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Is it true?
We dont discrimination like the US
What is discrimination
 An action or a decision that is treating some people
differently from others
- People are paid different wages
- Not accepted just because of their race
Discrimination in Canada (present)
 Just over a third (38.2%) of respondents aged 15 or older reported
having experienced discrimination at some point before or since the
 In 2020, more than 38 percent of
women and nearly 32 percent of
men from visible minorities reported
having experienced discrimination.
South Asian hockey
players in Lower
Mainland face
racism, other barriers
to participation:
study finds
 South Asians within the sport consistently faced discrimination
in the form of racism
 Being called the n-word on ice
 According to Jeff Wales, players will inform them that
something discriminatory was said, but would rather forget
about it
 Parents creating their own training programmes to have a
setting free from discrimination
It was just weird to make sense of that. One would think that
whenever we call anybody the n-word, thats pretty clear-cut
racism, Szto said. But when it takes place on the ice in that
context, the assumption was well other teams are supposed to
hate us, theyre supposed to get us off our game, and anything
they do is technically is fair game.
Systemic or Individual
- Not just a few people discrimination south
Asian Canadians on the ice, lots of people
do so. Also, when South Asian players want
to play more competitive hockey,
opportunities become limited
Which part of the
Canadian Charter of
Rights did this violate?
 Legal rights
- Life liberty and security of the
asian people in ice
Changes  Just last month, hate crimes against asian has
increased (once more)
assault': Man
arrested after
spitting, yelling at
Asian family in
 An officer saw
 a shirtless man yell and motion aggressively towards a
man and his child
 Spitting at an Asian woman and her four children near Quadra
 Hate-motivated assault
 Tuesday afternoon, May 4, 2021
"The man spat at the family, narrowly missing a child, and
yelled racial slurs regarding the familys Asian ethnicity,"
said VicPD in a release Wednesday.
Systemic or Individual
- This is only that one man that is discriminating
- There maybe more people like him but they are
not under an organization nor are they a group.
Just scattered people
Which part of the Canadian
Charter of Rights did this violate?
 Legal rights
- Life liberty and security of the asian family
 Just last month, hate crimes against asian has
increased (once more)
 This mans action is now illegal
A qualitative exploration
of Indigenous patients'
experiences of racism and
perspective on improving
cultural safety within
health care
 Indigenous Peoples continue to experience persistent health
 disproportionately poorer health outcomes
 Study shows
 Experience of racism ¥ poor care experience ¥ health
 To solve this issue
- Receiving culturally safe care ¥ improving
trust in the health care system & well-being
Once, [the specialist physician] was talking about residential
school and he told me why dont you just get over it? I was
explaining to him how much body pain I was experiencing 
and he charged right at me and grabbed me and said, What is
this?  Thats skin and we all have it. You need to toughen
Systemic or Individual  Systemic
- This is practically the whole health care
system that is discriminating against the
First Nations.
Which part of the
Canadian Charter of
Rights did this violate?
 Legal rights
- Life, liberty and security of the
First Nations people
 Not much changes. Just a day ago, a priest was
charged in alleged sexual assault of 8-year-old girl on
Manitoba First Nation
against Black public
service workers
 After Black Class Action Secretariat submitted a complaint to
the UN arguing the FGC has systematically discriminated
against & excluded Black Canadian public service workers ¥
the FG started to push for the courts to 
 dismiss a class action lawsuit related to the accusations
 Denied employment and promotions for decades
 government has failed to protect them from anti-Black
racism in the workforce.
 The complaint calls on the UN to hold Canada
 accountable for failing to follow international law.
Our members can readily recount instances of name-calling
and racial slurs in the workplace, of not being hired or never
being promoted, and always being excluded from the basic
human rights in the workplace, Thompson said
Systemic or Individual
- In the title it says Canadian government
discriminate against thus it has to be systemic.
 As of February 15th 2023 the government of Canada
is working with black communities to develop
Canada's black Justice
Which part of the Canadian
Charter of Rights did this violate?
 Equality rights
- Being treated differently under the law
 Fundamental freedom - Freedom of expression
- Basically the country dismiss a lawsuit related to
the accusations. Whether to escape the problem
or hide the problem, with this done, they are
limiting the freedom of expression on the Blacks.
Gay father-to-be files
human rights
complaint alleging
IVF discrimination
 Greg Mountenay has filed a human rights complaint
1. the OTIP because he says the IVF policy doesnt
cover drugs for a surrogate ¥ discriminates gay
1. alleging discrimination over sexual orientation and
gender identity
 He filed an appeal with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ont
Mountenay ¥ "lack of a uterus" ¥ they could NEVER
access > $18k in fertility drugs
 Familiar position for male same-sex couples
 To date they've spent more than $20,000 to be fathers.
 Abortion Provincial funding helped them save upwards of
$3800, but it's < 20% of what they've spent so far in medication
and other related costs.
 Solution: talk to a human rights lawyer
Mountenay said the arduous process has made it difficult to
teach his students about equity when he feels he's been subject
to a lack of fairness, but he has refused to let the cost stop
Systemic or Individual
- This problem is faced by many other male same-
sex couples, if this were individual, the amount
of people experiencing this will be way less.
- This is also a problem that involves the
Which part of the Canadian
Charter of Rights did this violate?
 Equality rights
- They are not getting equal benefits
 Not much has changed. Just 10 days ago there was an
article titled NDP note rise of lgbtq2s plus hate in
Personal experience
Teacher favour the challenge kids more than non
challenge kids. You can see teachers fav are mostly
challenge kids. (Eg: in yearbook and leadership)
Discrimination in canada.pptx

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Discrimination in canada.pptx

  • 1. Discrimination Is it true? We dont discrimination like the US Eva
  • 2. What is discrimination An action or a decision that is treating some people differently from others Eg: - People are paid different wages - Not accepted just because of their race
  • 3. Discrimination in Canada (present) Just over a third (38.2%) of respondents aged 15 or older reported having experienced discrimination at some point before or since the pandemic. In 2020, more than 38 percent of women and nearly 32 percent of men from visible minorities reported having experienced discrimination.
  • 4. South Asian hockey players in Lower Mainland face racism, other barriers to participation: study finds
  • 5. South Asians within the sport consistently faced discrimination in the form of racism Being called the n-word on ice According to Jeff Wales, players will inform them that something discriminatory was said, but would rather forget about it Parents creating their own training programmes to have a setting free from discrimination
  • 6. It was just weird to make sense of that. One would think that whenever we call anybody the n-word, thats pretty clear-cut racism, Szto said. But when it takes place on the ice in that context, the assumption was well other teams are supposed to hate us, theyre supposed to get us off our game, and anything they do is technically is fair game.
  • 7. Systemic or Individual Systemic - Not just a few people discrimination south Asian Canadians on the ice, lots of people do so. Also, when South Asian players want to play more competitive hockey, opportunities become limited Which part of the Canadian Charter of Rights did this violate? Legal rights - Life liberty and security of the asian people in ice Changes Just last month, hate crimes against asian has increased (once more)
  • 8. 'Hate-motivated assault': Man arrested after spitting, yelling at Asian family in Victoria
  • 9. An officer saw a shirtless man yell and motion aggressively towards a man and his child Spitting at an Asian woman and her four children near Quadra elementary Hate-motivated assault Tuesday afternoon, May 4, 2021
  • 10. "The man spat at the family, narrowly missing a child, and yelled racial slurs regarding the familys Asian ethnicity," said VicPD in a release Wednesday.
  • 11. Systemic or Individual Individual - This is only that one man that is discriminating them - There maybe more people like him but they are not under an organization nor are they a group. Just scattered people
  • 12. Which part of the Canadian Charter of Rights did this violate? Legal rights - Life liberty and security of the asian family Changes Just last month, hate crimes against asian has increased (once more) This mans action is now illegal
  • 13. A qualitative exploration of Indigenous patients' experiences of racism and perspective on improving cultural safety within health care
  • 14. Indigenous Peoples continue to experience persistent health inequities disproportionately poorer health outcomes Study shows Experience of racism ¥ poor care experience ¥ health outcomes To solve this issue - Receiving culturally safe care ¥ improving trust in the health care system & well-being
  • 15. Once, [the specialist physician] was talking about residential school and he told me why dont you just get over it? I was explaining to him how much body pain I was experiencing and he charged right at me and grabbed me and said, What is this? Thats skin and we all have it. You need to toughen up!
  • 16. Systemic or Individual Systemic - This is practically the whole health care system that is discriminating against the First Nations. Which part of the Canadian Charter of Rights did this violate? Legal rights - Life, liberty and security of the First Nations people Changes Not much changes. Just a day ago, a priest was charged in alleged sexual assault of 8-year-old girl on Manitoba First Nation
  • 18. After Black Class Action Secretariat submitted a complaint to the UN arguing the FGC has systematically discriminated against & excluded Black Canadian public service workers ¥ the FG started to push for the courts to dismiss a class action lawsuit related to the accusations !?!? Denied employment and promotions for decades government has failed to protect them from anti-Black racism in the workforce. The complaint calls on the UN to hold Canada accountable for failing to follow international law.
  • 19. Our members can readily recount instances of name-calling and racial slurs in the workplace, of not being hired or never being promoted, and always being excluded from the basic human rights in the workplace, Thompson said
  • 20. Systemic or Individual Systemic - In the title it says Canadian government discriminate against thus it has to be systemic. Changes As of February 15th 2023 the government of Canada is working with black communities to develop Canada's black Justice
  • 21. Which part of the Canadian Charter of Rights did this violate? Equality rights - Being treated differently under the law Fundamental freedom - Freedom of expression - Basically the country dismiss a lawsuit related to the accusations. Whether to escape the problem or hide the problem, with this done, they are limiting the freedom of expression on the Blacks.
  • 22. Gay father-to-be files human rights complaint alleging IVF discrimination
  • 23. Greg Mountenay has filed a human rights complaint against 1. the OTIP because he says the IVF policy doesnt cover drugs for a surrogate ¥ discriminates gay 1. alleging discrimination over sexual orientation and gender identity He filed an appeal with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ont Mountenay ¥ "lack of a uterus" ¥ they could NEVER access > $18k in fertility drugs
  • 24. Familiar position for male same-sex couples To date they've spent more than $20,000 to be fathers. Abortion Provincial funding helped them save upwards of $3800, but it's < 20% of what they've spent so far in medication and other related costs. Solution: talk to a human rights lawyer
  • 25. Mountenay said the arduous process has made it difficult to teach his students about equity when he feels he's been subject to a lack of fairness, but he has refused to let the cost stop him.
  • 26. Systemic or Individual Systemic - This problem is faced by many other male same- sex couples, if this were individual, the amount of people experiencing this will be way less. - This is also a problem that involves the government.
  • 27. Which part of the Canadian Charter of Rights did this violate? Equality rights - They are not getting equal benefits Changes Not much has changed. Just 10 days ago there was an article titled NDP note rise of lgbtq2s plus hate in Canada
  • 28. Personal experience Teacher favour the challenge kids more than non challenge kids. You can see teachers fav are mostly challenge kids. (Eg: in yearbook and leadership)