WordPress: do Blog ao E-Commerce - PHPMS Conf'14BonoBee
Nesta palestra foi mostrado a evolu巽達o do WordPress que inicialmente foi criado para ser uma cms de Blogs, mas como sua facilidade na cria巽達o de Plugins, propiciou a cria巽達o dos mais diversos, facilitando ainda mais seu uso. Hoje vemos o WordPress sendo usados por grandes empresas e at辿 mesmo nas mais diversas, como blogs, sites comerciais, sites institucionais e-commerces, entre outras aplica巽探es.
Presentaci坦n del Jard鱈n infantil Aguilucho de la comuna de Providencia, Santiago, en el Seminario de Educaci坦n Ambiental, Educaci坦n Parvularia y Gesti坦n de Resiudos y Energ鱈a", organizado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) el 30 de septiembre de 2014
Catch-me if you can - TOR tricks for bots, shells and general hackingJan Seidl
The TOR network is widely known nowadays but there's plenty of gold in there that is not. This talk is about everything TOR: Popping shells, tunneling tools and commanding your bots over the world's most popular darknet.
This presentation was given on October 19th at the 11th H2HC (Hackers 2 Hackers Conference) 2014 at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Presentaci坦n del Jard鱈n infantil Aguilucho de la comuna de Providencia, Santiago, en el Seminario de Educaci坦n Ambiental, Educaci坦n Parvularia y Gesti坦n de Resiudos y Energ鱈a", organizado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) el 30 de septiembre de 2014
Catch-me if you can - TOR tricks for bots, shells and general hackingJan Seidl
The TOR network is widely known nowadays but there's plenty of gold in there that is not. This talk is about everything TOR: Popping shells, tunneling tools and commanding your bots over the world's most popular darknet.
This presentation was given on October 19th at the 11th H2HC (Hackers 2 Hackers Conference) 2014 at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
EQ has now evolved to be important for progress and success in career as against IQ regarded so vital till date. Goleman deserves credit for it propagation and interest .Attempt is give an overview based on Goleman's book.
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10. LLiitteerraaccyy BBlloogg
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