The document discusses Zigbee technology, including its history, device types, how it works, uses and future. Zigbee is a wireless technology standard designed for control and sensor networks. It was created by the Zigbee Alliance based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for low-power wireless networks. Zigbee networks consist of coordinator, router and end devices and can operate using star, tree or mesh topologies to connect small, low-power digital radios. Common applications of Zigbee include home automation, lighting and appliance control.
Neuralink is developing a brain-computer interface called the Link that will be implanted in the skull and use thin wires to connect to electrodes in the brain. The Link will be able to record activity from thousands of neurons in real time and translate neural signals into commands to control external devices like computers and mobile phones. The goal of Neuralink is to help paralyzed people control devices with their minds and enhance human abilities with technologies like artificial intelligence. It may also help treat neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease, depression, and paralysis.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Packet Processing - Venky Venkatesan and Bruce Richardsonharryvanhaaren
The document summarizes seven deadly sins of packet processing that can negatively impact performance:
1) Unpredictable branches that confuse the branch predictor. Code should guide the compiler on likely/unlikely cases.
2) Incorrect prefetching that pulls in unnecessary data or data needed by other cores, adding overhead. Hardware prefetchers often help but can also share cache lines inadvertently.
3) Per-packet operations like memory I/O and atomics that have overhead magnified at the per-packet level.
FPGA Conference 2021: Breaking the TOPS ceiling with sparse neural networks -...Numenta
Nick Ni (Xilinx) and Lawrence Spracklen (Numenta) presented a talk at the FGPA Conference Europe on July 8th, 2021. In this talk, they presented a neuroscience approach to optimize state-of-the-art deep learning networks into sparse topology and how it can unlock significant performance gains on FPGAs without major loss of accuracy. They then walked through the FPGA implementation where they exploited the advantage of sparse networks with a unique Domain Specific Architecture (DSA).
After our successful launch of '5G for Absolute Beginners' course ( in 2020, we decided to create an introductory training course on 6G Mobile Wireless Communications technology. The course is ready and the best way to navigate it is via the Free 6G Training page at: - this will ensure that you have the latest version of each video and also the most recent version of the 6G technologies videos as and they are added.
In this part we will look at the 6G Requirements. We will look at the basic requirements for different generations, look what other organizations and researchers think about the requirements and we can then lay a high level requirements that is easier for everyone to follow. The final requirements will be available when ITU creates the IMT-2030 or equivalent document.
This course is part of #Free6Gtraining initiative (
All our #3G4G5G slides and videos are available at:
際際滷s: /3G4GLtd
6G and Beyond-5G Page:
Free Training Videos:
Free 6G Training Blog:
The document describes NVIDIA's DRIVE PX 2, an AI supercomputer purpose-built for self-driving cars. It has 12 CPU cores, a Pascal GPU providing 8 TFLOPS of processing power and 24 DL TOPS for deep learning. The DRIVE PX 2 features various interfaces to connect to sensors, displays and development tools. It also includes software like NVIDIA DRIVEWORKS and supports AUTOSAR for automotive software development. The DRIVE PX 2 is designed to help developers create self-driving applications and migrate them from testing to production vehicles.
В?д пап?русу до книги (короткий екскурс в ?стор?ю книги для учн?в початкових ...НБУ для д?тей
Юний друже!
Сьогодн? тоб? звично бачити поруч ?з собою книжки. Вони ? у кожн?й родин?. Книга C одне з найб?льших чудес, створених людиною. З того часу, як люди навчилися писати, всю мудр?сть вони дов?ряли книгам, як? в?дкривають нам св?т, допомагають зрозум?ти минуле та заглянути в майбутн?.
Важко уявити соб?, що колись книга не була паперовою´ А чи зна?ш ти, коли з¨явилися та якими були перш? книжки?
Presentazione corso trinchero_bugs_hotelscuolagiacosa
Nell'ambito del progetto "Il gusto della salute" allestimento e seguimento di un orto didattico biodinamico.
Costruire un bugs hotel ha permesso di lavorare sullo sviluppo di competenze multidisciplinari , seguendo il ciclo esperienziale di Pfeiffer e Jones, oltre che sperimentare un problema reale, vicino all'esperienza degli alunni e quindi, motivante e significativo.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Packet Processing - Venky Venkatesan and Bruce Richardsonharryvanhaaren
The document summarizes seven deadly sins of packet processing that can negatively impact performance:
1) Unpredictable branches that confuse the branch predictor. Code should guide the compiler on likely/unlikely cases.
2) Incorrect prefetching that pulls in unnecessary data or data needed by other cores, adding overhead. Hardware prefetchers often help but can also share cache lines inadvertently.
3) Per-packet operations like memory I/O and atomics that have overhead magnified at the per-packet level.
FPGA Conference 2021: Breaking the TOPS ceiling with sparse neural networks -...Numenta
Nick Ni (Xilinx) and Lawrence Spracklen (Numenta) presented a talk at the FGPA Conference Europe on July 8th, 2021. In this talk, they presented a neuroscience approach to optimize state-of-the-art deep learning networks into sparse topology and how it can unlock significant performance gains on FPGAs without major loss of accuracy. They then walked through the FPGA implementation where they exploited the advantage of sparse networks with a unique Domain Specific Architecture (DSA).
After our successful launch of '5G for Absolute Beginners' course ( in 2020, we decided to create an introductory training course on 6G Mobile Wireless Communications technology. The course is ready and the best way to navigate it is via the Free 6G Training page at: - this will ensure that you have the latest version of each video and also the most recent version of the 6G technologies videos as and they are added.
In this part we will look at the 6G Requirements. We will look at the basic requirements for different generations, look what other organizations and researchers think about the requirements and we can then lay a high level requirements that is easier for everyone to follow. The final requirements will be available when ITU creates the IMT-2030 or equivalent document.
This course is part of #Free6Gtraining initiative (
All our #3G4G5G slides and videos are available at:
際際滷s: /3G4GLtd
6G and Beyond-5G Page:
Free Training Videos:
Free 6G Training Blog:
The document describes NVIDIA's DRIVE PX 2, an AI supercomputer purpose-built for self-driving cars. It has 12 CPU cores, a Pascal GPU providing 8 TFLOPS of processing power and 24 DL TOPS for deep learning. The DRIVE PX 2 features various interfaces to connect to sensors, displays and development tools. It also includes software like NVIDIA DRIVEWORKS and supports AUTOSAR for automotive software development. The DRIVE PX 2 is designed to help developers create self-driving applications and migrate them from testing to production vehicles.
В?д пап?русу до книги (короткий екскурс в ?стор?ю книги для учн?в початкових ...НБУ для д?тей
Юний друже!
Сьогодн? тоб? звично бачити поруч ?з собою книжки. Вони ? у кожн?й родин?. Книга C одне з найб?льших чудес, створених людиною. З того часу, як люди навчилися писати, всю мудр?сть вони дов?ряли книгам, як? в?дкривають нам св?т, допомагають зрозум?ти минуле та заглянути в майбутн?.
Важко уявити соб?, що колись книга не була паперовою´ А чи зна?ш ти, коли з¨явилися та якими були перш? книжки?
Presentazione corso trinchero_bugs_hotelscuolagiacosa
Nell'ambito del progetto "Il gusto della salute" allestimento e seguimento di un orto didattico biodinamico.
Costruire un bugs hotel ha permesso di lavorare sullo sviluppo di competenze multidisciplinari , seguendo il ciclo esperienziale di Pfeiffer e Jones, oltre che sperimentare un problema reale, vicino all'esperienza degli alunni e quindi, motivante e significativo.
di Antonietta Lombardi
In questi anni le idee e gli esperimenti non sono mancati: laboratori multimediali, ipertesti, server di rete, reti didattiche, internet, eLearning, community, lavagne interattive ed eBook. Ciononostante le TIC sono rimaste confinate nell'ora di informatica che i ragazzi hanno fatto solo quando i laboratori erano disponibili, quando i computer erano funzionanti e quando il docente era appassionato.
Ma oggi i computer da zainetto sono una realt┐ e si stanno gi┐ usando in tre scuole piemontesi (il 1<circolo di Rivoli, la direzione didattica D¨Andrade di Pavone Canavese e il 1< Circolo di Novi Ligure)
Volleyball is a team sport played by two teams on a divided court. The objective is for each team to ground the ball on the opponent's side of the court through a series of hits. A rally begins with a serve, where a player hits the ball over the net. The receiving team can hit the ball up to three times before it must be returned over the net. Teams attempt to direct the ball back over with an attack, scoring a point if the opponent cannot return it. There are six basic skills in volleyball: serve, pass, set, attack, block, and dig.
The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. This sequence appears frequently in nature, such as the spiral patterns of shells, flowers, pine cones, and galaxies. The golden ratio is the number approximately equal to 1.6180 that results from dividing any number in the Fibonacci sequence by its predecessor. Both the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio are found in architecture, like the Parthenon, as well as in music scales.
The document discusses the structure and function of eukaryotic cells. It describes the key organelles of animal cells including the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, and ribosomes. It also covers the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells, noting plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and a large central vacuole while animal cells contain cilia, flagella, and smaller vacuoles. The control center of the cell is the nucleus, which contains chromosomes carrying genes, while mitochondria generate energy through respiration.
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
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Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
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Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit┐ italiana -...Damiano Orru
¨Osservatorio sull¨information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della ^Open Education Week 2025 ̄, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bankgadevshahma
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
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Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
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The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
1. Compito di realt┐: adotta un¨aiuola
progettazione e realizzazione di un¨aiuola nel
giardino della nostra scuola
Plesso L.Tempesta
Classe V
Progetto multidisciplinare
2. Conoscenzeda applicare
? Linguistiche: esprimere correttamente i propri pensieri,
descrivere con propriet┐ di linguaggio le fasi operative del lavoro,
costruire testi regolativi.
? Logico-matematiche: trovare soluzioni a problemi reali, conoscere
e utilizzare il sistema metrico decimale.
? Tecnologiche: definire le fasi di un progetto, individuare gli
strumenti necessari per la sua realizzazione, utilizzare in modo
funzionale gli strumenti individuati.
? Artistiche: realizzare graficamente e con le tecniche adeguate il
progetto iconico dell¨aiuola.
? Scientifiche: conoscere il ciclo vitale delle piante.
? Geografiche: capire le relazioni tra clima e piante.
? Discipline coinvolte: italiano, matematica, tecnologia, arte,
scienze, geografia.
3. Breve descrizione del progetto
L¨idea fondamentale del progetto ┬ sostenere
negli alunni di classe quinta, attraverso
un¨esperienza di contatto diretto con la terra,
la capacit┐ di prendersi cura degli spazi
comuni. Riteniamo che rafforzare la
connessione fra i bambini e la terra sia molto
importante per sviluppare un sano e corretto
stile di vita.
4. Facciamoil punto della situazione ´
Guardiamociintorno per cercarelo spazio adatto alla
realizzazionedella nostra aiuola
5. Dopo aver valutato attentamente e fatta la nostra
scelta,siamo rientratiin aula e abbiamo stabilito i punti pi┫
importanti del nostro percorso progettuale
6. Fasi per la realizzazione del progetto
? Considerare le dimensioni della nostra aiuola e
? Disegnare una pianta dell¨aiuola utilizzando la
riduzione in scala.
? Tenere conto dei fattori climatici e dell¨umidit┐ del
terreno in base alle piante che sceglieremo.
? Registrare dati e informazioni relativi alle piante
scelte (piante aromatiche).
? Valutarne la disposizione all¨interno dell¨aiuola.
8. Abbiamo scelto una zonaangolare e soleggiata
Ilmuretto terr┐ a riparo le nostre piante dalle intemperie
9. Trasferiamo le misure sul
quaderno eadottiamo la riduzione
in scala ´
Calcoliamole misure ´
Daremo all¨aiuolauna forma
21. Competenzeattivate dal percorso sperimentale
? Avere cura e rispetto di s└, degli altri e dell¨ambiente.
Realizzare semplici progetti con autonomia e
originalit┐, utilizzando le proprie conoscenze
matematiche e scientifico-tecnologiche per trovare e
giustificare soluzioni a problemi reali.
? Problematizzare una situazione reale. Pianificare le
procedure necessarie alla realizzazione del compito.
Valutare il progetto realizzato.
22. Materiali estrumenti impiegati
? I docenti hanno utilizzato testi e materiali multimediali
forniti dall¨uso della LIM.
? Rappresentazioni grafiche.
? Uso di materiale di facile consumo: cartoncini, immagini,
materiale audio-visivo, riviste di giardinaggio.
? Macchina fotografica per la documentazione delle
23. Analisi critica in relazione agli apprendimenti
degli alunni
? Tutti gli alunni hanno partecipato in maniera attiva all¨attivit┐
? La formazione dei gruppi di lavoro ha dato vita a veri e propri
momenti collaborativi e tutti gli alunni hanno esplicitato la
loro creativit┐ e le loro potenzialit┐ dando il loro contributo nel
? Le attivit┐ sono stati realizzate attraverso un metodo di studio
basato sulla ricerca e sulla gratificazione della riuscita.
? I risultati sono stati pi┫ che soddisfacenti