2018/8/27 電気学会システム研究会
English title: A Majorization-Minimization-Based Kalman Filter with Hyperbolic Secant Measurement Noise
Authors: H. Tanji, T. Murakami, H. Kamata
Institution: Meiji University
Presented in Technical Meeting on "Systems", IEE Japan
(DL Hacks輪読) How transferable are features in deep neural networks?Masahiro Suzuki
This document summarizes an experiment on measuring how transferable features are in deep neural networks. The experiment trained neural networks on halves of the ImageNet dataset and tested how well the networks could generalize to the other half. It found that earlier layer features transferred better than later layer features, and that fine-tuning improved performance. Transferring between more dissimilar datasets led to poorer performance. Randomly initialized weights performed worse than trained weights.
The document discusses Bayesian neural networks and related topics. It covers Bayesian neural networks, stochastic neural networks, variational autoencoders, and modeling prediction uncertainty in neural networks. Key points include using Bayesian techniques like MCMC and variational inference to place distributions over the weights of neural networks, modeling both model parameters and predictions as distributions, and how this allows capturing uncertainty in the network's predictions.
ベイズ機械学習(an introduction to bayesian machine learning)医療IT数学同好会 T/T
This document provides an introduction to Bayesian machine learning. It discusses key concepts like Bayes' theorem, the modeling and inference procedures in Bayesian learning, and examples like linear regression and Gaussian mixture models. It also introduces variational inference as a technique for approximating intractable posterior distributions. Finally, it lists some example papers and programming languages/libraries for probabilistic programming.
論文紹介 Anomaly Detection using One-Class Neural Networks (修正版Katsuki Ohto
This document discusses anomaly detection using one-class neural networks (OC-NN). It begins by introducing one-class support vector machines (OC-SVM) which learn a decision boundary to distinguish normal data points from anomalies using only normal data for training. The document then presents OC-NN as an alternative, where a neural network is trained to learn a low-dimensional representation of only normal data, and anomalies are detected as points with a large reconstruction error. It evaluates OC-NN on several datasets, finding it can achieve good performance compared to OC-SVM at detecting anomalies, as measured by the area under the ROC curve metric.
[論文紹介] DPSNet: End-to-end Deep Plane Sweep StereoSeiya Ito
DPSNet is an end-to-end deep learning model that estimates dense depth maps from stereo image pairs. It generates cost volumes from multi-scale feature maps of reference and paired images. It then refines the cost slices with dilated convolutions considering contextual information. Finally, it regresses the depth maps from the initial and refined cost volumes. Evaluation on various datasets shows DPSNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in depth map estimation, outperforming other methods in terms of accuracy metrics while maintaining full completeness of predictions.
English title: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Complex Laplace Distribution
Authors: H. Tanji, T. Murakami, H. Kamata
Institution: Meiji University
Presented in IPSJ Music and Computer 116th Domestic Workshop, Aug. 2017.
Detail of MM algorithm for Laplace-NMF is added to the presented slide.
非負値行列分解の確率的生成モデルと多チャネル音源分離への応用 (Generative model in nonnegative matrix facto...Daichi Kitamura
北村大地, "非負値行列分解の確率的生成モデルと多チャネル音源分離への応用," 慶應義塾大学理工学部電子工学科湯川研究室 招待講演, Kanagawa, November, 2015.
Daichi Kitamura, "Generative model in nonnegative matrix factorization and its application to multichannel sound source separation," Keio University, Science and Technology, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineeing, Yukawa Laboratory, Invited Talk, Kanagawa, November, 2015.
ベイズ機械学習(an introduction to bayesian machine learning)医療IT数学同好会 T/T
This document provides an introduction to Bayesian machine learning. It discusses key concepts like Bayes' theorem, the modeling and inference procedures in Bayesian learning, and examples like linear regression and Gaussian mixture models. It also introduces variational inference as a technique for approximating intractable posterior distributions. Finally, it lists some example papers and programming languages/libraries for probabilistic programming.
論文紹介 Anomaly Detection using One-Class Neural Networks (修正版Katsuki Ohto
This document discusses anomaly detection using one-class neural networks (OC-NN). It begins by introducing one-class support vector machines (OC-SVM) which learn a decision boundary to distinguish normal data points from anomalies using only normal data for training. The document then presents OC-NN as an alternative, where a neural network is trained to learn a low-dimensional representation of only normal data, and anomalies are detected as points with a large reconstruction error. It evaluates OC-NN on several datasets, finding it can achieve good performance compared to OC-SVM at detecting anomalies, as measured by the area under the ROC curve metric.
[論文紹介] DPSNet: End-to-end Deep Plane Sweep StereoSeiya Ito
DPSNet is an end-to-end deep learning model that estimates dense depth maps from stereo image pairs. It generates cost volumes from multi-scale feature maps of reference and paired images. It then refines the cost slices with dilated convolutions considering contextual information. Finally, it regresses the depth maps from the initial and refined cost volumes. Evaluation on various datasets shows DPSNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in depth map estimation, outperforming other methods in terms of accuracy metrics while maintaining full completeness of predictions.
English title: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Complex Laplace Distribution
Authors: H. Tanji, T. Murakami, H. Kamata
Institution: Meiji University
Presented in IPSJ Music and Computer 116th Domestic Workshop, Aug. 2017.
Detail of MM algorithm for Laplace-NMF is added to the presented slide.
非負値行列分解の確率的生成モデルと多チャネル音源分離への応用 (Generative model in nonnegative matrix facto...Daichi Kitamura
北村大地, "非負値行列分解の確率的生成モデルと多チャネル音源分離への応用," 慶應義塾大学理工学部電子工学科湯川研究室 招待講演, Kanagawa, November, 2015.
Daichi Kitamura, "Generative model in nonnegative matrix factorization and its application to multichannel sound source separation," Keio University, Science and Technology, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineeing, Yukawa Laboratory, Invited Talk, Kanagawa, November, 2015.
Learning the Statistical Model of the NMF Using the Deep Multiplicative Updat...Hiroki_Tanji
This document presents the Deep Multiplicative Update Algorithm (DeMUA) for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF). DeMUA uses a neural network to represent the statistical model and update rules for NMF. It is applied to audio denoising and supervised signal separation tasks. Experimental results show DeMUA can learn complex distributions and achieve better performance than conventional statistical models of NMF.
A Generalization of Laplace Nonnegative Matrix Factorizationand Its Multichan...Hiroki_Tanji
This paper proposes a generalization of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and multichannel NMF based on the complex Bessel distribution. This distribution generalizes three statistical models, including the Gaussian, exponential-function Laplace, and Bessel-function Laplace distributions. Optimization algorithms are derived for the proposed Bessel-NMF and Bessel-multichannel NMF. Simulations on music signal separation show the proposed method achieves better source-to-distortion ratio improvements than competing methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of modeling super-Gaussian observations.
Laplace Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Application to Semi-supervised ...Hiroki_Tanji
1. Laplace Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a method that approximates observed nonnegative spectrograms using basis vectors and activation coefficients, minimizing a cost function based on the Laplace distribution.
2. The paper formulates NMF using complex Laplace distributions and derives update rules that guarantee convergence. This provides a novel statistical interpretation of NMF based on Itakura-Saito divergence.
3. Simulation results show that Laplace-NMF has favorable abilities for fitting complex-Laplace distributed data and performs better than other methods for semi-supervised audio denoising when noise follows a Laplace distribution.
第32回 信号処理シンポジウム
English title: Bayesian Binary Latent Feature Model Using Laplace Likelihood
Authors: H. Tanji, T. Murakami, H. Kamata
Institution: Meiji University
Presented in IEICE technical group on signal processing (SIP) 32nd Symposium, Nov. 2017.
Collapsed variational Bayes zero (CVB0) inference works well even in
Indian buffet process (IBP) -like Bayesian model.
Nonparametric Bayesian models for AR and ARX identification (CSPA 2016)Hiroki_Tanji
Presented in 12th IEEE Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2016).
CSPA 2016 Best Paper Award.
The paper is available from IEEE Xplore.
16. シミュレーション|FIRフィルタの推定 16
Fig. NMSEの推移 Fig. NMSEの推移(拡大図)
? 移動物体の追尾のシミュレーション結果と同様の傾向
? 提案法はGauss-KFと比較して外れ値に対して明らかに頑健
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