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App proposal by Miguel Varela
Need or desire
 The purpose for the app would be to inform
the student of which parts of their university
library are empty and noise free , for a better
environment to study in. Also the app will
receive a review from students for locations
that range from the best to worse.
ethnographic research
The group observed during this research where
male and female students
Photos of research
Photographic observation
Photographic observation
Photographic observation
Photographic observation
Photographic observation
Photographic observation
Interview with an extreme user
Interview observations
 Cant study at home because peers are too
 The library is his go to , when he cant
concentrate at home.
Proposed App idea
 option to save time by checking in and view
the available rooms in the library.
 Depending on the university the user goes to ,
the app would be able to inform you of the
best rooms/ floors to study in.
Ideation Session
Ideas from ideation session
Unmet need: To inform other students of where
study groups are meeting.
How would it work : arrange study groups
depending on students preferences.
Who is the app for : University students and
young scholars.
Existing App Research
 Waze is the largest community based traffic
and navigation app. you can join drivers
in your area who share real time traffic and
road info to save time and gas, money , and
improve daily commuting for all.
Existing App Research
 Study blue helps you make your own study
sets and add recommended content served up
to you as you create your flashcards
Existing App Research
Existing App Research
 Brainscape determines the right time to quiz
you again, based on how well you know each
App proposal
App proposal

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