This document outlines H辿ctor Escalona's lesson plan for an online English class about using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teaching English as a foreign language. The lesson plan was to share oral presentations created by English III students at USB about using videos in an ICT environment. The class was held on the WiZiQ online platform and included viewing students' videos uploaded to YouTube. H辿ctor prepared the content, scheduled the public class over 24 hours in advance, and conducted a practice class to learn how to use WiZiQ as the teacher. Students needed WiZiQ accounts and the proper equipment to participate.
ROITT provides strategic logistics and technology solutions to help clients improve operations and reduce costs. It offers services such as project management, hardware/software procurement, training, and process reengineering. ROITT helps clients develop strategies to transition from their current to future state, with phased implementations of fleet management, mobile communications, and sustainability programs. It also establishes performance reporting and change management initiatives to increase visibility, productivity, and profitability.
This document summarizes key points from the book "Naked Conversations" by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel about the importance and advantages of blogging for companies. It discusses that blogging allows for powerful word-of-mouth marketing through social sharing to millions. Successful blogs are publishable, findable, social, viral, syndicable, and linkable. The document also provides tips for overcoming barriers and creating a successful blog such as optimizing search, keeping it simple, demonstrating passion, and getting feedback from comments.
Este documento propone el uso de wikis como una herramienta tecnol坦gica para reforzar la habilidad de lectura en estudiantes de ingl辿s nivel II en la Universidad Sim坦n Bol鱈var. El objetivo principal es dise単ar una wiki para este prop坦sito. Los objetivos secundarios incluyen diagnosticar el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre wikis, analizar la viabilidad de usar wikis y proveer entrenamiento sobre su uso. El marco te坦rico incluye investigaciones previas relacionadas y referencias relevantes. El dise単o metodol坦
El documento habla sobre dos sacramentos: el matrimonio y el orden. En el matrimonio, se entregan anillos a la pareja unida. En el orden, la persona va a la iglesia y el sacerdote le transmite el poder del Esp鱈ritu Santo. Ambos sacramentos utilizan la Biblia y el c叩liz. En la misa se entregan hostias consagradas. El sacerdote pronuncia palabras para confirmar que la pareja desea casarse.
El documento enumera los siete sacramentos de la Iglesia Cat坦lica: 1) Bautismo, 2) Confirmaci坦n, 3) Confesi坦n, 4) Eucarist鱈a, 5) Matrimonio, 6) Orden Sacerdotal y 7) Unci坦n de los Enfermos. Describe brevemente cada uno, incluyendo la edad a la que generalmente se reciben y su significado.
3. Ezkontza: Sakramentu horren bidez, beren bizitzak elkartu nahi dituzten gizon-emakumeek konpromisoa hartzen dute Jesusek maite dituen bezala elkar maitatzeko, eta Espiritu Santuaren indarra jasotzen dute, konpromiso horri eusteko. ESKONTZA
6. ORDENA Ordena: Ordenaren sakramentuaren bitartez, Jainkoak Elizaren zerbitzuan bizitz eskaintzera deitutako kristau batzuek Espiritu Santuaren indarra jasotzen dute, diakono, apaiz edo apezpiku gisa apostoluen bidetik jarrai dezaten.