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I support the efforts of the Genero project to promote Free Culture.

As a writer and artist I have used free licenses on many of my works. Not only do I
firmly believe in the intrinsic value of free and participatory culture, I can also
attribute much of my financial success to using free licenses. The use of free licenses
is still in its early stages, and I believe that applying business models will help their
adoption. Genero provides the basic platform for new business models around free culture
to emerge. The system is different from other initiatives, since it is based on standards
rather than control. This is immensely important, as standards provides us the free
Internet as we know it.

The free Internet is mankinds greatest invention, and if it is broken we will never see
its kind again. With extensive lobbying and lawsuits, Copyright is well underway of doing
so. Civil liberties and the knowledge society will become collateral damage in the
Copyright wars. Solutions must be found!

As a writer and a long time freedom fighter I support this initiative, and urge everyone
to do the same.

Cory Doctorow
Editor in Chief of BoingBoing
Fellow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
I hereby support the efforts of the Genero project - licensing solutions offer some of the most proactive
and creative ways out of the current copyright stalemate.

During the creation and distribution of Rip, there was no easy way to credit and re-imburse participants
who participated collaboratively in the creation of our film. Something like Genero would set ground
rules and best practices for compensation and attribution. It would also serve as an honest broker, and
let us define terms for the distribution of the film. As filmmakers, we want our work to have as broad
an audience as possible - but we also want to point people towards equitable methods of compensation.

As the creator of Open Source Cinema, and someone who has been working to transform media
production for over a decade, I urge you to support this initiative.

Brett Gaylor

Head of New Media, EyeSteelFilm inc,

Founder and prouder, Open Source Cinema
The Library Laboratory (Biblioteklaboratoriet), which is organized at
the Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science at Oslo
University College, considers the Genero project to be very interesting.
We are particularly intrigued by the copyright solutions that the
project aims at developing. The suggested solution can make it possible
to easier distribute digital media in the libraries.

The Library Laboratory will provide guidance on issues related to
metadata standards and exchange for the Genero project. At the Faculty
of Journalism, Library and Information Science it may also be possible
to initiate master theses related to knowledge organization issues that
can be coupled with the Genero project.

Med vennlig hilsen

Nils Pharo
prosjektleder, Biblioteklaboratoriet
Nils Pharo, f?rsteamanuensis/Associate Professor
H?gskolen i Oslo/Oslo University College
Avd. JBI/Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science
Genero represents a disruptive way to understand the scientific facts arount the scarcity of attention and
the super-abundance of contents both duplicated and new user generated ones. In this context Genero is
a key way to find the benefits of global scale business models of the future that reconciles both old and
new ways to create.

We are well versed within the "free culture arena", and nothing like this exists today or is being planned
to our knowledge. We work closely with Creative Commons, Communia-Eu Project, WIPO.org,
Spanish Government, National Library of Chile and other institutions, and we already envision the
Genero system to provide a unifying or connecting role between all the projects. Examples of other
pieces of the free culture puzzle is Semantic Copyright and OSCRI.

Mario Pena, Community and Business Manager
Tel: (+34) 606 974 812
(Translated by NR)
About Cultura Bank

Cultura Bank is a self-owned savings bank founded in 1997. Cultura Bank runs its business after the
principles of "social banking". This means that the purposes for lending is considered by ehical criteria,
and also transparency - which means the depositors is privvy to what the money is being lent to.
Cultura Bank works to have ethics and morale incorporated in the economic life through a new
perspective on money, economy and profitability, where one dont purely focus on self interests.

Cultura Banks participation in Genero
In the banks values and policy, freedom is important for culture, social research and development work.
We believe that the Genero project will contribute to artists, and others that produce intellectual works,
will have a greater freedom to create and develop though a greater access to existing works, and
through payment for their labour. Free knowledge and technology is also important for develping
nations to solve their problems themselves, and become independent from industrial nations.

The bank will support the project by finding payment solutions that enable copyright holders,
distributors and other links in the value chain to recieve payment. The bank will use existing payment
solutions and support the project to make any adjustments to Genero's systems. Cultura Bank will be
Generos link towards Bankenes Betalingssentral (BBS. Note: This is the central hub for financial
transactions in Norway).

Cultura bank has many idealistic organisations and companies as customers that will derive great
benefits from good and reasonable payment solutions. This can be subscription services for ecological
produce, where the system is used for payment between farmer, distributor, transporter and end-user.
As software developed in this project will be based on free licenses, we believe the project will be of
benefit to our other customers as well.

The Informed Individual project, where the consumer receives direct information about products, is
also very interesting to us and correlates with our values. Transparency - where our customers know
what we lend the money to, is an important principle to the bank. Informed Individual will also create
transparency for the consumer so they can know what they buy. Many of our customers are involved
with fair trade and ecological production and distribution. Many of our customers choose us as bank to
support these projects, and we believe that Informed Individual has the same target group. If required,
the bank will also here contribute with payment solutions.

Contact information

Cultura Sparebank v/Stian Torstenson
Postboks 6800, St. Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo
Tlf. +47 22 99 51 85,

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Genero Endorsements

  • 1. I support the efforts of the Genero project to promote Free Culture. As a writer and artist I have used free licenses on many of my works. Not only do I firmly believe in the intrinsic value of free and participatory culture, I can also attribute much of my financial success to using free licenses. The use of free licenses is still in its early stages, and I believe that applying business models will help their adoption. Genero provides the basic platform for new business models around free culture to emerge. The system is different from other initiatives, since it is based on standards rather than control. This is immensely important, as standards provides us the free Internet as we know it. The free Internet is mankinds greatest invention, and if it is broken we will never see its kind again. With extensive lobbying and lawsuits, Copyright is well underway of doing so. Civil liberties and the knowledge society will become collateral damage in the Copyright wars. Solutions must be found! As a writer and a long time freedom fighter I support this initiative, and urge everyone to do the same. Cory Doctorow Editor in Chief of BoingBoing Fellow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • 2. I hereby support the efforts of the Genero project - licensing solutions offer some of the most proactive and creative ways out of the current copyright stalemate. During the creation and distribution of Rip, there was no easy way to credit and re-imburse participants who participated collaboratively in the creation of our film. Something like Genero would set ground rules and best practices for compensation and attribution. It would also serve as an honest broker, and let us define terms for the distribution of the film. As filmmakers, we want our work to have as broad an audience as possible - but we also want to point people towards equitable methods of compensation. As the creator of Open Source Cinema, and someone who has been working to transform media production for over a decade, I urge you to support this initiative. Brett Gaylor Head of New Media, EyeSteelFilm inc, Founder and prouder, Open Source Cinema
  • 3. The Library Laboratory (Biblioteklaboratoriet), which is organized at the Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science at Oslo University College, considers the Genero project to be very interesting. We are particularly intrigued by the copyright solutions that the project aims at developing. The suggested solution can make it possible to easier distribute digital media in the libraries. The Library Laboratory will provide guidance on issues related to metadata standards and exchange for the Genero project. At the Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science it may also be possible to initiate master theses related to knowledge organization issues that can be coupled with the Genero project. Med vennlig hilsen Nils Pharo prosjektleder, Biblioteklaboratoriet -- Nils Pharo, f?rsteamanuensis/Associate Professor H?gskolen i Oslo/Oslo University College Avd. JBI/Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science
  • 4. Genero represents a disruptive way to understand the scientific facts arount the scarcity of attention and the super-abundance of contents both duplicated and new user generated ones. In this context Genero is a key way to find the benefits of global scale business models of the future that reconciles both old and new ways to create. We are well versed within the "free culture arena", and nothing like this exists today or is being planned to our knowledge. We work closely with Creative Commons, Communia-Eu Project, WIPO.org, Spanish Government, National Library of Chile and other institutions, and we already envision the Genero system to provide a unifying or connecting role between all the projects. Examples of other pieces of the free culture puzzle is Semantic Copyright and OSCRI. Mario Pena, Community and Business Manager mpena@safecreative.org http://www.safecreative.org Tel: (+34) 606 974 812
  • 5. (Translated by NR) About Cultura Bank Cultura Bank is a self-owned savings bank founded in 1997. Cultura Bank runs its business after the principles of "social banking". This means that the purposes for lending is considered by ehical criteria, and also transparency - which means the depositors is privvy to what the money is being lent to. Cultura Bank works to have ethics and morale incorporated in the economic life through a new perspective on money, economy and profitability, where one dont purely focus on self interests. Cultura Banks participation in Genero In the banks values and policy, freedom is important for culture, social research and development work. We believe that the Genero project will contribute to artists, and others that produce intellectual works, will have a greater freedom to create and develop though a greater access to existing works, and through payment for their labour. Free knowledge and technology is also important for develping nations to solve their problems themselves, and become independent from industrial nations. The bank will support the project by finding payment solutions that enable copyright holders, distributors and other links in the value chain to recieve payment. The bank will use existing payment solutions and support the project to make any adjustments to Genero's systems. Cultura Bank will be Generos link towards Bankenes Betalingssentral (BBS. Note: This is the central hub for financial transactions in Norway). Cultura bank has many idealistic organisations and companies as customers that will derive great benefits from good and reasonable payment solutions. This can be subscription services for ecological produce, where the system is used for payment between farmer, distributor, transporter and end-user. As software developed in this project will be based on free licenses, we believe the project will be of benefit to our other customers as well. The Informed Individual project, where the consumer receives direct information about products, is also very interesting to us and correlates with our values. Transparency - where our customers know what we lend the money to, is an important principle to the bank. Informed Individual will also create transparency for the consumer so they can know what they buy. Many of our customers are involved with fair trade and ecological production and distribution. Many of our customers choose us as bank to support these projects, and we believe that Informed Individual has the same target group. If required, the bank will also here contribute with payment solutions. Contact information Cultura Sparebank v/Stian Torstenson Postboks 6800, St. Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo Tlf. +47 22 99 51 85,