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Clearhealthcosts.com. Jeanne Pinder, CEO, jeanne@clearhealthcosts.com, 914-450-9499
Health costs are out of control.
Its killing America.
Source: Consumer Reports
The problem
 No one knows health costs in advance
 Prices for same procedure vary 10x in
the same locale
 Increasingly costs are paid directly by the
patient-consumer (but the patient-
consumer still doesnt know costs)
 Its a $2.7 trillion industry, and its
completely opaque.
Examples from our reporting
 An MRI: $350 or $2,300?
 A CBC blood test: $16 or $117?
 A walk-in clinic visit: $88 or $500?
 A mammogram: $50 or $869?
 (Yes, these are all real.)
Our Solution
 Were building the best online source for
health-care prices.
 Tools: Reporting. Sourcing and curation of
databases. Crowdsourcing (lets people easily
share the price of health care). Partnering.
 Its the last big opaque marketplace. Its ripe
for disruption.
Markets seek transparency
 Airline ticket sales, real estate, car sales  all
changed with transparency
 Insurance companies are devising
transparency tools, but their business thrives
on consumer opacity
 Health Savings Accounts (you spend less, you
keep more)
 Now suddenly: Obamacare is here, and people
are horrified about the prices.
The customer
 Women: They make most health-care decisions
 High-deductible insureds (15 million and growing fast)
 Uninsured (51 million) including 20- and 30-
somethings, creative classes
 People who are insured, but with high copays
 People facing rising out-of-pocket costsrising
number of self-insured employers choosing less
expensive plans (putting more of the costs on
 People going out of network, out of pocket
 People wanting to be informed about costs
Our sweet spot
Women in their 20s and 30s. Many are uninsured,
and they use health care for reproductive
matters, while their male peers do not.
These women are upset (about the price of their
birth-control pills, among other things).
They like to share. Theyre social.
They want to talk about this problem, and share
their solutions.
Theyre not enthusiastic about the value
proposition for health insurance.
Business model
 Business to business: Licensing our information. Consulting,
white-label products tailored to a business, union, trade
group, nonprofit wanting to cut health spending.
Repackaging our information by customer demand.
 Business to consumer: Our own site: Sponsorships,
advertising (results pages), premium listings, from
providers wanting access to cash-paying customers. Walk-
in clinics, big-box stores with generic drug plans, womens
health clinics, other providers. Freemium subscription, e.g.
$0.99 or $1.99 @ mo., autorenew. Events. Monetizing
audience with anonymized consumer info via online focus
The landscape
 Regardless of the election, politics etc., the
marketplace is talking: consumers will be paying
more for health care.
 Many entities in the marketplace profit from
opacity and secrecy. But the Web doesnt like
opacity and secrecy.
 Obamacare is here. People are horrified about
the prices. Gradually.and then suddenly, prices
will become known. Consumers are starting to
feel empowered. We can facilitate that.
Where are we now?
 $54k in grant funding (Tow-Knight Foundation,
International Womens Media Foundation, McCormick
Foundation), modest ($75k) friends funding
 Our reported price lists (10x price variations)
 Our beta  and our Lessons Learned.
 Just relaunched Web site in in a highly interactive way
 New York demos are bringing market validation and
attention (New York Tech Meetup demo) just as Time
magazine, the NYTimes, and others are newly noticing
the prices.
Whats next?
 Were raising a friends/family round in the next 8-12 months
 Collecting more data (new cities: NYC, SF, LA, etc.)
 Staff up (1 business person, 1 product person, 遜 marketing
 Adding features as we iterate
 Choosing partners carefully (2 news organizations want to
license our data, one state government, 3 patient groups, one
consumer-serving nonprofit, one union have expressed
 Advertising/sponsorships in the making
National Strategy
 In talks with two big news groups; other intros in
 Adding data sets in cities/locales as business
opportunities drive up.
 Were seeing deep interest in custom pricing surveys.
 Were mobile as a mobile web site, not an appand
37 percent of our traffic is mobile.
 Our crowdsourcing experience with our local NPR
affiliate was a huge success; 400 shares.
Our relaunch .
In progress, as we add new
Props for CHC
--Phenomenal!... Jeanne is pioneering what I like to call the Travelocity of health services field. 
Todd Park, CTO of US (ex-CTO, Health & Human Services)
--The most impressive presentation of the night came from Jeanne Pinder, the founder and CEO of
clearhealthcosts, a startup dedicted to increasing the transparency of the healthcare industry. 
Betabeat, The New York Observer, 8-22-12
--Our crowd-sourced birth control pill price lists and maps featured on the Rachel Maddow blog
--great set of demos at #NYTM: @chcosts @Docracy@brewsterapp @divide @ConditionOne
especially (esther dyson tweeted us!)
--This is one of the most useful websites I have seen in years. Great job @chcosts. #NYTM
--"ClearHealthCosts is using the wisdom of the crowds to shine a light into the health industry's darkest
corners.  Mark Potts, co-founder, Washingtonpost.com and Internet entrepreneur
 CHC ...has created the sort of transparency around health costs that the MA government has been
promising for years -- and failing to deliver.... It is a model for what health care consumers around
the country need.  Carey Goldberg, co-host WBURs CommonHealth blog
--Its about time. Clear price information so we can make informed health care choices. Weve been
needing this for years. --Robert Field, Professor of Law and Public Health, Drexel University
--Thanks to sites like ClearHealthCosts, price transparency is on the wayClearHealthCosts will add
great value.  Dr. Neel Shah, founder, costsofcare.org, a Boston nonprofit working to expand the
discourse on health spending
The Team
 Jeanne Pinder, founder and CEO, 25-year veteran
editor and reporter at The New York Times
 Fred Lindberg, CTO role
 Elizabeth Celms, Vish Persaud, Sherry Mazzocchi, Lois
DeSocio, Abigail Kret, reporter-writer-researchers,
other journalists on a freelance, as-needed basis
 Jenn Schiffer, Web developer
 Database development by our business associates at
alliedstrategy.com and Revsquare.com
 Joel Jennings, data sanitization engineer
 Jeff Jarvis, What Would Google Do?
 Lee DeBoer, PropellerNYC early-stage
 Carl Lavin, homepage honcho, CNN News
(ex-NYT, ex-Forbes)
 Stefanie Syman, head of business
development, atavist.com
 Bill Richter, Richter Law Offices, Santa
Cruz startup lawyer
Thank you for your support.
Clearhealthcosts.com. Jeanne Pinder, CEO, jeanne@clearhealthcosts.com, 914-450-9499

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Chcc kdeck

  • 1. Clearhealthcosts.com. Jeanne Pinder, CEO, jeanne@clearhealthcosts.com, 914-450-9499
  • 2. Health costs are out of control. Its killing America. Source: Consumer Reports
  • 3. The problem No one knows health costs in advance Prices for same procedure vary 10x in the same locale Increasingly costs are paid directly by the patient-consumer (but the patient- consumer still doesnt know costs) Its a $2.7 trillion industry, and its completely opaque.
  • 4. Examples from our reporting An MRI: $350 or $2,300? A CBC blood test: $16 or $117? A walk-in clinic visit: $88 or $500? A mammogram: $50 or $869? (Yes, these are all real.)
  • 5. Our Solution Were building the best online source for health-care prices. Tools: Reporting. Sourcing and curation of databases. Crowdsourcing (lets people easily share the price of health care). Partnering. Its the last big opaque marketplace. Its ripe for disruption.
  • 6. Markets seek transparency Airline ticket sales, real estate, car sales all changed with transparency Insurance companies are devising transparency tools, but their business thrives on consumer opacity Health Savings Accounts (you spend less, you keep more) Now suddenly: Obamacare is here, and people are horrified about the prices.
  • 7. The customer Women: They make most health-care decisions High-deductible insureds (15 million and growing fast) Uninsured (51 million) including 20- and 30- somethings, creative classes People who are insured, but with high copays People facing rising out-of-pocket costsrising number of self-insured employers choosing less expensive plans (putting more of the costs on employees) People going out of network, out of pocket People wanting to be informed about costs
  • 8. Our sweet spot Women in their 20s and 30s. Many are uninsured, and they use health care for reproductive matters, while their male peers do not. These women are upset (about the price of their birth-control pills, among other things). They like to share. Theyre social. They want to talk about this problem, and share their solutions. Theyre not enthusiastic about the value proposition for health insurance.
  • 9. Business model Business to business: Licensing our information. Consulting, white-label products tailored to a business, union, trade group, nonprofit wanting to cut health spending. Repackaging our information by customer demand. Business to consumer: Our own site: Sponsorships, advertising (results pages), premium listings, from providers wanting access to cash-paying customers. Walk- in clinics, big-box stores with generic drug plans, womens health clinics, other providers. Freemium subscription, e.g. $0.99 or $1.99 @ mo., autorenew. Events. Monetizing audience with anonymized consumer info via online focus groups.
  • 10. The landscape Regardless of the election, politics etc., the marketplace is talking: consumers will be paying more for health care. Many entities in the marketplace profit from opacity and secrecy. But the Web doesnt like opacity and secrecy. Obamacare is here. People are horrified about the prices. Gradually.and then suddenly, prices will become known. Consumers are starting to feel empowered. We can facilitate that.
  • 11. Where are we now? $54k in grant funding (Tow-Knight Foundation, International Womens Media Foundation, McCormick Foundation), modest ($75k) friends funding Our reported price lists (10x price variations) Our beta and our Lessons Learned. Just relaunched Web site in in a highly interactive way New York demos are bringing market validation and attention (New York Tech Meetup demo) just as Time magazine, the NYTimes, and others are newly noticing the prices.
  • 12. Whats next? Were raising a friends/family round in the next 8-12 months Collecting more data (new cities: NYC, SF, LA, etc.) Staff up (1 business person, 1 product person, 遜 marketing person) Adding features as we iterate Choosing partners carefully (2 news organizations want to license our data, one state government, 3 patient groups, one consumer-serving nonprofit, one union have expressed interest) Advertising/sponsorships in the making
  • 13. National Strategy In talks with two big news groups; other intros in train Adding data sets in cities/locales as business opportunities drive up. Were seeing deep interest in custom pricing surveys. Were mobile as a mobile web site, not an appand 37 percent of our traffic is mobile. Our crowdsourcing experience with our local NPR affiliate was a huge success; 400 shares.
  • 14. Our relaunch . In progress, as we add new features!
  • 15. Props for CHC --Phenomenal!... Jeanne is pioneering what I like to call the Travelocity of health services field. Todd Park, CTO of US (ex-CTO, Health & Human Services) --The most impressive presentation of the night came from Jeanne Pinder, the founder and CEO of clearhealthcosts, a startup dedicted to increasing the transparency of the healthcare industry. Betabeat, The New York Observer, 8-22-12 --Our crowd-sourced birth control pill price lists and maps featured on the Rachel Maddow blog --great set of demos at #NYTM: @chcosts @Docracy@brewsterapp @divide @ConditionOne especially (esther dyson tweeted us!) --This is one of the most useful websites I have seen in years. Great job @chcosts. #NYTM ow.ly/dDNi6 --"ClearHealthCosts is using the wisdom of the crowds to shine a light into the health industry's darkest corners. Mark Potts, co-founder, Washingtonpost.com and Internet entrepreneur CHC ...has created the sort of transparency around health costs that the MA government has been promising for years -- and failing to deliver.... It is a model for what health care consumers around the country need. Carey Goldberg, co-host WBURs CommonHealth blog --Its about time. Clear price information so we can make informed health care choices. Weve been needing this for years. --Robert Field, Professor of Law and Public Health, Drexel University --Thanks to sites like ClearHealthCosts, price transparency is on the wayClearHealthCosts will add great value. Dr. Neel Shah, founder, costsofcare.org, a Boston nonprofit working to expand the discourse on health spending
  • 16. The Team Jeanne Pinder, founder and CEO, 25-year veteran editor and reporter at The New York Times Fred Lindberg, CTO role Elizabeth Celms, Vish Persaud, Sherry Mazzocchi, Lois DeSocio, Abigail Kret, reporter-writer-researchers, other journalists on a freelance, as-needed basis Jenn Schiffer, Web developer Database development by our business associates at alliedstrategy.com and Revsquare.com Joel Jennings, data sanitization engineer
  • 17. Advisers Jeff Jarvis, What Would Google Do? Lee DeBoer, PropellerNYC early-stage advisers Carl Lavin, homepage honcho, CNN News (ex-NYT, ex-Forbes) Stefanie Syman, head of business development, atavist.com Bill Richter, Richter Law Offices, Santa Cruz startup lawyer
  • 18. Thank you for your support.
  • 19. Clearhealthcosts.com. Jeanne Pinder, CEO, jeanne@clearhealthcosts.com, 914-450-9499