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Signposting the way for families in need  how can we help?
Here at Naturensbalm, we get more enquiries from
Celebrants than almost any other kind of funeral
professional. The reasons for this are varied but the
most significant one is that celebrants are helping
families navigate new territory.
Even by seeking out a celebrant, families are
demonstrating that theyre not interested in
traditional solutions to their funeral options. These
families want to take control of the process themselves,
from home, with the support of a skilled and
experienced person who can assist with both the
practicalities and with teasing out the essence of what
they hope to achieve in memorialising their loved one.
Today, there is a wealth of choice and that in itself is a
problem. People want a personalised approach and to
celebrate the person they loved but they dont want to
be distracted by unnecessary frills and expensive extras.
There are decisions to be made about how and where
the remains are to be dealt with, how to involve friends
and family, how to respect the deceaseds wishes; all
whilst creating an event which will allow everyone to
grieve. Celebrants demonstrate time and again that
they can take some of the pain out of these decisions
and that is why they have become such a popular
With no axe to grind  financial or religious  a
celebrant can bring clarity to a difficult situation but
they need all the tools available to support families.
By knowing what is possible, celebrants can find the
solutions families need so that the familys vision can be
realised. Here at Naturensbalm, we want to offer all
the support we can to Celebrants who need to know
about safe, formaldehyde-free, environmentally-
friendly embalming options. We can provide guides,
technical information and a flexible approach to orders
and deliveries. If you have questions, we will answer
them promptly or send you the relevant information. If
you need to support families or professionals looking
for Green alternatives, we can help.
We would love to hear about your experiences with
eco-friendly funerals so if you would like to share your
stories, or if we can do anything else to assist you,
please get in touch with us.
Get in touch with us!
Join our LinkedIn Group, Safer Embalming
Follow us on Twitter @Naturensbalm
Or find us on Facebook

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Celebrants: how can we help YOU?

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