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N E W S L E T T E R 4
JUNE 2020
旅留硫略竜 凌 Newsletter 亮留 旅
虜旅竜竜 隆略竜旅 亮留 凌
劉了留硫留僚 マ留 亮劉留 凌 竜了竜留溜凌
Read on our Newsletter our main
activities that took place in the last
3 months.
N E W S L E T T E R 4
C O V E R Y O U R N E E D S , D I S C O V E R
Y O U R C A R E E R 即
H 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 竜粒留了竜旅凌慮流虜侶 凌
凌粒略亮亮留 亮留 即Cover your needs,
discover your career即粒旅留 侶僚 竜虜留溜隆竜侶
竜僚侶了溜虜僚, 虜劉隆旅竜 凌 2凌 硫留硫竜溜凌 凌僚
竜留虜 隆旅留粒僚旅亮 粒旅留 虜留旅僚凌亮留
竜粒留了竜溜留 虜留旅 亮劉留 竜留粒粒竜了亮留旅虜流
溜僚留旅 旅亮流 亮留 凌 凌 凌粒留僚旅亮 Business
Foundation for Education 凌 竜劉了竜両竜
留僚略亮竜留 竜 38 旅隆劉竜 留 13 マ竜.
The creative toolkit of our "Cover your needs,
discover your career" program for adult
education has won the 2nd prize in the
European competition for innovative tools
and implements of professional guidance.
We are honored and grateful to the Business
Foundation for Education for choosing it
from 38 ideas from 13 countries.
"One Step Up- skills for learning to learn"
To 粒竜旅溜隆旅凌 Learning to learn - Training
manual for youth workers 凌
留虜凌 亮留 凌粒略亮亮留凌 "One Step
Up- skills for learning to learn" 竜溜僚留旅
了劉凌僚 隆旅留慮劉旅亮凌 online!
劉了凌亮竜 僚留 竜留旅流凌亮竜 凌
僚竜粒略竜 亮留 粒旅留 侶 亮亮竜凌流 凌
凌 粒留亮亮留 虜留旅 凌 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜
亮留 凌 亮亮竜竜溜留僚 竜 留 凌
竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 留両溜隆旅!
The Learning to Learn - Training manual
for youth workers of our European
PROJECT "One Step Up- skills for learning
to learn" is now available online! We want
to thank our partners for their
participation in the program and our
participants who participated in this
educational trip!
InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 7.
 虜凌僚凌 隆竜僚 亮凌竜溜 僚留 亮留 虜竜旅 凌
留粒留侶亮劉僚凌 亮留 Coffee Break!
裡凌 7o Coffee Break 亮留, 龍侶略亮竜, online 留 留
溜旅留 亮留 留流 侶 凌略, 亮竜 凌僚 凌了 虜留了 溜了凌
虜留旅 僚竜粒略侶 侶亮流侶 竜凌隆凌凌了凌
,凌旅僚僚旅虜 竜旅凌粒 虜留旅 竜僚旅虜 旅竜慮僚流 凌
凌旅僚竜了凌 裡亮留竜溜凌 粒流 虜留旅 陸凌僚溜隆留
了旅虜旅亮劉僚僚 虜留旅 亮竜 - 陸凌僚溜龍!
留龍溜 亮旅了略亮竜 粒旅留 了留 留 龍凌亮竜 旅 竜了竜留溜竜
竜硫隆凌亮略隆竜 留了了略 虜溜 粒旅留 旅 侶竜溜竜 亮劉
隆旅留隆旅虜凌 虜留旅 侶了竜ホ塾刃 旅 凌旅虜凌粒劉僚竜旅竜 凌
凌僚溜龍凌僚 略凌亮留 亮竜 略僚凌旅留 凌 凌劉竜旅 凌
陸痢里立, 侶 隆虜凌了侶 留流 竜溜凌隆凌!
InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 7.
Corona virus can't stop our favorite Coffee Break
In our 7th Coffee Break, we discussed, online from
our homes , with our good friend and partner
Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Social Worker and
General Manager of the Public Benefit and Care
Association for the Elderly and disabled- FRODIZO.
Together we are talking about everything we have
been living in the last few weeks but mainly about
internet and phone services for families caring for
people with dementia that Frodizo offers during
this difficult time!
InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 6 亮竜 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌
凌僚 裡凌 裡亮留虜劉侶!!
竜 凌了竜流 竜亮竜旅溜留 侶僚 竜虜留溜隆竜侶, 了略侶
虜留旅 略旅凌 粒僚マ侶 侶 里竜僚凌了凌粒溜留 虜留旅 侶
留旅僚凌凌亮溜留, 旅隆旅留溜竜留 竜僚竜粒 虜留旅 留竜旅虜溜僚侶凌, 凌
裡凌 亮留 僚留僚略 凌 粒留竜溜凌 虜留旅 亮凌旅略龍竜留旅
亮留龍溜 亮留 了竜 旅 竜了竜留溜竜 竜両竜了溜両竜旅 竜旅虜略 亮竜
凌 僚竜凌留凌 亮流亮留 了竜虜凌了粒僚 侶留僚旅虜ホ
虜留旅 侶留僚旅虜ホ 離凌了凌粒旅ホ 凌 留僚竜旅流亮旅凌
竜了凌凌僚僚流凌 侶僚 略留 (虜留慮マ 虜留旅 凌了了略
凌了了略 略了了留 虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚略 ) !
InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 6 with Spiros
Sirmakesis!! With many years of experience in
education, a tech fan and an excellent
connoisseur of Technology and Innovation and
particularly active, Spyros joins our coffee breaks
audio podcasts and shares with us all the latest
developments regarding the newly created
department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at the University of Peloponnese in
Patras ,as well as much more!
M留龍溜 亮竜 竜虜了竜虜 online 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 .
留僚留粒旅マ侶 了竜両凌了凌, 竜溜虜凌凌 虜留慮侶粒侶流
旅留旅虜流 凌 亮流亮留 旅留旅虜流 凌 留僚竜旅侶亮溜凌
留ホ 凌 龍侶略亮竜
[確肯 旅 竜旅マ竜旅 侶僚 凌了凌粒溜留 亮留 留 侶僚
留僚隆侶亮溜留 凌 凌凌僚凌凌,
]留 DOs & DON'Ts 粒旅留 侶 流 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 侶
凌了凌粒溜留 亮留 虜留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 侶 虜留留僚溜僚留
 流旅亮竜 亮硫凌了劉 粒旅留 侶僚 溜侶 (留了了略 虜留旅 侶僚
4侶!) 侶了旅虜溜留 虜留旅 旅 劉竜旅 僚留 凌劉凌亮竜 了凌旅 凌旅
竜凌亮竜 略凌亮留 侶 竜留慮凌 留流 凌亮略隆留 凌
竜旅硫略了了凌僚 亮留. 溜侶, 留僚留劉凌亮竜 侶亮留僚旅虜劉
凌硫凌了溜竜 凌劉僚 侶 了侶 亮留 虜留慮マ 虜留旅 粒旅留
旅 僚劉竜 隆略竜旅 虜留旅 凌硫凌了溜竜 凌 劉竜旅
留僚留了略硫竜旅 侶 竜旅侶亮凌僚旅虜流 凌亮略隆留 侶 率旅留旅虜流
了旅僚旅虜流 凌 留僚竜旅侶亮旅留虜凌 竜僚旅虜凌 凌凌虜凌亮竜溜凌
留ホ ().
8th InterMediaKT Coffee Break with online guest Dr.
Panagiotis Alexopoulos, assistant professor of
psychiatry in the Department of Medicine - University
of Patras where we discuss
 the impact on our psychology of the Corona
DOs & DON'Ts for proper management of our
psychology during quarantine
 useful advice for the third (but also the 4th!)
age and what to look out for all those of this
vulnerable group in our environment.!!Also, we
mention important initiatives of our city's
institutions as well as for the new actions and
initiatives undertaken by the scientific team of the
Psychiatric Clinic of the University General Hospital
of Patras (G.N.P.).
InterMediaKT Coffee Break 9
竜 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 侶亮流侶 凌僚凌溜隆侶 ,
粒僚 粒旅留 凌僚 留粒ホ塾 凌  留慮竜僚流 亮竜
旅虜侶 僚侶 留了了略 虜留旅 粒旅留 侶僚 竜僚隆僚略亮侶
僚 留亮僚 亮竜 凌留劉 虜留旅 留留竜 留僚留侶溜竜
亮劉 侶 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留.
虜旅硫旅侶! 凌旅僚僚旅虜凌 旅竜旅侶亮留旅留!
旅凌粒留僚侶 凌 Abilities Days 虜留旅 隆侶
侶 Humane, 粒留僚旅亮 凌流旅両侶 虜留旅
侶竜旅ホ 粒旅留 略凌亮留 亮竜 竜旅隆旅虜劉 留僚略粒虜竜
侶僚 慮流僚留.
InterMediaKT Coffee Break 9
Dimitris Kontopidis known for his activities as
a patient with Cystic Fibrosis but also for the
empowerment of people with visible and
invisible disabilities through social
Activist! Social Entrepreneur! Organizer of
Abilities Days and Founder of the NGO
Humane, supporting people with disabilities
in Athens.

-> 旅留慮劉留亮竜 隆竜略僚 凌 凌 虜留旅 留 竜粒留了竜溜留 亮留 (了留亮留
侶了竜隆旅留虜劉竜僚, broadcasting / livestreaming) 侶僚 凌旅僚僚溜留 僚 凌了旅ホ 粒旅留
凌 亮流僚竜 溜了旅凌-略旅凌 2020!
-> 裡粒虜竜僚マ留亮竜 凌 隆竜略僚 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 了旅虜 虜留旅 留 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜略 亮留慮流亮留留
凌 劉凌亮竜 留僚留両竜旅 亮劉留 留 留 劉粒留 虜留旅 旅 隆略竜旅 亮留 竜 亮溜留 竜了溜隆留,
マ竜 僚留 竜溜僚留旅 竜虜凌了留 凌硫略旅亮凌!
-> 裡僚竜溜留亮竜 留 Coffee Breaks, 旅 侶侶旅虜劉 龍侶流竜旅 (audio podcasts) 亮竜
竜虜了竜虜凌 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌!
We shared our resources and tools free of charge (video conferencing platform,
broadcasting / live streaming) for Civil Society entities for the months of April-
May 2020!
We gathered all the free educational material and online courses we have
developed through our projects and actions in one page, to make it easier to
We continued our Coffee Breaks audio podcasts with special guests!
留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 侶 虜留留僚溜僚留 侶僚 InterMediaKT, 凌留慮流留亮竜 僚留
留粒亮留凌凌旅流凌亮竜 凌僚 凌 亮留, 隆侶了留隆流 侶僚 竜留凌略 僚マ侶! 流 侶 凌略
劉粒旅僚竜 旅凌 留留旅侶旅虜 虜留慮マ 劉竜竜 僚留 侶僚 亮凌旅留凌亮竜 竜僚ツ亮劉僚留亮竜 溜旅.
旅' 留 両竜虜旅僚流留亮竜 亮旅留 僚劉留 竜旅略 webinars 亮竜 慮劉亮留留 凌 亮留 留凌凌僚, 亮留
竜僚隆旅留劉凌僚, 亮留 僚留略龍凌僚 流 亮留 隆侶亮旅凌粒凌僚 留僚侶溜留 竜 亮旅留 凌了凌虜留溜僚凌旅留
了留亮留 侶了竜隆旅留虜劉竜僚 凌 隆侶亮旅凌粒流留亮竜.
During quarantine, we were trying to achieve our goal, Knowledge Transfer!
里his time it became more demanding as we had to share it, while we were staying
home. We launched a new webinars series with topics that we care about, interest,
fascinate or cause us concern, in the new reality of quarantine.
里侶僚 里溜侶 14/4 両竜虜旅僚流留亮竜 亮竜 侶僚 留旅了溜僚留
僚留凌凌了凌, 凌了粒凌-凌慮竜留竜旅留, 亮竜
侶僚 凌凌溜留 龍侶流留亮竜 竜旅虜略 亮竜 侶僚
旅虜流 竜旅硫溜流 亮留 竜 僚慮流虜竜 竜粒虜了竜旅亮凌
虜留旅 侶 粒虜凌侶 留僚略亮竜留 侶僚 竜僚侶 凌
了流凌 竜了劉粒凌 虜留旅 侶 両留僚旅虜流 留ホ士砧肯
On Tuesday 14/4 we started with Marilina
Anastopoulou, psychologist-psychotherapist,
with whom we discussed our mental survival in
conditions of lock-down and the conflict
between the impression of complete control and
its sudden loss.
裡僚竜溜留亮竜 亮竜 侶僚 旅流僚侶 僚僚凌凌了凌,
竜旅隆旅虜流 僚侶旅留粒粒, 亮竜 侶僚 凌凌溜留 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留
虜留旅僚凌亮竜 留旅隆留粒粒旅虜劉 亮竜慮隆凌 虜留旅
隆留侶旅侶竜 凌 亮凌凌留僚 僚留
留両旅凌凌旅侶慮凌僚 粒旅留 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 留留了侶侶
留旅隆旅ホ, 竜僚 虜留旅 竜粒虜了竜旅亮凌 虜留旅 粒旅留 侶
隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 留留了侶侶 留旅隆旅ホ 虜留旅 粒凌僚劉僚.
We continued with Irene Antonopoulou, a
special kindergarten teacher, with whom we
talked about innovative pedagogical methods
and creative activities that c凌uld be used for/by
children, during lock-down.
亮竜僚凌 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 亮留 流留僚 凌 溜虜凌 竜虜虜,
竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 虜留旅 亮硫凌了凌 旅虜流
粒竜溜留 亮竜 凌僚 凌凌溜凌 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 旅隆劉竜 凌
亮凌凌留僚 僚留 侶旅亮凌凌旅侶慮凌僚, 略粒亮留留
留 凌凌溜留 亮凌凌留僚 僚留 粒溜僚凌僚 マ竜 留 留旅隆旅略
留了了略 虜留旅 凌旅 竜僚流了旅虜竜 僚留 竜虜略凌僚 凌
略粒凌, 旅 留僚侶溜竜 虜留旅 旅 留僚留略了竜旅竜 凌
凌 凌虜略了竜竜 凌 竜粒虜了竜旅亮.
We met with Nikos Lekkos, a teacher and mental
health counsellor with whom we talked about
ideas that could be used, things that could be
done to make children and adults express their
anxiety, concerns and insecurities caused by
竜旅留 僚竜溜留亮竜 亮竜 旅 旅留旅凌了粒凌 凌凌了溜留
凌亮留 虜留旅 旅留旅凌了粒凌 - 旅留凌凌了粒凌 裡劉了了留
留旅凌留 虜留旅 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 隆旅留凌流 虜留旅 粒竜溜留.
マ 竜侶竜略龍竜旅 凌僚 凌粒留僚旅亮 亮留, 凌 侶亮留 粒了虜龍侶
旅僚凌了溜僚侶; 里ホ捨 了粒 留粒亮留旅虜流 竜溜僚留 流 虜留旅 了粒
僚留旅慮侶亮留旅虜凌 虜竜僚凌; 劉 虜留旅 略了了竜 凌了了劉
竜流竜旅 凌 亮留 留留了侶留僚 粒旅留 侶僚 留ホ士砧肯 虜留旅
僚流侶侶 凌 竜旅凌 亮留旅虜凌 硫略凌, 留略僚侶留僚
凌旅 竜両竜旅隆旅虜竜亮劉僚竜 隆旅留旅凌了粒凌旅, 了溜粒竜 亮劉竜 亮竜略 侶僚
略侶 僚 亮劉僚 竜旅凌旅亮凌 了粒 虜凌凌僚凌凌.
We met with Dietitian Apostolia Mpoumpa and Dietitian -
Nutritionist Stella Patsioura and talked about nutrition
and health. How does the the insulin glucose system
affect our body? Do we eat because of real hunger or
even because of an emotional gap? These and many
other questions that had concerned us about the loss
and maintenance of unnecessary body weight, were
answered by specialized dietitians, a few days after the
lifting of restriction measures due to conovirus.
了凌虜了侶マ留亮竜 侶僚 竜旅略 僚 webinars 亮竜 凌僚 溜虜凌
留慮溜凌, 隆侶亮凌旅凌粒略凌 亮竜 竜旅隆溜虜竜侶 旅 僚劉竜
竜僚凌了凌粒溜竜 虜留旅 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 侶僚 略僚慮侶侶 竜隆ホ
竜旅隆流竜僚 虜留略 侶僚 隆旅略虜竜旅留 凌 虜凌凌僚凌凌, 凌
粒竜凌了旅旅虜 凌 留留虜流僚旅凌 虜留旅 凌竜旅僚亮竜僚竜
了竜旅 粒旅留 凌僚 竜旅凌旅亮 凌.  旅 留亮流留僚竜
虜旅僚流竜旅 僚 竜僚凌了凌粒旅虜ホ 了留凌亮ホ 旅
隆虜凌了溜竜 僚 凌粒留亮亮略僚 虜留留凌了劉亮侶侶
侶旅留虜凌 留僚留了留硫侶旅亮凌 侶僚 竜凌流 侶 侶了竜粒留溜留,
了留 留 慮留 慮劉了留亮竜 僚留 両劉凌亮竜 粒旅留 侶 流
了侶凌侶侶 留 凌 隆旅留隆溜虜凌.
We completed our webinars with Nikos Efstathiou,
journalist specializing in new technologies and talking
about the flourishing of false news during the corovirus
break, their geopolitical background and we proposed
solutions on how to limit them. From the awkward
movements of technology platforms to the difficulties of
digital illiteracy-fighting programmes in the era of
teleworking, everything we wanted to know about the
right and true information from the internet.
H InterMediaKT 竜溜僚留旅 劉僚留 留 凌 8  凌 HIGGS Accelerator!
僚留 竜両留旅竜旅虜 虜留旅 留凌僚留 留留旅侶旅虜 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜
粒留亮亮留 亮竜 僚竜流 留僚留了了留粒流 粒僚マ竜僚 虜留旅 旅隆竜ホ!
留 竜両竜了旅慮凌亮竜, 僚留 粒溜僚凌亮竜 虜留了竜凌旅 虜留旅 僚留 竜溜亮留竜 竜 慮劉侶
留両流凌亮竜 侶僚 留凌竜了竜亮留旅虜侶留 虜留旅 凌僚 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜 留僚溜虜凌
凌 凌粒留僚旅亮凌 亮留!
nterMediaKT is one of the 8 NGOs of HIGGS Accelerator!
An excellent and at the same time demanding educational
program with continuous exchange of knowledge and ideas!
What's the goal?
To evolve, to become better and to be able to increase the
efficiency and social impact of our organization!
Stay tuned!!!!
H 凌亮略隆留 亮留 凌粒略僚竜 online focus group 亮竜 慮劉亮留 "旅留竜溜旅侶 竜慮竜了凌僚ホ 虜留旅 凌竜溜 侶
凌旅僚僚溜留 僚 凌了旅ホ", 凌 凌凌溜凌 隆旅竜両略粒竜留旅 留 了留溜旅留 凌 竜留虜凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌
"INSPIRE" 亮竜 虜凌 僚留 隆侶亮旅凌粒流凌亮竜 亮旅留 粒竜僚旅虜流 竜旅虜僚留 竜 劉侶 亮竜 侶 隆旅留竜溜旅侶
竜慮竜了凌僚ホ 留 凌竜溜 凌 劉凌僚 竜亮竜旅溜留 虜留旅 粒僚マ侶.
旅留 凌 虜凌 留, 侶 凌亮略隆留 亮留 僚留僚流慮侶虜竜 亮竜 竜虜凌マ凌 留 6 凌竜溜 侶  留
略留 虜留旅 慮流僚留 凌 虜留旅 龍侶流留亮竜 凌 虜留旅 亮竜慮凌隆凌了凌粒溜竜 侶僚 隆旅留竜溜旅侶
竜慮竜了凌僚ホ, 粒旅留 隆虜凌了溜竜, 虜溜僚侶留 留了了略 虜留旅 虜留了劉 留虜旅虜劉.
Our team organized an online focus group on "Managing volunteers and civil society
stakeholders", which is being conducted within the framework of the European programme
"INSPIRE" in order to create an overview in relation to the management of volunteers from
institutions with experience and knowledge.
Thus, our team met with representatives from 6 civil society stakeholders from Patras and
Athens where we discussed different ways and methodologies about the management of
volunteers, the difficulties, the motivations and good practices.
裡凌 Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (CS)TEP: Critical Thinking 凌 留粒亮留凌凌旅侶慮侶虜竜 凌
留溜凌, 10 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 留 侶僚 了了略隆留 僚竜粒略侶虜留僚 亮竜 略了了凌 104 留 10 マ竜,
竜 劉僚留 粒留亮亮留 粒凌僚侶 虜留旅 留粒凌僚侶 侶了竜虜留溜隆竜侶.
竜略 留 劉僚留 亮流僚留 凌 凌旅 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 虜略慮竜 竜硫隆凌亮略隆留 了略亮硫留僚留僚 亮劉凌 竜 劉僚留
隆旅留隆旅虜留虜 隆旅略了凌粒凌 1,5 マ留 虜留旅 留凌了流慮侶虜留僚 亮竜 TED-ED 隆留侶旅侶竜,
留劉虜侶留僚 虜留旅 硫竜了溜留僚 旅 隆竜両旅侶竜 凌 竜旅虜略 亮竜 侶僚 虜旅旅虜流 虜劉侶,
留劉虜侶留僚 僚劉竜 粒僚マ竜旅 虜留旅 留僚略了了留両留僚 留竜旅 亮竜 僚劉凌 留 隆旅留凌竜旅虜劉 マ竜.
10 participants from Greece collaborated with 104 others from 10 countries in a
modern and asynchronous tele-education program, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange
(CS)TEP: Critical Thinking, which completed in May. After a month where participants
each week took part in a 1.5-hour online dialogue and engaged in TED-ED activities,
acquired and improved their critical thinking skills, gained new knowledge and
exchanged views with young people from different countries.
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (CS)TEP: Critical Thinking

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InterMediaKT Newsletter 4

  • 1. N E W S L E T T E R 4 JUNE 2020 旅留硫略竜 凌 Newsletter 亮留 旅 虜旅竜竜 隆略竜旅 亮留 凌 劉了留硫留僚 マ留 亮劉留 凌 竜了竜留溜凌 溜亮侶僚凌. Read on our Newsletter our main activities that took place in the last 3 months. N E W S L E T T E R 4 P R O J E C T S C O F F E E B R E A K S O N L I N E M E E T I N G S W E B I N A R S 6/20
  • 2. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - PROJECTS UPDATES C O V E R Y O U R N E E D S , D I S C O V E R Y O U R C A R E E R 即 H 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 竜粒留了竜旅凌慮流虜侶 凌 凌粒略亮亮留 亮留 即Cover your needs, discover your career即粒旅留 侶僚 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 竜僚侶了溜虜僚, 虜劉隆旅竜 凌 2凌 硫留硫竜溜凌 凌僚 竜留虜 隆旅留粒僚旅亮 粒旅留 虜留旅僚凌亮留 竜粒留了竜溜留 虜留旅 亮劉留 竜留粒粒竜了亮留旅虜流 虜留慮凌隆流粒侶侶. 溜僚留旅 旅亮流 亮留 凌 凌 凌粒留僚旅亮 Business Foundation for Education 凌 竜劉了竜両竜 留僚略亮竜留 竜 38 旅隆劉竜 留 13 マ竜. The creative toolkit of our "Cover your needs, discover your career" program for adult education has won the 2nd prize in the European competition for innovative tools and implements of professional guidance. We are honored and grateful to the Business Foundation for Education for choosing it from 38 ideas from 13 countries. "One Step Up- skills for learning to learn" To 粒竜旅溜隆旅凌 Learning to learn - Training manual for youth workers 凌 留虜凌 亮留 凌粒略亮亮留凌 "One Step Up- skills for learning to learn" 竜溜僚留旅 了劉凌僚 隆旅留慮劉旅亮凌 online! 劉了凌亮竜 僚留 竜留旅流凌亮竜 凌 僚竜粒略竜 亮留 粒旅留 侶 亮亮竜凌流 凌 凌 粒留亮亮留 虜留旅 凌 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 亮留 凌 亮亮竜竜溜留僚 竜 留 凌 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 留両溜隆旅! The Learning to Learn - Training manual for youth workers of our European PROJECT "One Step Up- skills for learning to learn" is now available online! We want to thank our partners for their participation in the program and our participants who participated in this educational trip!
  • 3. InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 7. 虜凌僚凌 隆竜僚 亮凌竜溜 僚留 亮留 虜竜旅 凌 留粒留侶亮劉僚凌 亮留 Coffee Break! 裡凌 7o Coffee Break 亮留, 龍侶略亮竜, online 留 留 溜旅留 亮留 留流 侶 凌略, 亮竜 凌僚 凌了 虜留了 溜了凌 虜留旅 僚竜粒略侶 侶亮流侶 竜凌隆凌凌了凌 ,凌旅僚僚旅虜 竜旅凌粒 虜留旅 竜僚旅虜 旅竜慮僚流 凌 凌旅僚竜了凌 裡亮留竜溜凌 粒流 虜留旅 陸凌僚溜隆留 了旅虜旅亮劉僚僚 虜留旅 亮竜 - 陸凌僚溜龍! 留龍溜 亮旅了略亮竜 粒旅留 了留 留 龍凌亮竜 旅 竜了竜留溜竜 竜硫隆凌亮略隆竜 留了了略 虜溜 粒旅留 旅 侶竜溜竜 亮劉 隆旅留隆旅虜凌 虜留旅 侶了竜ホ塾刃 旅 凌旅虜凌粒劉僚竜旅竜 凌 凌僚溜龍凌僚 略凌亮留 亮竜 略僚凌旅留 凌 凌劉竜旅 凌 陸痢里立, 侶 隆虜凌了侶 留流 竜溜凌隆凌! InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 7. Corona virus can't stop our favorite Coffee Break habit! In our 7th Coffee Break, we discussed, online from our homes , with our good friend and partner Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Social Worker and General Manager of the Public Benefit and Care Association for the Elderly and disabled- FRODIZO. Together we are talking about everything we have been living in the last few weeks but mainly about internet and phone services for families caring for people with dementia that Frodizo offers during this difficult time! InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 6 亮竜 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 裡凌 裡亮留虜劉侶!! 竜 凌了竜流 竜亮竜旅溜留 侶僚 竜虜留溜隆竜侶, 了略侶 虜留旅 略旅凌 粒僚マ侶 侶 里竜僚凌了凌粒溜留 虜留旅 侶 留旅僚凌凌亮溜留, 旅隆旅留溜竜留 竜僚竜粒 虜留旅 留竜旅虜溜僚侶凌, 凌 裡凌 亮留 僚留僚略 凌 粒留竜溜凌 虜留旅 亮凌旅略龍竜留旅 亮留龍溜 亮留 了竜 旅 竜了竜留溜竜 竜両竜了溜両竜旅 竜旅虜略 亮竜 凌 僚竜凌留凌 亮流亮留 了竜虜凌了粒僚 侶留僚旅虜ホ 虜留旅 侶留僚旅虜ホ 離凌了凌粒旅ホ 凌 留僚竜旅流亮旅凌 竜了凌凌僚僚流凌 侶僚 略留 (虜留慮マ 虜留旅 凌了了略 凌了了略 略了了留 虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚略 ) ! InterMediaKT Coffee Break vol. 6 with Spiros Sirmakesis!! With many years of experience in education, a tech fan and an excellent connoisseur of Technology and Innovation and particularly active, Spyros joins our coffee breaks audio podcasts and shares with us all the latest developments regarding the newly created department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Peloponnese in Patras ,as well as much more! INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - COFFEE BREAKS
  • 4. INTERMEDIAKT COFFEE BREAK 8. M留龍溜 亮竜 竜虜了竜虜 online 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 . 留僚留粒旅マ侶 了竜両凌了凌, 竜溜虜凌凌 虜留慮侶粒侶流 旅留旅虜流 凌 亮流亮留 旅留旅虜流 凌 留僚竜旅侶亮溜凌 留ホ 凌 龍侶略亮竜 [確肯 旅 竜旅マ竜旅 侶僚 凌了凌粒溜留 亮留 留 侶僚 留僚隆侶亮溜留 凌 凌凌僚凌凌, ]留 DOs & DON'Ts 粒旅留 侶 流 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 侶 凌了凌粒溜留 亮留 虜留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 侶 虜留留僚溜僚留 流旅亮竜 亮硫凌了劉 粒旅留 侶僚 溜侶 (留了了略 虜留旅 侶僚 4侶!) 侶了旅虜溜留 虜留旅 旅 劉竜旅 僚留 凌劉凌亮竜 了凌旅 凌旅 竜凌亮竜 略凌亮留 侶 竜留慮凌 留流 凌亮略隆留 凌 竜旅硫略了了凌僚 亮留. 溜侶, 留僚留劉凌亮竜 侶亮留僚旅虜劉 凌硫凌了溜竜 凌劉僚 侶 了侶 亮留 虜留慮マ 虜留旅 粒旅留 旅 僚劉竜 隆略竜旅 虜留旅 凌硫凌了溜竜 凌 劉竜旅 留僚留了略硫竜旅 侶 竜旅侶亮凌僚旅虜流 凌亮略隆留 侶 率旅留旅虜流 了旅僚旅虜流 凌 留僚竜旅侶亮旅留虜凌 竜僚旅虜凌 凌凌虜凌亮竜溜凌 留ホ (). 8th InterMediaKT Coffee Break with online guest Dr. Panagiotis Alexopoulos, assistant professor of psychiatry in the Department of Medicine - University of Patras where we discuss the impact on our psychology of the Corona pandemic, DOs & DON'Ts for proper management of our psychology during quarantine useful advice for the third (but also the 4th!) age and what to look out for all those of this vulnerable group in our environment.!!Also, we mention important initiatives of our city's institutions as well as for the new actions and initiatives undertaken by the scientific team of the Psychiatric Clinic of the University General Hospital of Patras (G.N.P.). InterMediaKT Coffee Break 9 竜 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 侶亮流侶 凌僚凌溜隆侶 , 粒僚 粒旅留 凌僚 留粒ホ塾 凌 留慮竜僚流 亮竜 旅虜侶 僚侶 留了了略 虜留旅 粒旅留 侶僚 竜僚隆僚略亮侶 僚 留亮僚 亮竜 凌留劉 虜留旅 留留竜 留僚留侶溜竜 亮劉 侶 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留. 虜旅硫旅侶! 凌旅僚僚旅虜凌 旅竜旅侶亮留旅留! 旅凌粒留僚侶 凌 Abilities Days 虜留旅 隆侶 侶 Humane, 粒留僚旅亮 凌流旅両侶 虜留旅 侶竜旅ホ 粒旅留 略凌亮留 亮竜 竜旅隆旅虜劉 留僚略粒虜竜 侶僚 慮流僚留. InterMediaKT Coffee Break 9 Dimitris Kontopidis known for his activities as a patient with Cystic Fibrosis but also for the empowerment of people with visible and invisible disabilities through social entrepreneurship. Activist! Social Entrepreneur! Organizer of Abilities Days and Founder of the NGO Humane, supporting people with disabilities in Athens. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - COFFEE BREAKS
  • 5. -> 旅留慮劉留亮竜 隆竜略僚 凌 凌 虜留旅 留 竜粒留了竜溜留 亮留 (了留亮留 侶了竜隆旅留虜劉竜僚, broadcasting / livestreaming) 侶僚 凌旅僚僚溜留 僚 凌了旅ホ 粒旅留 凌 亮流僚竜 溜了旅凌-略旅凌 2020! -> 裡粒虜竜僚マ留亮竜 凌 隆竜略僚 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 了旅虜 虜留旅 留 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜略 亮留慮流亮留留 凌 劉凌亮竜 留僚留両竜旅 亮劉留 留 留 劉粒留 虜留旅 旅 隆略竜旅 亮留 竜 亮溜留 竜了溜隆留, マ竜 僚留 竜溜僚留旅 竜虜凌了留 凌硫略旅亮凌! -> 裡僚竜溜留亮竜 留 Coffee Breaks, 旅 侶侶旅虜劉 龍侶流竜旅 (audio podcasts) 亮竜 竜虜了竜虜凌 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌! We shared our resources and tools free of charge (video conferencing platform, broadcasting / live streaming) for Civil Society entities for the months of April- May 2020! We gathered all the free educational material and online courses we have developed through our projects and actions in one page, to make it easier to find We continued our Coffee Breaks audio podcasts with special guests! 留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 侶 虜留留僚溜僚留 侶僚 InterMediaKT, 凌留慮流留亮竜 僚留 留粒亮留凌凌旅流凌亮竜 凌僚 凌 亮留, 隆侶了留隆流 侶僚 竜留凌略 僚マ侶! 流 侶 凌略 劉粒旅僚竜 旅凌 留留旅侶旅虜 虜留慮マ 劉竜竜 僚留 侶僚 亮凌旅留凌亮竜 竜僚ツ亮劉僚留亮竜 溜旅. 旅' 留 両竜虜旅僚流留亮竜 亮旅留 僚劉留 竜旅略 webinars 亮竜 慮劉亮留留 凌 亮留 留凌凌僚, 亮留 竜僚隆旅留劉凌僚, 亮留 僚留略龍凌僚 流 亮留 隆侶亮旅凌粒凌僚 留僚侶溜留 竜 亮旅留 凌了凌虜留溜僚凌旅留 了留亮留 侶了竜隆旅留虜劉竜僚 凌 隆侶亮旅凌粒流留亮竜. During quarantine, we were trying to achieve our goal, Knowledge Transfer! 里his time it became more demanding as we had to share it, while we were staying home. We launched a new webinars series with topics that we care about, interest, fascinate or cause us concern, in the new reality of quarantine. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - WEBINARS
  • 6. 里侶僚 里溜侶 14/4 両竜虜旅僚流留亮竜 亮竜 侶僚 留旅了溜僚留 僚留凌凌了凌, 凌了粒凌-凌慮竜留竜旅留, 亮竜 侶僚 凌凌溜留 龍侶流留亮竜 竜旅虜略 亮竜 侶僚 旅虜流 竜旅硫溜流 亮留 竜 僚慮流虜竜 竜粒虜了竜旅亮凌 虜留旅 侶 粒虜凌侶 留僚略亮竜留 侶僚 竜僚侶 凌 了流凌 竜了劉粒凌 虜留旅 侶 両留僚旅虜流 留ホ士砧肯 凌. On Tuesday 14/4 we started with Marilina Anastopoulou, psychologist-psychotherapist, with whom we discussed our mental survival in conditions of lock-down and the conflict between the impression of complete control and its sudden loss. 裡僚竜溜留亮竜 亮竜 侶僚 旅流僚侶 僚僚凌凌了凌, 竜旅隆旅虜流 僚侶旅留粒粒, 亮竜 侶僚 凌凌溜留 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 虜留旅僚凌亮竜 留旅隆留粒粒旅虜劉 亮竜慮隆凌 虜留旅 隆留侶旅侶竜 凌 亮凌凌留僚 僚留 留両旅凌凌旅侶慮凌僚 粒旅留 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 留留了侶侶 留旅隆旅ホ, 竜僚 虜留旅 竜粒虜了竜旅亮凌 虜留旅 粒旅留 侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜流 留留了侶侶 留旅隆旅ホ 虜留旅 粒凌僚劉僚. We continued with Irene Antonopoulou, a special kindergarten teacher, with whom we talked about innovative pedagogical methods and creative activities that c凌uld be used for/by children, during lock-down. 亮竜僚凌 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 亮留 流留僚 凌 溜虜凌 竜虜虜, 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 虜留旅 亮硫凌了凌 旅虜流 粒竜溜留 亮竜 凌僚 凌凌溜凌 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 旅隆劉竜 凌 亮凌凌留僚 僚留 侶旅亮凌凌旅侶慮凌僚, 略粒亮留留 留 凌凌溜留 亮凌凌留僚 僚留 粒溜僚凌僚 マ竜 留 留旅隆旅略 留了了略 虜留旅 凌旅 竜僚流了旅虜竜 僚留 竜虜略凌僚 凌 略粒凌, 旅 留僚侶溜竜 虜留旅 旅 留僚留略了竜旅竜 凌 凌 凌虜略了竜竜 凌 竜粒虜了竜旅亮. We met with Nikos Lekkos, a teacher and mental health counsellor with whom we talked about ideas that could be used, things that could be done to make children and adults express their anxiety, concerns and insecurities caused by lockdown. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - WEBINARS
  • 7. 竜旅留 僚竜溜留亮竜 亮竜 旅 旅留旅凌了粒凌 凌凌了溜留 凌亮留 虜留旅 旅留旅凌了粒凌 - 旅留凌凌了粒凌 裡劉了了留 留旅凌留 虜留旅 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 隆旅留凌流 虜留旅 粒竜溜留. マ 竜侶竜略龍竜旅 凌僚 凌粒留僚旅亮 亮留, 凌 侶亮留 粒了虜龍侶 旅僚凌了溜僚侶; 里ホ捨 了粒 留粒亮留旅虜流 竜溜僚留 流 虜留旅 了粒 僚留旅慮侶亮留旅虜凌 虜竜僚凌; 劉 虜留旅 略了了竜 凌了了劉 竜流竜旅 凌 亮留 留留了侶留僚 粒旅留 侶僚 留ホ士砧肯 虜留旅 僚流侶侶 凌 竜旅凌 亮留旅虜凌 硫略凌, 留略僚侶留僚 凌旅 竜両竜旅隆旅虜竜亮劉僚竜 隆旅留旅凌了粒凌旅, 了溜粒竜 亮劉竜 亮竜略 侶僚 略侶 僚 亮劉僚 竜旅凌旅亮凌 了粒 虜凌凌僚凌凌. We met with Dietitian Apostolia Mpoumpa and Dietitian - Nutritionist Stella Patsioura and talked about nutrition and health. How does the the insulin glucose system affect our body? Do we eat because of real hunger or even because of an emotional gap? These and many other questions that had concerned us about the loss and maintenance of unnecessary body weight, were answered by specialized dietitians, a few days after the lifting of restriction measures due to conovirus. 了凌虜了侶マ留亮竜 侶僚 竜旅略 僚 webinars 亮竜 凌僚 溜虜凌 留慮溜凌, 隆侶亮凌旅凌粒略凌 亮竜 竜旅隆溜虜竜侶 旅 僚劉竜 竜僚凌了凌粒溜竜 虜留旅 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 侶僚 略僚慮侶侶 竜隆ホ 竜旅隆流竜僚 虜留略 侶僚 隆旅略虜竜旅留 凌 虜凌凌僚凌凌, 凌 粒竜凌了旅旅虜 凌 留留虜流僚旅凌 虜留旅 凌竜旅僚亮竜僚竜 了竜旅 粒旅留 凌僚 竜旅凌旅亮 凌. 旅 留亮流留僚竜 虜旅僚流竜旅 僚 竜僚凌了凌粒旅虜ホ 了留凌亮ホ 旅 隆虜凌了溜竜 僚 凌粒留亮亮略僚 虜留留凌了劉亮侶侶 侶旅留虜凌 留僚留了留硫侶旅亮凌 侶僚 竜凌流 侶 侶了竜粒留溜留, 了留 留 慮留 慮劉了留亮竜 僚留 両劉凌亮竜 粒旅留 侶 流 了侶凌侶侶 留 凌 隆旅留隆溜虜凌. We completed our webinars with Nikos Efstathiou, journalist specializing in new technologies and talking about the flourishing of false news during the corovirus break, their geopolitical background and we proposed solutions on how to limit them. From the awkward movements of technology platforms to the difficulties of digital illiteracy-fighting programmes in the era of teleworking, everything we wanted to know about the right and true information from the internet. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - WEBINARS
  • 8. t H InterMediaKT 竜溜僚留旅 劉僚留 留 凌 8 凌 HIGGS Accelerator! 僚留 竜両留旅竜旅虜 虜留旅 留凌僚留 留留旅侶旅虜 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留 亮竜 僚竜流 留僚留了了留粒流 粒僚マ竜僚 虜留旅 旅隆竜ホ! 裡凌旅; 留 竜両竜了旅慮凌亮竜, 僚留 粒溜僚凌亮竜 虜留了竜凌旅 虜留旅 僚留 竜溜亮留竜 竜 慮劉侶 留両流凌亮竜 侶僚 留凌竜了竜亮留旅虜侶留 虜留旅 凌僚 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜 留僚溜虜凌 凌 凌粒留僚旅亮凌 亮留! nterMediaKT is one of the 8 NGOs of HIGGS Accelerator! An excellent and at the same time demanding educational program with continuous exchange of knowledge and ideas! What's the goal? To evolve, to become better and to be able to increase the efficiency and social impact of our organization! Stay tuned!!!! INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - ONLINE MEETINGS & FOCUS GROUPS
  • 9. H 凌亮略隆留 亮留 凌粒略僚竜 online focus group 亮竜 慮劉亮留 "旅留竜溜旅侶 竜慮竜了凌僚ホ 虜留旅 凌竜溜 侶 凌旅僚僚溜留 僚 凌了旅ホ", 凌 凌凌溜凌 隆旅竜両略粒竜留旅 留 了留溜旅留 凌 竜留虜凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌 "INSPIRE" 亮竜 虜凌 僚留 隆侶亮旅凌粒流凌亮竜 亮旅留 粒竜僚旅虜流 竜旅虜僚留 竜 劉侶 亮竜 侶 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 竜慮竜了凌僚ホ 留 凌竜溜 凌 劉凌僚 竜亮竜旅溜留 虜留旅 粒僚マ侶. 旅留 凌 虜凌 留, 侶 凌亮略隆留 亮留 僚留僚流慮侶虜竜 亮竜 竜虜凌マ凌 留 6 凌竜溜 侶 留 略留 虜留旅 慮流僚留 凌 虜留旅 龍侶流留亮竜 凌 虜留旅 亮竜慮凌隆凌了凌粒溜竜 侶僚 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 竜慮竜了凌僚ホ, 粒旅留 隆虜凌了溜竜, 虜溜僚侶留 留了了略 虜留旅 虜留了劉 留虜旅虜劉. Our team organized an online focus group on "Managing volunteers and civil society stakeholders", which is being conducted within the framework of the European programme "INSPIRE" in order to create an overview in relation to the management of volunteers from institutions with experience and knowledge. Thus, our team met with representatives from 6 civil society stakeholders from Patras and Athens where we discussed different ways and methodologies about the management of volunteers, the difficulties, the motivations and good practices. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - ONLINE MEETINGS & FOCUS GROUPS
  • 10. INTERMEDIAKT NEWSLETTER 4 - TRAININGS 裡凌 Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (CS)TEP: Critical Thinking 凌 留粒亮留凌凌旅侶慮侶虜竜 凌 留溜凌, 10 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 留 侶僚 了了略隆留 僚竜粒略侶虜留僚 亮竜 略了了凌 104 留 10 マ竜, 竜 劉僚留 粒留亮亮留 粒凌僚侶 虜留旅 留粒凌僚侶 侶了竜虜留溜隆竜侶. 竜略 留 劉僚留 亮流僚留 凌 凌旅 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 虜略慮竜 竜硫隆凌亮略隆留 了略亮硫留僚留僚 亮劉凌 竜 劉僚留 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜 隆旅略了凌粒凌 1,5 マ留 虜留旅 留凌了流慮侶虜留僚 亮竜 TED-ED 隆留侶旅侶竜, 留劉虜侶留僚 虜留旅 硫竜了溜留僚 旅 隆竜両旅侶竜 凌 竜旅虜略 亮竜 侶僚 虜旅旅虜流 虜劉侶, 留劉虜侶留僚 僚劉竜 粒僚マ竜旅 虜留旅 留僚略了了留両留僚 留竜旅 亮竜 僚劉凌 留 隆旅留凌竜旅虜劉 マ竜. 10 participants from Greece collaborated with 104 others from 10 countries in a modern and asynchronous tele-education program, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (CS)TEP: Critical Thinking, which completed in May. After a month where participants each week took part in a 1.5-hour online dialogue and engaged in TED-ED activities, acquired and improved their critical thinking skills, gained new knowledge and exchanged views with young people from different countries. Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (CS)TEP: Critical Thinking