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By Eva
Indigenous Cultures of the
Central Americas
The central Arctic District was a dry, barren, treeless place, or a frozen
desert! It is similar to the Arctic Pole but it is now Greenland, Canada and
Alaska. There are dwellings for Inuit and Aleutians. Central America is a
region in North America 's Southern Bit and is often known as America's
The Arctic Central area
The Central America
Most people believe that
Guatemala, Nicaragua,
Honduras , El Salvador and
Costa Rica are all part of
Central America.
Panama is also
considered part of
Central America, in
terms of its
geographical location.
They proclaimed independence
from Spain in 1821, and
became part of the province of
the Central American Union
from 1823 to 1838.
For decades, Panama
became a part of
Colombia, then
independence in 1903.
Useful Buffalo
Buffalo was the primary
meal for the men-buffalo
liver, brain gristle, and
nose gristle were a treat,
consumed raw.
Buffalo bones provided
marrow to eat.
Dried buffalo dung
provided fuel for fires.
Buffalo bones were also carved
to make knives, and boiled to
make glue.
Dried buffalo meat, called
pemmican, provided food
to eat through the winter.
Buffalo horns and hooves were
made into cups.
Buffalo skin could be used to
make tipis, clothes, moccasins,
bedding, parfl竪ches, saddle
covers and water-bags.
Buffalo sinews were used
as bowstrings and thread.
Buffalo fat was
used as soap.
The rough tongue of a
buffalo could be used as
a hairbrush.
The tail of a buffalo could
be used as a fly-swat.
The right for democratic devotees to make fair
and open choices is the essence of democracy,
but the capacity of Central America to make
decisions like this is getting less and less.
In March last year's
polls reiterated the
strong need for
democracy in El
The Reagan administration
has chosen a policy that
gives the terrorist trust, that
excites and strengthens the
terrorist, that is, the
determination to do so for
more violence, and that has
offered little but bitter
dismay to those who are
truly confident about the
country's stability and
The spectrum of the
election is too limited
to encourage El
Salvador to achieve
national unity.
Treatment of women
treatment can have
implications for
physical wellbeing
and can also lead
to the mortality of
A woman said this based on her experience: "They
left me alone on the bed and there were no other
patients in the room. When I felt more pain, I fear,
because I am alone
Male police, legal and
judicial professionals are
dominant in the entire
country, frequently
despising or despising the
oppression of women.
Most aboriginal women
raised in institutions (at
hospitals) report of
inadequate standard of
Treatment of women
As their biggest
issue, women
have language
barriers, they don't
talk Spanish and
most health
workers don't
The apprehension and
mistrust of aboriginal
communities regarding
western medicine prohibits
them from receiving
medical care, such as
screening and vaccination.
Hebrew women said they
were terrified of dying in
the hospital and even
'killed' by those involved in
the operation.
If the indigenous women
can not adequately
explain her symptoms or
does not follow the
doctor's orders, which in
effect would cause ill
would between the
indigenous population
and the treatment
centre, thereby stopping
many indigenous
peoples from pursuing a
western lifestyle.
Native Americans live in tipis
Tipis were warm in winter, cool in summer.
Tipis were easy to move.
A tipi's shape
protected it from
the Plains winds.
The wooden poles in the
tipi were used to make a
travois, which was like a
trailer that was pulled
behind horses with their
belongings piled on top of
Tipis were circular, and Native
Americans thought that: ...the
power of the world works in
Tipi dwellers
believed that a
fixed home was
unhealthy, but a
tipi was healthy.
Clothing they wear
The primary material used in their clothing by
the Native Americans was made from animal
hides. While the Plains Indians, who were
hunters of bison, used buffalo skin and the
Alaskan Inuit used seal or caribou skin.
Some tribes
learned how to
make clothing from
plants or weaving
All of their clothes were
made by hand. The women
would make the clothes. First
they would tan the animal
skin and turn the animal skin
into leather, that could make
the cloth last longer. Then
they would need to cut and
sew the leather into a piece
of clothing.
Clothing they wear
Most people from
Native American
countries wore a
breechcloth. The men
will wear leggings in
warmer climates, even
in the winter, to cover
up and keep their legs
dry. Throughout much
of the year, many men
went shirtless, only
wearing cloaks when it
got very cold.
Huipil is the traditional garment most commonly worn
by indigenous women from central Mexico to Central
The Native American
women generally wore skirts
and leggings. Often they
wore shirts or tunics as well.
In some tribes, like the
Cherokee and the Apache,
the women wore longer
buckskin dresses.
When a young man came of age he
would took part in a ceremony that
included fasting, self-harm, going into
a trance and seeing an animal that
was a friend of the spirit.
Several of such rituals-the Sun
Dance-contained a frame with a
central pole representing the sky, on
which the young people stood by
their peaks themselves.
Religious beliefs
Native Americans believed that both the
Plains' harsh environment and illness
were caused by spirits. They felt these
spirits could be talked to by 'medicine
men' and asked for their help.
They did the Mandan
Buffalo Dance which they
felt was going to get them
Religious beliefs
Native Americans' way of life was based
on cooperation and keeping their
community together. They had quite
different religious beliefs from those of
the new settlers on the Great Plains.
Whenever the hunter came
across a beautiful scene ... he
paused for a moment in
worship.---Native American
Although many Native
Americans believed in a
great spirit, called Wakan
New Years Day
opens the holiday
season in Belize.
The Carnival
Festivities, and
the dances of the
troupes or
comparsas put
color, music, and
joy into the
Normally the feasts, held in
memory of a character or saint,
begin nine days before the main
day, and start with a procession
known as the Desfile del
Correo, which runs through the
main streets of the town
followed by the elderly or
masked men, music bands, and
other men such as the mayor,
municipal and religious officials,
the queen of the festival, and
the residents.
Carnivals are one
of the main
festivals in
especially the
Carnival of
Panam叩 and the
Carnival of Las
Tablas, in the
capital of the
province of Los
Popular religiosity in Central America focuses
around the saints, who are perceived as
intercessors between people and God. A rich
culture grew around patron saints festivities,
with solemn religious festivals laden with
common cultural expressions.
On March 9, Baron Bliss Day
is commemorated with a
regatta and exciting horse and
bicycle races, in honour of the
country's benefactor. The 10th
of September is St. George's
Caye Day, celebrated with
sporting and cultural events
like fireworks and concerts.
D鱈a de los Muertos is a well-known festival that
honours the dead. It is based on the pre-
Hispanic belief that in the first days of
November, the dead return. People set up altars
with offerings and toys to welcome them, and
wear costumes featuring flowery skulls.
Some changes
Today, regional infrastructure
programmes for hydroelectric dams,
oil pipelines and roads, industrial
forestry, fishing, cattle ranching and
mining, the arrival of increasingly
hostile immigrants have occupied
territories of indigenous people and
pushed them into more remote and
difficult locations with more snow,
steeper slopes and lower soils.
Today, the Kunas can be identified by
their women's traditional clothes and
jewels, and the symbolic mola, a double-
applied needlework portraying natural or
cultural themes. They are well-educated
people who rely on getting Kuna
teachers in their classrooms, and also
send their children to learn and prepare
for technical careers abroad.
Some changes
However, today, as
natural resources have
been depleted in other
areas, these remaining
wildlands face
increasing demands
and renewed interest
in their hydroelectric
potential, genetic
resources and
ecological functions.
Today the area is colonised
by Cabecar groups. Indians
of Bribri, Teribe, and
Guaymi. The Cabecars and
Bribris constitute the vast
majority of the indigenous
population of Costa Rica,
with roughly 11,000 to
19,000 in the Talamanca
National growth,
ventures, commercial
interests and
colonisation placed
tremendous strain on
these superb tropical
forest examples and on
the indigenous peoples
who were their
traditional residents.
Did you know?
 According to Americans, Census Bureau, there are about 4.5 million Native
Americans and Alaska Natives in the United States today, thats about 1.5%
of the population!
 Elides Rivera, a local Indigenous land rights leader, still has the voice
recording of the call for help she made to a local police commander: I beg
you with all, all my heart.
 The colonization of the New World by the Spaniards introduced a lot of
products to the rest of the world. Among those incredible contributions to
global gastronomy are tomatoes, peanuts, avocados, corn, vanilla and hot
peppers. Imagine many of our favorite dishes without these ingredients!
 Mexico has 59 endemic corn varieties!
Native American Cultures - Facts, Regions &
Tribes - HISTORY
Information that I used
Central America
Gender, Equity, and Indigenous Women's Health
in the Americas
Central American Policy: A Democratic Alternative
Native American religion
Native American History for Kids: Clothing
Celebrations in Central America, indigenous
traditions and Spanish culture
10 popular festivals in Latin America
Indigenous Cultures and Protected Areas in
Central America

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Indigenous Cultures of the Central Americas.pptx

  • 1. By Eva Indigenous Cultures of the Central Americas
  • 2. The central Arctic District was a dry, barren, treeless place, or a frozen desert! It is similar to the Arctic Pole but it is now Greenland, Canada and Alaska. There are dwellings for Inuit and Aleutians. Central America is a region in North America 's Southern Bit and is often known as America's subregion. The Arctic Central area
  • 3. The Central America Most people believe that Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras , El Salvador and Costa Rica are all part of Central America. Panama is also considered part of Central America, in terms of its geographical location. They proclaimed independence from Spain in 1821, and became part of the province of the Central American Union from 1823 to 1838. For decades, Panama became a part of Colombia, then achieved independence in 1903.
  • 4. Useful Buffalo Buffalo was the primary meal for the men-buffalo liver, brain gristle, and nose gristle were a treat, consumed raw. Buffalo bones provided marrow to eat. Dried buffalo dung provided fuel for fires. Buffalo bones were also carved to make knives, and boiled to make glue. Dried buffalo meat, called pemmican, provided food to eat through the winter. Buffalo horns and hooves were made into cups. Buffalo skin could be used to make tipis, clothes, moccasins, bedding, parfl竪ches, saddle covers and water-bags. Buffalo sinews were used as bowstrings and thread. Buffalo fat was used as soap. The rough tongue of a buffalo could be used as a hairbrush. The tail of a buffalo could be used as a fly-swat.
  • 5. Democracy The right for democratic devotees to make fair and open choices is the essence of democracy, but the capacity of Central America to make decisions like this is getting less and less. In March last year's polls reiterated the strong need for participatory democracy in El Salvador. The Reagan administration has chosen a policy that gives the terrorist trust, that excites and strengthens the terrorist, that is, the determination to do so for more violence, and that has offered little but bitter dismay to those who are truly confident about the country's stability and democracy. The spectrum of the election is too limited to encourage El Salvador to achieve national unity.
  • 6. Treatment of women Postponing treatment can have permanent implications for physical wellbeing and can also lead to the mortality of children. A woman said this based on her experience: "They left me alone on the bed and there were no other patients in the room. When I felt more pain, I fear, because I am alone Male police, legal and judicial professionals are dominant in the entire country, frequently despising or despising the oppression of women. Most aboriginal women raised in institutions (at hospitals) report of inadequate standard of care.
  • 7. Treatment of women As their biggest issue, women have language barriers, they don't talk Spanish and most health workers don't understand indigenous languages. The apprehension and mistrust of aboriginal communities regarding western medicine prohibits them from receiving medical care, such as screening and vaccination. Hebrew women said they were terrified of dying in the hospital and even 'killed' by those involved in the operation. If the indigenous women can not adequately explain her symptoms or does not follow the doctor's orders, which in effect would cause ill would between the indigenous population and the treatment centre, thereby stopping many indigenous peoples from pursuing a western lifestyle.
  • 8. Native Americans live in tipis Tipis were warm in winter, cool in summer. Tipis were easy to move. A tipi's shape protected it from the Plains winds. The wooden poles in the tipi were used to make a travois, which was like a trailer that was pulled behind horses with their belongings piled on top of it. Tipis were circular, and Native Americans thought that: ...the power of the world works in circles. Tipi dwellers believed that a fixed home was unhealthy, but a tipi was healthy.
  • 9. Clothing they wear The primary material used in their clothing by the Native Americans was made from animal hides. While the Plains Indians, who were hunters of bison, used buffalo skin and the Alaskan Inuit used seal or caribou skin. Some tribes learned how to make clothing from plants or weaving thread. All of their clothes were made by hand. The women would make the clothes. First they would tan the animal skin and turn the animal skin into leather, that could make the cloth last longer. Then they would need to cut and sew the leather into a piece of clothing.
  • 10. Clothing they wear Most people from Native American countries wore a breechcloth. The men will wear leggings in warmer climates, even in the winter, to cover up and keep their legs dry. Throughout much of the year, many men went shirtless, only wearing cloaks when it got very cold. Huipil is the traditional garment most commonly worn by indigenous women from central Mexico to Central America. The Native American women generally wore skirts and leggings. Often they wore shirts or tunics as well. In some tribes, like the Cherokee and the Apache, the women wore longer buckskin dresses.
  • 11. When a young man came of age he would took part in a ceremony that included fasting, self-harm, going into a trance and seeing an animal that was a friend of the spirit. Several of such rituals-the Sun Dance-contained a frame with a central pole representing the sky, on which the young people stood by their peaks themselves. Religious beliefs Native Americans believed that both the Plains' harsh environment and illness were caused by spirits. They felt these spirits could be talked to by 'medicine men' and asked for their help. They did the Mandan Buffalo Dance which they felt was going to get them buffalo.
  • 12. Religious beliefs Native Americans' way of life was based on cooperation and keeping their community together. They had quite different religious beliefs from those of the new settlers on the Great Plains. Whenever the hunter came across a beautiful scene ... he paused for a moment in worship.---Native American belief Although many Native Americans believed in a great spirit, called Wakan Tanka
  • 13. Festivals New Years Day opens the holiday season in Belize. The Carnival Festivities, and the dances of the troupes or comparsas put color, music, and joy into the country. Normally the feasts, held in memory of a character or saint, begin nine days before the main day, and start with a procession known as the Desfile del Correo, which runs through the main streets of the town followed by the elderly or masked men, music bands, and other men such as the mayor, municipal and religious officials, the queen of the festival, and the residents. Carnivals are one of the main festivals in Panam叩, especially the Carnival of Panam叩 and the Carnival of Las Tablas, in the capital of the province of Los Santos.
  • 14. Festivals Popular religiosity in Central America focuses around the saints, who are perceived as intercessors between people and God. A rich culture grew around patron saints festivities, with solemn religious festivals laden with common cultural expressions. On March 9, Baron Bliss Day is commemorated with a regatta and exciting horse and bicycle races, in honour of the country's benefactor. The 10th of September is St. George's Caye Day, celebrated with sporting and cultural events like fireworks and concerts. D鱈a de los Muertos is a well-known festival that honours the dead. It is based on the pre- Hispanic belief that in the first days of November, the dead return. People set up altars with offerings and toys to welcome them, and wear costumes featuring flowery skulls.
  • 15. Some changes Today, regional infrastructure programmes for hydroelectric dams, oil pipelines and roads, industrial forestry, fishing, cattle ranching and mining, the arrival of increasingly hostile immigrants have occupied territories of indigenous people and pushed them into more remote and difficult locations with more snow, steeper slopes and lower soils. Today, the Kunas can be identified by their women's traditional clothes and jewels, and the symbolic mola, a double- applied needlework portraying natural or cultural themes. They are well-educated people who rely on getting Kuna teachers in their classrooms, and also send their children to learn and prepare for technical careers abroad.
  • 16. Some changes However, today, as natural resources have been depleted in other areas, these remaining wildlands face increasing demands and renewed interest in their hydroelectric potential, genetic resources and ecological functions. Today the area is colonised by Cabecar groups. Indians of Bribri, Teribe, and Guaymi. The Cabecars and Bribris constitute the vast majority of the indigenous population of Costa Rica, with roughly 11,000 to 19,000 in the Talamanca region. National growth, ventures, commercial interests and spontaneous colonisation placed tremendous strain on these superb tropical forest examples and on the indigenous peoples who were their traditional residents.
  • 17. Did you know? According to Americans, Census Bureau, there are about 4.5 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives in the United States today, thats about 1.5% of the population! Elides Rivera, a local Indigenous land rights leader, still has the voice recording of the call for help she made to a local police commander: I beg you with all, all my heart. The colonization of the New World by the Spaniards introduced a lot of products to the rest of the world. Among those incredible contributions to global gastronomy are tomatoes, peanuts, avocados, corn, vanilla and hot peppers. Imagine many of our favorite dishes without these ingredients! Mexico has 59 endemic corn varieties!
  • 18. Native American Cultures - Facts, Regions & Tribes - HISTORY Information that I used Central America Gender, Equity, and Indigenous Women's Health in the Americas Central American Policy: A Democratic Alternative Native American religion https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3xftyc/revi sion/5#:~:text=In%20fact%20Native%20American s%20were%20very%20religious.&text=Although% 20many%20Native%20Americans%20believed,in %20a%20variety%20of%20ways. Native American History for Kids: Clothing Celebrations in Central America, indigenous traditions and Spanish culture 10 popular festivals in Latin America Indigenous Cultures and Protected Areas in Central America https://theculturetrip.com/north- america/mexico/articles/15-cool-culture-facts- you-didnt-know-about-mexico/