Micro Sociology Of NetworksCritical MassThe document discusses how technology and social media have influenced human behavior and social interactions. It explores how people have moved from consuming to producing media and sharing their ideas openly. This has led to people building their personal brands and expanding their social circles beyond intimacy to include ambient intimacy. Networks now act as human filters that can sort useful information from noise. Overall, the document examines the micro-level sociological effects of social networks on individuals and society.
Joies d'EivissaGemma TurLa joyería de Eivissa presenta fotos y modelos de joyas de oro y plata. Las joyas incluyen una emprendada de oro y otra de plata, ambas modeladas por Laura Miguélez Riera en Eivissa en 2008.
7th Grade Orientation 2008guest872e67Plano Middle School provides an overview of the transition from elementary to middle school. Students will change classes each period and use lockers with combinations. Athletics, clubs, and enrichment programs are offered. Students are expected to follow rules, attend school regularly, complete homework, and get involved in school activities to be successful. Academic progress is monitored through MAP testing, progress reports, and report cards accessed on PowerSchool. Physical education classes are required daily.
People Service Demo 01guest5b24c0Alice signs into her identity provider and clicks on an icon to access her photo provider account. Alice wants to share some photos with her friend Joe, so she clicks on a "Share Photos" link which discovers her people service to get her list of friends. Seeing that Joe is not already a friend, Alice submits a request to invite Joe. Joe receives an email invitation, accepts it, and is then added as a friend of Alice's and can view her shared photos without creating a new account. Now when accessing services, Joe will already be on Alice's friend list so she can easily share things like her calendar with him as well.
Canada NotesMatthew LawheadCanada is the second largest country by total area and has a variety of landscapes including mountains, prairies, and arctic wilderness. It has coastlines on three oceans and more lakes than any other country. The capital is Ottawa and major cities include Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary. Canada has a diverse population and culture that reflects both British and French influences, and the country has a highly developed economy focused on manufacturing, services, and natural resources.
Hagelin Invincibility Brochure A 4AMTR1) The document discusses Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Unified Field-Based Approach to national defense and world peace.
2) It claims this approach can achieve invincibility for every nation by establishing large groups practicing consciousness technologies scientifically shown to reduce tensions fueling violence.
3) These technologies are based on discoveries in quantum mechanics and consciousness showing a unified field of intelligence underlies all phenomena, and can be accessed to neutralize conflicts and tensions.
Micro-InteractionsCritical Mass"We live in a world where the little things really do matter. Each encounter, no matter how brief, is a micro-interaction which makes a deposit or withdrawal from our rational and emotional subconscious. The sum of these interactions and encounters adds up to how we feel about a particular product, brand or service. Little things. Feelings. They influence our everyday behaviors more than we realize."
Quick Passing Game1Tom NeumanThis document provides play calls and strategies for a quick passing game. It describes 10 plays - Quick Smash, Out Dig, Smash, Slant Cross, Zip Slant, Flat Hitch, Flare Slant, Cross Zip, Wheel Slant - and the reads and throws against different coverages, particularly focusing on exploiting holes left by flat defenders. The goal is to identify the open receiver based on the flat defender's movement or position.
Fball Brophy Urban Meyer SpreadTom NeumanThe document provides an overview of Urban Meyer's Utah Spread Offense, including explanations of formations, player positions, blocking assignments, routes, and key running and passing plays. Diagrams illustrate plays like the zone read, trap, counter, screen, and shallow cross from various formations like solo, trey, trips, and empty. The presentation was created from game film but images are copyrighted for educational purposes only.
Univ Of Nevada Pistol OffenseTom NeumanThis document describes a pistol offense formation called "Pistol/Empty/Double Tight" consisting of a split end, flanker split out 10 yards from the tight end, and two tight ends in 3 1/2 foot splits from each tackle. The quarterback lines up in shotgun 3 1/2 yards behind the center, with an H-back 4 yards behind either tackle depending on the motion call. The tailback and fullback come out and are substituted by the H-back and split end. It also mentions a "Pistol 'H' shuffle Pass" play from this formation.
An Inside Look at Campaign 2008tarekrizkThis document provides an overview and analysis of a poll conducted in June 2008 on voter opinions and attitudes regarding the 2008 US presidential election between Barack Obama and John McCain. Some key findings from the poll include: Obama has a slight lead over McCain nationally; support for Obama is driven by a desire for change from President Bush, while McCain's support comes from his experience in foreign policy; the economy is the top issue but voters see the candidates as tied on handling it.
Important Balearic People From HistoryGemma TurThis document provides brief biographies of five important Balearic people from history. It describes Mossèn Alcover, a 19th century Mallorcan priest and linguist who studied the Catalan language. It also outlines Margarita Florit Anglada, a 20th century Menorcan teacher who helped girls access education. The document further mentions Antoni Marí Ribas, a 20th century painter from Ibiza known for his black and white paintings, and Pius Tur Mayans, a 20th century musician and teacher from Formentera who played piano. Web links for further information are provided.
Recursos educacionais abertos: materiais auxiliares à prática tutorialUFPEPalestra dentro da programação do Encontro Pedagógico 2016.2 da EaD/IFPE, no qual proferimos a palestra intitulada: “Recursos educacionais abertos: materiais auxiliares à prática tutorial” .
Data: 15 de agosto de 2016
Local: Auditório do campus Recife
Rua Prof. Luiz Freire, 500 - Curado - Recife - PE
Horário: 18h às 22h
Futures methods for education researchRichard SandfordA talk I gave at the third seminar in the ESRC-sponsored series Educational Futures (http://edfutures.futurelab.org.uk/)
Real World Haskell: Lecture 6Bryan O'SullivanThis document summarizes a lecture about models of evaluation in Haskell. It discusses lazy evaluation and call-by-need evaluation in Haskell. It provides examples showing that expressions are not evaluated unless their values are needed. Common functions like map and fold can be written in terms of each other due to their shared structural transformation of lists. Both left and right folds are discussed, with right folds constructing nested applications and left folds avoiding this issue.
People Service Demo 01guest5b24c0Alice signs into her identity provider and clicks on an icon to access her photo provider account. Alice wants to share some photos with her friend Joe, so she clicks on a "Share Photos" link which discovers her people service to get her list of friends. Seeing that Joe is not already a friend, Alice submits a request to invite Joe. Joe receives an email invitation, accepts it, and is then added as a friend of Alice's and can view her shared photos without creating a new account. Now when accessing services, Joe will already be on Alice's friend list so she can easily share things like her calendar with him as well.
Canada NotesMatthew LawheadCanada is the second largest country by total area and has a variety of landscapes including mountains, prairies, and arctic wilderness. It has coastlines on three oceans and more lakes than any other country. The capital is Ottawa and major cities include Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary. Canada has a diverse population and culture that reflects both British and French influences, and the country has a highly developed economy focused on manufacturing, services, and natural resources.
Hagelin Invincibility Brochure A 4AMTR1) The document discusses Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Unified Field-Based Approach to national defense and world peace.
2) It claims this approach can achieve invincibility for every nation by establishing large groups practicing consciousness technologies scientifically shown to reduce tensions fueling violence.
3) These technologies are based on discoveries in quantum mechanics and consciousness showing a unified field of intelligence underlies all phenomena, and can be accessed to neutralize conflicts and tensions.
Micro-InteractionsCritical Mass"We live in a world where the little things really do matter. Each encounter, no matter how brief, is a micro-interaction which makes a deposit or withdrawal from our rational and emotional subconscious. The sum of these interactions and encounters adds up to how we feel about a particular product, brand or service. Little things. Feelings. They influence our everyday behaviors more than we realize."
Quick Passing Game1Tom NeumanThis document provides play calls and strategies for a quick passing game. It describes 10 plays - Quick Smash, Out Dig, Smash, Slant Cross, Zip Slant, Flat Hitch, Flare Slant, Cross Zip, Wheel Slant - and the reads and throws against different coverages, particularly focusing on exploiting holes left by flat defenders. The goal is to identify the open receiver based on the flat defender's movement or position.
Fball Brophy Urban Meyer SpreadTom NeumanThe document provides an overview of Urban Meyer's Utah Spread Offense, including explanations of formations, player positions, blocking assignments, routes, and key running and passing plays. Diagrams illustrate plays like the zone read, trap, counter, screen, and shallow cross from various formations like solo, trey, trips, and empty. The presentation was created from game film but images are copyrighted for educational purposes only.
Univ Of Nevada Pistol OffenseTom NeumanThis document describes a pistol offense formation called "Pistol/Empty/Double Tight" consisting of a split end, flanker split out 10 yards from the tight end, and two tight ends in 3 1/2 foot splits from each tackle. The quarterback lines up in shotgun 3 1/2 yards behind the center, with an H-back 4 yards behind either tackle depending on the motion call. The tailback and fullback come out and are substituted by the H-back and split end. It also mentions a "Pistol 'H' shuffle Pass" play from this formation.
An Inside Look at Campaign 2008tarekrizkThis document provides an overview and analysis of a poll conducted in June 2008 on voter opinions and attitudes regarding the 2008 US presidential election between Barack Obama and John McCain. Some key findings from the poll include: Obama has a slight lead over McCain nationally; support for Obama is driven by a desire for change from President Bush, while McCain's support comes from his experience in foreign policy; the economy is the top issue but voters see the candidates as tied on handling it.
Important Balearic People From HistoryGemma TurThis document provides brief biographies of five important Balearic people from history. It describes Mossèn Alcover, a 19th century Mallorcan priest and linguist who studied the Catalan language. It also outlines Margarita Florit Anglada, a 20th century Menorcan teacher who helped girls access education. The document further mentions Antoni Marí Ribas, a 20th century painter from Ibiza known for his black and white paintings, and Pius Tur Mayans, a 20th century musician and teacher from Formentera who played piano. Web links for further information are provided.
Recursos educacionais abertos: materiais auxiliares à prática tutorialUFPEPalestra dentro da programação do Encontro Pedagógico 2016.2 da EaD/IFPE, no qual proferimos a palestra intitulada: “Recursos educacionais abertos: materiais auxiliares à prática tutorial” .
Data: 15 de agosto de 2016
Local: Auditório do campus Recife
Rua Prof. Luiz Freire, 500 - Curado - Recife - PE
Horário: 18h às 22h
Futures methods for education researchRichard SandfordA talk I gave at the third seminar in the ESRC-sponsored series Educational Futures (http://edfutures.futurelab.org.uk/)
Real World Haskell: Lecture 6Bryan O'SullivanThis document summarizes a lecture about models of evaluation in Haskell. It discusses lazy evaluation and call-by-need evaluation in Haskell. It provides examples showing that expressions are not evaluated unless their values are needed. Common functions like map and fold can be written in terms of each other due to their shared structural transformation of lists. Both left and right folds are discussed, with right folds constructing nested applications and left folds avoiding this issue.