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Writing his death
The BBC journalist Steve Hewlett recently died of
oesophageal cancer and many tributes were paid to his
work on Panorama and Radio 4s Media Show.
However, the most recent body of his work was
perhaps his most significant; his writing and
broadcasting about his illness.
Listeners to BBC Radio 4s PM programme would hear
weekly conversations between Steve and PM presenter
Eddie Mair  a close friend as well as a colleague 
about his diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Steve
was treated at the Royal Marsden Hospital and was
interviewed there as well as at home. He was also
interviewed on other radio and on TV programmes and
wrote about his experiences in The Observer. Although
he was very ill, he remained optimistic about new
treatments whilst describing his physical state in an
objective, indeed journalistic style. Asked about this, he
said that he found that using his journalistic instincts
was the only way he knew how to react
This is not the first time that someone suffering from a
terminal illness has written about it; the journalist John
Diamond, husband of TV chef Nigella Lawson at the
time, wrote an award-winning column in The Times
about his throat cancer in the four years before his
death in 2001, as well as writing the book C: Because
Cowards Get Cancer Too. What is interesting is how
writers  particularly journalists  can reach such a wide
audience. It is, perhaps, the clinical and objective style
so exemplified by people like John and Steve which
touches us so deeply. They are not talking about their
emotions (although that is not a subject which is off-
limits) but more specifically they are forensically
investigating what happens, why it happens, how
treatment works, how it makes them feel physically and
so on.
After Steves death, many people contacted the PM
programme, the Observer and the Royal Marsden
Hospital to say how much his broadcasts had helped
them. A good number of these people were close
relatives of others suffering from cancer and were
grateful for the detailed information about what was
happening. The broadcasts and writing formed a bridge
and explained the inexplicable. The reader and listener
had an opening for difficult conversations and had a
reference point for technical issues. Most of us struggle
to express our pain, our anger and our frustration; great
journalism gives us the words.
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Writing his death

  • 1. Writing his death The BBC journalist Steve Hewlett recently died of oesophageal cancer and many tributes were paid to his work on Panorama and Radio 4s Media Show. However, the most recent body of his work was perhaps his most significant; his writing and broadcasting about his illness. Listeners to BBC Radio 4s PM programme would hear weekly conversations between Steve and PM presenter Eddie Mair a close friend as well as a colleague about his diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Steve was treated at the Royal Marsden Hospital and was interviewed there as well as at home. He was also interviewed on other radio and on TV programmes and wrote about his experiences in The Observer. Although he was very ill, he remained optimistic about new treatments whilst describing his physical state in an objective, indeed journalistic style. Asked about this, he said that he found that using his journalistic instincts was the only way he knew how to react This is not the first time that someone suffering from a terminal illness has written about it; the journalist John Diamond, husband of TV chef Nigella Lawson at the time, wrote an award-winning column in The Times about his throat cancer in the four years before his death in 2001, as well as writing the book C: Because Cowards Get Cancer Too. What is interesting is how writers particularly journalists can reach such a wide audience. It is, perhaps, the clinical and objective style so exemplified by people like John and Steve which touches us so deeply. They are not talking about their emotions (although that is not a subject which is off- limits) but more specifically they are forensically investigating what happens, why it happens, how treatment works, how it makes them feel physically and so on. After Steves death, many people contacted the PM programme, the Observer and the Royal Marsden Hospital to say how much his broadcasts had helped them. A good number of these people were close relatives of others suffering from cancer and were grateful for the detailed information about what was happening. The broadcasts and writing formed a bridge and explained the inexplicable. The reader and listener had an opening for difficult conversations and had a reference point for technical issues. Most of us struggle to express our pain, our anger and our frustration; great journalism gives us the words. enquiries@naturensbalm.com Get in touch with us! Join our LinkedIn Group, Safer Embalming Follow us on Twitter @Naturensbalm Or find us on Facebook Naturensbalm.com