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J. KEITH HUBBARD jkeithhubbard@cfl.rr.com
109 S. Osceola Dr., IHB, FL 32937 321/704-6483 http://www.linkedin.com/in/jkeithhubbard/
Results driven leader with years of extensive business strategy and financial expertise along with effective S&OP implementation
in DoD, FAA, Medical and Industrial industries, delivering millions of dollars to top and bottom lines through attained operational
excellence. Particularly effective at taking on aggressive, critical to success objectives and leading diverse groups of employees to
successful outcomes, maximizing product delivery performance and profitability while insuring customer success. Offer a broad
base of executive management expertise gained within rapid-growth, small and large businesses environments. Driven, decisive,
and self-motivated with the ability to apply a pragmatic analytical approach in problem solving using technical knowledge and
business acumen. Consistently over-achieves objectives and produces phenomenal business results with confidence and passion.
Operations Leader
Initiated an Operations start-up and developed it into a recognized world class facility in the Lean manufacture and test
of electrical, mechanical and system assembly and integration. Demonstrated competency in developing, implementing
and sustaining operations management systems for both extremely small and very large organizations.
 Met or exceeded quarterly revenue goals for 96 consecutive quarters excelling in S&OP and demonstrated
operational excellence through effective team development, leadership and motivation.
 Utilized a fixed priced, COTS business model that enabled DRS Tactical Systems to be the fastest growing,
highest profit producing division within DRS Technologies while maintaining a 33% lower direct labor rate than
the next lowest division.
 Ramped up manufacturing capacity resulting in an increase of operational revenues by $100M in a single fiscal
year (+110% increase) and again by +$200M in a subsequent fiscal year (+67% increase).
 Completely transformed operational model through Lean methodologies resulting in a 500% increase in capacity
utilization and a +70% improvement in productivity over a four year period.
 Developed and implemented a Production Readiness Review process, coupled with a quick set up/tear down flex
line that resulted in an 92% reduction in average order cycle time.
 Managed annual operating budgets in excess of $250M and organizations in excess of 400 employees
Supply Chain Leader
Directly managed a supply chain organization tasked with outsourcing +95% of product content enabling a non-
vertically integrated manufacturing operation. Accomplished through strategic partnerships with SME component and
world-class EMS suppliers completely integrated into our internal operation through the innovative utilization of Lean
 Created a supply chain network that was fully integrated into internal plant operations, effectively leveraging
synchronized replenishment processes resulting in savings in excess of $1 Million annually.
 Increased Divisions total inventory turns from 9 to 25+ in 2 years. Continuous replenishment of targeted items
resulted in +50% ($128M) of spend attaining inventory turns in excess of 200 times/year.
 Responsible for product costing and margin goals typically improving material cost targets in excess of 10%.
Repeatedly initiated cost down projects, leveraging material volumes, supplier expertise, effective negotiating and
Global Sourcing initiatives.
 Managed annual material spends of +$250M, Supply Chain organization of +100 employees.
Program Management Leader
Designed, implemented and managed a Program Planning and Control (PP&C) system enabling execution, oversight
and continuous improvement of the Program Management and Engineering Organizations in a matrixed environment.
Attained CPM certification and facilitated incorporation of Product Management methodologies into PM process.
 Extensive experience and involvement in product lifecycle management from bid and proposal, product
development, qualification, NPI, manufacture, test, delivery and support on programs up to $1B.
 Re-engineered documentation system, eliminating engineering assembly drawings, resulting in a +$1M cost
reduction over a three year period.
 Extensive history of successful project execution and involvement in the roles of sponsor, project manager, user
and team member. Repeatedly recognized for project schedule and cost containment.
 Designed and implemented a Program Planning & Control system with an annual savings of $500K projected.
 Managed annual IR&D budget in excess of $20M and a PM organization in excess of 30 employees
 P&L and Budget Development/Accountability  Performance Aligned to Business & Customer Requirements
 Cross-Functional Leadership & Collaboration  ERP, ISO, FCC, DFARS, CAS, UCC, ITAR, CPSR, GMP, UL
 Supply Base Optimization and Engagement  Lean Methodologies & Continuous Process Improvement
 Process Visualization & Communication  Change Management/Innovative Solutions Implementation
 Ensuring Customer & Stakeholder Success  Experience in Asia, India, Europe, Mexico and Puerto Rico
Beach Dogs Pets and Grooming, Satellite Beach, FL [2011  present]
Dedicated all of my skills and expertise to partner with my wife to launch our own business; successfully executed business
plan and marketing strategy in an extremely poor economy, resulting in a profitable, viable business and an incredibly
rewarding experience; partner has assumed day to day operations, enabling me to return to my passion  Leading Operations.
DRS Tactical Systems (formerly PCS), Melbourne, FL [2002  2010]
Director Strategic Initiatives and Continuous Improvement, (2009 to 2010)
Promoted to a companywide role. Integral member of Sr. Management team, a leader in strategic planning and authority over
tactical execution, policies, programs and objectives in a company with revenues of $500M/year.
 Operational leadership for Program Management organization and subsequently Design Engineering execution.
 Twenty year track record of successfully fulfilling lead Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) function. Exceptional
communication, negotiation and problem solving skills enabling successful interactions with employees, customers and
suppliers, all of which was required to successfully execute this essential role.
Generated and executed company S&OP Schedule aligning all operational and program activities to AOP, contractual
and customer requirements continually attaining operational excellence. Effectively maintained organizational focus,
prioritized tactical plans, measured performance against plan & took corrective action as required.
 Authority overseeing all functional organizations budgeting and cost containment.
 Problem analysis and problem resolution skills, at both a strategic and functional level  e.g. led finance organization in the
resolution of a $12.1M discrepancy in annual strategic plan allowing for corporate plan approval and release.
 Led the following functional organizations: Manufacturing, Manufacturing Engineering, Test Engineering, Operations
Planning, Program Planning, Continuous Improvement and Strategic Initiatives.
Vice President of Operations, (2002 to 2008)
Led Operations organization during a growth period that saw revenues increase from $30M+ to $300M+/year, Op Inc
increased +20% year over year all the while maintaining a positive cash flow.
 Operational assessment and oversight of DRS Tactical Systems Ltd, an England based division of DRS-TS.
 M&A experience ranging from acquisition selection and due diligence to successful integration of acquired entities
including the acquisition and assimilation of Walkabout Computer Systems reducing the overall schedule by +33%.
 Led the following functional organizations: Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing Engineering, Test Engineering,
Operations Planning, Customer Service, Facilities and Quality.
Paravant Computer Systems (PCS) (formerly IMG), Melbourne, FL [1988  2002]
Vice President of Operations, (1998 to 2002)
Operations Director, (1993 to 1998)
Manufacturing Manager, (1988 to 1992)
Manufacturing Engineer, (1986 to 1988)
Bachelor of Science - Engineering Technology - Operations, University of Central Florida, FL GPA 3.5
Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies, University of Central Florida, FL
Significant organizational investment in my executive development including:
Extended personal executive coaching from Tom Welch: author, radio personality & career coach; Dale Carnegie; Negotiating
Skills  Karrass; Program Management  SM&A; Program Planning & Control  SM&A; Product Management (CPM) -
Pragmatic Marketing; Certificate of Professional Management University of Central Florida, Proposal Writing  Hy Silver
Lean Manufacturing, Arizona State University, Lockheed Martin & Florida MEP; MicroSoft Office Suite, Project, Visio, Access;
Change Management, National Training Systems, Inc.
Secret Clearance

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J. Keith Hubbard

  • 1. J. KEITH HUBBARD jkeithhubbard@cfl.rr.com 109 S. Osceola Dr., IHB, FL 32937 321/704-6483 http://www.linkedin.com/in/jkeithhubbard/ VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN Results driven leader with years of extensive business strategy and financial expertise along with effective S&OP implementation in DoD, FAA, Medical and Industrial industries, delivering millions of dollars to top and bottom lines through attained operational excellence. Particularly effective at taking on aggressive, critical to success objectives and leading diverse groups of employees to successful outcomes, maximizing product delivery performance and profitability while insuring customer success. Offer a broad base of executive management expertise gained within rapid-growth, small and large businesses environments. Driven, decisive, and self-motivated with the ability to apply a pragmatic analytical approach in problem solving using technical knowledge and business acumen. Consistently over-achieves objectives and produces phenomenal business results with confidence and passion. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Operations Leader Initiated an Operations start-up and developed it into a recognized world class facility in the Lean manufacture and test of electrical, mechanical and system assembly and integration. Demonstrated competency in developing, implementing and sustaining operations management systems for both extremely small and very large organizations. Met or exceeded quarterly revenue goals for 96 consecutive quarters excelling in S&OP and demonstrated operational excellence through effective team development, leadership and motivation. Utilized a fixed priced, COTS business model that enabled DRS Tactical Systems to be the fastest growing, highest profit producing division within DRS Technologies while maintaining a 33% lower direct labor rate than the next lowest division. Ramped up manufacturing capacity resulting in an increase of operational revenues by $100M in a single fiscal year (+110% increase) and again by +$200M in a subsequent fiscal year (+67% increase). Completely transformed operational model through Lean methodologies resulting in a 500% increase in capacity utilization and a +70% improvement in productivity over a four year period. Developed and implemented a Production Readiness Review process, coupled with a quick set up/tear down flex line that resulted in an 92% reduction in average order cycle time. Managed annual operating budgets in excess of $250M and organizations in excess of 400 employees Supply Chain Leader Directly managed a supply chain organization tasked with outsourcing +95% of product content enabling a non- vertically integrated manufacturing operation. Accomplished through strategic partnerships with SME component and world-class EMS suppliers completely integrated into our internal operation through the innovative utilization of Lean methodologies. Created a supply chain network that was fully integrated into internal plant operations, effectively leveraging synchronized replenishment processes resulting in savings in excess of $1 Million annually. Increased Divisions total inventory turns from 9 to 25+ in 2 years. Continuous replenishment of targeted items resulted in +50% ($128M) of spend attaining inventory turns in excess of 200 times/year. Responsible for product costing and margin goals typically improving material cost targets in excess of 10%. Repeatedly initiated cost down projects, leveraging material volumes, supplier expertise, effective negotiating and Global Sourcing initiatives. Managed annual material spends of +$250M, Supply Chain organization of +100 employees. Program Management Leader Designed, implemented and managed a Program Planning and Control (PP&C) system enabling execution, oversight and continuous improvement of the Program Management and Engineering Organizations in a matrixed environment. Attained CPM certification and facilitated incorporation of Product Management methodologies into PM process. Extensive experience and involvement in product lifecycle management from bid and proposal, product development, qualification, NPI, manufacture, test, delivery and support on programs up to $1B. Re-engineered documentation system, eliminating engineering assembly drawings, resulting in a +$1M cost reduction over a three year period. Extensive history of successful project execution and involvement in the roles of sponsor, project manager, user and team member. Repeatedly recognized for project schedule and cost containment. Designed and implemented a Program Planning & Control system with an annual savings of $500K projected. Managed annual IR&D budget in excess of $20M and a PM organization in excess of 30 employees
  • 2. SKILLS & EXPERTISE P&L and Budget Development/Accountability Performance Aligned to Business & Customer Requirements Cross-Functional Leadership & Collaboration ERP, ISO, FCC, DFARS, CAS, UCC, ITAR, CPSR, GMP, UL Supply Base Optimization and Engagement Lean Methodologies & Continuous Process Improvement Process Visualization & Communication Change Management/Innovative Solutions Implementation Ensuring Customer & Stakeholder Success Experience in Asia, India, Europe, Mexico and Puerto Rico DETAILED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Beach Dogs Pets and Grooming, Satellite Beach, FL [2011 present] President Dedicated all of my skills and expertise to partner with my wife to launch our own business; successfully executed business plan and marketing strategy in an extremely poor economy, resulting in a profitable, viable business and an incredibly rewarding experience; partner has assumed day to day operations, enabling me to return to my passion Leading Operations. DRS Tactical Systems (formerly PCS), Melbourne, FL [2002 2010] Director Strategic Initiatives and Continuous Improvement, (2009 to 2010) Promoted to a companywide role. Integral member of Sr. Management team, a leader in strategic planning and authority over tactical execution, policies, programs and objectives in a company with revenues of $500M/year. Operational leadership for Program Management organization and subsequently Design Engineering execution. Twenty year track record of successfully fulfilling lead Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) function. Exceptional communication, negotiation and problem solving skills enabling successful interactions with employees, customers and suppliers, all of which was required to successfully execute this essential role. Generated and executed company S&OP Schedule aligning all operational and program activities to AOP, contractual and customer requirements continually attaining operational excellence. Effectively maintained organizational focus, prioritized tactical plans, measured performance against plan & took corrective action as required. Authority overseeing all functional organizations budgeting and cost containment. Problem analysis and problem resolution skills, at both a strategic and functional level e.g. led finance organization in the resolution of a $12.1M discrepancy in annual strategic plan allowing for corporate plan approval and release. Led the following functional organizations: Manufacturing, Manufacturing Engineering, Test Engineering, Operations Planning, Program Planning, Continuous Improvement and Strategic Initiatives. Vice President of Operations, (2002 to 2008) Led Operations organization during a growth period that saw revenues increase from $30M+ to $300M+/year, Op Inc increased +20% year over year all the while maintaining a positive cash flow. Operational assessment and oversight of DRS Tactical Systems Ltd, an England based division of DRS-TS. M&A experience ranging from acquisition selection and due diligence to successful integration of acquired entities including the acquisition and assimilation of Walkabout Computer Systems reducing the overall schedule by +33%. Led the following functional organizations: Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing Engineering, Test Engineering, Operations Planning, Customer Service, Facilities and Quality. Paravant Computer Systems (PCS) (formerly IMG), Melbourne, FL [1988 2002] Vice President of Operations, (1998 to 2002) Operations Director, (1993 to 1998) Manufacturing Manager, (1988 to 1992) Manufacturing Engineer, (1986 to 1988) EDUCATION Bachelor of Science - Engineering Technology - Operations, University of Central Florida, FL GPA 3.5 Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies, University of Central Florida, FL TRAINING Significant organizational investment in my executive development including: Extended personal executive coaching from Tom Welch: author, radio personality & career coach; Dale Carnegie; Negotiating Skills Karrass; Program Management SM&A; Program Planning & Control SM&A; Product Management (CPM) - Pragmatic Marketing; Certificate of Professional Management University of Central Florida, Proposal Writing Hy Silver Lean Manufacturing, Arizona State University, Lockheed Martin & Florida MEP; MicroSoft Office Suite, Project, Visio, Access; Change Management, National Training Systems, Inc. Secret Clearance