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The Implications of NHS
Reconfiguration for
Emergency Preparedness
Dominic Mellon
23rd March 2007
What is NHS Reconfiguration?
 Based on Commissioning a Patient Led NHS
 Part of overall NHS Improvement Plan
 Review of configuration of PCTs and SHAs
 Ensure effective delivery of healthcare services
Avon, Gloucestershire & Wiltshire
Dorset & Somerset
South West Peninsula
12 PCTs7 PCTs:
Great Western Ambulance 3 Ambulance Trusts
What are the main areas of impact?
 Geographic and demographic issues
 Emergency plans and arrangements
 Communications & Liaison
 Personnel, Funding & Resources
 Civil protection duties and responder
status under CCA 2004
 Emergency planning guidance
 Need for all-hazards approach to planning
Geographic & Demographic Issues
 Changing boundaries
 Many hazards
geographically linked
 Risk based planning
 New hazards/old risks
 Local population -
local vulnerabilities
 Community Risk
Register (LRF)
boundaries ... should
not be a reason for not
working with
organisations over
those boundaries in
developing mutual aid
Ensuring that the
appropriate partner
responding agencies
are identified, included
and consulted with.
Understanding of new
structures, roles and
responsibilities and
existing and
organisational cultures
Control & Coordination
- Strategic, Tactical &
Operational plans.
Changing trigger
Interfacing plans.
Emergency Plans & Arrangements
Organisational Restructuring
Size and scale of organisations
Mutual aid arrangements
Including Major Incident Plans & Business Continuity
Partner Responders
Personnel, Funding & Resources
 Reconfiguration involves rationalisation
 Reduced resources, including personnel
 New people, new roles
 Training needs analysis and delivery
 Sharing/pooling of resources
 Increased need for joint working & cooperation
Communication & Liaison
 Emergency planning
liaison committees
 Public health emergency
& Informing
 Local Resilience Fora
 Working groups
 Bilateral relationships
Various implications and areas of concern
Risks vs. opportunities
Communication & Liaison issues highly

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Interview presentation bristol 230307

  • 1. The Implications of NHS Reconfiguration for Emergency Preparedness Dominic Mellon 23rd March 2007
  • 2. What is NHS Reconfiguration? Based on Commissioning a Patient Led NHS Part of overall NHS Improvement Plan Review of configuration of PCTs and SHAs Ensure effective delivery of healthcare services Avon, Gloucestershire & Wiltshire Dorset & Somerset South West Peninsula NHS South West 12 PCTs7 PCTs: Great Western Ambulance 3 Ambulance Trusts
  • 3. What are the main areas of impact? Geographic and demographic issues Emergency plans and arrangements Communications & Liaison Personnel, Funding & Resources Civil protection duties and responder status under CCA 2004 Emergency planning guidance Need for all-hazards approach to planning
  • 4. Geographic & Demographic Issues Changing boundaries Many hazards geographically linked Risk based planning New hazards/old risks Local population - local vulnerabilities Community Risk Register (LRF) Vulnerability Assessments
  • 5. Administrative boundaries ... should not be a reason for not working with organisations over those boundaries in developing mutual aid arrangements Ensuring that the appropriate partner responding agencies are identified, included and consulted with. Understanding of new emergency management structures, roles and responsibilities and existing and developing organisational cultures Control & Coordination - Strategic, Tactical & Operational plans. Changing trigger points. Interfacing plans. Emergency Plans & Arrangements Organisational Restructuring Size and scale of organisations Mutual aid arrangements Including Major Incident Plans & Business Continuity Arrangements Partner Responders
  • 6. Personnel, Funding & Resources Reconfiguration involves rationalisation Reduced resources, including personnel New people, new roles Training needs analysis and delivery Sharing/pooling of resources Increased need for joint working & cooperation
  • 7. Communication & Liaison Internal: Emergency planning liaison committees Public health emergency information Cooperation Information Sharing Warning & Informing External: Local Resilience Fora Working groups Bilateral relationships
  • 8. Summary Various implications and areas of concern Risks vs. opportunities Communication & Liaison issues highly significant

Editor's Notes

  • #2: My name is Dominic Mellon and I will be delivering this presentation on... I hope you enjoy this presentation.
  • #3: NHS Improvement Plan = Modernisation Agenda NB: Commissioning a Patient Led NHS (July 2005) - part one: review of configuration for delivery of services Using the south west of england as an example... (Ambulance Service previously reconfigured.)
  • #4: Shifting the Balance of Power: changes to NHS organisation instrumental in passing responsibility for emergency planning from the SHAs to the PCTs - Oct 2002.
  • #5: Obviously, the amalgamation of PCTs has resulted in changing boundaries. Many hazards are linked to the local geography including natural hazards such as coastal, fluvial and flash flooding; and socio-technical hazards such as COMAH sites and other industrial hazards What are new hazards for new organisations will be old risks: I.e. they will have been identified and assessed already. Vulnerability? Local demographics need to be assessed as the areas covered by each organisation will have changed.
  • #7: Rationalisation involves centralisation of resources and delivering services within tighter budgets
  • #8: Arguably the most important area of concern arising from NHS reconfiguration. Communication and liaison identified within the AGW submission document as a significant organisational risk: concerns over the impact on relationships with key partners and the effectiveness of local relationships. There are three duties placed on category one responders under the CCA which deal directly with communication & liaison... Mechanisms for undertaking these duties include... Importance of resilient communications infrastructure and systems during an emergency response. Emergency contact details.
  • #9: Issues identified as risks in various reports, however this can be seen as an opportunity to develop and improve civil protection functions. NHS South West identifies one of the core priorities for 2006-2007 to be the Maintaining effective arrangements for health protection and emergency planning.