The South Haven Park District is offering new fall seminars for seniors, adults, and teens. For seniors, seminars include quilting for the holidays and intermediate t'ai chi. Adults can take an almost gourmet cooking seminar or play kickball. For teens, climbing and fencing seminars are available at three different skill levels.
как выбрать подрядчика по контекстной рекламеIvan Murketolog
как выбрать подрядчика по контекстной рекламе доклад Ивана Василевича
Ponencia Alberto Rodrigo en I Congreso Empresarial e Institucional LGBT Frien...CONGRESO EGF
El documento presenta las claves para gestionar el miedo al rechazo de los empleados LGBT en entornos laborales heterosexuales. Ofrece 7 pasos: 1) identificar los miedos, 2) no basar la autoestima en la aceptación de otros, 3) ser emocionalmente autónomo, 4) reconocer fortalezas y debilidades, 5) cambiar creencias limitantes, 6) reconocer el propio valor, y 7) aprender a gestionar las emociones. El objetivo es ayudar a los empleados LGBT a salir del armario
Measurement is Not Counting: Social Media & Return on Investment, presented b...craigslist_fndn
You are actively using Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn or a blog as part of your organization’s marketing or fundraising strategy. But do you know what your audience wants from you? Are you measuring how effective you are with these tools? Can you answer your boss’s or board’s questions about the value of spending time on social media? How do you know social media is a good investment and that you are getting strong results? Beth’s session addresses how to measure social media return on investment, including a strong framework and practical tips to measure and refine your social media tactics.
Michael Bednarczyk works in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at NASA. His responsibilities include directly allocating costs and funds to contracts on a monthly basis using Excel spreadsheets. He also performs reconciliation projects to verify financial accounts are consistent, such as reconciling funding documents, invoices, cost of operations, and journal vouchers with NASA's accounting systems, including SAP and BOBJ. Bednarczyk has extensive training and experience in accounting, finance, and the systems used at NASA.
Measurement is Not Counting: Social Media & Return on Investment, presented b...craigslist_fndn
You are actively using Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn or a blog as part of your organization’s marketing or fundraising strategy. But do you know what your audience wants from you? Are you measuring how effective you are with these tools? Can you answer your boss’s or board’s questions about the value of spending time on social media? How do you know social media is a good investment and that you are getting strong results? Beth’s session addresses how to measure social media return on investment, including a strong framework and practical tips to measure and refine your social media tactics.
Michael Bednarczyk works in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at NASA. His responsibilities include directly allocating costs and funds to contracts on a monthly basis using Excel spreadsheets. He also performs reconciliation projects to verify financial accounts are consistent, such as reconciling funding documents, invoices, cost of operations, and journal vouchers with NASA's accounting systems, including SAP and BOBJ. Bednarczyk has extensive training and experience in accounting, finance, and the systems used at NASA.