A weather disturbance is a general term describing any pulse of energy moving through the atmosphere. They can act as focusing mechanisms for storm formation or intensify low pressure systems. Thunderstorms occur when skies darken, wind picks up, lightning flashes, and thunder roars. They typically last 30 minutes to an hour and play an important role in the hydrologic cycle. A tropical cyclone is a low pressure storm system with organized thunderstorms that forms over tropical oceans and brings wind and thunderstorms. Monsoons are seasonal wind flows between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres that produce heavy rains during summer and drought during winter. The Intertropical Convergence Zone is the meeting place of hot and cold trade winds in the
El documento describe los riesgos de navegar en Internet como virus, acceso no autorizado a sistemas y robo de informaci坦n de tarjetas de cr辿dito. Recomienda tomar precauciones como cerrar sesi坦n al salir de cuentas para evitar que otros accedan a la informaci坦n. Tambi辿n menciona algunos beneficios como conocer personas, aprender idiomas de forma divertida y usarla para negocios y estudios.
A weather disturbance is a general term describing any pulse of energy moving through the atmosphere that can act as a focusing mechanism for storm formation or intensification of low pressure systems. Thunderstorms are small-scale weather systems producing lightning and thunder from a funnel-shaped cloud, along with wind, heavy rain and sometimes hail. Tropical cyclones are low pressure storm systems over tropical oceans that bring wind and thunderstorms in a spiral motion, and are called hurricanes or typhoons at higher wind speeds. Monsoons are seasonal wind flows between hemispheres that produce heavy summer rains in areas like Southeast Asia under the Southwest and Northeast Monsoon systems. The Intertropical Convergence Zone is a belt of low pressure near the
Purity analysis of nine pesticides collected from eight locations in bangladeshJaminur Rahman
This document analyzes the purity levels of nine common pesticides collected from various locations in Bangladesh. Laboratory tests found that 66.66% of pesticide brands contained over 90% of the labeled active ingredient. However, 12% contained 80-90% active ingredient and 21.34% contained less than 80%, with three brands containing no active ingredient at all. The results indicate issues with inconsistent pesticide purity in Bangladesh, which could contribute to overuse by farmers and development of pest resistance.
Islamic view of women leadership as head of the stateJaminur Rahman
The document discusses the Islamic view of women serving as heads of state. It presents arguments both for and against the idea. Those against argue that some Quranic verses and hadiths suggest men have authority over women. However, others point to verses showing men and women have equal rights and responsibilities before Allah. The document aims to analyze the issue objectively and reach a balanced view based on Islamic scripture and history.
Profitability of sunflower cultivation in some selected sites of bangladeshJaminur Rahman
The study assessed the profitability and socioeconomic status of sunflower cultivation in Bogra and Satkhira districts of Bangladesh. A total of 100 farmers were surveyed, with 50 farmers from each district. Majority of farmers had 1 year of experience growing sunflower. The estimated per hectare cost of cultivation was 62,199 Taka, with a net return of 10,863 Taka and benefit-cost ratio of 1.18, indicating sunflower cultivation was profitable. The main challenges reported were lack of irrigation, lack of timely seed availability, absence of processing facilities, and low product demand. However, there was potential to expand sunflower cultivation given interest from female farmers and to fulfill local edible oil demand.
Effect of spacing and fertilizer management on the yield and yield attributes...Jaminur Rahman
The study evaluated the effects of different spacing and fertilizer doses on yield and yield attributes of mukhikachu (Colocasia esculenta) in Bangladesh. Three spacing levels (60 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm x 45 cm, 60 cm x 30 cm) and three fertilizer doses (recommended, 25% less, 25% more) were tested over two years. Results showed the closer spacing (60 cm x 30 cm) with 25% higher fertilizer dose produced the highest average edible yield (20.04 t/ha) and benefit-cost ratio (2.93). The wider spacing (60 cm x 60 cm) with 25% less fertilizer yielded the lowest. Closer spacing and
Barind nw bangladesh drought gw and adaptationJaminur Rahman
This document summarizes groundwater conditions and drought trends in the Barind area of northwest Bangladesh. It finds that groundwater levels are declining significantly, with the rate of decline accelerating in recent decades. Drought occurrences are also increasing, especially during the rainy season, posing risks to agriculture. Projections indicate groundwater levels will continue deepening over the coming decades if adaptation measures are not taken. The area has high rainfall variability and is becoming semi-arid, facing water scarcity challenges due to overextraction of groundwater for irrigation.
Distributed leadership in secondary schoolsJaminur Rahman
Distributed leadership focuses on engaging all team members in leadership roles within a school, not just the head teacher. This paper discusses the possibilities and impediments of implementing distributed leadership in secondary schools in Bangladesh. The education system in Bangladesh is facing challenges that distributed leadership may help address, such as improving teaching quality. However, distributed leadership remains unclear in concept and its practice in developing countries is seldom discussed. For distributed leadership to work in Bangladesh, training programs for head teachers need to focus on long-term positive change.
Este documento proporciona consejos sobre el dise単o de presentaciones efectivas. Aborda elementos como el equilibrio visual, el 辿nfasis, la unidad y el movimiento. Tambi辿n discute el uso adecuado de im叩genes, tipograf鱈a, la regla de los tercios, la combinaci坦n de texto e im叩genes y la elecci坦n de colores. El objetivo es crear presentaciones atractivas y legibles que transmitan el mensaje de manera clara y efectiva.
This document provides installation instructions for joining single-core polymeric insulated cables with aluminium wire armour using a joint kit. The instructions include: preparing the cables by cutting back the oversheath and insulation to the specified dimensions; crimping the conductors; installing the connector insulating tubing and outer sleeve; connecting the armour wires using mechanical connectors; and shrinking the outer sealing sleeve onto the joint. Proper preparation of the cables and components as well as correctly following all installation steps are emphasized to ensure a smooth, wrinkle-free joint.
All questions in this presentation have been taken from The Official CNOR Exam Prep, a CCI product. Designed exclusively by the professionals who administer the CNOR Exam, The Official CNOR Exam Prep is the most comprehensive resource for CNOR test preparation. Featuring expert insights and targeted review of all CNOR Exam subject areas, this user-friendly guide makes it easy to remember key concepts and information found on the exam.
learn more at https://store.cc-institute.org/The_Official_CNOR_Exam_Prep
El documento describe los riesgos de navegar en Internet como virus, acceso no autorizado a sistemas y robo de informaci坦n de tarjetas de cr辿dito. Recomienda tomar precauciones como cerrar sesi坦n al salir de cuentas para evitar que otros accedan a la informaci坦n. Tambi辿n menciona algunos beneficios como conocer personas, aprender idiomas de forma divertida y usarla para negocios y estudios.
A weather disturbance is a general term describing any pulse of energy moving through the atmosphere that can act as a focusing mechanism for storm formation or intensification of low pressure systems. Thunderstorms are small-scale weather systems producing lightning and thunder from a funnel-shaped cloud, along with wind, heavy rain and sometimes hail. Tropical cyclones are low pressure storm systems over tropical oceans that bring wind and thunderstorms in a spiral motion, and are called hurricanes or typhoons at higher wind speeds. Monsoons are seasonal wind flows between hemispheres that produce heavy summer rains in areas like Southeast Asia under the Southwest and Northeast Monsoon systems. The Intertropical Convergence Zone is a belt of low pressure near the
Purity analysis of nine pesticides collected from eight locations in bangladeshJaminur Rahman
This document analyzes the purity levels of nine common pesticides collected from various locations in Bangladesh. Laboratory tests found that 66.66% of pesticide brands contained over 90% of the labeled active ingredient. However, 12% contained 80-90% active ingredient and 21.34% contained less than 80%, with three brands containing no active ingredient at all. The results indicate issues with inconsistent pesticide purity in Bangladesh, which could contribute to overuse by farmers and development of pest resistance.
Islamic view of women leadership as head of the stateJaminur Rahman
The document discusses the Islamic view of women serving as heads of state. It presents arguments both for and against the idea. Those against argue that some Quranic verses and hadiths suggest men have authority over women. However, others point to verses showing men and women have equal rights and responsibilities before Allah. The document aims to analyze the issue objectively and reach a balanced view based on Islamic scripture and history.
Profitability of sunflower cultivation in some selected sites of bangladeshJaminur Rahman
The study assessed the profitability and socioeconomic status of sunflower cultivation in Bogra and Satkhira districts of Bangladesh. A total of 100 farmers were surveyed, with 50 farmers from each district. Majority of farmers had 1 year of experience growing sunflower. The estimated per hectare cost of cultivation was 62,199 Taka, with a net return of 10,863 Taka and benefit-cost ratio of 1.18, indicating sunflower cultivation was profitable. The main challenges reported were lack of irrigation, lack of timely seed availability, absence of processing facilities, and low product demand. However, there was potential to expand sunflower cultivation given interest from female farmers and to fulfill local edible oil demand.
Effect of spacing and fertilizer management on the yield and yield attributes...Jaminur Rahman
The study evaluated the effects of different spacing and fertilizer doses on yield and yield attributes of mukhikachu (Colocasia esculenta) in Bangladesh. Three spacing levels (60 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm x 45 cm, 60 cm x 30 cm) and three fertilizer doses (recommended, 25% less, 25% more) were tested over two years. Results showed the closer spacing (60 cm x 30 cm) with 25% higher fertilizer dose produced the highest average edible yield (20.04 t/ha) and benefit-cost ratio (2.93). The wider spacing (60 cm x 60 cm) with 25% less fertilizer yielded the lowest. Closer spacing and
Barind nw bangladesh drought gw and adaptationJaminur Rahman
This document summarizes groundwater conditions and drought trends in the Barind area of northwest Bangladesh. It finds that groundwater levels are declining significantly, with the rate of decline accelerating in recent decades. Drought occurrences are also increasing, especially during the rainy season, posing risks to agriculture. Projections indicate groundwater levels will continue deepening over the coming decades if adaptation measures are not taken. The area has high rainfall variability and is becoming semi-arid, facing water scarcity challenges due to overextraction of groundwater for irrigation.
Distributed leadership in secondary schoolsJaminur Rahman
Distributed leadership focuses on engaging all team members in leadership roles within a school, not just the head teacher. This paper discusses the possibilities and impediments of implementing distributed leadership in secondary schools in Bangladesh. The education system in Bangladesh is facing challenges that distributed leadership may help address, such as improving teaching quality. However, distributed leadership remains unclear in concept and its practice in developing countries is seldom discussed. For distributed leadership to work in Bangladesh, training programs for head teachers need to focus on long-term positive change.
Este documento proporciona consejos sobre el dise単o de presentaciones efectivas. Aborda elementos como el equilibrio visual, el 辿nfasis, la unidad y el movimiento. Tambi辿n discute el uso adecuado de im叩genes, tipograf鱈a, la regla de los tercios, la combinaci坦n de texto e im叩genes y la elecci坦n de colores. El objetivo es crear presentaciones atractivas y legibles que transmitan el mensaje de manera clara y efectiva.
This document provides installation instructions for joining single-core polymeric insulated cables with aluminium wire armour using a joint kit. The instructions include: preparing the cables by cutting back the oversheath and insulation to the specified dimensions; crimping the conductors; installing the connector insulating tubing and outer sleeve; connecting the armour wires using mechanical connectors; and shrinking the outer sealing sleeve onto the joint. Proper preparation of the cables and components as well as correctly following all installation steps are emphasized to ensure a smooth, wrinkle-free joint.
All questions in this presentation have been taken from The Official CNOR Exam Prep, a CCI product. Designed exclusively by the professionals who administer the CNOR Exam, The Official CNOR Exam Prep is the most comprehensive resource for CNOR test preparation. Featuring expert insights and targeted review of all CNOR Exam subject areas, this user-friendly guide makes it easy to remember key concepts and information found on the exam.
learn more at https://store.cc-institute.org/The_Official_CNOR_Exam_Prep
Kepassa 21.4.2016 pidetyn N辰in suunnittelet laadukkaan globaalikasvatushankkeen -koulutuksen materiaali. Kouluttajina Anna Yl辰-Anttila Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry:st辰 ja Anni Vihri辰l辰 Kepa ry:st辰.
Koulutuskentan haasteita ja mahdollisuuksiaMari Simola
Millaisia haasteita koulutusj辰rjestelm辰, koulu ja koulutuspoliittinen p辰辰t旦ksenteko kohtaavat t辰m辰n hetken yhteiskunnassa? Mitk辰 teemat ovat olleet keskustelussa tapetilla? Millaisia ristiiritoja ja j辰nnitteit辰 koulutus sis辰lt辰辰? Mitk辰 ovat konkreettisia kysymyksi辰, joihin tulisi tarttua?
Esityksess辰 tarkastellaan oppimisen tulevaisuutta oppimistutkimuksen n辰k旦kulmasta. Siin辰 hahmotellaan my旦s pedagogisia malleja, joiden soveltaminen edist辰辰 oppilaisssa 21. vuosisadan taitojen oppimista. Esitys pidetty Kuopiossa 29.1.2014
Uusi koulutus -ty旦pajan tavoitteena oli jakaa tietoa foorumista ja antaa mahdollisuus sidosryhmille nostaa esiin n辰kemyksi辰辰n ja ev辰styst辰 k辰ynnistyv辰lle foorumille sek辰 verkottua Uusi koulutus -teeman ymp辰rill辰.
Osallistujien joukossa oli Uusi koulutus -foorumille hakeneita ja muita eri sidosryhmien edustajia. Lis辰tietoja foorumin osallistujahausta t辰辰lt辰:
Keskustelu tulevaisuuden koulutuksesta jatkuu mm. Uusi koulutus -Facebook-ryhm辰ss辰 sek辰 Twitteriss辰 tunnisteella #uusikoulutus. Tervetuloa mukaan!
Huomisen kasvatus - Mit辰 tulevaisuuden ymp辰rist旦kasvatuksessa tarvitaan?Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori
Ymp辰rist旦kasvatus on monialainen ja arvoihin kiinnittyv辰 kasvatuksen ala, jonka merkitys vain kasvaa vakavien ymp辰rist旦ongelmien my旦t辰. Mit辰 suomalaisella kasvatuksen kent辰ll辰 jo osataan hyvin ja mit辰 asioita tulevaisuuden ymp辰rist旦kasvatuksessa tulisi kehitt辰辰? Puheenvuoro valtakunnallisilla Ymp辰rist旦kasvatusp辰ivill辰 marraskuussa 2015 Helsingiss辰.
Ehe辰 oppiminen kasvun tukena - Opetushallituksen 4.2.2016 seminaarissa pit辰m辰ni esitelm辰. Miten opetuksen eheytt辰minen tukee lapsen kasvua? Mill辰 tavalla uusi opetussuunnitelma tukee lapsen kasvua ja mahdollistaa opetuksen eheytt辰misen.
7. Globaalikasvatus mit辰 ja
N辰k旦kulma pikemminkin kuin yksitt辰inen
menetelm辰, Maastricht 2002
Globaalikasvatuksen viisi ulottuvuutta
Agenda 2030: 4.7
Pisa 2018, OECD
Maailma tuhoutuu!
9. Globaalikasvatuksen teht辰v辰n辰
avata ihmisten silm辰t ja mieli maailman erilaisille
her辰tt辰辰 heiss辰 halu rakentaa
oikeudenmukaisempaa, tasa-arvoisempaa ja
ihmisoikeuksia kunnioittavaa maailmaa.
Maastrichtin kansainv辰lisyyskasvatuksen julistus 2002
10. Globaalikasvatus OPSeissa
el辰m辰n ja ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittaminen
kasvu rauhaan, hyvinvoinnin ja demokratian kunnioittaminen
aktiivinen toimijuus kansalaisyhteiskunnassa
tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuusperiaate
kulttuurinen moninaisuus rikkautena
kest辰v辰 el辰m辰ntapa
Ihmisoikeusperustaisuus ihmisoikeudet eksplisiittisesti esill辰 OPS:in
yleisess辰 ja oppiainekohtaisissa osioissa
"Perusopetuksen globaalikasvatus luo osaltaan edellytyksi辰
oikeudenmukaiselle ja kest辰v辰lle kehitykselle YK:n asettamien
kehitystavoitteiden suuntaisesti (Perusopetuksen teht辰v辰 3.1, s. 16)
Yhteisty旦 koulun ulkopuolisten toimijoiden kanssa; koulun merkitys
yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen aikaansaamisessa
11. Maailmankansalaisen taidot
Kriittinen ajattelu
Erilaisten n辰k旦kulmien
Stereotypioiden ja
Kulttuurien v辰lisen
Yhdess辰 tekeminen
Dialogi ja vuoropuhelu
Itsevarmuus, itsens辰
Ep辰varmuuden ja
ristiriitaisuuksien siet辰minen
Alttius konfliktien
v辰litt辰miseen ja sovitteluun
Tutkiminen ja uteliaisuus
P辰辰t旦sten tekeminen
Medialukutaito - kriittinen mieli
Tieteen ja modernin
teknologian mahdollisuuksien
ja rajoitteiden ymm辰rt辰minen
12. Koulu maailmaa muuttamaan
hanke (2016-2017)
Maksutonta t辰ydennyskoulutusta OPS:in mukaiseen
Toiveiden mukaisia seminaarip辰ivi辰, r辰辰t辰l旦ityj辰 ty旦pajakoulutuksia,
kahden p辰iv辰n koulutuskokonaisuuksia sek辰 verkkokoulutusta.
Koulutuksia tarjotaan kuudesta temaattisesta koulutusmoduulista
1. Rauha, konfliktit ja kriisit
2. Maailmankansalaisen taidot ja globaali vastuu
3. Moninaisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus
4. Kest辰v辰 kehitys ja Agenda 2030
5. Ihmisoikeudet ja lapsen oikeudet
6. Koulun toimintakulttuuri - globaalikasvatus osaksi koulun arkea
Ulkoministeri旦n rahoittamaa hanketta koordinoi Kepa ja toteuttaa
globaalikasvatusta tekevien j辰rjest旦jen verkosto
13. Koulutukset suunnittelevat ja
toteuttavat globaalikasvatuksen
asiantuntijat seuraavista j辰rjest旦ist辰
Amnesty International
Eettisen kaupan puolesta Eetti ry
Kulttuuri- ja uskontofoorumi Fokus
Maan yst辰v辰t
Nuorten Akatemia
Opettajat ilman rajoja verkosto, Kirkon ulkomaanapu
Plan International Suomi
Rauhankoulu, Rauhanliitto
Seta ry
Suomen L辰hetysseura
Suomen Pakolaisapu
Suomen Punainen Risti
Suomen Unicef
Lis辰辰 tietoa hankkeesta:
14. Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry
Eetti edist辰辰 oikeudenmukaista
maailmankauppaa, kest辰vi辰
tuotantotapoja ja vastuullista
Her辰t辰mme keskustelua globaalin
tuotannon ongelmista ja
kannustamme yrityksi辰
Kampanjoimme eettisempien
julkisten hankintojen puolesta