KhanzDevelopers proposes developing a mobile app for Green Care Services for RM 16,000. Key aspects include designing an iOS and Android compatible app, hosting and maintaining the app, and providing analytics on user behavior. The proposal outlines the project timeline, deliverables, and payments due in advance and upon completion. Green Care Services would be responsible for providing content assets while KhanzDevelopers maintains the app for an ongoing monthly fee.
Energy Saving For Kids
This presentation was created for a special topics course (GD492) at North Carolina State University. It is the mid-semester proposal for a mobile component within a service ecology that enables a specific group of people to learn a complex process. The service focuses on developing skills, rather than managing informationit performs analogously as training wheels, rather than crutches. Focusing on skill development implies that the person engages with the design conditions in order to learn how, what, and why to do something autonomously (without prolonged reliance on the design). The presentation includes an overview of the service ecology, user assessment, and specific design objectives for moving forward with creating a prototype and working demonstration.
All material is copyright 2010. Please contact the manager of the slideshare account for questions and permissions. Process work can be found at proposes developing a mobile app and website for a client to increase sales and customer retention. The proposal outlines objectives of increasing brand awareness, sales, and reputation. It details features of the mobile website and app, secure hosting, maintenance, responsibilities of and the client, and payment terms. The client would pay an initial fee for development and ongoing monthly fees for hosting and support.
This document proposes a mobile app design for Our Daily Manna ministry. Key features of the app include allowing members to stay connected through activities, events and prayer lists; making donations easier; listening to sermons and accessing daily devotionals; sharing content with friends; and engaging the congregation through social media and push notifications. The app would be managed through a content management system to instantly publish updates across platforms like iPhone, Android and Windows Phone.
Trend Spotting in Music
This presentation was created for a special topics course (GD492) at North Carolina State University. It is the mid-semester proposal for a mobile component within a service ecology that enables a specific group of people to learn a complex process. The service focuses on developing skills, rather than managing informationit performs analogously as training wheels, rather than crutches. Focusing on skill development implies that the person engages with the design conditions in order to learn how, what, and why to do something autonomously (without prolonged reliance on the design). The presentation includes an overview of the service ecology, user assessment, and specific design objectives for moving forward with creating a prototype and working demonstration.
All material is copyright 2010. Please contact the manager of the slideshare account for questions and permissions. Process work can be found at
Consurge: Development & Application Design rschoenh
App developement for Embedded Media Design course at Pratt Institute, monitors electrical energy use in the home and makes users conscious of their energy consumption habits.
Embedded Media Design - Fall 2014
Professor Tom Klinkowstein
Pratt Institute - Graduate Communications Design
The document discusses creating an app to teach digital painting basics in a simplified and step-by-step way over the course of 6-9 years. It outlines potential features like tutorials for tools and techniques, as well as target markets including beginners, students, hobbyists and traditional artists looking to develop digital skills. Technical considerations are also mentioned, such as the programming experience needed and possible future enhancements.
The proposed app would allow university students to check which areas of the library are empty and quiet, providing reviews of different study locations. Ethnographic research observed male and female student study habits. The app would let students save time by checking available rooms and inform them of the best floors/rooms for studying depending on their university. It could also help students arrange study groups by preferences. The app aims to help students like one interviewed student who struggles to study at home due to noise and relies on the library.
Typeface Design
This presentation was created for a special topics course (GD492) at North Carolina State University. It is the mid-semester proposal for a mobile component within a service ecology that enables a specific group of people to learn a complex process. The service focuses on developing skills, rather than managing informationit performs analogously as training wheels, rather than crutches. Focusing on skill development implies that the person engages with the design conditions in order to learn how, what, and why to do something autonomously (without prolonged reliance on the design). The presentation includes an overview of the service ecology, user assessment, and specific design objectives for moving forward with creating a prototype and working demonstration.
All material is copyright 2010. Please contact the manager of the slideshare account for questions and permissions. Process work can be found at
Having online chat (havoc) mobile proposalFerdy Fauzi
HAVOC is a proposed mobile chat app that allows users to join chatrooms ("channels") based on interests and includes features like private messaging, media sharing, and location-based functionality. It aims to combine aspects of popular apps like WhatsApp and WeChat. The proposal outlines the key features, design mockups, monetization strategy through ads and in-app purchases, estimated development costs of $8,500-$12,350, and issues to address such as app store registration and marketing.
This document proposes a multimedia website and mobile app called Endless Tours that would allow users to take virtual tours of locations by accessing photos, videos, and educational content about the places that is mapped to specific geo-locations. It describes how the app was inspired by the River Semester program where students traveled down the Mississippi River and learned from experiences along the way. It provides details on how the Endless Tours platform and app would work by overlaying multimedia content on digital maps using geo-location data and connecting learning content. The goal is to create a sustainable open source platform for sharing educational virtual experiences.
LA Lakers Companion App - Response For ProposalUlrich Boulon
One of the most complex exercise in my field that I experienced when I was junior was the RFP (Response For Proposal). If you work in agency you will probably reach this point where you will have to provide a UX Approach and transform blue sky thinkings and unrealistic expectations into a plausible, feasible and/ realistic concept. Well! Hopefully most of the agencies has analytics, users researcher, strategic planner and more.
But, let assume you are freelancer on your own with as skills, you incredible flair, favorite wires tool and a solid UX understanding to help you out.
On my down time I had spent 2 sleepless nights to try an exercise that I've been scared about since my last year in master degree. Therefore, I chose LA Lakers App which I heard would like to give a new UX philosophy to their App.
The brief (bare in mind, there is no wrong answer at this stage):
LA Lakers have requested a mobile solution to engage fans between games and while games are going on - especially in the time between the four periods of the games.
They are targeting young affluent lakers fans based all over the US. The aim is to help turn casual fans into super fans through connection with the players and improved emotional engagement while the games are going on.
Here is my "WHY - The step before the UI" reason.
The document describes a project to improve the efficiency of an online advertisement performance dashboard for SAP AG. It discusses analyzing the business needs, defining dashboards, outlining the three-step dashboard development process of understanding key performance indicators, extracting and transforming data, and updating based on user feedback. The results section notes that while two automated reporting tasks were completed, the on-demand dashboard pilot was only partially finished due to resource limits.
The document provides an overview of a software development project for a time tracking and attendance system. It includes acknowledgments, company profile, requirements analysis, UML diagrams of the current and proposed systems, decisions around the development process and database, and a design overview. The development team decided to use a RAD process with UML modeling, develop the system in layers for maintainability, and use .NET technologies. A Gantt chart was created for project management.
Service Solahart (021) 99316735 / 081313462267 Sebuah pemanas air tenaga matahari (Solar Water Heater) dapat menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk rumah anda. Jika anda frustrasi dengan biaya listrik rumah anda, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk menjangkau solusi energi yang lebih efisien. Anda bisa mendapatkan pemanas air lain yang jauh lebih efisien daripada yang anda miliki. Tenaga matahari tersedia melimpah tak terbatas untuk anda, ini solusi yang memberi manfaat untuk Anda.
Alasan utama untuk beralih ke pemanas air tenaga surya adalah untuk memotong biaya listrik atau hemat biaya / irit.
Service center Solahart (021) 99316735 Kami Dari CV.DAVITAMA Menyediakan Jasa Perbaiakan Pemanas Air Solahart Solar Water Heater Tenaga Matahari Solahart Super L Series - Solahart L Series - Free Heat Gold KF-JBT - Handal ECO Ditangani teknisi berpengalaman selama puluhan tahun
OFFICE Support
Butuh informasi solahart detail mengenai produk kami? Kami melayani service, penjualan, spare part, juga melayani para member kontraktor yang ingin menjual produk kami kepada konsumen mereka. Kami juga melayani pelayanan GARANSI bagi setiap konsumen yang mendapat masalah tentang problem produk SOLAHART. Hubungi Teknisi Atau Marketing Consultan kami segera..!! CV Davi Natama
Solar Water heater Tenaga Matahari adalah sebuah alat yang berfungsi sebagai pemanas air. Water heater banyak digunakan di hotel, apartemen , rumah susun , dan perumahan. Khususnya di dataran tinggi , water heater hampir dimiliki oleh setiap rumah karena cuaca atau iklim yang dingin Sebuah pemanas air tenaga matahari (Solar Water Heater) dapat menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk rumah anda. Jika anda frustrasi dengan biaya listrik rumah anda, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk menjangkau solusi energi yang lebih efisien. Anda bisa mendapatkan pemanas air lain yang jauh lebih efisien daripada yang anda miliki. Tenaga matahari tersedia melimpah tak terbatas untuk anda, ini solusi yang memberi manfaat untuk Anda
Service Solahart 02199316735 Center solahart Pemanas Air Solar Water Heater Tenaga Matahari Kami Dari CV.DAVITAMA Menyediakan Jasa Perbaiakan Pemanas Air SOLAHART
Apakah mesin pemanas air anda bermasalah
Dengan tenaga ahli kami yang berpengalaman secara profesional dapat kami tangani masalah mesin pemanas air.
Dengan pemanas air tenaga Matahari rutin diservice, maka akan mendapatkan 95% kebutuhan energy secara gratis dari Matahari.
Pemanas Air memerlukan energi. Apakah energi tersebut harus dibeli atau tidak, tergantung apakah anda mempunyai Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya. Dengan Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya Solahart, anda dapat mengharapkan mendapat energi matahari yang bebas biaya sampai 95% dari total energi yang diperlukan. Prosentase ini tergantung pada kondisi iklim dan type Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya yang anda pakai.
E-mail: Nomer Telpon: +6221 99316735 Fax : +6221 48702925
Presentation_5_december[1].pptx Module s are designed to be highly flexible s...ArjunSharma576413
The web application Expense Tracker is developed to manage the daily expenses in a more efficient and manageable way. By using this application we can reduce the manual calculations of the daily expenses and keep track of the expenditure. In this application, user can provide his income to calculate his total expenses per day and these results will be stored for each user. The application has the provision to predict the income and expense for the manager using data mining. In this application, there are 3 logins such as admin, manager and staff. Admin has the privilege to add, edit, delete manager, add, edit, delete staff, and to get all custom reports. For Manager, the privileges are to add type of expense, verify expense, add type of income, verify income and generate reports. For staff, the privileges are to add and edit expense, income and calculations, and send for verifications.
How to design and build great apps (with moderator notes)Andreas Weder
Mika and I look at what it takes to create great apps with Magnolia, and also present some of the new features of Magnolia 5.3.
This is the version also containing notes; the nicer looking, but less informative can be found over at Magnolia's official channel:
Mika did quite some coding during our talk which isn't captured in the slides. Check out the video of the presentation to get it all:
SofTools develops business management software to help corporations, medium enterprises, and public sector organizations improve performance and increase visibility and control of operations. Their user guide provides an overview of their web-based application, which contains templates and modules to help users assess opportunities, build skills, sustain best practices, and facilitate knowledge sharing. The application aims to support business processes through performance reporting and access to expertise.
Robot - Overcoming the IBM i Knowledge GapHelpSystems
According to the IBM i Marketplace Survey Results, handling IBM i skills depletion has appeared in the top three concerns for IBM i shops for the past two years. See the options available for managing operations before and after the IBM i talent retires
TITLE_OF_THE_PROJECT_School_Management_S by SS gupta743.pptxTArmy1
This document provides an overview of a school management system project. The project aims to computerize all activities of a school by developing a system that can manage student, fee, staff, and academic records. It will reduce paperwork and make operations more efficient. The system will be created using Visual Basic 6.0 for the front end and Oracle 8 for backend database storage. It will include modules for student, staff, fee, results management and reporting.
Learn Fast to Build Fast @ le Monde - Lean Kanban France 2014Isma谷l H辿ry
In those slides I share issues we face @ le Monde when trying to build great digital products as fast as we can.
More particularly, in a context of great uncertainty, one of the main problems is to learn fast and efficiently in order to build great product fast.
I present the tools and practices used to optimize that learning, using illustrations and stories coming from le Monde products.
A close look at the methodologies, stages and best practices involved in developing products for our times)
What you will get out of this book:
Why Lean IT + Lean Development methodologies are two must-have approaches in your start-up toolkit
Making the right cloud provider and development partner choice for your startup
A thorough overview of how you can build an app on the Google App Engine and how and when integrations will take place
A guide to what a prospective client must look for in a development partner
Learn fast to build fast, Le Monde case study by Isma谷l Hery - Lean IT Summit...Institut Lean France
Why maximizing learning helps teams develop software faster? Isma谷l Hery shares his recent successes. A new software product development project may be considered as done when the users are satisfied and when the cost of operations is known and under control (aka product market fit in Eric Ries terminology). How to get to that point as fast as possible considering the risky and diverse activities of design and user experience, software development and operation in production? Based on stories from recent new software products developed at Le Monde, it appears that spreading and leveling learning on the various project activities from the first day on, helps getting to that point faster. More Lean IT case study on
This document outlines the steps involved in implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. It discusses ERP planning, justification, phases of implementation including planning, review of current processes, data collection and cleanup, training, testing and evaluation. It then describes the ERP implementation life cycle in more detail through various phases such as pre-selection, package evaluation, project planning, gap analysis, implementation, testing and post-implementation. Finally, it provides more details on the steps for successful ERP implementation.
Share the key takeaways after migrating or modernizing several Progress character UI/desktop legacy applications.
Key Elements:
- What could be the business cases for taking action in upgrading a Progress character UI/desktop application?
- What are main the strategies that can be followed?
- What are the Progress tools that can help out in taking the approach on fast forward?
- What could be the long-term vision taking into account the business drives and the technology trends?
Key Takeaways:
- In which direction should I go with my Progress character/desktop UI app?
- What are the Progress tools and processes that can help out in this journey?
The document discusses creating an app to teach digital painting basics in a simplified and step-by-step way over the course of 6-9 years. It outlines potential features like tutorials for tools and techniques, as well as target markets including beginners, students, hobbyists and traditional artists looking to develop digital skills. Technical considerations are also mentioned, such as the programming experience needed and possible future enhancements.
The proposed app would allow university students to check which areas of the library are empty and quiet, providing reviews of different study locations. Ethnographic research observed male and female student study habits. The app would let students save time by checking available rooms and inform them of the best floors/rooms for studying depending on their university. It could also help students arrange study groups by preferences. The app aims to help students like one interviewed student who struggles to study at home due to noise and relies on the library.
Typeface Design
This presentation was created for a special topics course (GD492) at North Carolina State University. It is the mid-semester proposal for a mobile component within a service ecology that enables a specific group of people to learn a complex process. The service focuses on developing skills, rather than managing informationit performs analogously as training wheels, rather than crutches. Focusing on skill development implies that the person engages with the design conditions in order to learn how, what, and why to do something autonomously (without prolonged reliance on the design). The presentation includes an overview of the service ecology, user assessment, and specific design objectives for moving forward with creating a prototype and working demonstration.
All material is copyright 2010. Please contact the manager of the slideshare account for questions and permissions. Process work can be found at
Having online chat (havoc) mobile proposalFerdy Fauzi
HAVOC is a proposed mobile chat app that allows users to join chatrooms ("channels") based on interests and includes features like private messaging, media sharing, and location-based functionality. It aims to combine aspects of popular apps like WhatsApp and WeChat. The proposal outlines the key features, design mockups, monetization strategy through ads and in-app purchases, estimated development costs of $8,500-$12,350, and issues to address such as app store registration and marketing.
This document proposes a multimedia website and mobile app called Endless Tours that would allow users to take virtual tours of locations by accessing photos, videos, and educational content about the places that is mapped to specific geo-locations. It describes how the app was inspired by the River Semester program where students traveled down the Mississippi River and learned from experiences along the way. It provides details on how the Endless Tours platform and app would work by overlaying multimedia content on digital maps using geo-location data and connecting learning content. The goal is to create a sustainable open source platform for sharing educational virtual experiences.
LA Lakers Companion App - Response For ProposalUlrich Boulon
One of the most complex exercise in my field that I experienced when I was junior was the RFP (Response For Proposal). If you work in agency you will probably reach this point where you will have to provide a UX Approach and transform blue sky thinkings and unrealistic expectations into a plausible, feasible and/ realistic concept. Well! Hopefully most of the agencies has analytics, users researcher, strategic planner and more.
But, let assume you are freelancer on your own with as skills, you incredible flair, favorite wires tool and a solid UX understanding to help you out.
On my down time I had spent 2 sleepless nights to try an exercise that I've been scared about since my last year in master degree. Therefore, I chose LA Lakers App which I heard would like to give a new UX philosophy to their App.
The brief (bare in mind, there is no wrong answer at this stage):
LA Lakers have requested a mobile solution to engage fans between games and while games are going on - especially in the time between the four periods of the games.
They are targeting young affluent lakers fans based all over the US. The aim is to help turn casual fans into super fans through connection with the players and improved emotional engagement while the games are going on.
Here is my "WHY - The step before the UI" reason.
The document describes a project to improve the efficiency of an online advertisement performance dashboard for SAP AG. It discusses analyzing the business needs, defining dashboards, outlining the three-step dashboard development process of understanding key performance indicators, extracting and transforming data, and updating based on user feedback. The results section notes that while two automated reporting tasks were completed, the on-demand dashboard pilot was only partially finished due to resource limits.
The document provides an overview of a software development project for a time tracking and attendance system. It includes acknowledgments, company profile, requirements analysis, UML diagrams of the current and proposed systems, decisions around the development process and database, and a design overview. The development team decided to use a RAD process with UML modeling, develop the system in layers for maintainability, and use .NET technologies. A Gantt chart was created for project management.
Service Solahart (021) 99316735 / 081313462267 Sebuah pemanas air tenaga matahari (Solar Water Heater) dapat menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk rumah anda. Jika anda frustrasi dengan biaya listrik rumah anda, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk menjangkau solusi energi yang lebih efisien. Anda bisa mendapatkan pemanas air lain yang jauh lebih efisien daripada yang anda miliki. Tenaga matahari tersedia melimpah tak terbatas untuk anda, ini solusi yang memberi manfaat untuk Anda.
Alasan utama untuk beralih ke pemanas air tenaga surya adalah untuk memotong biaya listrik atau hemat biaya / irit.
Service center Solahart (021) 99316735 Kami Dari CV.DAVITAMA Menyediakan Jasa Perbaiakan Pemanas Air Solahart Solar Water Heater Tenaga Matahari Solahart Super L Series - Solahart L Series - Free Heat Gold KF-JBT - Handal ECO Ditangani teknisi berpengalaman selama puluhan tahun
OFFICE Support
Butuh informasi solahart detail mengenai produk kami? Kami melayani service, penjualan, spare part, juga melayani para member kontraktor yang ingin menjual produk kami kepada konsumen mereka. Kami juga melayani pelayanan GARANSI bagi setiap konsumen yang mendapat masalah tentang problem produk SOLAHART. Hubungi Teknisi Atau Marketing Consultan kami segera..!! CV Davi Natama
Solar Water heater Tenaga Matahari adalah sebuah alat yang berfungsi sebagai pemanas air. Water heater banyak digunakan di hotel, apartemen , rumah susun , dan perumahan. Khususnya di dataran tinggi , water heater hampir dimiliki oleh setiap rumah karena cuaca atau iklim yang dingin Sebuah pemanas air tenaga matahari (Solar Water Heater) dapat menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk rumah anda. Jika anda frustrasi dengan biaya listrik rumah anda, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk menjangkau solusi energi yang lebih efisien. Anda bisa mendapatkan pemanas air lain yang jauh lebih efisien daripada yang anda miliki. Tenaga matahari tersedia melimpah tak terbatas untuk anda, ini solusi yang memberi manfaat untuk Anda
Service Solahart 02199316735 Center solahart Pemanas Air Solar Water Heater Tenaga Matahari Kami Dari CV.DAVITAMA Menyediakan Jasa Perbaiakan Pemanas Air SOLAHART
Apakah mesin pemanas air anda bermasalah
Dengan tenaga ahli kami yang berpengalaman secara profesional dapat kami tangani masalah mesin pemanas air.
Dengan pemanas air tenaga Matahari rutin diservice, maka akan mendapatkan 95% kebutuhan energy secara gratis dari Matahari.
Pemanas Air memerlukan energi. Apakah energi tersebut harus dibeli atau tidak, tergantung apakah anda mempunyai Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya. Dengan Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya Solahart, anda dapat mengharapkan mendapat energi matahari yang bebas biaya sampai 95% dari total energi yang diperlukan. Prosentase ini tergantung pada kondisi iklim dan type Pemanas Air Tenaga Surya yang anda pakai.
E-mail: Nomer Telpon: +6221 99316735 Fax : +6221 48702925
Presentation_5_december[1].pptx Module s are designed to be highly flexible s...ArjunSharma576413
The web application Expense Tracker is developed to manage the daily expenses in a more efficient and manageable way. By using this application we can reduce the manual calculations of the daily expenses and keep track of the expenditure. In this application, user can provide his income to calculate his total expenses per day and these results will be stored for each user. The application has the provision to predict the income and expense for the manager using data mining. In this application, there are 3 logins such as admin, manager and staff. Admin has the privilege to add, edit, delete manager, add, edit, delete staff, and to get all custom reports. For Manager, the privileges are to add type of expense, verify expense, add type of income, verify income and generate reports. For staff, the privileges are to add and edit expense, income and calculations, and send for verifications.
How to design and build great apps (with moderator notes)Andreas Weder
Mika and I look at what it takes to create great apps with Magnolia, and also present some of the new features of Magnolia 5.3.
This is the version also containing notes; the nicer looking, but less informative can be found over at Magnolia's official channel:
Mika did quite some coding during our talk which isn't captured in the slides. Check out the video of the presentation to get it all:
SofTools develops business management software to help corporations, medium enterprises, and public sector organizations improve performance and increase visibility and control of operations. Their user guide provides an overview of their web-based application, which contains templates and modules to help users assess opportunities, build skills, sustain best practices, and facilitate knowledge sharing. The application aims to support business processes through performance reporting and access to expertise.
Robot - Overcoming the IBM i Knowledge GapHelpSystems
According to the IBM i Marketplace Survey Results, handling IBM i skills depletion has appeared in the top three concerns for IBM i shops for the past two years. See the options available for managing operations before and after the IBM i talent retires
TITLE_OF_THE_PROJECT_School_Management_S by SS gupta743.pptxTArmy1
This document provides an overview of a school management system project. The project aims to computerize all activities of a school by developing a system that can manage student, fee, staff, and academic records. It will reduce paperwork and make operations more efficient. The system will be created using Visual Basic 6.0 for the front end and Oracle 8 for backend database storage. It will include modules for student, staff, fee, results management and reporting.
Learn Fast to Build Fast @ le Monde - Lean Kanban France 2014Isma谷l H辿ry
In those slides I share issues we face @ le Monde when trying to build great digital products as fast as we can.
More particularly, in a context of great uncertainty, one of the main problems is to learn fast and efficiently in order to build great product fast.
I present the tools and practices used to optimize that learning, using illustrations and stories coming from le Monde products.
A close look at the methodologies, stages and best practices involved in developing products for our times)
What you will get out of this book:
Why Lean IT + Lean Development methodologies are two must-have approaches in your start-up toolkit
Making the right cloud provider and development partner choice for your startup
A thorough overview of how you can build an app on the Google App Engine and how and when integrations will take place
A guide to what a prospective client must look for in a development partner
Learn fast to build fast, Le Monde case study by Isma谷l Hery - Lean IT Summit...Institut Lean France
Why maximizing learning helps teams develop software faster? Isma谷l Hery shares his recent successes. A new software product development project may be considered as done when the users are satisfied and when the cost of operations is known and under control (aka product market fit in Eric Ries terminology). How to get to that point as fast as possible considering the risky and diverse activities of design and user experience, software development and operation in production? Based on stories from recent new software products developed at Le Monde, it appears that spreading and leveling learning on the various project activities from the first day on, helps getting to that point faster. More Lean IT case study on
This document outlines the steps involved in implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. It discusses ERP planning, justification, phases of implementation including planning, review of current processes, data collection and cleanup, training, testing and evaluation. It then describes the ERP implementation life cycle in more detail through various phases such as pre-selection, package evaluation, project planning, gap analysis, implementation, testing and post-implementation. Finally, it provides more details on the steps for successful ERP implementation.
Share the key takeaways after migrating or modernizing several Progress character UI/desktop legacy applications.
Key Elements:
- What could be the business cases for taking action in upgrading a Progress character UI/desktop application?
- What are main the strategies that can be followed?
- What are the Progress tools that can help out in taking the approach on fast forward?
- What could be the long-term vision taking into account the business drives and the technology trends?
Key Takeaways:
- In which direction should I go with my Progress character/desktop UI app?
- What are the Progress tools and processes that can help out in this journey?
The document discusses the principles and practices of extreme programming (XP), an agile software development methodology. It outlines 12 core practices of XP including planning games, small releases, simple design, testing, pair programming, and continuous integration. Benefits include frequent feedback, adapting to change, and delivering working software early. Challenges involve customer availability and determining appropriate levels of documentation and planning.
This document provides information about an assignment solving service called SMUSolvedAssignments. It offers assignment solutions for Rs. 150 per subject or Rs. 700 per semester. It lists the website URL and email address to contact for more details or to get assignments solved. It also includes sample assignments on various subjects like enterprise resource planning, e-commerce, technology management, Java and web design.
ChatGPT and Beyond - Elevating DevOps ProductivityVictorSzoltysek
In the dynamic field of DevOps, the quest for efficiency and productivity is endless. This talk introduces a revolutionary toolkit: Large Language Models (LLMs), including ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, extending far beyond traditional coding assistance. We'll explore how LLMs can automate not just code generation, but also transform day-to-day operations such as crafting compelling cover letters for TPS reports, streamlining client communications, and architecting innovative DevOps solutions. Attendees will learn effective prompting strategies and examine real-life use cases, demonstrating LLMs' potential to redefine productivity in the DevOps landscape. Join us to discover how to harness the power of LLMs for a comprehensive productivity boost across your DevOps activities.
This presentation is aimed at teams who either do not have the luxury of a designer on their team, or they have a designer that works in silo to their team. Small teams of developers, BAs and QAs will benefit from understanding the finer details of design.
Developers will gain empathy for design and a better understanding of how to display content. QAs will leave knowing how to quickly notice problems with a design before release.
You will also learn how to ensure the product you are building is on brand and user-centric, and why this is important to ensure the success of your product. Some people have the misconception that design is just creating pretty pictures. This is not the case; there is a science to creating the right pretty picture.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.