor reactance is higher, it behaves like an RL circuit. If the capacitor reactance is higher, it behaves like an RC circuit. If the reactances are equal, it behaves like a resistive circuit.
Digital in 2016 by We Are Social SingaporeAlan MartínezThis document provides an overview and statistics on global and regional digital trends in 2016. It includes statistics on internet users, social media users, mobile phone users, and year-over-year growth rates. Specific statistics are given for 30 countries and breakdowns by region are provided for Africa, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. The document aims to help understand the state of digital media around the world.
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND SECURITY SYSTEM BASED ONAnkitkumar PatelThis document describes an industrial automation and security system based on GSM. It uses an 8051 microcontroller, GSM modem, LCD display, fire detector, IR transmitter and receiver. The system allows remote operation and monitoring of industrial equipment via SMS commands to the GSM modem. It also provides security features like fire detection and door access control using infrared sensors. The system aims to reduce production costs through automation while improving security.
Discrete Fourier TransformAbhishek ChoksiThis document summarizes key aspects of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). It defines the DFT, provides the formula for calculating it, and explains that the DFT transforms a discrete-time signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. It also outlines several important properties of the DFT, including linearity, shift property, duality, symmetry, and circular convolution. Examples are provided to illustrate duality and symmetry. References for further information on the discrete Fourier transform are also included.
SCIPorgua, CompetitiveCamp-2010, Значение патентной информации и патентных ис...«ОБЩЕСТВО АНАЛИТИКОВ И ПРОФЕССИОНАЛОВ КОНКУРЕНТНОЙ РАЗВЕДКИ»SCIPorgua, CompetitiveCamp-2010 | Э.Т. Лерантович, Харьковский национальный политехнический университет "ХПИ", г. Харьков
Медиация в инновационных конфликтахMarat AvdyevОшибаются те, кто полагает, что конфликты интеллектуальной собственности происходят где то там далеко в американской Силиконовой долине, в индийском Бангалоре или, на худой конц, в подмосковном Сколково. В действительности, большинство товаров и ряд финансовых услуг, окружающих нас — это сложные вопросы прав на интеллектуальную собственность. Таков вызов эпохи глобализации. Не знать основ работы с интеллектуальной собственностью - это означает действовать на свой страх и риск. Ведь даже в сфере социальных услуг для населения важно помнить о защите ноу — хау, секретов успешной организации дел, защите конфиденциальной информации
Соцмережа Science-Community.org: просування наукових розробок та інші можливо...Department DASOOм.н.с., к.ф.-м.н. Є. О. Мележик, Інститут фізики напівпровідників ім. В.Є. Лашкарьова НАНУ
Перспективы развития исследований и принципы работы с информациейDepartment DASOOД.х.н., проф. В.М. Гунько, Інститут хіміії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАНУ
Розробка та дизайн електронного каталогу як основи інформаційного веб-сайтуDepartment DASOOС.н.с. к.х.н. О.О. Казакова, Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАНУ
Можливості публікації результатів науко-вих досліджень у журналах з високим і...Department DASOOС.н.с., к.х.н. О.В. Гончарук, Інститт хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАНУ
2. Патент — охранный документ, удостоверяющий исключительное
право, авторство и приоритет изобретения, полезной модели либо
промышленного образца.
Изобретение — решение технической задачи, относящееся к продукту
или способу.
Полезная модель — сходный с изобретением нематериальный объект
интеллектуальных прав (техническое решение), относящийся к устройству. Для
полезных моделей установлены менее строгие условия патентоспособности,
сокращенные сроки и упрощенные процедуры рассмотрения заявки.
Промышленный образец — объект интеллектуальных прав,
относящийся к внешнему виду, дизайну и эргономическим свойствам изделия
промышленного или кустарно-ремесленного производства.
Ноу-хау или секрет производства — это сведения любого характера
(изобретения, оригинальные технологии, знания, умения и т. п.), которые
охраняются режимом коммерческой тайны и могут быть предметом купли-