This document provides a marketing plan for introducing a new line of Hugo Boss cologne targeted towards lesbian women ages 20-30. It discusses the target market size and spending habits. Competitors who use celebrity spokespeople and emotional advertising are analyzed. The positioning strategy focuses on distribution in LGBT-friendly cities and a mid-range price. Advertisements will utilize emotional and generic messaging in newspaper, billboard, and magazine formats displaying bottles and taglines about being bold. The goal is to create awareness that cologne is for women too and make lesbians feel like a special target market.
This document gives a brief presentation of the fashion website for kids and its catalogue of baby girl coats and jackets, clothes for boys and accessories for newborns.
The Tommy Hilfiger Fall 2010 Childrenwear collection draws inspiration from New York City, 1960s NASA expeditions, and nature. It is divided into three major groups: Explore Beyond takes cues from space missions with astronauts and technology; Explore Nature features raw, layered patterns evoking the outdoors; Explore NYC embodies the cool, eclectic vibe of the city from casual to party attire.
The document summarizes a fashion event held at City Centre Muscat mall in Oman. The three day "Muscat Fashion Weekend" featured runway shows displaying the latest fashion trends and brands housed in the newly expanded mall. Models and guests attended the event, which also included fashion exhibits from top brands, activities for shoppers to win prizes, and entertainment. The event celebrated both the mall's expansion and the 20th anniversary of the City Centre brand.
KIDS&TEENS – Ascoltarli e comprenderli per costruire marche di successoKantar
breakfast@MillwadBrown – Milano, 11 settembre 2014
Intervistare i target KIDS e TEENS può essere semplice; la vera sfida è tradurre il loro linguaggio in insights chiari e rilevanti per il marketing.
Grazie all’esperienza accumulata, Millward Brown ha sviluppato approcci di ricerca e competenze specifiche in grado di trasformare la ricchezza e la complessità degli input raccolti, in output chiari, immediati e di concreto supporto alle attività di marketing.
Monnalisa S.p.a. - A strategic guide to business development in latin americaNicolò Montevecchi
**Lang: IT**
The following paper is a master degree thesys developed with a workgroup of 4 colleagues. The main subject is the market analysis followed by a strategic guidelines to help Monnalisa's management developing their own business (retail shops, shop in shop and wholesale activities) in southern america.
The paper starts with an overview of Monnalisa's core business, continues with every local market analysis (market, competitors, PEST and SWOT analysis) and respectives guidelines to approach them and then it ends with a chart of the market ordered by business feasibility.
This document outlines the steps for a fashion design project focused on creating kids wear with the theme of "Kalash". It includes creating research boards, a mood board, design development, technical drawings, patterns, a sample created in calico fabric, and the final garment.
3. • 1953 dà il via alla produzione
di vestiti per uomo
• 1985 entra in borsa
• 1993 viene creata la prima
fragranza HUGO
• anni 2000 : si estende la
produzione ad abiti femminili e
per bambini
4. • 2,0901 mld € fatturati (2011)
• 291 mln € utile netto (2011)
•9000 ca. dipendenti
• 124 paesi in cui vende i propri
• Discreta navigabilitÃ
• Buona indicizzazione in
•Aggiornamenti frequenti nelle google
sezioni lifestyle
• Schede dettagliate per ogni
•Elementi multimediali in articolo
• Struttura semplice ed intuitiva
•Estetica gradevole
• Collegamenti ai vari social
•Motore di ricerca interno al network
sito e motore di ricerca per ogni
sezione •Canale youtube, web
radio, web tv