AngularJS: A framework to make your life easierWilson Mendes
AngularJS is a javascript framework built and maintained by Google engineers Group, it uses HTML as a "template engine", all this in order to provide a complete solution for the client-side of your application. Also has full compatibility with the most used javascript libraries such as jQuery. It's a new concept for developing web apps client-site.
Este documento presenta varias ilusiones 坦pticas para explorar, incluyendo mirar fijamente un punto negro y mover la cabeza para ver cu叩ntos puntos aparecen, y mirar un 叩rbol para ver si se puede encontrar un beb辿 escondido. El prop坦sito es entretener y desafiar la percepci坦n visual a trav辿s de efectos 坦pticos enga単osos.
This document summarizes a lecture on forces and moments transmitted by slender members. It defines slender members as long, skinny structural elements like skis, golf clubs, and I-beams. It discusses axial forces that act along the member's axis, shear forces that act in the plane of the member's face, and bending moments. Sign conventions for these internal loads are also defined. An example is provided to demonstrate calculating the internal forces and moments in a beam by setting up free body diagrams at different points.
1. The document discusses loading and support conditions in structural analysis. It defines different types of loads like point loads, distributed loads, and concentrated moments. It also describes different support conditions like fixed supports, pinned supports, and pinned on rollers.
2. It explains that free body diagrams should show all external forces, dimensions, and the coordinate system. Equations of static equilibrium are then applied to solve for reactions.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate solving for reactions on a diving board and a beam with a distributed load using free body diagrams and the equations of equilibrium. A method for finding forces in a planar truss is also outlined.
Rainbow Grocery is a cooperative grocery store founded in San Francisco in 1975 as a "hippy collective" that has grown to become the largest cooperative-owned grocery store in the country. It is committed to only selling 100% organic and local produce while protecting the environment and promoting social responsibility. The document discusses Rainbow Grocery's use of various online platforms like Tumblr, WordPress, YouTube, and a Facebook game to engage customers, educate about food issues, and tell their story through different types of multimedia content.
The document discusses key aspects of e-business models and factors for success. It covers:
1) New e-business models like flash sales, subscriptions, social bookmarking, collaborative commerce, and next generation marketplaces.
2) Categories of e-business models including B2C, B2B, B2G, C2C, and C2B.
3) Factors that affect e-business success such as the network effect, innovative marketing, scalability, ease of entry, and ability to adapt to changes.
Nanotechnology refers to engineering at the molecular scale, typically 1-100 nanometers. In its original conception, it meant precisely constructing products through molecular manufacturing. While current work is simpler, the long term vision is to build complex products through mechanochemistry and molecular machine systems. Realizing this advanced nanotechnology could enable a manufacturing revolution within a decade through self-replicating nanofactories, exponentially proliferating production capabilities but also posing risks if not responsibly developed and governed.
The document presents three options for proposed changes to Utah's general season deer hunting. Option 1 would implement unit-by-unit management with a regional target of 18 bucks per 100 does. Option 2 would manage all 29 units individually to maintain 18-25 bucks per 100 does. Option 3 is similar to the current system but with a regional target of 15 bucks per 100 does. The options seek to increase buck to doe ratios while varying hunting opportunity and management scale.
Taco Bell was founded in 1962 and has since grown to over 5,800 locations across the US, with 80% owned by franchises. The document outlines Taco Bell's challenges in improving perceptions of quality and speed compared to competitors. It proposes using Facebook, Twitter, blogging and public relations to showcase deals, build buzz, and shed positive light on the brand and community involvement. Analytics and an evenly distributed budget with emphasis on blogging and PR would evaluate strategies over heavy annual advertising, potentially increased in summer.
1) A 20-year-old male presented with seizures secondary to a rhabdoid meningioma that was radically surgically removed five years ago without radiation therapy.
2) Over the past six months, he developed progressive left-sided weakness.
3) New imaging showed a lesion in the same location as the previous meningioma, and spectroscopy showed glioma patterns.
4) A stereotactic biopsy found oligodendroglioma on first report but astrocytoma grade II on neuropathology second opinion. Radical surgery with monitoring and awake surgery is recommended, followed by radiotherapy and follow-up.
This document lists different colors and instructs the reader to find something of that color. It mentions the colors blue, yellow, red, and purple and tells the reader to find something of each color. It concludes by stating that colors are seen everywhere.
1) The document discusses friction and provides examples of static and kinetic friction. It defines the coefficients of static (亮s) and kinetic (亮k) friction.
2) An example of a block on an inclined plane is used to illustrate static friction. The angle at which the block will start to slide down the plane depends on the coefficient of static friction.
3) Another example examines the range of applied force where a block placed on a horizontal plane will remain in equilibrium. The range depends on the coefficient of static friction and angles of the forces.
This document discusses curvilinear motion and kinematics. It introduces position vectors, path coordinates, velocity vectors, and acceleration vectors for particles moving in three-dimensional space. Key concepts covered include defining the position vector r(t) from a reference point to the particle, the instantaneous velocity vector v as the time derivative of r(t), and the acceleration vector a as the time derivative of v. When working in Cartesian coordinates, the derivatives of vector components are simply the derivatives of the individual x, y, z components.
Uni f29d8aea7936d9edc04dafcd2ad1b027Mohamed Yaser
The document provides an introduction to basic aerodynamic concepts and laws. It defines steady and unsteady fluid flow, and one-, two-, and three-dimensional flow. It describes properties like streamlines, pathlines, and stream tubes. It introduces the governing equations of fluid flow like continuity, momentum, and energy equations. It derives Bernoulli's equation relating pressure and velocity at different points. It also discusses concepts like stagnation pressure, rotational and irrotational flow, and the average velocity in non-uniform flows.
This document discusses the development of a new type of battery that could revolutionize energy storage. It describes how the battery uses a solid electrolyte material that conducts ions quickly without using liquid electrolytes. This leads to a battery that charges faster, lasts longer and poses less risk of leaks or fires. The solid-state battery is expected to be commercially available within the next five years and could replace lithium-ion batteries in many applications.
This case involves a 37-year-old woman with an intracranial mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern. Imaging shows a complex mass with solid and cystic components causing compression of nearby structures. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the surgically resected tumor found features characteristic of a choroid plexus papilloma, a typically benign tumor arising from choroid plexus tissue. Complete resection of the tumor was performed.
This document summarizes the key relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration vectors when transforming between a stationary coordinate system and a rotating coordinate system. It describes how a rotating observer would perceive motion differently compared to a stationary observer due to the rotation of their own frame of reference. The document derives equations to relate vectors in the rotating and stationary systems and account for Coriolis acceleration, centripetal acceleration, and other effects due to the rotation. It provides examples to illustrate how constant velocity motion would appear as curved motion to the rotating observer.
HCL Infosystems launches MyEduWorld, a new educational ecosystem for India encompassing digital curriculum, applications, videos, animations, and quizzes. It is available on Android tablets as MyEduWorld Tab and Windows PCs/laptops as MyEduWorld Drive. The platform allows self-paced learning anywhere and tracks student progress through assessment tests and reports to parents. It aims to make learning more engaging for students.
A comparison of historical vs current instructional designClemson University
This document compares historical and current instructional design strategies used in the manufacturing industry. It discusses pioneers in the field from the 1900s like Frederick Taylor who developed timed work instructions. Sidney Pressey created early teaching machines, while B.F. Skinner researched programmed instruction. W.E. Deming applied quality control methods and embraced instructional design. The document finds that while methods have impacted design and learning, approaches have changed little since Taylorism. It identifies future trends like inclusion of diverse perspectives and customized instructional materials.
This document discusses different types of information systems used in organizations. It defines an information system as a group of components that work together to produce information from data. There are several types of information systems: transaction processing systems process routine transactions efficiently; management information systems summarize transaction data into reports for middle management; decision support systems help managers make decisions under uncertainty; executive support systems gather and analyze internal/external data to help senior managers strategically; knowledge management systems help businesses create and share information; and office automation systems improve employee productivity. The document also discusses how organizations and information technology influence each other through factors like structure, culture, business processes, politics, and management decisions.
This document discusses business strategy and its key elements. It begins with an introduction to an upcoming assessment on emerging technologies. It then defines business strategy as establishing principles to achieve organizational goals. The basic principles of strategy according to Porter are outlined, including starting with long-term returns, delivering value, having a distinctive value chain, involving trade-offs, integrating strategic elements, and maintaining continuity of direction. Finally, the key elements of business strategy - mission, vision, objectives, and market strategy - are defined and examples are provided. Students are assigned homework to further research these elements.
El documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo est叩 formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Adem叩s, se単ala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Html5 api her坦i, vil達o e sua utiliza巽達o hoje em aplica巽探es reaisWilson Mendes
O documento discute o uso de APIs HTML5 em aplica巽探es reais, destacando suas vantagens e desvantagens. Apresenta exemplos de APIs como Vibration, Web Notifications, Offline e Fullscreen e discute como integr叩-las em diferentes navegadores. Tamb辿m aborda temas como usabilidade, acessibilidade e arquitetura para aplica巽探es multiplataforma.
The document discusses key aspects of e-business models and factors for success. It covers:
1) New e-business models like flash sales, subscriptions, social bookmarking, collaborative commerce, and next generation marketplaces.
2) Categories of e-business models including B2C, B2B, B2G, C2C, and C2B.
3) Factors that affect e-business success such as the network effect, innovative marketing, scalability, ease of entry, and ability to adapt to changes.
Nanotechnology refers to engineering at the molecular scale, typically 1-100 nanometers. In its original conception, it meant precisely constructing products through molecular manufacturing. While current work is simpler, the long term vision is to build complex products through mechanochemistry and molecular machine systems. Realizing this advanced nanotechnology could enable a manufacturing revolution within a decade through self-replicating nanofactories, exponentially proliferating production capabilities but also posing risks if not responsibly developed and governed.
The document presents three options for proposed changes to Utah's general season deer hunting. Option 1 would implement unit-by-unit management with a regional target of 18 bucks per 100 does. Option 2 would manage all 29 units individually to maintain 18-25 bucks per 100 does. Option 3 is similar to the current system but with a regional target of 15 bucks per 100 does. The options seek to increase buck to doe ratios while varying hunting opportunity and management scale.
Taco Bell was founded in 1962 and has since grown to over 5,800 locations across the US, with 80% owned by franchises. The document outlines Taco Bell's challenges in improving perceptions of quality and speed compared to competitors. It proposes using Facebook, Twitter, blogging and public relations to showcase deals, build buzz, and shed positive light on the brand and community involvement. Analytics and an evenly distributed budget with emphasis on blogging and PR would evaluate strategies over heavy annual advertising, potentially increased in summer.
1) A 20-year-old male presented with seizures secondary to a rhabdoid meningioma that was radically surgically removed five years ago without radiation therapy.
2) Over the past six months, he developed progressive left-sided weakness.
3) New imaging showed a lesion in the same location as the previous meningioma, and spectroscopy showed glioma patterns.
4) A stereotactic biopsy found oligodendroglioma on first report but astrocytoma grade II on neuropathology second opinion. Radical surgery with monitoring and awake surgery is recommended, followed by radiotherapy and follow-up.
This document lists different colors and instructs the reader to find something of that color. It mentions the colors blue, yellow, red, and purple and tells the reader to find something of each color. It concludes by stating that colors are seen everywhere.
1) The document discusses friction and provides examples of static and kinetic friction. It defines the coefficients of static (亮s) and kinetic (亮k) friction.
2) An example of a block on an inclined plane is used to illustrate static friction. The angle at which the block will start to slide down the plane depends on the coefficient of static friction.
3) Another example examines the range of applied force where a block placed on a horizontal plane will remain in equilibrium. The range depends on the coefficient of static friction and angles of the forces.
This document discusses curvilinear motion and kinematics. It introduces position vectors, path coordinates, velocity vectors, and acceleration vectors for particles moving in three-dimensional space. Key concepts covered include defining the position vector r(t) from a reference point to the particle, the instantaneous velocity vector v as the time derivative of r(t), and the acceleration vector a as the time derivative of v. When working in Cartesian coordinates, the derivatives of vector components are simply the derivatives of the individual x, y, z components.
Uni f29d8aea7936d9edc04dafcd2ad1b027Mohamed Yaser
The document provides an introduction to basic aerodynamic concepts and laws. It defines steady and unsteady fluid flow, and one-, two-, and three-dimensional flow. It describes properties like streamlines, pathlines, and stream tubes. It introduces the governing equations of fluid flow like continuity, momentum, and energy equations. It derives Bernoulli's equation relating pressure and velocity at different points. It also discusses concepts like stagnation pressure, rotational and irrotational flow, and the average velocity in non-uniform flows.
This document discusses the development of a new type of battery that could revolutionize energy storage. It describes how the battery uses a solid electrolyte material that conducts ions quickly without using liquid electrolytes. This leads to a battery that charges faster, lasts longer and poses less risk of leaks or fires. The solid-state battery is expected to be commercially available within the next five years and could replace lithium-ion batteries in many applications.
This case involves a 37-year-old woman with an intracranial mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern. Imaging shows a complex mass with solid and cystic components causing compression of nearby structures. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the surgically resected tumor found features characteristic of a choroid plexus papilloma, a typically benign tumor arising from choroid plexus tissue. Complete resection of the tumor was performed.
This document summarizes the key relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration vectors when transforming between a stationary coordinate system and a rotating coordinate system. It describes how a rotating observer would perceive motion differently compared to a stationary observer due to the rotation of their own frame of reference. The document derives equations to relate vectors in the rotating and stationary systems and account for Coriolis acceleration, centripetal acceleration, and other effects due to the rotation. It provides examples to illustrate how constant velocity motion would appear as curved motion to the rotating observer.
HCL Infosystems launches MyEduWorld, a new educational ecosystem for India encompassing digital curriculum, applications, videos, animations, and quizzes. It is available on Android tablets as MyEduWorld Tab and Windows PCs/laptops as MyEduWorld Drive. The platform allows self-paced learning anywhere and tracks student progress through assessment tests and reports to parents. It aims to make learning more engaging for students.
A comparison of historical vs current instructional designClemson University
This document compares historical and current instructional design strategies used in the manufacturing industry. It discusses pioneers in the field from the 1900s like Frederick Taylor who developed timed work instructions. Sidney Pressey created early teaching machines, while B.F. Skinner researched programmed instruction. W.E. Deming applied quality control methods and embraced instructional design. The document finds that while methods have impacted design and learning, approaches have changed little since Taylorism. It identifies future trends like inclusion of diverse perspectives and customized instructional materials.
This document discusses different types of information systems used in organizations. It defines an information system as a group of components that work together to produce information from data. There are several types of information systems: transaction processing systems process routine transactions efficiently; management information systems summarize transaction data into reports for middle management; decision support systems help managers make decisions under uncertainty; executive support systems gather and analyze internal/external data to help senior managers strategically; knowledge management systems help businesses create and share information; and office automation systems improve employee productivity. The document also discusses how organizations and information technology influence each other through factors like structure, culture, business processes, politics, and management decisions.
This document discusses business strategy and its key elements. It begins with an introduction to an upcoming assessment on emerging technologies. It then defines business strategy as establishing principles to achieve organizational goals. The basic principles of strategy according to Porter are outlined, including starting with long-term returns, delivering value, having a distinctive value chain, involving trade-offs, integrating strategic elements, and maintaining continuity of direction. Finally, the key elements of business strategy - mission, vision, objectives, and market strategy - are defined and examples are provided. Students are assigned homework to further research these elements.
El documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo est叩 formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Adem叩s, se単ala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Html5 api her坦i, vil達o e sua utiliza巽達o hoje em aplica巽探es reaisWilson Mendes
O documento discute o uso de APIs HTML5 em aplica巽探es reais, destacando suas vantagens e desvantagens. Apresenta exemplos de APIs como Vibration, Web Notifications, Offline e Fullscreen e discute como integr叩-las em diferentes navegadores. Tamb辿m aborda temas como usabilidade, acessibilidade e arquitetura para aplica巽探es multiplataforma.